Smith Cemetery, Lee County, Ky
(Transcribed by Debi Kendrick)
Cemetery is located on Hwy 587 between Proctor & Idamay in Lee County Kentucky.  Recorded July 26, 2001.  Stones marked with { are double headstones.

Row 1

Nathan JOHNSON  1892   1973

Lucy JOHNSON  1896  1928



Arthur FRYE  3/20/1915  12/16/1971  Ky Pvt. 615 Med CLR Co. W.W.II

Row 2

G.E. TINCHER  died 1/6/1911  (probably Grace Tincher b 1/16/1906 d 1/5/1911)

Little Tommy son of Mr. & Mrs. T.J. SCRIVNER  6/19/1917  7/13/1917

Sarah Jane SMITH  11/24/1893   12/13/1934

Row 3

James SMITH  12/23/1896  6/16/1933  s/o John P. & Elizabeth Handy Smith

John P. SMITH  10/15/1866  2/8/1935  s/o Henry L. & Jane Steele Smith

Mrs. Elizabeth wife of John SMITH  2/24/1857  5/21/1917  nee Handy





Row 4

Mary BRANDENBURG  1856  1941  w/o Sam P. Brandenubrg;  d/o Henry L. & Jane Steele Smith

Jane SMITH  4/10/1831  2/15/1903  nee Steele; w/o Henry L. Smith

Henry L. SMITH  6/15/1826  6/13/1902 
  Lt. Henry SMITH  Co E 49th Ky INF

Row 5

William FREEMAN  6/15/1857  2/10/1912

Henry A. SMITH  10/26/1850  6/5/1885

Kate wife of He__ A. SMITH  ?/??/1866  ?/??/--34?84 (damaged stone; match to Henry A. Smith's stone)

Little __________ (rest unreadable;  smaller version of Henry & Kate's stones)

Row 6


Carlie G. SMITH  4/6/1899  9/3/1915  (broken stone) d/o Breck & Eunice M. Jones Smith

Robert SMITH  3/25/1876   8/27/1891 s/o Breck & Eunice M. Jones Smith

infant son of Claud & Nannie FARMER  born & died 8/10/1913


{Nora SMITH  3/31/1897   5/30/1981    nee TURNER
{Thomas SMITH   2/3/1890  6/27/1947  s/o Breck & Eunice M. Jones Smith

Thelma Smith Damrel BROWN  8/28/1924   2/12/1988

Thomas Earl DAMREL  6/30/1923   3/19/1996


Thomas Brack SMITH  5/12/1926  7/9/1993

{Dora SMITH  7/12/1902  2/22/1974   nee EVANS
{Hargis SMITH  3/19/1892  5/8/1932  s/o Breck & Eunice M. Jones Smith

{Breckenridge SMITH  10/26/1854   3/14/1942 s/o Henry L. & Jane Steele Smith
{Eunice Jones SMITH  8/19/1859  8/20/1944

Fred SMITH  3/26/1901  7/4/1951  s/o Breck & Eunice M. Jones Smith

Jimmy SMITH  12/19/1945  3/5/1985

Row 8

{Louis EVANS  10/12/1873  6/13/1937  s/o Wm & Mary J. Newman Evans
{Mary C. "Kate" Smith EVANS  9/16/1877  2/5/1960 d/o Breck & Eunice Jones Smith

Robert, Jr. son of Robert and Lula HORN born & died 4/27/1912


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