Will of Elihu Bowman
I, Elihu BOWMAN, of Tallega, Lee County, Kentucky, being of feeble health physically, but of sound mind and disposing memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament as follows:
First To my daughter, Marthan COMBS, I will, devise and bequeath my tract of land known as the Jeff Hampton tract for which I hold a tital bond from Jim HAMPTON, the same being in litigation in the Lee Circuit Court in the case of Jeff HAMPTON vs James HAMPTON, and there being still due on the purchase of said land which I owe Anderson BOWLING the sum of $125.00, if it be adjudged that I am the owner of said land the paid remaining purchase price shall be paid out of my personal effects and said land shall go to my daughter, Marthan COMBS, unincumbered and without any debts against it.
Second: To my daughters, Ellen BUSH of Torrent, KY and Florence HALL of the State of Arkansas, I will devise and bequeath to each an undivided interest of one third in my home farm to which I hold a deed from A. B. HAMPTON for and the remaining one third I give, devise and bequeath equally to my three grand children, Estill COMBS, Effie DIXON, and Tina COMBS, but my wife, Mary J. BOWMAN, shall have the full use and benefit of the home tract of land for her lifetime.
Third: In the event that the Lee Circuit Court should finally decide that I am not the owner of the Jeff HAMPTON tract of land, that I have given to my daughter Marthan COMBS, then the home tract shall be divided into four equal parts as follows: one fourth to Marthan COMBS, one fourth to Florence HALL, one fourth to Ellen BUSH, and the remaining one fourth to equally to my three grandchildren, Estill COMBS, Effie DIXON, and Tina COMBS.
Fourth: To my grandson, Albert COMBS, I give my mare.
Fifth: To my grand daughter, Florence COMBS, I give my milch cow.
Sixth: All the remaining personal or real property whatsoever and wheresoever it may be, including money on hand or in bank, debts, notes, or choses in action or property of any kind shall be divided equally into four parts as follows: one fourth to Martha COMBS, one fourth to Florence HALL, one fourth to Ellen BUSH and the remaining one fourth to be divided equally among my three grandchildren as follows: Estill COMBS, Effie DIXON, and Tina COMBS, but in no event shall any of the parties named in this, the sixth provision of this my last Will and Testament receive anything from and through this sixth provision until the death of my wife, Mary J. BOWMAN who shall have a full enjoyment of all my personal effects whatsoever as long as she lives.
Seventh: I hereby nominate and appoint C. X. JOHNSON and Albert COMBS as executors to carry this my last Will and Testament into effect.
This the 27 day of March 1922
We do hereby witness and certify that the testator, Elihu BOWMAN, did make and sign the above in our presence and that we signed and witnesses the same in the presence of each other.
State of Kentucky
County of Lee
I, S. M. ESTES, Clerk of the
Lee County Court certify that the above and foregoing Will and Testament
of Elihu BOWMAN, deceased, was filed in my said office on the 8th day of
February 1926, at a regular term of the Lee County Court, and the same
having been properly proven by the Court in open Court as the law directs,
same is ordered to lay over thirty (30) days for exception and no exceptions
having been taken, the same is now ordered to be recorded at a regular
term of the Lee County Court held on the 12th day of April, 1926.
Wherefore the same and this
my certificate have been duly recorded in my said office in Will Book No.
1, page 204
Given under my hand this 26th
day of April 1926
S. M. ESTES, Clerk
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