Lee County Kentucky Wills
(Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick)

Will of Maggie Hall Perkins

Last Will and testament of Maggie PERKINS

I, Maggie PERKINS of Irvine, Ky. being of sound mind and of disposing memory and over 21 years of age do declare and publish this My last will and testament.

I.  I desire that all my just debts be paid from my estate including those of burial.

II.  I hereby devise and bequeath to my beloved husband G. T. PERKINS, all of my property real and personal of every kind and description and wheresoever located.

III.  I hereby appoint my said husband executor of this my last will and testament and direct that he qualify as such without bond being required of him and he is not required to file a settlement of the estate.

IV.  I direct that no inventory or appraisement be made of my estate whatsoever.

V.  It is anticipated at this time that the proceedings will be filed in the Estill Circuit Court to adapt Margaret PERKINS as an heri at law fully capible of inheriting from me as if she were my child.  Said adaption proceedings, if had or not had shall not be deemed a revocation of any of the provisions of this Will.

VI.  I hereby revoke any and all prior wills made by me.

In testimony Whereof, Witness my hand, this 24 day January 1927.


Attesting Witnesses

State of Ky
County of Estill
We. H. M. SHUMATE and J. B. ARNETT do hereby Certify that on this date we wer called by Maggie PERKINS to witness the foregoing, her last will and testatment, and we hereby certify that the said Maggie PERKINS subscribed her name to said will in our presence and that we subscribed our names thereto as attesting witnesses in the presence of said Maggie PERKINS and also in the presence of each other.
Given under our hands as attesting Witnesses aforesaid, this the 24th day of January 1927.


State of Ky
County of Lee
I, Z. T. HURST Clerk of the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that on today the foregoing Will of Maggie PERKINS was produced to me in my office and placed of record in Will Book #1, page 535.
Given Under my hand, this March 11, 1946.

Clerk Lee County Court

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