1894 - 1898
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 4 December 1895 between Jesse J Whitaker, Administrator of the estate of P H Whitaker, late of said county, deceased, and D B Whitaker of
the other part, all of the said state and county. By and order out of the Court of Ordinary of Heard County granted at the October term 1893, Administrator was authorized to sell real estate of said deceased.
On the first Tuesday in December 1895, at public sale and within legal hours for same, the below described land was bid off by D B Whitaker, the highest bidder, for the sum of $150:85 acres in the 13th District
of originally Carroll now Heard County, bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine tree 14 chains and 42 links from the northeast corner of lot #126 in said district; thence south 29 degrees west 35 chains and
42 links to a post oak; thence west to the original line southwest corner; thence along the original line to the southeast corner; thence north along the original line to the beginning.
/S/Jesse J. Whitaker, Administrator.
Witnesses: J T Davis and W S Hubbard, JP.
Recorded this 18 December 1895.
L F Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Carroll. For and in consideration of the sum of $300 to me, E. N. Walker, paid by F. M. Hannah, I have conveyed a parcel of land in the 11th District of originally Carroll now
Heard County being the west half of lot #53 in said district and containing 100 acres bounded to wit: on the east by land of William Howard; south by land of B. F. Mosley; west by land of Akins; and north by land of F. M. Hannah.
Under hand and seal 31 October 1889. /S/E. N. Walker.
Witnesses: J. J. Walker and T. A. C. Smith, NP.
Recorded 18 December 1895.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 15 January 1884 between Hiram Forbus of the State of Alabama, and James B. Forbus of the County of Heard, State of Georgia, for the sum of $40: conveyed my undivided
half interest in the north half of lot #61 in the 14th District of Heard, formerly Carroll County, containing 50 5/8th acres.
/S/H.F. Forbus (his mark).
Witnesses: G. M. Forbus and J. L. Brown, JP.
Recorded 18 December 1895.
L.F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. For and in consideration of the sum of $215, I, D. B. Whitaker, convey unto M. T. Awtry, all of aforesaid state and county, a tract of land situate in the 13th District of originally
Carroll now Heard County and bounded as follows: beginning at a pine tree 14 chains 42 links from the northeast corner of lot 126 in said district; thence south 29 degrees west 35 chains 42 links to a post oak; thence west
to the original line 15 chains 82 links; thence south along said line 4 chains 70 links to the southwest corner; thence east along the original line to the southeast corner; thence north along the original line to the point
of beginning, containing 85 acres.
I have set my hand and seal this 4th day of December 1895 /S/D.B. Whitaker.
Witnesses: C.R. Zackery and L. F. Lane, CSC.
Recorded 18th December 1895.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 12 December 1895 between W. F. Hill and M. L. Hill, both of aforesaid state and county, for the sum of $175: Conveyed 83 ½ acres in land lot #134, 12th District of
originally Carroll now Heard County, bounded beginning at the northeast corner and running the original line south to the branch; thence running along the road to the Franklin Chapman; thence due north along the east line
to the original north line of said lot; thence east to the starting point.
/S/W.F. Hill.
Witnesses: J. J. Bledsoe and J. W. Bledsoe, JP.
Recorded 18th December 1895.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. This indenture dated 6 March 1850 between Mathew Owensby of the one part, and William Owensby of the other part, both of aforesaid state and county, for the sum of $200: conveyed a
tract of land in the 14th District of originally Carroll now Heard County distinguished as lot #41 and containing 25 acres.
/S/Mathew Owensby.
Witnesses: Robert M. Grisham and James Lewis, JP.
Recorded 19th December 1895.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
P274: State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 21 November 1855 between Lewis Glanton of the one part, and Mathew Owensby and William Owensby of the other part, all of aforesaid state and county, for the sum of
$800: conveyed a tract of land in said county bounded beginning at the northwest corner of lot #26 and running south on the original line of said lot to the original corner southwest; thence east on the original line until
it strikes James Owensby’s line; thence north until it strikes the original line running east and west on the north side of said lot #26; thence west on said original line until it strakes the original northwest or beginning
corner, situate in the 14th District of originally Carroll now Heard County, containing 116 acres.
/S/Lewis Glanton.
Witnesses: Josiah S. Spriker(?) and B. L. Harris, JP.
