Introduction:  The Wisconsin Leader was established in 1878 by Mr. Byron J. Castle at Merrillan, a growing logging and railroading junction. 
Mr. Rulef  H. Gile moved to Merrillan in 1878 to work for Mr. Castle.  By the end of that year, Gile had purchased Castle's interest
and was operating  the business.  He and his family maintained the publication, in addition to a large business form volume, until 1929.
In these clips when you see a reference to another newspaper, that was a common practice of one community's paper repeating the news
from another nearby town, as the newspaper was, in addition to word of mouth, the best communication of news.  The dates, volumes, and
numbers prior to the article are the reference to the Wisconsin Leader's edition.  (The entire record of the Leader is on file at the
Wisconsin State Historical Society in Madison.)  As the reader can tell, the Wisconsin Leader served a large business and geographical
area, partly due to the lack of local competition except for Neillsville and Black River Falls, and to the position of Merrillan as an
important railroad junction with lines extending in 5 different directions by 1882.

Contributed by Bob Gile.

Vol. I, No 36, 1/5/78: 
Mr. G.A. Tracy at Humbird, keeps a good furniture store.

On Monday we visited, for the first time, the village of Neillsville, capital of Clark County.  Taking the stage at Hatfield, we passed over fourteen miles of the
roughest road we ever traveled.  The roads to Neillsville are usually in good condition and pleasant to drive over; but during the past two weeks our best
roads have been almost is impassable.  From Hatfield to the point where the road crosses the Black River, the country is sandy and barren.  (The rest of the
article is missing due to a torn page.)

HUMBIRD AND NEILLSVILLE STAGE LINE: Moses Knight, Prop.  Leaves Humbird, 10AM.  Arrives Neillsville 2:30 PM.  Leaves Neillsville 5:30AM,
arrives Humbird 8:50AM.  Fare one dollar each way.

Vol. I, No. 39, 1/26/78:
"Suburban Notes"  Neillsville Republican & Press -- Lumbermen on this river though not as hopeful of a good winter's work as they were two weeks ago,
have not thrown up the sponge but are getting an immense amount of logs skidded, and if snow enough to admit of hauling comes between this and the Fourth
of July, there will be lively times all along the line.  An unusual number of teams have been engaged for use when the snow does come, and from that time, if it
ever comes, there will be no time lost while the sleighing lasts. 

Vol. I, No. 43, 2/23/78:
A NEW RAILROAD: The people of Neillsville are awake to the importance of having a railroad to this place, and if the people of Merrillan will aid this project
we can have the road built and cars running before the Fourth of July.  That such a road would be of great benefit to Neillsville and Merrillan, there is not the
least question, and that our citizens should do all they possibly can to aid this enterprise is equally plain.

The people of Neillsville are talking of building a narrow gauge road from that place to Merrillan.

Neillsville Press-- The men have been leaving the woods for their homes in flocks the past week.  One thousand trade dollars were received at the bank at this place
last week.  Quite a number of lumbermen have been using ice roads during the past week.  The roads are made by hauling ice from the river, which is crushed in
the track and covered with water, making a solid sheet of ice.  It is reported to work well, but it is rather too expensive to give promise of great profits.

Vol. I, No. 44, 3/2/78:
HURRAH FOR THE RAILROAD TO NEILLSVILLE!  The thing is a fixed fact, and our people should help this enterprise.

We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. J. L. Gates of Neillsville.  Mr. Gates says that the people of Neillsville are bound to have a railroad this season.

Vol. I, No. 45, 3/9/78:
Neillsville-- The topic of the day here is not the terms of peace that so engage the minds of our friends across the little pond.  No, they are nowhere now we have a
topic of our own, viz, Railroad.  Yes, Neillsville so long shut out from the world away up here in the woods is to have direct communication with the balance of
civilization by way of Merrillan and before the year has runout we will bid farewell to muddy roads and long ride to Hatfield and Humbird.  Of course this like
all other projects for the benefit of the community has its opponents.  But after blowing for a few days the storm will soon ease and like all other gales will be
forgotten.  Several of our most influential citizens met yesterday (Feb. 21) and took the necessary steps to apply for a charter which is expected Monday next
when more definite action will be taken and the organization of the Black River Railroad Company completed, after which subscription books will be open for
the sale of stock and work will be commenced at once.  We sincerely hope the citizens of Merrillan will help us in this important work and it will then be accomplished more speedily.

