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Baptist Church Cemetery, 
Lee County, Ky
(Partial Listing)
(Transcribed by Debi Kendrick)
Cemetery is located in Heidelberg, Ky next to the Baptist Church.  Recorded July 26, 2001.

(Regina Egbers supplied the info on these first three people buried here)

David Butler Goosey  1/20/1871 3/16/1936

Sudie Reece Goosey  1881   9/1/1935  (wife of David) 

Sarah Goosey Reynolds  5/25/1914   8/1/1936  (Daughter of David and Sudie)

Henry NEWMAN   9/15/1884   9/4/1971

{Charlie SPARKS  6/30/1920   5/11/1993  PFC  US Army WWII
{Goldie Mae SPARKS  7/23/1927      md 2/22/1946  d/o Neil & Carrie Anderson Smith

{Neil SMITH, Jr.  1907   1974
{Carrie SMITH   1911                       nee ANDERSON

Johnnie SMITH   4/11/1945   12/18/1976  s/o Neil & Carrie Anderson Smith

Timothy SMITH  5/19/1960   11/28/1986

Robert Lee SMITH  8/7/1952   3/14/1990

{"Junior"  Neil Smith   12/77/1928       md 1/19/1959  s/o Neil & Carrie Anderson Smith
{"Duckie" Lusetta SMITH  12/12/1942


{Grace ALLEN  11/21/1908   2/10/1994  nee ANDERSON
{Tandy ALLEN   3/11/1910   3/25/1945

M. L. DURBIN  1924   1981

James WALLEN   1/23/1923   3/12/1944

Roy MOORE   Ky AS USAR  WWII  3/17/1923   3/13/1954

Ernst TURNER  8/6/1906

Malisa Jane MOORE 6/25/1881   10/19/1958  d/o Morning Stepp

Willie R. MOORE  5/4/1923  10/30/1936  s/o Wilson & Bettie Stepp Moore
Ky Cpl  20th AAF Airbase  SO  WWII 

Donna Orle NEWMAN   8/2/1934   9/2/1934

Juanita JOHNSON  10/16/1927   12/2/1948  d/o Wilson & Bettie Stepp Moore

{Wilson MOORE   1889   1949
{Bettie MOORE  1884   1970  d/o Morning Stepp


L.L. MOORE  6/20/1886   11/30/1945

Flora C. JONES  10/15/1905   12/2/1943


Brenda ?CAMMC?  born Sept  (only thing readable)

Sidney REECE   1906   11/6/1915

Coleman MAYS   5/27/1906   11/5/1910

Elijah REECE  1/6/1911   6/13/1915


Sam REECE   Ky Pvt  US Army WWII  1/30/1910   4/13/1947

Fred ?MACHAEL?  (only thing readable)

Robert STEPP  6//1892   12/11/1957   s/o Morning Stepp  h/o Nannie (below)

Nannie CARPENTER  8/31/1878   10/6/1971

Effie Alice BURKE   7/20/1897   6/26/1985

William BURKE   1/4/1895   4/28/1955

Arbel (Arvil) Kenneth GOOSEY  8/13/1944   4/3/1945 s/o Arvil D. Goosey

Arbel D. (Arvil) GOOSEY   7/30/1917   5/17/1945 s/o David & Sudie Reece Goosey

Irma Lee G. DURBIN  8/24/1920   1/5/1968

Donna Kaye DURBIN  10/15/1956   10/20/1956

Alice Faye DURBIN 10/15/1956   10/16/1956

Marion Lucas DURBIN   51 US Navy WWII  12/14/1924   8/8/1981

{Walker CORNETT  4/9/1882   5/18/1967
{Sarah CORNETT  10/8/1885   10/28/1988  nee NEWMAN

{Emma REECE   1893   1967
{Jesse REECE   1890   1979

{Jeff  WARNER   1870   1964
{Lucy WARNER  1879   1967   nee SMALLWOOD

{Bob ANDERSON  9/18/1907
{Anna Boyd ANDERSON  10/6/1936   10/5/1941

Lucy C. ANDERSON   9/26/1909   5/11/1994

Denice Mechele ROSS   2/4/1965   2/5/1965

Cecil Vernnon ROSS  8/23/1908   2/17/1964
  Ky Tech 5  Co A  759 Engineer BN  WWII 

Larry Lee


Charlie ROSS   8/23/1880   10/25/1948

Betty Lou BAKER   11/10/1942   6/3/1955

Ruby Ross SPURLOCK   8/12 1923   1/13/1981

Mary J. wife of Marion BAKER  1/16/1872   2/21/1915

Lillie M. ADDISON   9/20/1886   5/13/1956

Henry BRANDENBURG  4/11/1846   10/16/1923

Susie B. dau of Joseph & Lena HORN  12/25/1927   1/7/1928

Morning STEPP 5/29/1851   6/30/1933


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