St. Paul's Luthern Church Cemetery
The St. Paul's Luthern Cemetery, is located in Casco Twp. about 9 miles SE of Richmond, Michigan on Palms Road. There are two sections of the Cemetery, This section is the original and on the west side of Palms road on the north side of the Church. The Church is still active today serving the Communities of Adair, Peters, Casco Twp. and others in that portion of St.Clair County. If you would care to contact the Church, you can do so by writing to St. Paul's Luthern Church Palms Rd. Casco Twp., Michigan, 48064.
Last  Names    First      Middle            Birth        Death    Age      Comments

? Eduard K.J. ? Ferdinand 1835 1922 ? Friederich 12-29-1847 __-27-1885 ? Friedrich 9-22-1837 1-26-1870 Arendt John 3-4-1797 4-2-1874 S= Louisa Arendt Arendt Louisa 12-14-1799 11-3-1883 S= John Arendt Bandien Elisabeth 8-27-1827 3-6-1900 Bandien Friedrich 10-27-1829 5-7-1913 Bandlow Ella 4-28-1883 1-19-1919 S= Otto Bandlow Bandlow Gottlieb 5- 8-1814 Bandlow Lillian (Kaufmann) 3-25-1891 10-5-1912 Banthen (sp) Sophie __-24-1830 1-7-1894 63,27, Bantien Carl 9-21-1816 8-28-1902 Bantien Heinrich 1-22-1867 8-16-1897 Beier Alma 7-11-1886 12-18-1918 S= Robert Kaufman Beier Christina Maria 3-29-18__ Beier Elsie 1892 1984 S= Herman C. Beier Beier Herman C. 1890 1966 S= Elsie Beier Beier Marie 7-__-____ 1-__-____ Beier Wilhelm 1850 1901 S= Wilhelmine Beier Beier Wilhelmine 1890 1923 S= Wilhelm Beier Bellhousen Herrmann H. 4-28-1881 12-15-1890 P=Luife Bellhousen Bellhousen Luife 9-28-1844 8-15-1890 Beutel Ella 1900 1902 P= William & Minnie Beutel Bockmann John W. 4-23-1846 9-23-1866 Boldt Henry L. 1-31-1845 8-20-1909 Boldt Minna 6-3-1838 12-14-1908 Brockmuller Christina Maria Friedericka2-11-1805 10-_2-1875 Buick Louis 12-18-1893 29,3,23 Buick Minica 2-25-1871 -28-1902 Bunge Christine Maria 1802 5-22-1882 79, , S= Johann Friedrich Bunge Bunge Johann Friedrich 1-22-1797 5-4-1880 83, 3,13 S= Christine Maria Bunge Busch "Baby" Busch Christene 5-11-1836 3-28-1923 S= Karl Busch Busch Karl 10-2-1834 7-19-1908 S= Christene Busch Cain Andrew 5-4-1822 11-28-1910 Cain Wilhelmina 8-29-1829 5-15-1886 Chaskey Henrittia 8-10-1820 7-30-1906 S= John Chaskey Chaskey John 2-15-1822 10-26-1909 S= Henrittia Chaskey Dreyer Wilhelm J. 8-28-1874 4- 9-1880 Drogmiller Anna 11-12-1866 10-19-1916 S= Henry Drogmiller Drogmiller B. 2-14-1820 5-21-1891 Drogmiller Henry 1861 1925 S=Anna Drogmiller Duetsch Albert 10-31-1888 2-17-1905 Duetsch Alvina 1897 1968 S= John F. Duetsch Duetsch John F. 1888 1958 S= Alvina Duetsch Duetsch John W. 1855 1931 Düetsch John H. 6-2_-1824 2-24-1909 S= Kathrina E. Duetsch Düetsch Kathrina E. 5-8-1825 12-16-1908 S= John H. Duetsch Dülsch Augusta 1851 1929 S= Heinrich Dulsch Dülsch Heinrich 4-2-1839 2-23-1903 S= Augusta Dulsch Elcholz Wilhelmina 12-1-1904 84,7,18 S= Fredrick Elcholz Erdbecker