Recorded 19th December 1895.
L. F. Lane, CSC
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 21 December 1855 between David T. Lipscomb of the State of Alabama, County of Randolph, of the one part, and William Owensby of the County of Heard of the other part
for the sum of $1100: conveyed all the east half of lot #27, 101 ¼th acres. Also, 51 ¼th acres in the northeast corner of lot #40 lying north of the 50 acres belonging to said Owensby in said lot #40, 14th District of originally
Carroll now Heard County.
/S/ David T. Lipscomb.
Witnesses: Lewis Glanton and James B. Ware, JP.
Recorded 19th December 1895.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 8 May 1858 between Edwin Owensby of the one part, and William Owensby of the other part, both of aforesaid state and county, for the sum of $100: Conveyed an undivided
one half interest in and to the southeast corner of lot #40 lying in the 14th District of originally Carroll now Heard County, containing 50 acres as better described in a deed made by A. B. Lashley and E. Lashley to said
Edwin Owensby and William Owensby dated 9 December 1851.
/S/ Edwin Owensby.
Witnesses: Edward Phaso and W.W. Hughey, JIC.
Recorded 20th December 1895.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of New York, County of New York. Indenture dated 12 March 1894 between the Equitable Mortgage Company of Kansas City, Missouri, of the first part, and Powers and Lane, a firm composed of J. W. Powers and T. C.
Lane, of the County of Heard, State of Georgia, of the other part, for the sum of $322.50: conveyed all right, title, interest, and claim which Equitable Mortgage Company has in and to the following described property:
75 acres being part of lot #104 in the 13th District originally Carroll now Heard, bounded north and east by Hillabahatchee Creek; south by lot #112; and west by lot #103, being the land conveyed to said Equitable Mortgage
Company by Joseph Miller by deed dated 6th March 1889, which was given to secure the payment of a debt in the amount of $322.50.
/S/for Equitable Mortgage Company by Charles N. Fowler, President;
Charles N. Fowler and James W. Gifford, Receivers.
Witnesses: E. G. Woodling and A. W. Chamberlain, Commissioner of Deeds for Georgia in New York.
Recorded 4th January 1896.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture made 6 November 1883 between John M. Owensby, Administrator of the estate of William Owensby, late of said county, deceased, of the County of Heard, and Nancy A. Owensby
and her four minor children, to wit: Isaac m.: Emmanuel G.; Sampson B.; and Winnerford J. Owensby, of the County of Heard. In Pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Heard County granted at the August term 1883,
authorizing the sale of said deceased’s real estate upon duly advertising said sale, Admr did on the first Tuesday in November instant, at public sale, expose the hereinafter described property for sale, where same was bid
off by Nancy A. Owensby for herself and her said minor children for the sum of $1500: said land described as the east half of lot #27 containing 101 1/4th acres; and 58 acres of the western portion of lot #26, all in the 14th
district of originally Carroll now Heard County.
/S/John M. Owensby, Admr.
Witnesses: Frank S. Loftin and W. T. Wood, CSC.
Recorded 6th January 1896.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of New York, County of New York. Indenture dated 12 March 1896 between the Equitable Mortgage Company of Kansas City, Missouri, of the first part, and Powers and Lane, a firm composted of J. W. Powers and T. C.
Lane of the County of Heard, State of Georgia, of the other part, for the sum of $376.25 conveyed all the right, title, interest, or claim which the said Equitable Mortgage Company has or may have had in and to the following
described property: 110 acres being part of lot #100, #101, #104, and #105, in the 13th District of originally Carroll now Heard County, being the land conveyed to said Equitable Mortgage Company by Thomas Miller on the 12th Day
of March 1889, which deed was given to secure payment of a debt in the sum of $376.25.
/S/ for Equitable Mortgage Company by Charles N. Fowler, President:
Charles N. Fowler and James W. Gifford, Receivers.
Witnesses: E. G. Woodling and A. W. Chamberlain, Commissioner of Deeds for Georgia in New York.