Neillsville-March 6-- Of the railroad, I am glad to inform your readers the charter has been received, and at a meeting held last evening the corporation to be
known as the Black River Rail Road Company, was fully organized with a capital stock of $150,000 and the following officers were elected; N.H. Withee, Pres.;
James Hewett, V.Pres.; Daniel Gates, Treas.; F.S. Kirkland, Sec.;  The other directors are James S. Gates, Geo. L. Lloyd, Hon. F.D. Lindsay, Hon. R.J. McBride, and Leander G. Merrill of Merrillan.  Mr. O.H. Hoffman has been engaged as engineer and begins work today to run the levels and establish the grades.
                                                                                                                                                            Yours, Camelford

One of the opponents of the new railroad in Neillsville, remarks that a "Narrow gouged" road will not pay, and that "it will be in the hands of a redeemer within
six months if built".  This of itself, shows what kind of men are opposed to this enterprise.

Last Tuesday, O.H. Hoffman and a party came here from Neillsville and did a preliminary survey over the line of the Black River Rail Road.  (Another one-line
article stated Mr. Hoffman "expects no obstacles".)


Vol. I, No. 47, 3/23/78:
Neillsville is bound to have a railroad to this place.  That fact is settled, and by the first of August the iron horse will be making regular trips between that place and Merrillan.

Vol. I, No. 48, 3/30/78:
The railroad meeting last Friday evening was attended by a large crowd, eager for information about the new road, and taking a great interest in the project.  N.H. Withee, President, and Daniel Gates, Treasurer, of the Company, together with several other gentlemen from Neillsville, were present, and gave our people much information about the road and the steps that had been taken to secure its construction.  Considerable desultory talk was had about the merits and demerits of broad and narrow gauge, the taking of stock, etc.  All expressed themselves favorable to the road, but no one seemed to be prepared to say just how much stock they could take, and this we understand to be the prime object of the meeting.  A road cannot be built in a day, and our people are deliberating as to how much they can afford to invest in a railroad to Neillsville.  The road will be of great benefit to Merrillan, and we are confident that when the fever is over and the matter comes down to actual business, the people of Merrillan will not be found unwilling to do their share.

Vol. I, No. 49, 4/6/78:
What do you say to a big Fourth of July celebration at Merrillan this year, with an excursion to Neillsville on the Black River Railroad as one of the principal features?

Mr. J.L. Gates of Neillsville, Superintendent of the Black River Railroad, has been spending several days in town this week, looking up the interests of the Company.  Quite a number have taken stock, and more will do so in a short time.  This road is sure to be built, and our citizens should not be backward in aiding its construction.  It will bring in capital from abroad, multiply our manufacturing establishments, increase our trade, and help our town in many ways.  The company already has a $3,000 contract of hauling logs.

Eau Claire News -- Fairchild - The first mile of the railroad from the elbow, on the Central road, via Fairchild to the Mississippi River is laid, although there is no charter for the road, and the track thus far laid is for the convenience of Foster, Cook, & Co's Mill.  We look for the above named extension in the near future.  Messrs. F.C. & Co. will build about two miles of track beyond the mill this summer, and probably about the same next year on the route from this place to Neillsville.  The supposition is that if a road is built to within seven or eight miles of Neillsville by parties here, that those interested at Neillsville will meet halfway and thus open a road between the two places.

Vol. I, No. 50, 4/13/78:
Neillsville Enterprise -- The actual survey of the Black River Railroad commenced on Tuesday.  An advancement has already been made by the stock subscribers and camps are being established and stocked with provisions for the graders. Mr. Gates has despatched three barrels of pork himself.   On a careful comparision of figures it is found that the road can be built and fully equipped with rolling stock sufficient to meet all demands for $40,000.  The Merrillan people have changed their mind in regard to the advantage it would be to their town and are subscribing liberally.

