St. James United Church of Christ Church Cemetery
The St. James United Church of Christ Cemetery, is located in Casco Twp. about 6 miles SE of Richmond, Michigan on the corner of Meisner and Meldrum Roads. The Church is still active today serving the Communities of Adair, Peters, Casco, Columbus Twp. and others in that portion of St.Clair County. If you would care to contact the Church, you can do so by writing to St. James United Church of Christ at 9008 Meisner Rd. Casco Twp., Michigan, 48064, or you can check out their website at
Last  Names  First      Middle         Birth	   Death Age    Comments

? , Wilhelm 8-4-1891 8-26-1891 Arndt, Albertine 8-24-1843 4-18-1909 Arndt, Ernst L. 1838 1903 Arndt, Fredrick 10-10-1906 (67) Bandlow, Randall S. 11-13-1962 8-22-1991 S= Christina A. Bandlow m.12-1-1990 Baumgarten, Herrman ? ? Baumgarten, Mary 11-18-1853 5-18-1917 Baumgarten, Otto H.W. 7-19-1925 (18)P= Hermann and Ida Baumgarten Baumgarten, Tillie 8-1-1875 6-21-1894 S= J. C. Baumgarten Baumgarten, Wilhelmina 3-18-1888 1-16-1890 Baumgarten, William 6-10-1847 3-1-1912 Beutel, Augusta 1-28-1842 2-16-1907 Beutel, William 1868 1925 Bianzah, Wotrina 9-24-1844 12-4-1890 Bluhm, Gustav 1863 1932 Bluhn, Heinrich 1811 1882 Bluhm, Sabena 8-4-1833 12-28-1909 Boetcher, Anna 11-9-1832 3-28-1909 Boetcher, Friederich 9-13-1826 7-4-1913 Britzcom,(sp)Wilhelmina 1-12-1831 6-8-1906 Bunhlmann,(sp)Chiguma 1878 1894 Burgett, Frank H. 1897 1970 S= Mary M. Burgett Burgett, Mary M. 1901 1968 S= Frank H. Burgett Burmann, Edward 9-13-1913 5-28-1996 S= Leona Burmann Burmann, Gustave 1872 1942 S= Louise Burmann Burmann, Louise 1846 1918 S= Gustave Burmann Burmann, Henry 8-10-1828 2-28-1899 S= Marie Burmann Burmann, Mamie A. 1900 1972 S= William H. Burmann Burmann, Marie 12-17-1847 3-2-1925 S= Henry Burmann Burmann, William H. 1900 1972 S= Mamie A. Burmann Collinhan,(sp)Maria ? ? P= Louis Collinhan (sp) Conger, Kevin D. 3-17-1863 9-9-1985 Conrad, Heinrich Conrad, Louise 8-18-1824 11-17-1901 Cook, U. Z. S= Elsie Rewalt Doss, Charles 1863 1910 Doss, Mary 1841 1922 Drager, Dorothia 12-21-1827 7-23-1881 S= Carl Drager Dragor, Friedrich 3-21-1826 5-19-1886 DuBay, Edward J. 1921 1986 S= Erva E. DuBay Duis, Johann 9-12-1888 (63) Ertmann, August 2-24-1840 11-27-1898 Eschenburg, John 5-10-1829 6-29-1908 Eschenburg, Wilhelmina 3-22-1836 9-1-1906 S= John Eschenburg Essenburg, Christopher 4-4-1833 5-18-1918 S= Dora Essenburg Essenburg, Dora 3-4-1830 3-8-1908 S= Christopher Essenburg Essenburg, Henry 5-29-1881 2-4-1903 Essenburg, Maria 7-22-1867 12-4-1881 P= Christopher and Dora Essenburg Fasbender, Henry 4-6-1873 8-17-1911 S= Minnie Fasbender Fasbender, Minnie 11-8-1876 12-10-1921 S= Henry Fasbender Fink, John 1862 1927 Fink, Louise F. 6-16-1871 8-7-1924 Fink, Mary 5-25-1898 4-19-1902 Fish, George H. 1881 1956 Fish, Harry W. 1883 1963 Fish, Henriette 1885 1968 Franz, Fasbender 4-28-1883 ? P= Carl and Marie Franz Friedemann, Sohnlein 8-10-1876 P= Johann Friedemann Friedemann, Tochterlein 8-29-1829 P= Johann Friedemann Fritz, Carl Friederick 7-12-1873 7-7-1887 P= William and Catherine Fritz Fritz, Elsie Barbara 1-13-1814 8-18-1887 Fritz, Femmie(?) 