9 February 2004 7 p.m.
Mares Meeting Room
PROGRAM: Hohenwald Update
Jeff Kappeler
BROWSE NITE: 23 February 20047 p.m.
We had a very interesting program presented by Nellie Snell. This
was about the conference held at Houston TX. Nellie and Margie Sobotka both attended, and
each went to various speakers programs. She had several books on Czech Fairy Tales and
Claire took the opportunity to borrow two of them and read their versions of fairy tales.
They are very different than our fairy tale books, and both books with the stories always
had a devil in it, along with a moral to each story most interesting.
WHO left their jacket behind in November. Claire has a
mens navy blue jacket x-large that is trimmed In yellow and white stripes.
Our deepest sympathy goes to Virginia Baillie and her family in the loss of her father,
Vertis Wagner on 3 Jan 1904.
Fred Brown Sold Livery and Feed House to West Point Man
Hooper, Feb 23 Fred Brown has disposed of his livery and feed business here to
Messrs Hubler and Kasselman of West Point. and the latter have taken charge of the
business. Mr D M Hubler has purchased the residence property of his son in the east part
of town for a consideration of $1250.00 and Mr and Mrs John Hubler will go to West Point
to take charge of the restaurant business formeriy conducted by his father. Mr
Hublers place at the mill here has been taken by W E Sawyer
who will move his family here from Fremont in a short time.
Fremont Tribune 23 Feb 1909 3:3
Photographer Thotlessly Destroyed Valuable Negatives
Pictures of Early-Day Scenes Including Flood of 1881 Went
Into Platte Channel
Valuable oid negatives of flood disasters in Fremont years
ago, including fifty or more views taken by A C Hull during
the high water times of 1881, when the Platte river channel
flowed down Military avenue, lay for years in a box with other
negatives at the studio on Main street, now conducted by W
P Fritz. Ten years ago Mr Fritz had the whole lot hauled
down to the river and dumped into it. He needed the space
and did not know that interesting flood pictures and pictures
of early-day scenes in Fremont were included in the lot.
Some photographs taken from a half dozen of these old
negatives have come to light in a peculiar manner. William
Sundeli bot a washstand the other day and he found a bundle
of old. photographs in the bottom. Some of the old flood
photos were among them. One of them shows Patrick
Hanion, now deceased, floating down Main street in a raft.
Another shows boats being used on Military avenue where
the water, evidently, was two feet deep.
Fremont Tribune 5 Feb 1909 6:2
Genealogy Wit and Wisdom
Can a first cousin, once removed, return?
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards
Genealogy where you confuse the dead and irritate the living. |

Eugene Bang, a former ENGS member brought in a number of books from his book shelf, and
they have been placed on our shelves:
Two Midland College Warrior albums 1940 & 1962
Two Fremont Black & Gold albums 1912 & 1913
Peoples Almanac by David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace
Messages & Paperas of the President 1789 1902
by JamesO Richardson
Neighbours, Neighbors, Nabours, Nabors, Nabers
by Annette Ray Hunt
History of Kittson County Minnesota
History of Sedgwick County Colorado
History of Russell County Alabama
History of Pottawattamle County Iowa
100 YEARS AGO 1904- BOOK 10
Heinrich Hogrefe to Lena Wendles on 2 Feb
Jesse S Golder to Leonora L Uehling on 3 Feb
Perry McDuffee to Anna Howard on 3 Feb
James Johnson to Anna Jorgensen on 6 Feb
D B Andersen to Mary Jacobsen on 6 Feb
Dwight C Allen to Effie Gibson on 10 Feb
Herman F Havekost to Eliese F C Krueger on 10 Feb
Philip C Dolan to Lydia M Slack on 10 Feb
CharlIe R Richardson to Myrtle A Bullock on 16 Feb
Leone Foster to Lizzie Watt on 17 Feb
Frank M Dahi to Lulu Bauer on 16 Feb
Konrad Uehling to Emma Ludwig on 19 Feb
Clare Wheeler to Anna Kiabunde on 20 Feb
Harry J Schwab t Katie A Schwein on 24 Feb
William P Rexln to Helena C Koester on 24 Feb
John Langemeler to Katie Lentz on 24 Feb
Paul Schulz to Ella Zormstorf on 24 Feb
Frank R Beebe to Emma F Dunker on 24 Feb
Otto Olson to Hannah Mortenson on 24 Feb
Wilford R Gibson to Olla Mae Taylor on 24 Feb
Anthony Anderson to Gertrude Sweet on 25 Feb
Alexander Watt to Margaret DIckerson on 29 Feb
LEAP YEAR WEDDING! - A marriage ceremony at the office
of the county judge today united Heinrich Hogrefe, 28, and
Lena Wendies, 34, both of Hooper. To all appearances it was
a leap year wedding. The groom could talk little English and
the bride attended to all the preliminaries.
Fremont Tribune 2 Feb 1904 4:2
Injury After Several Months Brot Him Whining to the Door of
His Old Friend.
A bird dog which Walter Pederson of Pederson Bros cared
for several months ago when it had a sore paw returned to
the Pederson shop on Main street this morning and whined
piteously at Mr Pedersons feet, while it held up another
injured limb that evidently had been cut by some sharp
instrument. Sympathizing with the sensible beast that had
remembered where it got relief in an instance of previous
trouble, Mr Pederson procured medicine and bandages again
this morning, and bound up its wound to be subsequently
half smothered with caninal signs of appreciation in the
shape of tongue-lapping and tail-wagging.
The dog belongs to William Martin and is a particularly
bright specimen of a particularly bright breed. Mr Pederson
bandaged up a sore paw for it several months ago, one day
when Mr Martin dropt Into the shop. The dog had taken the
pains to pay Mr Pederson a few calls since the first incident.
This morning it appeared at the door and scratched
vigorously. When it was let In, it held up a bleeding paw and
whined piteously up at the proprietor of the place who had
helped it before.
Fremont Tribune 5 Feb 1909