Work has already commenced on the Black River R.R.  It is expected that the grading and tracklaying will be completed in about ninety days.

Vol. I, No. 51, 4/20/78:
Next week The Leader will have been published one year.  The paper has been of much benefit to the place, and has been well supported.  With the continuance of this suport we can still further improve our paper and make it such our people may feel proud of.

Augusta -- Bro. B.J. Castle of the Merrillan Leader, was in town and called at this office Tuesday.  Mr. C. reports that Merrillan is having itself connected by rail with Neillsville - a narrow gauge, which is to be completed in July.  The work on it is already commenced and will be vigourously prosectued.  Black River Falls had better have that costly court house completed soon before Merrillan will gobble the county seat away from it.  With its three railroads, merrillan is bound to cut a figure.

Vol. I, No. 52, 4/27/78:
THE RAILROAD -  The Neillsville Press says - The work on the railroad has been pushed in earnest this week.  Mr. Gates has been busy with from twenty five to thirty men, and has it ready for the ties, there being but little more to do than to cut away the brush and small trees.  It is the intention to have four miles of the road ready for the ties by tomorrow night (4/20/78)  and word received just before going to press brings the assurance that it will be accomplished.  The force will be increaseed next week.  The railroad project is no longer one of talk.   The road is being built, and from the energy of the managers and the general and growing interest of the people, it is fair to expect that before many months we shall be in communication by rail with the balance of the world.  From the way that assistance is being offered, it will not be over sixty days before the grading is all done.  As ties are to be had for the cutting, on the ground, along most of the route, this will also be a small job for the hundereds of expert choppers who are ready to lend their assistance by the time it is needed.

Neillsville - Apr. 24 - Amongst all the bitterness still raging between the Engilish supporters of Turkey vs. Russia, it is very pleasant to have a diversion.  Sunday last brought a storm, and Monday morning on getting up we found the river was up and instead of thinking of war, our attention was turned to hand spikes and pike poles, and the b-word of every one we met was "the logs are running and good times are sure to come".  Well, we do not know about the good times, but we do know that O'Neill and Wedge's Creek are clear of logs and the river from Hawley Creek down, except what few are on the shores, and good judges estimate that fifty millions must have reached the booms by this Wednesday evening.  Well, with Gold and Greenbacks at par, and a good drive in April, let us look for better times, and hope that the Black River Railroad will be completed this summer, and then Neillsville and Merrillan must and will prosper.   Camelford

Vol. II, No. 1, 5/4/78:
The permanent survey of the Black River Railroad, between this place and Neillsville is completed, and a contract let for furnishing 20,000 ties.  The work of grading will be pushed with energy, and in about ninety days the road will be ready for iron and rolling stock.  The heaviest cut on the new railroad is only eight feet, and this only for a distance of a little more than 200 feet  (Note, I believe this was at Trow).  The balance of the way the ground is nearly level except one or two small cuts near the upper end, and will not require any great amount of grading.

Vol. II,  No. 2, 5/11/78:
C.B. Hackney of Humbird, has resigned his position as route agent for the West Wisconsin Railroad.

Work on the railroad to Neillsville is going on, and in a short time the grading between Wedge's Creek and Neillsville will be completed.  We understand that arrangements have been made for the iron which will be delivered at this place.

Vol. II, No. 4, 5/25/78:
Neillsville Press -- Forty men are now making the dirt fly on the Black River Railroad.  We learn from the engineer who has completed the estimates sufficientyly to tell that the grading of the road will average 5,000 cu. yds. per mile and less than $1,000 per mile.

Vol. II, No. 5, 5/31/78:
Two daily stage lines make regular trips between Neillsville and Humbird.

Fifty five men are employed on the Black River Railroad, grading and making ties.  Nearly two miles are ready for ties and iron, and one bridge and 600 ft. of trestle work are done.