Friederilie 1-15-1835 12-25-1915 S= Joachim Erdbecker Erdbecker Joachim 1835 1920 S= Friederilie Erdbecker Eschenburg Alvin 3-16-1904 10-19-1904 P=Albert and Lillie Eschenburg Fahs Hattie L. 1898 1966 S= Leonard H. Fahs Fahs Leonard H. 1896 1978 S= Hattie L. Fahs Fahs Maria 8-24-1834 6-13-1894 Fahs Walter 1921 1940 P= Leonard H. & Hattie L. Fahs Fordt Christian 4-13-1818 8-14-1914 Fordt Lora 3-28-1897 3-10-1900 Forth Charlotte 9-28-1824 4-7-1901 Frank Elden 3-26-1912 4-11-1912 P=Rudolph and Ida Frank Frank Lawrence 6-25-1890 8-31-1915 Froh John A. 1890 1921 S= Anna Schultz Froh John 1851 1938 S= Mary Froh Froh Mary 1857 1924 S= John Froh Gehutt Johann 2-11-1849 7-22-1904 Genschow Karl 1829 1891 Green Frank J. 1890 1918 Guldenstein August Guldenstein Carl 10-3-1846 10-10-1913 Guldenstein Edward 5-18-1883 4-4-1919 Guldenstein Emma 1897 1897 Guldenstein Friedrich W. 8-17-1844 5-1-1902 Guldenstein Harry 1-16-1887 1-23-1918 P= William & Louise Guldenstein Guldenstein Heinrich 2-6-1878 9-12-1893 Guldenstein Phoebe 1844 1922 Hensch Friedr C.W. 12-12-1813 7-_1-18__ Hintzmann Alvine 1881 1881 P= Anna & ? Hintzmann Hintzmann Anna 1849 1866 Hintzmann Henry 1873 1880 Hintzmann Theodora (sp) 1876 1877 P= Anna & ? Hintzmann Jacobi Johann A. 1885 79, ,15 Jacobi Ludwig 12-23-1886 57,4,17 Kaufman Andrew 1896 1985 S=Mabel Kaufman Kaufman Anna 1861 1940 S= William Kaufman Kaufman Anna 1884 1920 S= John Kaufman Kaufman Harry 12-5-1915 4-15-1916 P= Robert & Alma Kaufman Kaufman John 1880 1969 S= Anna Kaufman Kaufman Louise H. 1883 1959 S= Otto H. Kaufman Kaufman Mabel 1897 1987 S=Andrew Kaufman Kaufman Otto H. 1883 1936 S= Louise H. Kaufman Kaufman Stanley 4-11-1911 9-14-1911 P= Otto H. & Louise H. Kaufman Kaufman William 1857 1927 S=Anna Kaufman Kaufmann Anna 1866 1940 S= Henry Kaufmann Kaufmann Bernhard 4-3-1819 6-3-1884 Kaufmann Henry 1863 1941 S= Anna Kaufmann Kaufmann Karolina 4-24-1822 1-3-1890 Kaufmann Luise 3-26-1882 12-13-1882 P= Buick & ? Kaufmann Koch George 8-2-1869 9-23-1906 Koch Raymond 11-30-1909 10-9-1910 P=John and Minna Koch Koch Wilhelmina 1849 1882 LaBuhn Hans Jurgen 5-2-1800 3-9-1872 Ledumen Charles 5-__-1822 1902 Ledumen Sophia 12-18-1838 5-22-1901 Lindow Caroline S. 11-29-1794 8-10-1871 Lindow Clarence 1-15-1887 8-_4-1887 P= F. and B. Lindow Lindow Theobald 11-22-1864 Lindow Wilhelm Lindow Wilhelmine 11-16-1829 6-21-1915 S= William Lindow Lipke Bernard J. 1886 1964 S= Helen C. Lipke Lipke Charles 1834 1915 S= Wilhelmine Lipke Lipke Helen C. 1891 1992 S= Bernard J. Lipke Lipke Louise 9-14-1853 11-7-1896 S= Charles Lipke Lipke Melvin W. 10-22-1913 10-15-1982 Tech-5 US Army WWII Lipke Wilhelm A.K. 12-20-1868 3-11-1869 Lipke Wilhelmine 1846 1915 S= Charles Lipke Loch Baby Boy 2-_5-1886 11-25-1887 P=Johann and Gina Loch Löeding Georg 6-1-184_ 8-27-18__ Loeding Henry 5-12-1898 68, , Löeding Minna 5-14-1874 6-4-1890 