United States Genealogy Network, Inc. (USGenNet), the First and Only Nonprofit Historical-Genealogical Web Hosting Service on the Internet!


If you didn't create the graphic or photograph, you must obtain permission before placing it on your website and give credit to the artist.


Credits Using alt="Graphic by XXX" following the graphic HTML code is one way to credit the graphic artist. Some artists require a hyperlink or banner to be placed on your website in exchange for using their graphics.
Load Time Check the load time on each of your web pages. Viewers don't like to wait. Adjust sizes and resolutions of graphics if necessary. Avoid hyperlinking to other websites for counters, banners etc. to eliminate wasted load time.
Photographs Photographs in .jpg format, using low resolution conversion, load faster with no noticeable difference in quality. Limit the size and number of photographs per page. Offering a "click for enlargement" is an option for viewers to see a larger version of the photograph.

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United States Genealogy Network, Inc. (USGenNet), the First and Only Nonprofit Historical-Genealogical Web Hosting Service on the Internet!

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