John Kinnery and James Conlon were both hurt with gashed feet while working with axes on the Black River Railroad.

Vol. II, No. 6, 6/7/78:
The heavy rains have railsed Black River some, and an effort has been made to drive down a few more logs.

N.H. Withee, President,  and Danl. Gates, Treasurer, of the Black River Railroad Company were in town on Wednesday and Thursday, looking up the interests of the new railroad.

The LaCrosse Democrat says that the committee from that city who went up into Clark County to select sites for dams put them all in at one place, between Hatfield and Neillsville, where the stage tipped over.

Messrs. O'Neill, Withee, and Gates, of Neillsville, came here on Wednesday to confer with Mr. L.G. Merrill about the railroad between this place and Neillsville.  Definite plans were made and agreed upon, and in about a week matters will be in such shape that work can be commenced on this end of the road.

Vol. II, No. 7, 6/14/78:
B. Hamilton is building a mill for E.D. Carter near Humbird.

The officers of the G.B.&M. (Green Bay & Minnesota) and the Black River Railroads have appointed a meeting here next Tuesday evening for consultation about running the trains of the Black River Railroad over the Green Bay track across the bridge here and into the depot.  This arrangement will save a number of thousands of dollars in building the road.

Vol. II, No. 8, 6/21/78:
The Black River Improvement Co. intend building dams on the upper portion of the river, to enable lumbermen to get their logs to the boom near the Mississippi, by flooding.  It is expected that by this means a clean drive can be obtained at any stage of water.

On Tuesday afternoon Mr. T. Case, Receiver of the G.B.&M. RR., with other officers of the road, held a conference here with Messrs. Daniel Gates and L.G. Merrill, Directors of the Black River Railroad Co.  The object of this meeting was to learn on what terms the G.B.&M.would allow the B.R. to run its cars on that part of the G.B.&M. track between the switch at Trow's lumber yard and the depot.  We are informed that the officers of the G.B.&M. agreed to give the use of the track, water tank, and depot and build a turn table, side track, and engine house for the B.R. Co., and the latter company for these considerations agrees to do the switching of freight cars at this point for the G.B.&M. Co.  This proposition will be made in writing this week, and when accepted formally by the Black River Railroad Co., a force of men will be employed at this point to grade to Neillsville.

LaCrosse Democrat -- At a meeting held on Monday afternoon, which was attended by Messrs. G.C. Hixon, D.J. Spaulding, C.C. Washburn, A.A. Bright, W.G. Bussell, N.B. Holway, S.L. Nevins, C.L. Colman, John Paul and David Austin, resolutions were passed favoring the immediate building of a series of flood dams to facilitiate the log driving on the Black River and in favor of locating the first one at Hemlock Island, and building the same.

Vol. II, No. 9, 6/28/78:
Neillsville Press -- The energy and liberality of the business men of Neillsville has in itself almost given us a railroad.  It has made the grading and tieing of the road certain but there is still a great deal more to do before the road is completed and stocked.  The same parties are able to do all this, but it is hardly fair for this community, every member of which is to be benefited, to expect it.  The small subscriptions from which a great deal was expected do not come in.  The men who are able to give from five to fifty dollars seem to be too well satisfied to let others foot the bills. This is anything but just, and we are in favor of the only means for collecting the just proportion that individuals should pay, by the levy of a special tax, provided a majority of the voters of the town are in favor of it.  There is a law under which such election can be ordered by the town clerk, upon the petition of twelve taxpayers and we suggest that the sense of this and adjoining towns be tested by such elections.  With what is already accomplished, a tax of one fourth of one percent or less upon this and several other towns interested would bring the cars to Neillsville by the middle of September.

Vol. II, No. 10, 7/5/78:
The people of the town of Pine Valley, Clark County are to vote July 31st on a proposition to issue $15,000 in town bonds to aid in the construction of the Black River Railroad.

