The Horn Family Photo Album

Contributed by Duane Horn


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Notes & Memories


Neal Frederick Braun

Neal Frederick Braun was on the heavy cruiser Indianapolis when it was sunk.  It had delivered vital materials for the first atomic bomb from the states to the Island of Guam and was on its way to rejoin the fleet, when it went down.  Because of the material it had delivered to Guam, it sailed under a code of silence.  Because of this code, the ship was not reported missing until a few days after it was torpedoed.  The photo to the left was in the 1945 Greenwood Memories year book.  I don't believe Neal ever graduated from high school.







Ann Horn @ 87 yrs.


Crochet Fever

Mrs. Hubert (Ann) Horn of Rt. 3, Greenwood, has made over a thousand crocheted covers for wire hangers and has given them to friends, neighbors and relatives.  Whenever Ann spies a plain hanger, she gets busy and puts some bright threat or yarn on it.  Mrs. Horn is 87 years old.


Family Scrapbook Clipping



Hubert Horn Farm, 1929