Marathon County, Wisconsin Internet Library

Biography Index [A]

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Bio, Andre, Otto Franz Wilhelm (1873 - 1949)
Bio, Andre, Robert F. (1881 - 1964)
Bio, Andre, Robert Otto George (1927 - ?)
Bio, Andre, Werner, Georg Robert (1906 - ?)
Bio: Abischer, Nicholas  
Bio: Abitz, Baby Girl (Birth - 1939)
Bio: Abitz, Baby Girl (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Abraham K Riant
Bio: Abraham, Herman J. (1870 – 19??)
Bio: Acurman, George B. 
Bio: Adam, Carl C. (1875 – 19??)
Bio: Adams, Baby Boy (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Adams, J. M. (1881)
Bio: Adams, James (1881)
Bio: Affolder, John (Furniture Store)
Bio: Ahrend, Fritz
Bio: Ahrens, Wilhelm Robert Victor
Bio: Akey, Alice "Allis" (1899 - ?)
Bio: Akey, Arthur Charles (1896 - ?)
Bio: Akey, Harold (1907 - ?)
Bio: Akey, Kermite (1916 - ?)
Bio: Akey, Russel (1903 - ?)
Bio: Akey/Okey, Arthur & Mary (Collins)
Bio: Alban, Stephen H. (1881)
Bio: Albe (Albee), Ichabad H. 
Bio: Albrecht, Gottleb & Augusta (Drews)
Bio: Albrecht, William, Jr. (1877 – 19??)
Bio: Albright, John O. 
Bio: Alderson, Victor A. (1881)
Bio: Alexander, Albert & Wihelmine Ernstine Dorothea
Bio: Alexander, Frank
Bio: Alexander, Hon. Walter (1849 – 1926)
Bio: Alexander, Walter (1881)
Bio: Allan, James
Bio: Allar, Clarence Arnold
Bio: Allar, Frank
Bio: Allar, Franziska Adelia
Bio: Allar, Leandra Artemis
Bio: Allen , George
Bio: Allen , Hiram 
Bio: Allen, Frank
Bio: Allen, William N. (1881)
Bio: Allis, Elizabeth
Bio: Alt, Eduard Eugene Andreas
Bio: Althen, Conrad (1881)
Bio: Altman, Charles - Family Tree
Bio: Altmann, Leona Klara Virginia
Bio: Ampe, Helen
Bio: Anderson, Aaron
Bio: Anderson, Allen
Bio: Anderson, Emory J. 
Bio: Anderson, Ernest Helmer
Bio: Anderson, Gladess Laura (1899 - 1956)
Bio: Anderson, Grace Ann
Bio: Anderson, Gust
Bio: Anderson, Kathleen M
Bio: Anderson, Linda
Bio: Anderson, Lorraine M
Bio: Anderson, Maurice P
Bio: Anderson, Peter & Johanne "Hannah"
Bio: Anderson, Ricky Carl
Bio: Anderson, Verol
Bio: Anderson, Victor & Maria
Bio: Anderson, Victor (1881)
Bio: Anderson, Wilhelm
Bio: Andre, Amanda Emilie Auguste (1877 - 1956)
Bio: Andre, Bertha marie Emilie (1875 - ?)
Bio: Andre, Carl Franz August (1871 - 1954)
Bio: Andre, Charles
Bio: Andre, Clara (1909 - 1909)
Bio: Andre, Cora Linda Emily (1917 - 1929)
Bio: Andre, Edna Alvina Augusta (1896 - 1896)
Bio: Andre, Herman (1899 - ?)
Bio: Andre, Hermann (1847 - ?)
Bio: Andre, Hermann Carl
Bio: Andre, Hermann Karl Bernhard (1899 - 1961)
Bio: Andre, Hilda Amanda Lillian (1907 - ?)
Bio: Andre, Karl Herman
Bio: Andre, Laurena Alvine Maria (1904 - ?)
Bio: Andre, Laurine
Bio: Andre, Leotha Bertha Auguste "Leota" (1905 - 1994)
Bio: Andre, Linda Bertha
Bio: Andre, Linda Bertha (1892 - 1991)
Bio: Andre, Lorina Alwine Margaretha (1904 - ?)
Bio: Andre, Louise Auguste (1913 - 1913)
Bio: Andre, Minnie I
Bio: Andre, Norma Maria Clara (1914 - ?)
Bio: Andre, Otto
Bio: Andre, Robert F
Bio: Andrews, Baby Girl (Birth – 1909)
Bio: Apchtener, Herman and Wilhelmina (Prochel)
Bio: Apperton, Theodore E. 
Bio: Arculas(?) Viger)
Bio: Armstrong, David 
Bio: Armstrong, O. L.
Bio: Arndt, Elsa Wilhelmine Louise
Bio: Arnet, Valentine
Bio: Aschbrenner, Fred & Bertha
Bio: Aschbrenner, Frederick (Family History – 1932)
Bio: Ashbrenner, Adolphus & Fredrich (Wollert)
Bio: Ashbrenner, Gustav & Wilhelmine "Mina" (Klinter)
Bio: Aufderheide, Emma
Bio: August  Nass)
Bio: Ault/Auld, Laurence
Bio: Axen , Peter


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