The negotiations between the Black River Railroad Company and the Green Bay Company for trackage having fallen through by reason of the onerous conditions imposed by the latter company, work has been commenced at this end on the line first surveyed.  A cabin has been built, and a crew of men are at work grading about half a mile from the depot.  Good progress is being made on the other end, and the foot of the iron horse will be resounding through the woods between Merrillan and Neillsville before very long.

Vol. II, No. 10, 7/5/78:
BLACK RIVER RAILROAD -- I have received a copy of a call for an electrion in the town of Pine Valley, Clark County, to be held on July 31st, to vote on a proposition to issue $15,000 in bonds to aid in the construction of the Black River Railroad, which gives me much pleasure; not because the people of Clark County are doing more than their part in this road and we are sadly derelict, but because the people of Clark County are waking up to their true interests and showing a determination to utilitze the advantages which the God of Nature has given them.  At the same time I regret to see how lukewarm and pennywise the people of Jackson County appear to feel on the subject.  I know that railroad building is out of fashion now on account of depression of business resulting from bad legislation, Black Fridays, credit mobiliers, steamship subsidies and the ungodly resumption ghost, together with an undue representation of the enormous amount of the public debt compared with the resources of the United States.
But let us see what has been done as to the Black River Railroad.  A few far seeing but modest unassuming men at Neillsville have procured a charter, had the line surved and found the distance from Merrillan to Neillsville depot to be 13 3/4 miles, and the route one of the easiest and best to be found in any country.  They have gone quietly to work, have three or four miles graded, Wedge's Creek bridge nearly built, have contracted a large portion of the ties put onto the track at 7 cents each, find it can be graded ready for the ties for about $600 per mile, find that there are only two bridges of any importance to build and that the cost will be about $1,000 each, and had the iron offered so that it will only cost about $24,000.  I have lately become so ashamed of myself and the people of Merrillan that I have contracted for 3,000 ties for this end and put a crew at grading, determined to keep on as long as I can get trusted.  I suppose the people of this town would be thunderstruck if a proposition should be posted proposing to vote $10,000 in bonds to aid in the construction of this railroad.  I know we are heavily loaded still I am for it.  I have not lost all faith in everything, as it would now appear under the state of things that everybody had.  I believe, considering the character of the men at the bottom of this project, that the bonds of this road will be worth par as an investment.  It has been the general practice in the construction of railroads to build on an easy grade line for about $10,000 per mile ready for the rolling stock, and then report the cost at $25,000 per mile thus watering the stock to the tune of 2 1/2; then to put on the rolling stock, officers and attaches pitched to the same tune.  Some roads have survived all this villiany and still pay a handsome dividend.  I am informed the railroad between Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls, twelve miles, having been constructed under the management of prudent men, pays a good dividend.  But suppose it should not pay any dividends?  There are other considerations that are important.  Have railroads benefited this truly great country?  To answer this, imagine thse United States without one mile of railway at this advanced stage of civilization.  There may be a voter or two in Clark County who will oppose the railroad proposition, but from what I know of the character of the people, I think that kind of a fool would be hard to discover in Clark County.  -- L.G. Merrill
(L.G. Merrill was the founder of Merrillan and heavily invested in farms, logging, and business in the area.

Vol. II, No. 11, 7/12/78:
E.D. Carter of Humbird, is building a substantial platform near the depot in that village for use in shipping lumber and timber.  Mr. C. is just now filling a large bill for heavy bridge timbers, to be used at Baraboo.

We made a short visit to Humbird on Tuesday and found nearly all the merchants of that thriving burg busy waiting on customers.  We noticed quite a number of new improvements being made, and altogether got a very favorable impression of the village.

Neillsville Press -- We publish today a notice for a special town election for the town of Pine Valley to vote upon the question of granting aid to the Black River Railroad Company.  The proposition of the company, which is embraced in the notice, should be carefully read.  It will be seen that the company simply asks the town to become its endorser, for which the town is to hold a like amount of the stock of the road.  It may be argued that this is not the best security.  It is possible the town may at some time have to sell the bonds at less than their face, but the chances in this case are just as good that it may sell them at a premium, as the city of Chippewa Falls did those of the Chippewa road, which it took in exchange for its own bonds.  The report of the railroad commissioner shows the local roads to be the best paying roads in the state and there is no reason that this should be an exception.  But even should the town be a small loser on the bonds of the road held, it must be insignificant compared with the direct benefit to the people of the town, derived from the road.  The question is one of very vital importance, upon which every citizen should thoroughly post himself.