Recorded 6th January 1896.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 28 February 1882 between W. H. Owensby of the first part, and Pl H. Whitaker of the other part, both of aforesaid state and county, for the sum of $265: conveyed land
lying in the 13th District and described as the place whereon the said Owensby now lives, being a fraction of land purchased by J. W. Daniel from G. R. Foster and bounded west by a road leading from Franklin to the
crossroads and J. F. Bevis’ land; north, east, and south by J. W. Daniel; the line being where the fence runs, and containing 6 acres.
/S/ W.H. Owensby.
Witnesses: Frank S. Loftin and A. T. Fuller, CJC.
Recorded 10th February 1897.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 19 December 1872 between J. D. Johnson, Administratrix, and Robert T. Johnson, Administrator of the estate of Berry D. Johnson, late of Heard County, deceased, of the
one part and Mary E. Crain, wife of George A. Crain of Coweta County, of the other part. By virtue of an Ordinary Court order, authorizing said Julia D. Johnson and Robert T. Johnson t sell real estate belonging to estate of said
deceased, land was exposed for sale to the highest bidder at the courthouse in Coweta County, State of Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November last, and knocked off to Mary E. Crain for $865, she being the highest bidder: lot
#179 in the 3rd District of originally Coweta now Heard County and containing 2021/2 acres.
/S/ Julian D. Johnson and R. T. Johnson, Admx. And Admr.
Witnesses: J. B. Ware and J. S. M. Darden, JP.
Recorded 16th February 1897.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Troup. Indenture dated 24 November 1891 between J. F. Askew of the County of Troup, of the first part, and A.G. Hendrick of the County of Heard, of the other part, for the sum of $200:
conveyed all the right, title, interest, claim, and demand the said J. F. Askew has or may have had in and to the following house and lot in the Town of Franklin, County of Heard, State of Georgia, known as the R. H. Boggus
lot and containing 2 acres, bounded on the east by the Franklin and Newnan Road; south by the McDowell lot; west by a street; and north by a street.
/S/ James F. Askew.
Witnesses: S. Hogan and N. P. Lee, NP.
Recorded 18th February 1897.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 16 November 1872 between Z. S. Ray of Heard County, of the first part, and W. D. Harris of the State of Alabama, County of Randolph, of the second part, for and in
consideration of the sum of $600: 95 acres, the east side of lot #189 in the 12th District of originally Carroll now Heard County.
/S/Z.S. Ray (his mark).
Witnesses: J. M. Drummond and M. F. Almon.
Contains affidavit of Almon attesting signatures of Drummond and Ray dated 1 July 1873.
/S/John B. Beall, Ordinary.
Recorded 5 August 1897.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 1 may 1885 between Nancy A. Owensby, Guardian for her minor children, of the first part, and Mary P. Owensby of the other part, both of aforesaid state and county, for
the sum of $2000: conveyed all that parcel of land lying in the 14th District of originally Carroll now Heard County distinguished as 1011/4th acres, being the east half of lot #20. Also, 58 acres in the lot #26 in the
northwest corner of said lot.
/S/ Nancy A. Owensby.
Witnesses: Sarah M. Owensby and John M. Owensby.
Affidavit of J. M. Owensby attesting the signatures of Sarah M. Owensby and Nancy A. Owensby, dated 13 August 1885, before W. T. Wood, CSC.
Recorded Bk. P, page 445.
Recorded 14th September 1897.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 7 September 1877 between Ida E. Smith of the first part, and William T. Churchill, of the other part, both of aforesaid state and county, for and in consideration of
the sum of $5: conveyed all right, title, interest, claim and demand the said Ida E. Smith has or may have had in and to all those tracts or parcels of land in the State of Georgia, County of Heard, 12th District, being 50
acres of the southeast corner of lot #21; 80 acres of the north part of lot #117; and 101 1/4th acres of lot #53, the same being the north half of said tract; containing in the aggregate 230 acres and being the land whereon, I
now reside.
/S/ Ida E. Smith.
Witnesses: R. L. Watson, NP/ex off. JP, and T. B. Davis.
Recorded 15 September 1897.
