Lee County Kentucky Wills
(Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick)

Will of John E. JONES

Copy of Will
I John E. JONES single gentleman, of the County of Wilson and State of Kansas, mindful of the uncertainty of human life, do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in the manner following, towit:
First, after the payment of my just debts and personal expenses I give, devise and bequeath to my sister, Ann BAXTER, wife of Lewis BAXTER, the sum on one dollar $1.oo.

Second:  All the rest, residue and remainder of all my estate both real & personal, I give, devise & bequeath to my beloved nephew, John BAXTER, said real & personal property being more particularly described as follows, towitt:  The South west quarter of Section fifteen, Township twenty-nine, South, Range sixteen East, in the County of Wilson and State of Kansas, together with? the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging ___ containing 160 acres;  One hundred and fifty acres of land in the County of Lee & State of Kentucky;  One thousand Dollars now ?out of interest to van___ parties in Altoona & vicinity whose promisory notes therefor, I have in my possession: Four thousand Dollars invested in stock and otherwise in the Court House of Lee County, Kentucky, the shares and facts of which are fully in the possession of Elias M. PRYSE.

Third, I hereby nominate and appoint said Elias M. PRYSE of Beattyville, Lee County, KEntucky, Executor of this my last will and testament, and hereby authorize and empower him, the said Elias M. PRYSE, to compound, compromise and settle any claim or demand which may be in favor or against my said estate, and to fully execute this, my last will & testamjent, according to the terms of the same herein fully set forth.  In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this day of September, A. D.

John E.  X JONES

Signed, published and declared by the said testater to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us, _____ have signed our respective names at his bequest, ____ witnesses and in his presence, and in the presence of each other.

J. C. BIGGER, St. Louis
D. D. PARLIN, Altoona, ___

The above will endorsed on bakc as follows, ___  Filed September 3d 1881

Wm STIVERS, Probate Judge

Probated and recorded, this 11th Feb 1882, on Record "A" of Will at page 114

Wm STIVERS, Probate Judge

Copy of Journal Enx. & Order of Probate

State of Kansas

In the Probate Court of said County, In the matter of the last will and testament of John E. JONES, dec'd.  ?Now towit:  on this 11th day of February A.D. 1882, comes S. S. KIRKPATRICK, Esq. representing the heirs of John E. JONES, deceased, and an instrument heretofore filed, purporting to be the last will and testament of said decedent was presented to the court, and motion made by the said S. S. KIRKPATRICK, that the same be duly admitted to probate, on the affidavit of P. J. REED, that the residence of J. C. BIGGER and D. D. PARTIN, the subscribing witnesses to said purported will was unknown to him, and that their signatures to said instrument were genuine, and the Court being satisfied that said will ws duly executed, it is therfore ordered and decreed, that said paper, purperting to be the last will and testament of the aforesaid decedent together with the proof thereof, be recorded, and admitted to probate as the last will and testament of the said John E. JONES, deceased.

Wm STIVER, Probate Judge

State of Kansas
Wilson County

I, Wm STIVERS, Judge of the Probate Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of will of John E. JONES, as the same appears of record in the office of the Probate Court of said County, and also a true copy of the Journal entry & order of Probate of said will as the same appears on the Journal of said Court.

I further certify that I am the legal custodian of the records of oresaid [sic], Witness my hand and the seal of of [sic] the Probate Court of said County, this the 14ths day of February, A. D. 1882

Wm STIVERS Probate Judge

State of Kentucky
Lee County Court, March Term, March 28, 1882

An Instrument of writing purporting to be a copy of the last will and testament of John E. JONES deceased, from the Probate Court of Wilson County, Kansas was this day produced in Court, and personally appeared Ann BAXTER and her husband, Lewis BAXTER, in open Court, and consented that same be established as the last will and testament of said JONES, deceased;  whereupon it is ordered that said instrument of writing, be and the same is allowed and established as teh last will and testament of said John E. JONES, deceased, and as such duly admitted to record

State of Kentucky
County of Lee

I, W. P. HILL, Clerk of the Lee County Court, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of the last will and testament of John E. JONES, deceased, together with the copy of the proceedings of the Probate Court of Wilson County, Kansas, in relation thereto the certifi___ of the Judge of said Court, the attestatin of the witnesses thereto, the endorsements thereon, and the order of the Lee County Court admitting same to probate, hath this day, been duly admitted to record in the proper book, in my office.  Given under my hand this sixth day of April 1882.

W. P. HILL, Clerk
By C. B. HILL, D.C.

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