Vol. II,  No. 12, 7/19/78:
Neillsville Press -- Several wagon loads of wheel barrows and other implements for the construction of the Hemlock Island dam, passed through town this week.  A steam saw mill will be erected on the spot for the purpose of sawing the plank and square timber needed in the construction of the dam.

A seven foot rise in the Black River Wednesday night elevated the loggers into the seventh heaven of expectancy.  The river is jammed full of logs, and everywhere the cry is for men to help get the logs into the water.

C.A. Ecker has been reappointed Post Master at Frankville post office or Hatfield station.

Humbird Yarn -- Daneau & Francis shipped the lumber and timber for a building which they propose to erect in Gary, D.T. yesterday.  (From various stories, it appears that many people from the Merrillan and Humbird areas went to the Gary, Dakota Territory area to establish farms and businesses.)

Vol. II, No. 13, 7/26/78:
Neillsville Press -- The heavy rain of Wednesday did some damage to the railroad bed, in washing out culverts.  It also made it necessary to suspend work for a day or two.  The flooding dam company had just got the foundation for the Hemlock Island dam in when the rise took place.  When last heard from it was still there, but it is expected that it will go out.---We have this week taken pains to gain exact information as to the present shape of the Black River Railroad, by an examination of the books of the company named: A little over four miles of grading at $675 per mile.  Forty rods of trestle work of hewn timber, together with a Howe truss bridge over Wedge's creek, nearly completed, with 60 foot span and good solid piers, at a total cost of $1,500, the amount of timbers used being 110,000 feet.  Eleven thousand ties, at a cost of $550.  All this work, which  foots up to $4,750 has been paid for with the exception of  $250 on the grading and trestle work, and $150 on the ties, or $400 in all. All this, which is over a third of the whole work of grading and tieing, has been accomplished with an assessment of only 20 per cent of the stock subscribed.  Taking out what the Merrillan people have promised and are expcted to perform, and we have over half of our work of grading and tieing accomplished.  Work on the other four miles at this end is being continued at the same rate that the other has been built, while at the other end, which is almost at water level and but a small job, the Merrillan people have a crew at work that will complete the job by the end of the season.  There is not and has not been any question as to the road's being graded and tied this summer.  The question of ironing it has been the only one that has given the directors any trouble, and it is to settle this point early enough to secure the completion of the road by fall, that the credit of the town has been asked.

(The following is included as the camp the trip was made to was in Clark County and for entertainment value.)  Wakefield, Trow & Co. made the first business trip with their new tram-engine last Saturday, having previously been engaged in fixing their track.  The trip to the camp, four and a half miles, and back was made in less than an hour, four cars of logs being brought down.  On Sunday afternoon a small party was made up and an excursion had to the logging camp.  No accident occured to mar the pleasure of the trip, a very good time was enjoyed by all who went, and everyone voted both the excursion and the "steamboat" a grand success.  We noticed along the route some cranberry marshes covered with vines which were well laden with berries, also an extensive corn-field.  A meeting with a specimen of the genus Poli, whose name, contracted from Abenaki Seganky, the members of the party will ever hold in fragrant remembrance, lent a bit of variety to the ride.  At the camp the boys were taking their Sunday rest, and treated the party to music from home made wooden horns.  The run back was quickly made, and the party separated, thoroughly convinced of the success of the enterprise.  The engine is now making regular trips, and is doing the work of twelve men and twelve horses.  This firm is entitled to much credit for the enterprise exhibited in this matter.

Humbird Yarn -- After the completion of the Black River Railroad to Neillsville, the wagon road from Humbird to that place will probably be abandoned.