L.F. Lane, CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. Indenture dated 8 September 1897 between I. J. Stephens, Sheriff of Heard County, and William T. Churchill. In obedience to a writ of fi fa out of the Superior Court of Heard County,
at the suit of William T. Churchill against P. B. Smith, said Sheriff did lately seize land described as the property of P. B. Smith and did advertise same for sale agreeable to law. At public outcry on the first Tuesday in
September 1897, at the courthouse in Heard County, exposed same from sale where it was knocked off to William T. Churchill, the highest bidder, for the sum of $271: in the 12th District of Heard County, being 50 acres of the
southeast corner of lot #21; 80 acres of the north part of lot #117; and 101 1/4th acres of lot #53, the same being the north half of said tract, containing in the aggregate 230 acres and being the land whereon P. B. Smith
resided on 1 November 1889.
/S/ I. J. Stephens, Sheriff.
Witnesses: W. S. Hubbard, L. F. Lane, CSC.
Recorded 15th September 1897.
L. F. Lane, CSC.
State of Alabama, Marshal County. Know all men by these presents that I, W. J. Levins of aforesaid state and county have authorized and appoint __. M. Levins of Heard County, Georgia for me and in my name to sell and
convey to J. T. Armstrong of Heard County the right to back waters on the portion of lot of land in District #12, originally Carroll now Heard, lot adjoining lot #6 on the Centralhatchee or was on creek in said county. The
consideration of said right and privilege conveyed to be $1. This Power of Attorney is made to enable said Armstrong to erect a Merchant Mill on lot #6 and to back the water on that part of lot #7 adjacent to lot #6 and to
maintain and deep the same as authorized.
(NOTE: See deed page 299, No. 2)
/S/ W. J. Levins.
Witnesses: T. B. Beaty JP, 27th July 1897 and J. D. __endy.
Recorded 17th December 1897.
L. F. Lane CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. For and in consideration of the sum of $500 to me in hand paid by Ida E. Smith, both of aforesaid county and state granted and conveyed to her property to wit: 75 acres of land lying in
the north corner of lot #98 in District #12 originally Carroll now Heard County. Set my hand and seal this 18th December 1896.
/S/ P.B. Smith.
Witnesses: C. I. Carr, W. S. Hubbard JP.
Recorded 17th December 1897.
L. F. Lane CSC.
State of Georgia, County of Heard. For and in consideration of the sum of $600, receipt hereby acknowledged, John A. Helton of the County of Harralson, State of Georgia do hereby give, grant and convey to John M.
Daniel of the State of Alabama, Randolph County property to wit: 101 1/4th acres of land lot #276 Ephesus Baptist Church, it being the north half of said lot. Set my hand and seal this 22nd October 1897.
/S/ John A. Helton.
Witnesses: W. H. Bingham, J. W. Bledsoe JP.
Recorded 10th December 1897.
L. F. Lane CSC
State of Georgia, Troup County. Be it known that I, Eugene M. Owensby of said state and county on 1st July 1890 for consideration of the sum of $300 in hand paid by the Scottish American Mortgage Company, Limited,
a warrantee deed to property to wit: a tract of land lying in District #3 of Heard County, Georgia, 101 1/4th acres of lot #325 being the west half thereof and 39 acres in the south east corner of lot #354, aggregating 140
1/4th acres, bounded north by David Zackry estate and Henry Spearman, east by Thomas Dansby, south by Thomas Dansby and P. H. Jackson and Davis Zackry, also one other tract of land in District #14 being 101 ½ acres off of lot
#10, aggregating 198 ½ acres, bounded north by Mrs. M. A. Owensby, east by Edwin Owensby and M. A. Owensby, south and west by Silas Brown. (Agreement stipulates payment schedule and interest) Set my hand and seal 10th December
/S/ E. M. Owensby.
Witnesses: R. N. Uting NP & JP, N. P. Lee.
Recorded 27th December 1897.
State of Georgia, County of Carroll. For and in consideration of the sum of $226, acknowledged by L. C. Manderville of aforesaid state and county, sold and conveyed to W. H. Suttles of Heard County, State of Georgia
57 acres of land in lot #211, being the northwest 50 of said lot and seven off the north east 50 of the same lot in District #11, the seven acres to commence at the corner of side lot then run south 45 rods, then form a
corner, thence south 45 rods, then form a corner thence east 24 ½ rods thence due south 45 rods, thence west to starting point, 11th District formerly Carroll now Heard County. Signed this 19th November 1897.
Wit: T. J. Turner, J. K. Redwine CSC.
Recorded 4 January 1898.
L. F. Lane CSC.
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