Will of Kate Reid
I, Kate REID, of Beattyville, Kentucky, being of lawful age and of Sound mind and memory do make, publish, and declare this to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking all wills by me heretofore made.
1. It is my desire that my sister, Belle FISHER, shall receive from the income from my estate, both real and personal, sufficient amounts for her support and maintenance during her lifetime, and that a Trustee be appointed to look after, manage and control said estate and said funds during her lifetime; and having every confidence in Emile BEATTY of Beattyville, Kentucky, he is hereby appointed as Trustee of my estate for the purposes hereafter set out.
2. I hereby give and bequeath to Emile BEATTY, as Trustee all my government bonds of the face value of $700.00 all my Rochester Railway Light Company bonds of the face value of $6500.00 and my C & O Railroad Company bonds of the value of $2000.00 and also all other bonds or stock of any kind and also all cash on deposit in any Bank or Trust Company or in any association wherever situated, which property the said Emile BEATTTY, as Trustee, will manage, hold and control, and he will collect and receive all incomes from same and handle said funds, income and property in the manner hereafter set out.
3. I hereby will and devise to the said Emile BEATTY, as Trustee, all real estate owned by me wheresoever situated to be held in trust which he will manage, control, hold lease and rent, and collict and receive all rents and income thereupon; except that he shall permit my sister Belle FISHER to use and occupy my home place in Beattyville, so long as she desires to occupy same as a home without expense to her. The real estate owned by me is situated in Beattyville, Kentucky and also in Washington D.C. The said Trustee will keep said property in repair and do such other things in regard to same as he deems proper and beneficial to the estate.
4. The said Emile BEATTY as Trustee, is authorized and directed to collect all notes and other accounts due me, and to receive, hold and manage said funds derived therefrom, in trust. He will pay from the income derived from said real and personal property and accounts, all taxes due on my said property, repairs on same, and for such other expenses in regard to same as in the discretion of my said Trustee may be necessary.
5. The said Emile BEATTY as Trustee, is directed to collect and receive all income derived from said bonds, stocks, notes, and accounts, and from said real estate and from all other sources and he will contribute from said income funds such sums to my sister Belle FISHER, as may be necessary for her support and maintenance during her lifetime to be paid to the said Belle FISHER in such amounts at such times and in such manner as my said Trustee in his absolute and unqualified descretion may from time to time deem proper. I do not desire the body of my estate to be used for such purpose unless in case of sickness or other causes it should become necessary for my sister, Belle FISHER, to have more than the income provided, in which emergency such part of the body of my estate may be used for said cause as may be necessary, the same to be left to the absoluter and unqualified discretion of my said Trustee.
6. If at any time my said Trustee shall deem it to be to the best interest and advantage of my estate to sell any of the personally or real property left by me at my death, other than my home property, then he is empowered and authorized to make sale of same, and to hold said funds derived therefrom in trust, and finally disposed of as hereafter directed by me.
7. At the death of my sister, Belle FISHER, said Trusteeship shall cease and the said Trustee will make an accounting of his acts up to that time, and then the residue of my estate shall go as directed and set out in codicils to be made and attached to this Will as a part thereof. And I further nominate, appoint and direct the said Emile BEATTY Trustee herein named, to carry out all the terms of this Will and all Codicils thereto and to see that the residue of the estate is finally disposed of as directed by me.
8. It is my desire that all my estate, both real, personal, be held by said Trustee, in trust as above set out and any property not named herein whether real, personal, money in banks, or choses in ?action is intended to be included in said trust estate herein declared. I further state that I own some shares of stock in the Swiss Oil Corporation, in the Henry Clay Fire Insurance Company, and in the Inter Southern Life Insurance Company which are meant to be a part of this trust estate.
And the said Trustee herein named shall receive for his services a reasonable compensation to be paid out of my estate.
Dated this 3rd day of July, 1924
Nannie LUTES
Codicil To Will
I, Kate REID of Beattyville Kentucky, do hereby make, publish and declare this Codicil to my last will and Testament, which last Will and Testament is dated July 3, 1924.
I desire the support and maintenance of my sister, Belle FISHER, provided for, and desire that my Trustee Emile B. BEATTY, shall contribute from the income funds such sums to my sister, Belle FISHER, as may be necessary for her support and maintenance during her lifetime, not to exceed the sume of Twenty five Dollars per month, unless in case of sickness or other urgent causes it shall be necessary the same to be left to the absolute and unqualified discretion of my Trustee. The purpose of this clause is to limit the clause in my original will so as to keep the expense of the maintenance and support of my sister, Belle FISHER, under $25.00 a month, if reasonably possible; and my said Trustee shal contribute only such sums as he may deem proper and necessary, which I desire shall be and which shall not be more than $25.00 per month, except in case of sickness or other urgent causes it shall become necessary.
After the death of my sister, Belle FISHER, I desire that my estate shall go as hereinafter set out, to be paid in the order and priorities named:
1st. I hereby give and bequeath to the United Christian Missionary Society of the Christian Church of Kansas City, Missouri the sume of One Thousand Dollars.
2nd. I hereby give and bequeath to the Midway Orphans School of Midway, Kentucky the sume of Two Hundred Dollars.
3rd. I hereby give and bequeath to Johnson Bible College of Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars.
4th. I hereby give and bequeath to the College of the Bible of Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, the sume of One Hundred Dollars.
Each of the four sums above named are given and to be used for the endowment fund of said named institutions.
5th. I hereby give and bequeath to Emile B. BEATTY, of Beattyville, Kentucky, the sume of One Thousand Dollars, as a gift, which is in addition to the sums which shall also be paid to him for his services as my Trustee herein.
