Lee County Kentucky Wills
(Transcribed by Debi Houser Kendrick)

Will of Vina Cundiff

I, Vina CUNDIFF, of Primrose, Lee County, Kentucky, do make and publish the following as my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills made by me.

After the payment of my funeral expenses and all my just debts and obligations, after my death, I hereby will and bequeath to my cousin, J. E. MILLER, of Primrose, Lee County, Kentucky all of my property both real and personal of which I may die seized and possessed.  The property hereby bequeathed is the land and premises where I now live, and whatever personal property I may be possessed of at my death, which said property is situated in Lee County, Kentucky.

I hereby appoint as my Executor said J. E. MILLER, and request that he be permitted to act as such without bond.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Primrose, Lee County, Kentucky this 6th day of February, 1924.


Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the saie Vina CUNDIFF to be her last will and testament before us and in our presence, and by us subscribed as attesting witnesses in her presence and at her request and in the presence of each other, this 6th day of February, A. D. 1924

M. K. MILLER, residing at Primrose, Kentucky
Ben H. DAVIS, residing at Primrose, Kentucky

State of Kentucky
County of Lee
I, Elizabeth MATTOCKS, Clerk Lee Couty Court, do hereby certify that the foregoing Will of Vina CUNDIFF, deceased, was on this day produced and filed in open Court, and proven by the testimony of M, K. MILLER and Ben DAVIS to be the last Will of Vina CUNDIFF;  whereupon the same with the foregoing and this my certificate have been duly recorded in my said office in Will Book No. 1, Page 369.
Given under my hand, this September 12, 1938

Elizabeth MATTOCKS
Clerk Lee County Court

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