FFA Alumni Hosts Annual Banquet

The Thorp Courier (Thorp, WI)
February 3, 2010
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon


In the above photo are David and Marilyn Mayenschein receiving the Senior Farmer Award and below it is Becky Gulcynski awarding John and Lana Ciolkosz the Friend of the Alumni Award.

On Saturday, January 30, the FFA Alumni hosted the 31st annual Thorp FFA Alumni Banquet at the Thorp Legion Hall.  Members of alumni along with current FFA leaders and members gathered together for a meal prepared by the ladies of the American Legion and a presentation that followed.
Connie Gulcynski, the President of the Thorp FFA Alumni, welcomed the crowd and then the microphone was handed off to the special guest speaker, Jim Hackbarth, president of the Central Wisconsin Agribusiness Innovation Center (CWAIC).  Hackbarth gave a Power Point presentation of the plans involved with the new Agribusiness Innovation Center, set to be built in Owen, Wisconsin.  Going over floor plans, financial plans, and the list of special features, Hackbarth gave the Thorp FFA Alumni a virtual tour through the planning procedures along with the goals for the center that they plan to accomplish in the next year, hoping to break ground by Fall of 2011.
The FFA Alumni was also informed of the financial responsibilities that the CWAIC has, even after being awarded a $4 million grant. With all the construction, contracts, and other fees affiliated with the production of the center, the CWAIC has to raise the other $5 million to build and complete the Innovation Center.
After the guest speaker was finished, Glen Schraufnagel, the high school Agriculture instructor and FFA leader, introduced the current FFA officers which included Merideth Ponto (President), Ashley Kodl (Vice President), Kayla Hoffstatter (Secretary), Miranda Czubakowski (Treasurer), Kellee Orzechowski (Reporter), Kyle Lewandowski (Sentinel), Leah Behm (Parliamentarian), Holly Schmitt (Historian), and Kim Benzschawel (Student Advisor).
The FFA Alumni then proceeded to give the Senior Farmer Award, Friend of the Alumni Award, and the Thorp FFA Alumni Scholarships. David and Marilyn Mayenschein received the Senior Farmer Award for their years spent working on a grazing farm.  Lana Ciolkosz of Flowers by Lana along with her husband John was presented with the Friend of the Alumni award.
The Thorp FFA Alumni Banquet ended with the organization’s meeting, which included the Secretary and Treasurer’s report by Becky Gulcynski, along with New Business and closing remarks by Connie Gulcynski.