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The Thorp Courier (Thorp, WI)
Oct 14, 1998
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Old Items Taken from The Thorp Courier files of 1898-1923-1948-1973-1988

100 Years Ago (1898)

Jos. Bogumill is erecting a new residence on his farm north of the village.
B. F. Rusch sold three forties of land lying two miles east, on the Sterling Road, to Frank Schznacki of Buffalo, N. Y., on Sat. last.  Consideration $875.00
Frank David sold his farm southwest of the village last week to Nickolas Benzschawel, of Saint Anna. The price paid was $2,175.00, which includes the crops and some other personal property.
While forest fires have done little damage in this immediate vicinity it has been necessary for many farmers close watch and do considerable work to prevent much destruction from that cause.  During last week fire swept over a portion of Max Weber’s farm, also that of Ed Sanders, John Melbinger, Geo. Biddle Sr., Mrs. M. Smidke, Henry Lord, N. A. Courter, John Smart, Wm. Ogle, Geo. Baker and others, and on Sun. afternoon the woods owned by Evenson Bros., south of Eidsvold along the west side of the north fork river burned like tinder, little or no damage resulting owing to the watchfulness of an efficient fire brigade.  Sun. night the fires fanned by a strong wind, were very fierce in all directions but heavy showers about five o’clock Mon. morning served to good advantage.
75 Years Ago (1923)

Neiman’s Corner – Stanley Neiman had his right hand thumb fractured last Sat.; Frank Wargulewicz is now working for him.
Mrs. Jennie Grabarski’s barn, north of here, was destroyed by fire on Wed. of last week, including the season’s hay, silo, etc.
The Thorp Dairy Co’s butter and cheese factory was sold last week to Nicholas Possley of Watertown, who has already taken possession of the plant which is still under construction as a result of the recent fire, which damaged the butter-making plant and entirely destroyed the cheese factory.
50 Years Ago (1948)
Hannibal – An announcement was received by the Lavern Blazek’s of the birth of a son on Sept. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blazek of Milwaukee.  They have named him Richard Alan.
Junction – Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Symbal, a son on Wed. Sept. 22nd in Chicago. Mrs. Symbal will be remembered here as Miss Evelyn Blasczyk. – A son, Thomas Paul, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chuedy on Sept. 21st, at Van Dyke, Mich.  Mrs. Chuedy will be remembered here as Wanda Slowiak.  
Harley Bernklau, 13, son of Frank Bernklau, was accidentally shot in the left leg while hunting Sun.
St. Francis Church, Chicago, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Sun. Sept. 19, when Miss Adeline Ozarka, daughter of Mrs. Justyna Ozarka, of Chicago, became the bride of Mr. Andrew Depa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Depa of Thorp.
An eight pound three ounce baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Rusch on Tues. Sept. 28th.
A beautiful fall wedding was solemnized at the Drammen Luther Church of Eleva on Sat. Sept. 25, when Maynard Louie Dittner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dittner, claimed as his bride, Virginia Lucille Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Johnson.
Hannibal – Mr. and Mrs. John Knowlton announce the birth of a son on Oct. 2nd at the Ladysmith Hospital. – Mr. and Mrs. Howard Learn and family have purchased the former Clarence McManus farm near Jump River.
25 years Ago (1973)

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brenner are the proud parents of a baby boy, Robert Michael, born on Mon.
A daughter, Joanna Lea, was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Anglemyer, Jr. on Oct. 3, 1973 at Luther Hospital, Eau Claire.
Gilman – Aurora – Word was received of the death of Russ Culver of Chippewa Falls last Sat. afternoon.  He was in charge of the Miller Dam Tavern for several months.
10 Years Ago (1988)

The Thorp Wastewater Treatment plant was officially dedicated on Sat. afternoon, Oct. 1.
Bronson Edward, son of James and Terese Baures was baptized Sun. Oct. 2, 1988 at St. Bernard-St. Hedwig’s Church.


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