Lee County Kentucky Wills
(Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick)

Will of Lucile Morse

I Lucille MORSE, declare this to be my last will and testament, made Feb 18th, 1943, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

After all bills are paid I hereby make the following bequeaths to:
1.  My Cousin, Kelly WILLIAMS COLE  $100.00
2.  My Cousin, Hope STOUT MILLER  $100.00
3.  My Cousin, Martha STOUT STRASAEL $100.00
4.  My Cousin, Frank STOUT Jr.  $100.00
5.  My Cousin Lucy WHITACRE  $100.00

I haven't seen any of them fo a long, long time but am still fond of them..

6.  My Cousin Mary Louise CREELMON  $100.00
7.  My Cousin Grace L. DAVIS  $500.00
because I have always been fond of her, but so was my mother, though it hurt, me that she has paid no attention to me all these lonely months since mothers death.  I spent several days with her when we closed the apartment but she has been to ____ only once in almost a year I live just across the street from her.  Mary Louise living there too, but doesn't come near me, they evidently don't care anything about me.

8. My dear Aunt Mrs. W. O. CHENAULT  $100.00 with much love
9. My dear God-daughter, Mathilda Monae? BIDDLE $100.00 with much love and best wishes for a happy life

10.  My old friend Francis B. STUART, $100.00, to have some fun with in remembrance of all our good times together.

11.  My new friend, Miss Harriet CROFTON $100.00 with love and in appreciation of her many kindnesses to me these past months.

12.  Dear Frank BIDDLE $100.00 for always being so kind to both mother and me.  He gave us many happy times and she loved him too.

13.  My Cousin Bruce W. BROWN $100.00 with love and (in) appreciation of his advise in helping to straighten out our finances.

14.  My beloved Aunt, Mrs. Mattie W. MORSE GRIFFITHS $1000.00 with a great deal of love, and in appreciation of her great loving kindness to me.

15.  I Cancel George CREELMAN's debt owed to mother for unpaid rent because of his kindness to her during her last illness.

16.  To the one I love best in the World since Mother's death, my Cousin Mary MORSE G. BIDDLE I will all the rest of whatever I own, including stocks, bonds, royalties, cash, and any personal property, with all my love for she has been like a dear sister to me for many years she was always so sweet and kind to mother and me that this moved please mother too.  I could not live now if it were not for Mary MORSE and all that she means to me in loving Companionship.  I spend almost every day with her or in her home with her lively family, and am so thankful for her love, which has been unfailing, and especially during these past lonely months.  Enjoy it Dear and don't forget "your Lutie"

If Mary MORSE should die before I do then her share is to go her children for I love them dearly and they are so good to me, but all the other gifts are to go back to my Estate if the one willed to has died before me.

I appoint Mary MORSE BIDDLE my Executrix, and to serve without bond for I trust her to do everything just I want it done.

In case this will is Contested (for there may be those who don't care anything about being bothered with me but would like my money) I want it known that I have thought this all over carefully and have stated just what I want to leave each person,a nd what I want said to each one, and no one has influenced me.  Mary MORSE begged me to have a lawyer write this but this is so much less trouble and no expense.  I have read this Will over before signing it and it is exactly as I want it carried out.

Signed Lucile MORSE

Witnessed in the presence of Lucile MORSE, and each other, by:

Florence E. SMITH
Irving H. SCHRATH?

State of Ky
County of Lee
I, Z. T. HURST Clerk of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby Certify that on today the foregoing will placed of record by order of the Lee County Court.
Given under my hand, This Sept. 12, 1946

Clerk Lee County Court

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