2-11-1834 12-19-1897 S= William Fritz Fritz, Ida 3-6-1890 5-14-1903 P= Mathew and Eliza Fritz Fritz, Maria 8-16-1867 12-28-1996 S= W. J. Fritz Froh., ? Elisa 8-15-1868 9-4-1871 Gaedcke, Carl 2-28-1839 4-19-1912 Gaedcke, Carl 2-20-1888 2-20-1907 Gaedcke, Ella 1898 1978 S= Emery Gaedcke Gaedcke, Emery 1896 1959 S= Ella Gaedcke Gideon, Heinrich 8-18-1833 9-11-1903 Gideon, Karl 1868 1917 Gideon, Mary 4-19-1846 11-1-1918 Glern, Bertha 8-23-1877 8-26-1878 P= V. and C. Glern Glern, Julius 4-23-1884 6-10-1885 P= V. and C. Glern Gottlieb, Britzohm 5-16-1821 5-13-1886 Gramzow Carl T. 2-25-1830 8-30-1898 Gr_ll,(sp) Jiel D-or-B 3-18-1814 8-27-1888 Hagemeister, Joh. Heinr. 8-?-1833 Hagenmeister,Georg 9-25- ? ? S= Heinrick and Sofia Hagenmeister Hegemeister, Laura 11-23-1900 11-2-1902 P=John and Anne Hegemeister Hollstein, Anna B. ? 3-29-1862 Hollstein, Loise 1-27-1870 1-20-1871 P= George and Dorothea Hollstein Jasper, Friedrich 9-18-1829 7-26-1908 Jasper, Louis H. 1864 1910 Jasper, Phillip ? 9-23-1893 (23,7,27) Jasper, Sofia 1-24-1826 9-30-1897 S= Fredrick Jasper Jeorn, Fritz 8-16-1861 10-18-1921 Joern, Henriette 6-7-1814 2-27-1899 Johnson, Harry L. 1898 1960 S= Hertha R. Johnson (sp) Johnson, Hertha(sp) R. 1898 1960 S- Harry L. Johnson Jorn, Joachim 1- -1887 (77) Kaatz, Wilhelmina 1826 1921 S= William Kaatz Kaatz, William 1826 1880 S= Wilhelmina Kaatz Kahn, Caroline 7-18-1826 9-9-1906 Kammer, ? 12-24-1848 12-13-1897 Kammer, A. W. 7-4-1862 10-16-1924 S= Amelia Kammer Kammer, Alvin 1905 1932 S= Esther Kammer,P= George and Lena Kammer Kammer, Amelia 1852 1927 S= A.W. Kammer Kammer, August 4-11-1843 8-21-1913 Kammer, Caroline 1838 1923 S= Konrad Kammer Kammer, Clara 12-26-1894 2-6-1901 P= Bernie and Augusta Kammer Kammer, Clarence F. 1901 1979 S= Hazel A. Kammer Kammer, Esther 1908 1965 S= Alvin Kammer Kammer, George C. 5-13-1873 8-31-1921 S= Lena Kammer Kammer, Hazel A. 1903 1988 S= Clarence F. Kammer Kammer, Henry 8-29-1915 (74) Kammer, Johannes 5-12-1816 12-14-1902 Kammer, Justine 5-13-1820 5-25-1908 S= John Kammer Kammer, Konrad -13-1815 1898 S= Caroline Kammer Kammer, Lena 1878 1939 S= George C. Kammer Kammer, Lilie Schirmer 2-8-1889 4-11-1889 Kammer, Martha M. 1884 1965 S= Robert J. Kammer Kammer, Marvin A. 1921 1982 P= Clarence and Hazel Kammer Kammer, Robert J. 1881 1955 S= Martha M. Kammer Kammer, William 6-30-1902 S= Caroline Zuilke Keiter, Johanna 9-15-1860 12-25-1895 S= John Keiter Keller, Jacob L. 5-27-1845 9-8-1902 Kiehler, Esther C. 1898 1927 Kieter, Johann 2-2-1818 11-3-1898 Klesendorf, Dorothea 1813 1887 Klesendorf, Floreaunde 1849 1887 P= Dorothea Klesendorf Kraatz, Dorothea Charlotte Kraatz, Maria Sofia 9-24-1826 5-27-1870 Krider, Anna ? ? P= Herman and Minnie Krider Kuehlke, Louis ?