Lee County Kentucky Wills
(Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick)

Will of Jack Spicer

Know All Men By These Presents:
That I, Jack SPICER, of Beattyville, Lee County, Kentucky, being of sound mind and disposing memory, but realizing the uncertainity of life, do make and establish this as my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking any former wills or codicils made by me

First:  I request that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid.

Second:  I will and bequeath to my son John J. SPICER, all of my real estate of which I may die siezed and possessed, including one store building at the west end of the lower iron bridge across Upper Stufflebean Creek, one lot in Slabtown of Beattyville, Kentucky, adjoining the home place where I now live, six acres of land on the waters of Mikes Branch in Lee County, Kentucky, or its tributaries, tow houses on lot at corner of Grove and Michigan Streets, in Middletown, Ohio, and another house and lot at corner of York and Young Streets in Middletown, Ohio.

Third:  That my life insurance and personal property be hold and used be my executor and exeutrix hereinafter named, to be used by them for the maintence and education of my said son, John J. SPICER, after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid.

Fourth:  That all rents and interests accruing from the rent or loan of any property of which I may die and be possessed of be paid to my wife, Maggie SPICER, and used by her for her support and that of my son, John J. SPICER, and used for his education.

Fifth:  That my executor and executrix, hereafter named, shall, if they deem it advisable, sell the property in Beattyville, Kentucky, at the west end of the lower iron bridge across Upper Stufflebean Creek, for such price and on such terms as they deem fit, at any time, and makd and execute proper deed or deeds therefor, and hold the money arising from said sale in trust for the use and benefit of John J. SPICER.

Sixth:  The property besides the house and lot in Paragraph Five hereof, shall not be sold by my said son, John J. SPICER, or mortgages or entailed by him until after he shall arrive at the age of thirty years.

Seventh:  Should the said John J. SPICER died before reaching the age of thirty years without bodily heirs, then I will and bequeath all property there remaining to my wife, Maggie SPICER, and my legal heirs share and share alike, that is that my wife shall receive one half thereof and my heirs the other half thereof, but if my said wife, Maggie SPICER, should re-marry or die before the death of the said John J. SPICER, then she is to have no interest in any estate that may be left by me to my son, John J. SPICER, and same shall go to my legal heirs.

Eighth:  I hereby constitute and appoint my wife, Maggie SPICER and my brother, Joe SPICER, executrix and executor of this my Last Will and Testament, and should either died then my estate is to be administered by the survivor and if my said wife Maggie SPICER should die before my said son, John J. SPICER, arrives at the age of thirty years, he shall be empowered to collect all rents and interests accruing from my property and retain same for his own use provided he shall have arrived at the age ot twenty one years, and if he shall not have arrived at the age of twenty one years at the date of her death, shall be collected and held by my brother, Joe SPICER, for his use and benefit until he shall arrive at the age of twenty one years, where he shall be empowered to collect the same.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto signed my name in the presence of G. W. PENDERGRASS and C. BEACH, who have signed their names as witnesses to same at my request and in my presence and in the presence of each other this the 13th day of October 1925.


We, G. W. PENDERGRASS and C. BEACH, each residing at Beattyville, Lee County, Kentucky, certify that Jack SPICER, personally known to us, signed and acknowledged the above and foregoing instrument to be his Last Will and Testament and that he executed same as his own free will and accord and without coercion or influence of others and that he requested us to sign same as witnesses, and that he signed same in our presence and that we signed our names as witnesses to same in his presence and in the presence of each other.
This Octobert 13, 1925


State of Kentucky
County of Lee
I, W. O. BRADLEY, Clerk of the Lee County Court, certify that the foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Jack SPICER, deceased, was on the 9th day of November, 1925, it being the first day of the Regular November Term of the Lee County Court produced in open Court and offered for probate and same was proven in open Court by the oaths of G. W. PENDERGRASS and C. BEACH, the two subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered by the Court to be probated as the Last Will and Testament of Jack SPICER, deceased and ordered certified to the Clerk of the Lee County Court for record as such.  Whereupon the same and this my Certificate have been duly recorded in my office in Will Book 1, pages 198 to 200 inclusive.
Given under my hand this the 14th day of November, 1925

W. O. BRADLEY, Clerk
By Christine BRADLEY, D.C.

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