LuBahn Albert 10-15-1880 7-31-1903 LuBahn Augusta 1-26-1849 8-5-1904 LuBahn Christian F. 1-2-1840 11-23-1917 LuBahn Christian F. 1-13-1811 2-5-1892 LuBahn Christine 6-19-1815 9-3-1900 Lüdemann Anna 2-8-1867 2-1-1896 Miller Johann 1-31-1831 S= Marie Miller Miller Marie _-31-1837 S= Johann Miller Moser Martha 1879 1951 S= William A. Moser Moser William A. 1879 1958 S= Martha Moser Müller Henrietta J. 3-4-1842 2-24-1888 S= Hermann Muller Müller Herman 11-25-1834 7-6-1911 Oberleiter Leo Theo Oberleiter Mari_ (sp) Peters Anna 4-13-1861 6-3-1886 P= John & Katharina Peters Peters Frieda 8-7-1872 9-7-1895 S= Ferdinand Peters Peters Hermann 5-12-1864 4-14-1880 Peters John 4-1-1839 3-23-1898 S= Katharina Peters Peters Katharina 1-29-1836 9-13-1898 S= John Peters Peters Maria 1837 5-30-1871 S= John Peters Peters Maria 5-25-1871 6-3-1871 Peters August 5-12-1867 9-29-1867 Prange Christiana 12-25-1859 2-1-1902 Prange Edna Mina Louisa 10-23-1897 2-14-1908 P= Otto & Bertha Prange Prange Ella 3-31-1888 7-31-1898 Prange Ernest 1871 1950 S= Louise Prange Prange Ernest 2-7-1822 1-11-1900 67,11,4 S= Luise Prange Prange Kermit H. 1-17-1910 4-7-1911 P= Ernest & Louise Prange Prange Louise 1881 1918 S= Ernest Prange Prange Luise 4-7-1834 2-9-1915 S= Ernest Prange Prange Mathilde 4-4-1860 4-14-1889 S=Robert Prange Rhodeman Amalia 9-24-1873 8-14-1913 S= Henry Rhodeman Roeder Emilie B.D. 9-8-1870 4-5-1873 Roeder John 1853 1918 S= Minnie Roeder Roeder Minnie 1854 1928 S= John Roeder Roeder Wilhelmina S= John Roeder Sauer Emilie Hinz 1-4-1852 6-24-1892 Sauer Gottleib 10-2-1849 3-26-1945 Born=Germany Schidler Sophia Dorothea 2-8-1809 1885 Schirmer Friedrick L. 1837 12-28-1896 Schirmer Lena 2-26-1844 12-1-1911 Schlegel Pauline 1847 1931 Schmidt Baby Boy 12- 5-1889 P=Henry and Wilhelmine Schmidt Schmidt Bertha 8-27-1880 11-16-1880 P=Henry and Wilhelmine Schmidt Schmidt Carl 1881 1926 Schmidt Dorothea 5-8-1828 5-5-1892 Schmidt Else Marie 5-15-1895 5-15-1895 P=Wilhelmine Schmidt Schmidt Georg 12-3-1826 5-3-1906 Schmidt Henry 7-6-1853 10-3-1916 S= Wilhelmine Schimdt Schmidt Minnie 1863 1950 S= William Schmidt Schmidt Wilhelmine 1-15-1861 8-6-1942 S= Henry Schmidt Schmidt William 1855 1918 S= Minnie Schmidt Schneider Christine 11-30-1869 9-25-1910 S= Carl Schneider Schneider Dorothea 12-2-1834 S=Christopher Schneider Schneider Friederike 7-28-1867 12-22-1871 Schöenfeld August 12-7-1828 12-16-1903 Schoenfeldt ****** 6-4-1878 11-11-1890 Schonfeld ****** 12-14-1834 Schroeder Anna S. 2-18-1862 8-19-1882 Schroeder Baby Boy 1894 P=Louis and Minnie Schroeder Schroeder Christean 8-14-1843 3-1-1899 S= Johanna Schroeder Schroeder Friederika 7-22-1853 6-22-1923 Schroeder Gustav 1876 1947 Schroeder Henrich 1-2-1801 8-12-1887 S= Maria Schroeder Schroeder Johanna 1845 1892 S= Christean Schroeder Schroeder John 8-20-1867 7-14-1897 Schroeder John W. 