-2-1876 2-?-1902 Ledderman, Wilhelm 1826 ? Lindke, Keith W. 6-29-1960 10-1-1980 S= Jamie L. Lindke Lindke, Wilhelmina 6-4-1831 9-17-1903 Lindke, William 9-14-1866 5-25-1902 Lueder, Caroline 8-9-1831 10-18-1905 S= Wilhelm -or/ William ? Lomerson, John Edwin 1936 1995 Ludemann, Johann 5-31-1821 3-8-1902 Luder, Wilhelm 11-14-1829 3-6-1903 Maedel, Amelia 1871 1922 Maedel, Bertha ? 3-28-1889 Maedel, Emelia 7-18-1861 5-19-1904 S= Edward Maedel Maedel, Frank 1835 1906 Maedel, Herman Udolf Unguli 9-23-1879 9-7-1881 P= F. and S. Maedel Maedel, Louis E. 10-29-1871 1-11-1906 Maedel, Sophia 1942 1928 Marth, Conrad 6-19-1820 8-11-1900 Marth, Conrad 3-21-1860 9-9-1909 Mathews, Elanor Grace 1917 1919 P= G.L. and Minnie Mathews Merschel, Andrew 9-29-1892 6-26-1892 S= Margaret Merschel Merschel, Margaret 9-29-1824 6-26-1892 S= Andrew Merschel Meuman, Friedrick 9-10-1869 (70) Miller, ? 12-3-1831 11-1-1897 Miller, Hattie 6-9-1960 (3) Miller, Jacob J. 11-15-1843 12-16-1904 Muggelberg, Elisabeth 7-18-1903 2-2-1909 Muggelberg, Friedrich M. 6-16-1811 1-8-1894 Muggelberg, Harvey S. Wm. 5-30-1897 2-4-1907 P= Frank and Augusta Muggelberg Muhl, Wilhelm 3-10-1847 2-16-1902 Neuman, Maria 4-3-1877 (66,5,18) Patzel, Christian 6-1-1830 10-26-1910 Patzel, Louise 6-25-1834 1-27-1916 Petzal, August 12-13-1828 8-29-1901 Pireuim, Anna C. 5-21-1871 5-17-1881 Pireuim, Heinrich 9-1-1809 4-8-1883 Pluss, Sr. Jakob P. 1-29-1842 6-29-1866 Polkow, John 12-29-1822 2-2-1911 Pritzgow, August 5-12-1856 11-25-1910 Rahn, Andrew WA 1905 1976 S= Nellie Rahn Rahn, Augusta 1867 1943 S= Herman Rahn Rahn, Edward C. 1905 1948 Rahn, Friedrich 7-15-1829 10-18-1912 Rahn, Herman 1866 1945 S= Augusta Rahn Rewaldt, Albert 4-18-1870 9- -1886 Rewaldt, Anna 11-30-1863 6-21-1899 Rewaldt, Bertha 11-27-1886 (2) P= Heinrick Rewaldt Rewalt, Elsie 1893 1919 S= U. Z. Cook Rewaldt, Sophia 2-13-1834 3-13-1899 Rewaldt, Willie 1885 1886 P= W. and R. Rewaldt Rewold, Marla 9-10-1856 1-18-1877 Ricket, Friedrich 1-12-1881 7-17-1881 Rickert, Edward E. 1882 1900 Riemeyer, Ernest (Pastor) 1-18-1862 12-17-1926 Robertson, Mildred A. 1909 1984 S= William J. Robertson Robertson, William J. 1905 1992 S= Mildred A. Robertson Roehl, Friederich 9-14-1834 12-2-1902 Roehl, Otillie 7-25-1832 10-5-1897 S= Friedrick Roehl Sarnilieb, Gelnik 6-16-1871 5-8-1872 Sass, Caroline 11-6-1828 4-28-1909 Sass, William 3-30-1824 7-21-1903 Schroeder, Caroline 2-16-1833 1-3-1916 Schroeder, August 12-11-1824 4-23-1903 Schulz, ? 