United States Genealogy Network, Inc. (USGenNet), the First and Only Nonprofit Historical-Genealogical Web Hosting Service on the Internet!


HTML Goodies HTML Goodies has everything you need to know about HTML and building your website, including step by step tutorials for beginners.
Microsoft Word HTML template creates web pages from word processor. Tables are especially fast and simple to create. Versions 6.0 and above of Word include the HTML editor.
Wordperfect HTML template creates web pages from word processor. Tables are especially fast and simple to create. Versions 7.0 and above of Wordperfect include the HTML editor.
Microsoft FrontPage FrontPage makes it easy for first-time Web authors to create Web pages without having to learn the HTML programming language. Make your life easier and skip the web-publish feature. See Web-Help FTP.

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United States Genealogy Network, Inc. (USGenNet), the First and Only Nonprofit Historical-Genealogical Web Hosting Service on the Internet!

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