12-14-1842 12-27-1914 Schroeder Karl 5-25-1871 12-3-1915 Schroeder Maria 2-1-1804 2-2-1875 S= Henrich Schroeder Schroeder Maria Luise Sophia 7-30-1848 7-6-1917 Schroeder Wilhelm J. 9-24-1828 5-29-1907 Schroeder Wilhelm Schroeder Wilhelmine 5-24-1842 8-29-1878 Schultz Anna 10-27-1895 10-27-1920 S= John A. Froh Schultz Carl 1857 1920 S= Minnie Schultz Schultz John 4-5-1829 1-25-1902 Schultz Mary 1-30-1840 1-24-1907 S= John Schultz Schultz Minnie 1864 1942 S= Carl Schultz Schulz Hilda 12-1-1907 2-10-1920 P= Herman & Rosa Schulz Schüneman Mina 12-30-1891 2-16-1897 Semon Christian 5-2-1832 8-30-1904 Siefert Dorethea 9-15-1827 7-19-1918 S= John Walter Sievert Amelia 1875 1883 Sievert John 1826 1880 Sohn Christian 12-22-1820 8-10-1897 Sohn Frederifn (sp) 3-25-1827 12-8-1910 Sponn (sp) Daniel 6-25-1890 71,8,18 Springborn Alfred 1881 1971 S= Bertha Springborn Springborn Bertha 1884 1967 S= Alfred Springborn Springborn Marie W. 1909 1979 S= Raymond F. Springborn Springborn Raymond F. 1907 1971 S= Marie W. Springborn Stern Christian 8-31-1884 78,5, Teltow Anna 10-28-1862 12-5-1901 Teltow Caroline 8-24-18_6 4-16-1913 Teltow Fredrick 10-14-1825 7-4-1898 Teltow Louise 4-21-1869 10-28-1912 Teltow Mary 5-26-1855 5-13-1876 Thoms Albert W. 1868 1912 Thoms Annabelle 1896 1942 S= Edgar J. Thoms Thoms Edgar J. 1896 1986 S= Annabelle Thoms Trettin Auguste 1840 1922 S= Herman Trettin Trettin Carl 6-23-1823 1-24-1913 S= Christine Trettin, P=M.D. Trettin Trettin Christine 5-30-1833 10-9-1917 S= Carl Trettin Trettin Herman 1872 1964 Trettin Herman 1840 1931 S= Auguste Trettin, P=M.D. Trettin Trettin Maria Dorothea 2-16-1797 1- 6-1876 B= Hardenbeck, Germany Velau Karl 3-7-1822 S= Marie Velau Velau Marie 6-12-180_ S= Karl Velau Voight Carl Wagner Albert C. 1875 1935 S= Lena H. Wagner Wagner Emelia 1848 1933 S= Frederick Wagner Wagner Frederick 1836 1930 S= Emelia Wagner Wagner Lena H. 1872 1943 S- Albert C. Wagner Walter Bertha 1860 1910 S= Louis Walter Walter John 8-15-1824 1-18-1904 S= Dorethea Siefert Walter John 1-15-1861 2-22-1909 Walter Lizzie 6-13-1869 6-15-1904 Walter Louis 1853 1935 S= Bertha Walter Walter Maria 10-9-1895 3-12-1896 5, 3, Walter Minna 2-25-1899 4-26-1902 P=Carl and Luise Walter Wellhousen Luise 3-20-1879 6-7-1881 Wellhousen William 5-8-1836 4-8-1897 Witthuhn (sp) W. 1824 1871 NOTES: The following names had 2 little dots over the U or the O. Duetsch Dulsch Muller Loeding Ludemann Schoenfeld

To EAST section of the cemetery.

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Anyone with further information about this cemetery, such as burial records, etc. is invited to contact me. Thanks.

This list is copyright © by Ronald E. Eason. No part hereof may be reproduced on any medium for the purpose of redistribution without the written permission of the owner of this list.
Copyright © 1997 - 2016 Ronald E. Eason