Lee County Kentucky Wills
(Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick)

Will of Florence Roach

I Florence ROACH, of Beattyville, Lee County, Kentucky, being of lawful age, sound in mind and memory, make this my last Will and Testament, revoking all former wills by me made, do devise and bequeath all my property both personal and real as follows:

First:  I will, devise and bequeath to my sister, Lourinda WYLIE ROBERTS, my brother John WYLIE, my sister, Ida WYLIE CALICO, my sisiter Lizzie WYLIE BAUGH, my sister Manda WYLIE ROGERS and my sister Fannie HANKINS, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) each.

Second:  I will, devise and bequeath to my husband Thomas ROACH, should he survive me at the time of my death, all the rest of my property, both real and personal of every kind and description.

Third:  I direct that after my death and before the provisions of this Will as set forth in the "First" and "Second" paragraphs hereof are effective, all my just and legal debts, funeral and burial expenses be paid from my said estate.

In Witness whereof, I Florence ROACH, have this day subscribed to this my last will and Testament on this the first day of June, 1929 at Beattyville, Lee County, Kentucky.

Florence ROACH

Subscribed to by the testator, Florence ROACH, in the presence of each of us and at the sme time declared by her to us to be her last Will and Testament, and, thereupon, at the request of said Florence ROACH and in her presene and in the presence of each of us subscribed to by each of us as witnesses this June 1st, 1929.

S. P. STAMPER at Beattyville, Lee County, Kentucky
Thomas C. PRYSE at Beattyville, Lee County, Kentucky

State of Kentucky
County of Lee
I, Elizabeth MATTOCKS Clerk Lee County Court do hereby certify that the foregoing Will of Florence ROACH, deceased, was on the 11th day of July 1938, at a Regular Term of this Court produced and filed and proven by witness to be said Last Will and Testament of Florence ROACH, deceased;  whereupon the same with the foregoing and this my certificate have been duly recorded in my said office in Will Book No. 1, page 397.
Given under my hand, this the 9th day of January 1939

Elizabeth MATTOCKS
Clerk Lee County Court

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