Vol. II, No. 15, 8/9/78:
As will be seen by an extract from the Neillsville Republican and Press, which we publish in another column, the proposition that the town of Pine Valley should issue $15,000 in town bonds in exchange for a like amount of stock of the Black River Railroad Company was defeated by a vote of 197 against to 70 for.  This would look very much as if the people up there did not want a railroad.  The advantage of the railroad to the town can not be questioned, and this action looks to us like a man cutting off his nose to spite his face.  The increased revenue derived from the sale of hardwood timber would in one year pay the bonds, and the stock would represent so much bonus given the town for allowing the railroad to run through it.  We do not believe this will stop the building of the road, although it may retard its completion somewhat.  The men who have commenced this enterprise are not the men to let it fail of completion for the lack of a paltry $15,000.  As we understand the matter, the men comprising the Board of Directors are able to build the road alone and sooner than have the project fall to the ground a total failure, they will do it.

Hon. Herman Greaves, of Sparta, was in town on Monday.  Mr. G. was very favorably impressed with the inducements offered for investment in the Neillsville railroad project, and thought he would take hold of the enterprise.

Humbird Yarn -- The buzz of the threshing machine is heard in the valley, and the buzz of a rattle sager still lingers in Charley Long's mind.  It was in the bundle of oats and it would fairly make one crawl to hear the (tail) tale as related by Charley.  (sic)

Vol. II, No. 17, 8/23/78:
Dispatches from Nevada state that G.W. King formerly of Humbird, and well known in past years as a lumberman on Black River, is the Greenback candidate for Auditor in that State.

Reports from Neillsville state the bridge builder's crew commenced work again on the railroad Monday of this week, and that a large crew of men is to be set at work on the grade as soon as the hurry of harvest and threshing is over.  Iron for the road is being delivered at Hatfield, and it really looks as if the officers of the road meant business.  Our people should wake up and commence operations on this end of the route, and have the road completed before snow flies.

Vol. II, No. 19, 9/6/78:
Neillsville Press -- P.T. Johnson of this place, who has a farm in the town of Lewis (sic), near Black River bridge, had two yearlings and a cow killed by a panther last week.  The animals were killed on the farm on different nights, the last being the cow, which was in the barn.  The yearlings were partially devoured, but he seems to have got a full meal by drinking the blood of the cow.  Efforts have been made for its capture, but so far it has been too wary.  Panthers are by no means plenty in this county, for which farmers may be thankful if they are all as extravagant in satisfying their appetites.  This is the first we have any knowledge of.

Vol. II, No. 20, 9/13/78:
(Just an example of the advertising that was done in those days.  Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes had recently made a stop in Merrillan on the train.)

President Hayes told Attorney General Devens when they passed thro' here the other evening that his wife told him that James G. Blaine said that Matt. Carpenter remarked to Gov. Smith that it was a well known fact that Samuel Tilden had emphatically stated to Henry Ward Beecher, who remarked it to Theo. Tilton that the best and cheapest place to buy hats, caps, dry goods, groceries, and notions is at the store of Merrill & Loomis, in Merrillan.

Vol. II, No 22, 9/27/78:
Work on the new bridge between Humbird and Neillsville, over Black River, commenced this week.  The bridge is to be compelted by October 15th.

The Senatorial District Convention for the 11th Senatorial District, comprising the counties of Chippewa, Lincoln, Taylor, Wood and Clark held at the Blair House in this village, last evening, nominated Richard Dewhurst of Clark county, for Senator from that District.  (Note that due to the location of Merrillan as a travel crossroads, the meeting was held there even though Jackson County was not in that district.)

Vol. II, No. 23, 10/4/78:
City Point has a new postmaster in the person of R.W. Button.

A Humbird man had bear, deer, and goose served up for dinner the other day.

In the new distribution of M.E. Ministers for this district, Rev. H.M. Hackney is settled at Merrillan, Charles Barker at Humbird, I.B. Richardson at Hixton.

Humbird Yarn - Humbird is probably beyond a doubt the best place to trade between Merrillan and Fairchild, and even those two want to "look a leetle out".