6th. I hereby give and bequeat for the purpose of erecting a Stone or concrete wall or iron fence around that lower part of the Beatty Grave yard in Beattyville a sufficient sum of money to enclose the Beatty family, the said building and cost of same to be left to the discretion of my Trustee, Emile B. BEATTY and to be built in such manner as he in his best judgement shall decide. I further desire that my said Trustee shall spend such sums as in his descretion he may deem necessary for the upkeep and care of the graves of my immediate family in said Beatty graveyard.
7th. Having love and affection for all of my relatives and in appreciation of their love for me, and desiring that they shall continue tohave love and affection for my sister, Belle FISHER, after my death, I hereby give and bequeath the sum of Thirty five Hundred Dollars to be paid to the following persons and in the following named amounts: To Lena BEATTY, $500.00; to Milward BEATTY, $300.00; to Mrs. Lula B. BLAKEY $300.00; to Willie P. DAVIES $300.00; to Mabel BEATTY $300.00; To Harriett A. LUTES $300.00; all of Beattyville, Kentucky: To my aunt, Ann HILL of Louisville Kentucky, $300.00, and to the four daughters of Ann HILL, namely, Bettie, Jennie, Mary and Emma, each the sum of $300.00.
8th I desire Lat LUTES and his family to use and occupy my residence as a home and that my sister, Belle FISHER, shall make her home with them at said place for her lifetime, and that the said Lat LUTES shall use and occupy said home place free of rent so long as he shall care for my sister, Belle FISHER, whom I desire to make her home with them. And if the said Lat LUTES shall remain at my said residence and maintain it as a home, and shall take care of my sister, Belle FISHER, and make a home for her for her lifetime, then and in that event my said residence and home place shall belong and vest in the said Lat LUTES, which home place is situated in Beattyville and now occupied by me. Should the said Lat LUTES fail to take care of my sister, Belle FISHER, for her lifetime, and fail to make said place a home for her, or should they fail to agree or fail to get along so that they could not and did not maintain the said place as a home together, then my home place shall not vest in him; and in that event, I desire my said Trustee to permit some respectable family, suitable, and agreeable to my sister, Belle FISHER, or some suitable person, to use and occupy my said residence and to take care of and make a home for my sister Belle FISHER for her lifetime, and such person doing this and maintaining same for a home for Belle FISHER, shall be entitled to the property at the death of Belle FISHER, and same shall vest in such person at said time.
9th. All the rest and residue of my estate I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Widows and Orphans Home of the Christian Church of Louisville, Kentucky for its endowment fund.
10th. I hereby designate and appoint, Emile B. BEATTY, as Trustee, to carry out all the terms herein as well as the terms of the original will; and for the purposes of making the distributions as above outlined he is authorized and empowered to convey my personal or real property into cash if necessary, and he shall do such in regard thereto as he deems best so that said sums may be distributed as herein directed by me.
My said Trustee is authorized and directed to see that all of the terms of my will and codicil thereto are carried out and for his services he shall receive a reasonable compensation which may be paid out of my estate from time to time as said services are performed.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this the 7th day of July 1924
Nannie LUTES
I started this my will and was
too weak to finish that night but directed my Trustee Emile BEATTY to .
July 13, 1924.
This refers to codicile about my home place where I want all of my first cousins on the Beatty side to have some money from money.
G. E. DORMAN, Witness
Milward BEATTY witness
J. FIRESTEIN, witness
This refers to Nannie LUTES and Lat LUTES and family and my sister, Bell FISHER. Should they disagree and they should mistreat my Sister Belle FISHER or be unkind toher they cannot live in our home. They are to live in our home only on condition that they are kind to Belle FISHER in ever way.
July 13, 1924 3:35 P.M.
Georgia E. DORMAN
Milward BEATTY
Love Gifts.
Clara BACHUS, Silver Springs,
MD. $100.00, one hundred Dollars. $200.00, Two Hundred Dollars, to
Georgia DORMAN. None of this money is to be used for a pleasure trip.
July 13, 1924
Milward BEATTY
Georgia E. DORMAN
This refers to Nannie and Lat
LUTES should they and family and Belle FISHER, my sister, disagree and
they should ever disagree and they should ever mistreat her or be unkind
to her, Nannie and Lat LUTES and family cannot live in our home.
They are to live in our home as long as they are kind to Belle FISHER in
every way.
3:20 P.M. July 13, 1924
Milward BEATTY
Georgia E. DORMAN
Refers to will of former date. date no. codicle in class with my church in Beattyville, Ky. I want my church to have $1000.00, one Thousand Dollars, all of my tithes paid and love and kindness as long as they will for love shown me.
$200. to Mrs. J. R. DAGLEY 212 Rand Ave. Lexington, KY.
I have paid to Dr. AMON of Lancaster, Ky for services rendered me during my life. I am in my mind now as clear as I ever was.
Witness: Milward BEATTY
Witness: Georgia E. DORMAN
Witness: Julia FIRESTEIN
State of Kentucky
County of Lee
I, W. O. BRADLEY, Clerk of
the Lee County Court certify that the foregoing Will and Testament of Kate
REID, deceased, together with all codicils thereto attached, was filed
in my office on the 8th day of September 1924, and ordered to lay over
thirty days for exceptions, and none having been taken same was ordered
to record on the Regular Octobert 13th Term 1924. Whereupon the same
and this my certificate have been duly recorded in my said office in Will
Book No. 1, pages 191 to 198 inclusive.
Given under my hand this the
26th day of November, 1924
W. O. BRADLEY, Clerk
By Christine BRADLEY, D.C.
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