9-5-1869 9-12-1869 Schulz, Bernhardt 12-12-1887 2-12-1897 Schulz, Emelie 3-20-1863 4-9-1909 Schulz, Fred W. 1868 1944 S= Lena L. Schulz Schulz, Fredrich 12-25-1824 12-15-1912 Schulz, Harry W. 1894 1948 Schulz, Harvey F. 1909 1985 S= Glenna L. Schulz Schulz, Lavern L. 1903 1929 P= Fred and Lena Schulz Schulz, Lena L. 1872 1954 S= Fred W. Schulz Schulz, Louisa 1863 1949 Schulz, Wilhelmina 11-3-1832 12-19-1903 S= Friedrick Schulz Schulz, William C. 10-12-1861 4-22-1930 Schulz, William F. 1856 1926 Schulz, William W. 1888 1914 Sittig, Caroline 1856 1891 P= George and Elizabeth Sittig Sittig, Delia H. 1911 1983 P= John and Mary Sittig Sittig, Elizabeth 1825 1891 S= George Sittig Sittig, Fred C. 1894 1963 P= John and Mary Sittig Sittig, George 1818 1892 S= Elizabeth Sittig Sittig, John 1866 1960 S= Mary Anna Sittig Sittig, Maria 11-8-1858 9-26-1869 P= George and Elizabeth Sittig Sittig, Mary Anna 1868 1938 S= John Sittig Smith, Fredericka 4-2-1837 6-23-1903 S= William Smith Smith, John W. 1876 1963 S= Minnie M. Smith Smith, Minnie M. 1885 1957 S= John W. Smith Smith, William 2-2-1827 11-16-1891 Sponholz, Wilhelm 3-10-1883 3-15-1893 Sponholz, Wilhelmine 10-2-1843 9-29-1924 Sponholz, William 3-16-1840 5-12-1902 Springborn, Howard 1923 1926 Stahlbuck, Hartic 4-11-1809 9-15-1898 Stahlbuck, Magdalena 9-16-1820 1-21-1906 Stern, Leonard 10-11-1905 10-22-1905 Teltow, Bertha 1871 1949 S= Fred Teltow Teltow, Edwin F. 1907 1984 S= Helen A. Teltow Teltow, Fred 1867 1928 S= Bertha Teltow Upleger, ? ? ? Upleger, Joseph 11-30-1825 9-25-1904 Upleger, Mary 9-15-1827 6-21-1900 Warner, Wayne D. 1928 1980 S=Sondra M. Warner Weil, Agnes 1874 1931 S= Charles Weil Weil, Budnig 1-9-1883 1-10-1907 Weil, Charles 1879 1941 S= Agnes Weil Weil, Elisabeth 1923 Maiden=Holstein Weil, Emilie 1849 12-5-1905 Weil, Heinrich 5-12-1876 8-9-1877 P= John and Elizabeth Weil Weil, Jacob 9-4-1845 5-23-1919 Weil, John 4-16-1835 2-7-1910 Weil, Mary 3-16-1872 P= Wilhelm Weil Weil, Wilhelm 9-25-1811 6-17-1898 Wilhelm, Albert L. ? ? Willing, Auguste 9-27-1848 8-11-1901 Woehlert, U Eachim(sp) 11-20-1825 4-10-1902 Wohlert, Henrietta 9-12-1892 9-30-1893 Wuestenberg, Alvena 2-3-1882 3-26-1883 Wuestenberg, Edna 10-21-1888 2-15-1889 Wuestenberg, Freddie 8-4-1886 8-20-1886 Zentgrebe, Elisabeth 11-10-1825 Zentgrebe, John C. 4-18-18_7 Zentgrebe, William C. 9-13-1826 9-14-1904 Zimmerman, ? 6- -1880 Zuhlke, Dorothy 4-14-1913 5-9-1913 P= A. and B. Zuhlke Zuhlke, Wilhelmine Willina 2-12-1814 6-26-1908 Zuhlke, Zuhlke 12-12-1839 10-29-1907 Zuilke, Caroline 6-10-1839 6-2-1923 S= William Kammer

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Surveyed November 11, 1997

Anyone with further information about this cemetery, such as burial records, etc. is invited to contact me. Thanks.

This list is copyright © by Ronald E. Eason. No part hereof may be reproduced on any medium for the purpose of redistribution without the written permission of the owner of this list.
Copyright © 1999 - 2016 Ronald E. Eason