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The Thorp Courier (Thorp, WI)
October 15, 1992
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Old Items Taken from The Thorp Courier files of 1892-1917-1942-1967-1982

100 Years Ago (1892)

Dr. McKittrick moved into his new dwelling house last week.

Aug. Soderberg and his family returned last week from a visit of several weeks to their old home near Marinette.

Born to Archie Kernighan and wife, Oct. 4, a son; and Oct. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Westergord, a daughter, Dr. McKittrick attending.

Mr. and Mrs. John Heagle suffered the loss of five month’s old boy baby on Wednesday of last week; the funeral occurring on Thursday from the Baptist Church.

Peter Deforth Jr. returned from Superior, Montana, last week, where he has been employed for the past year.

The large barn on the M.R.L. Co. farm four miles south of town was struck by lightning about nine o’clock on Saturday morning last and burned to the ground.  The barn was the best in this vicinity, being 80x120 in size with underground stable, all neatly finished and painted.  One horse perished in the flames.  The barn was insured for $1200, and hay at $500.  The property was sold the day previous to the fire to the Northwestern Lumber Co., of Eau Claire.

The M. R. L. Co. on Friday last sold all its mill property at Eau Claire and all real estate and timber owned by them on the Eau Claire River to the Northwestern Lumber Company who will take possession this month.  The change in ownership is but little regretted in this vicinity, but the fact that we are to lose Mr. F. C. Bolin, the gentlemanly manager of the Mississippi – Companies interests here is sincerely regretted by all.

75 Years Ago

Butlerville – Chas. Tieman and Wm. Mayenschein have started work on their new homes. – Ben Belden has purchased forty acres west of the cheese factory where he intends to build this fall.

Neiman’s Corner – A baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Klugiewicz last week. – Bernard Elmendorf has resigned his position as cheesemaker here and will take charge of his own cheese factory which he purchased 2 miles south of Stanley for $4,500.  John Papierniak will have charge of this factory hereafter.

Bobb’s Mill – Chas. Wendt has a portable sawmill at his place sawing lumber to build a big basement barn.

Worden – Paul Hoffman and family arrived with their household goods last Friday and have taken possession of their farm which they purchased of Louis Bachouse.

Gilman – Walter Woodward will move his family to Polley this week, having accepted the position of overseeing the logging for Nye, Lusk & Hudson at that place.

Mat Greisch sold forty acres of land two miles west of the village to W. A. Wilhelm last week.  Consideration $2,500

Victor Piwoni, 15, son of the late Joseph Piwoni, accidentally shot himself while out rabbit hunting near his home six miles north of the village on Sunday last.

Miss Irene C. Baures, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baures, and Robert Haas, both of the Town of Worden, were united in marriage at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church on Wednesday morning, October 10, 1917, with Father Neises officiating.

August Wiesner’s barn, containing his hay and grain, was struck by lightening (lightning) on Wednesday morning and was entirely consumed.

50 Years Ago

Mrs. R. H. Tolford sold her 63 acre farm just north of the Thorp village limits to J.W. Ignatius of Chicago.  Mr. Ignatius will take possession on January 1st.

Announcement has been received here by Carl Klouda, of the birth of a daughter, Betty Lou, 8 pounds, to his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill C. Klouda, at Grand Junction, Iowa, on Sept. 26th.  Bill is with the U. S. Army Air Corps some-where near Alaska.

Northeast of Gilman – Mrs. William Van Den Heuvel is spending several weeks in Milwaukee at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Grant Fry.  Mr. and Mrs. Fry are the proud parents of a baby girl. – Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rademaker on Monday, Oct. 12, a son, at the Victory Hospital in Stanley.

25 Years Ago

A city of Thorp combat casualty in the Vietnam War has been recorded, as the result of word received from the Department of Defense by the family here.  Sp. 4 Ronald Sandel, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Sandel, city of Thorp, was killed October 9th.

Mrs. Frank (Delia) Gay, 42, route 2, Withee, died Wednesday in St. Joseph’s Hospital at Marshfield where she had been a patient the past seven weeks.

The Defense Department announced Thursday, that Spec. 4, Duane A. Novobielski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Novobielski, route 3, Greenwood, has died in Vietnam from causes other than hostile action.

Lublin – Mr. Peter Sromek, 83, passed away at the Stanley Hospital on Sunday, October 8th. – Word was received that Rev. John Palewzewski, former priest of the Polish National Church, passed away on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, at his residence in Florida.

Seaman Recruit Richard I. Ehlert, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Ehlert of route 2, Thorp, has been graduated from nine weeks of Navy basic training.

Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Gilman was the scene for the marriage of Miss Zeta L. Frese and Larry A. Deinhamer on Saturday, Sept. 30th.


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