Vol. II, No. 24, 10/11/78:
Humbird Yarn - For the month of September the earnings at this Station were over $1,300. 
Freights for Neillsville come in such quantities as to require two or three teams to move them to their destination.
F.D. Whipple while hauling timbers at Carter's mill had his hand badly mangled, but luckily no bones were broken.
Nearly a fire on Sunday morning.  Big blazes shot out of the chimney of the hardware and drug store.  A prompt application of the water cure squelched it.

Vol. II, No. 27, 10/25/78:   (The issue number was printed that way by the paper.)
Neillsville Press:  The Government timber agents are about to begin the prosecution of a considerable number of Black River lumbermen for trespass, alleged to have been committed during the past ten or fifteen years.  There has probably been since the commencement of logging operations on Black River, more or less trespassing, intentional and otherwise, and there has been times when it would have paid the government to have had more diligent agents.  But that time has passed, since the professional timber stealers have the way of all rogues-to the dogs.  The only prosecution attempted, so far, proved a disastrous failure, and the only thing the government can now accomplish is to make some useless expense for itself and the already too unfortunate lumbermen.

Humbird Yarn - Beautiful snow made its appearance on Monday.  Short visit this time.  "Pomes" are in order now.

Vol. II, No. 28, 11/1/78:
Humbird Yarn - Reported that a new grist mill is to be built at the trout pond west of town the coming winter.  Good location for an enterprising man.
The removal of the old bridge and building the new one, across Black River, places a temporary embargo upon travel between this village and Neillsville as everything must be transferred by ferry.

Vol. II, No. 29, 11/8/78:
Logging crews are making for the woods.

Neillsville Press: On the first of this week County Surveyor Bussell laid out the new road on this side of the river from the old bridge, at Arch Days, to the site selected for the new bridge, this side of Arnolds.  After leaving the old bridge, the road as laid out will follow the bank of the river for about a mile and a half, when it will make a straight cut across the big bend made by the river and strike the stream again about a mile below the mouth of Wedge's Creek, and near the site of the new bridge.

Humbird Yarn - More hunters from abroad who are not posted on Wisconsin game laws.
Teams have been crossing the new Black River bridge for nearly a week.
Great scarcity of wood, prospect of a famine.  The Railroad has not brought any here for some months.  (Satire concerning the source of wood for many residents.)
Humbird is putting on Metropolitan airs.  One day last week there was visible on Main street at one glance eleven teams and one train of cars.  We didn't have fifty seven trains in two days tho'.

Vol. II, No. 31, 11/22/78:
Humbird Yarn - G.M. Andrews is engaged in fixing up a camp north east of town, preparatory to placing a large quantity of wood on the line of the C.St.P.&M. Ry., report says about 1,000 cords.

Vol. II, No. 32, 11/29/78:
A dangerous and fatal accident happened to a Norwegian named Larson, at Pray's mill east of here, last Monday. A board was thrown from the saw in some manner, striking him in the head, smashing in a portion of his forehead, adn breaking some of the bones of the face.  His recovery is considered doubtful.

Vol. II, No. 33, 12/6/78:
Ole Larson, the Norwegian mentioned last week as having been injured at Pray's mill, died at Black River Falls on Sunday night.

Vol. II, No. 34, 12/13/78:
Humbird Yarn - E.D. Carter is furnishing for Minneapolis parties, a bill of square timber that will fill fifty cars.

Vol. II, No. 35, 12/20/78:
The name of the Hatfield post office on the Green Bay Railroad in this county has been changed to Pray and Charley Harley appointed postmaster.  - B.R. Falls Banner

Humbird Yarn - The cheerful music of the railroad woodsaw has greeted the ears of our citizens for a few days past.
House & Page have thrown Prof. Tice overboard, and are now building a tram road on which to transport their logs.
A Frenchman who is working on the railroad wood saw here was "helf up" for a small amount of cash on Tuesday night while between the Brewery and town.

Begin 1879 - (Vol. II, No. 38, 1/10/79)


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