(Our Family) 1989-1999 Index of all the Quarterly
-Compiled by Margie Sobotka. She loves to make indexes.
Margie is also helping on a death register of early Omaha, by proofing
and correcting surnames, from 1874 to 1890’s. Will be up on
the web site when completed.
Noted Fremont Tribune 19 Jul 1893 4:6
New Opera House to be Formally Opened Thursday Evening
The elegant new opera house at North Bend has been completed and it
is one of the best on the line of the U.P, and has a seating capacity of
700. It is equipped with fine scenery and stage settings, and has
400 folding opera chairs.
The house will be formally opened on Thursday evening, July 20, by a
home company, assisted by talent, from Fremont. It will be a first-class
minstrel show, full of fun and interest, and will conclude with a humorous
sketch, “The Midnight Intruder.” A good orchestra will furnish music,
and the entertainment will be of a high order.
The ENGS Library has been busy during June with out-of-state visitors
and it appears July will also be a busy month. Claire’s calendar
is filling up with appointments. Be sure to make an appointment before
coming: 1-402-721-9553. She is in and out with research, that arrives
via the mail.
From Fremont Semi-Weekly Herald 2 Jul 1897 5:4
WEBSTER – While Mrs T J Chapin and two sons, Lee and Jay, were out riding
Monday evening the team became frightened and ran away throwing them out.
Mrs C sustained some very severe scalp wounds and is confined to her bed.
A doctor was called and dressed her wounds and it is hoped she will soon
recover. Lee was not hurt, but Jay was stunned and when he had recovered
somewhat he started for home (a mile distant) to inform his father of the
accident, but it seems he became confused and wandered through the fields
for two hours. Finally a party with lanterns started in search of
him and found him about a half mile from home. he was brought home and
put to bed and after sleeping until 11 a.m. seems to be all right.
Mrs Jos Ferguson is in the lead as a hog raiser. She has about
115 pigs, and she makes them grow faster than any one else can That
cooking outfit is one reason.
100 YEARS AGO July 1902 – Book 10
Herbert D Carson to Loretta E Tangney 4 July
Henry Jess to Ida Rexroth 9 July
Henry A Howe to Hattie P Wolfe 10 July
Robert F Samson to Myrtle Register 12 July
John A Allen to Stella L Weidner 21 July
Dan Blue to Anna Nemecek 24 July
Wm C Hutchison to Amelia Rodenslaben 31 July |
A beautiful marriage ceremony was enacted at noon
on Wednesday at the home of Mr & Mrs A Rexroth east of the city.
The union celebrated was that of their daughter, Miss Ida Elizabeth, and
Henry C A Jess. Some thirty guests were present at the interesting
event, being relatives of the couple for the most part. Rev A Leutheuser
of the German Lutheran church officiated.
Decorations of garden flowers and asparagus adorned
the walls and ceiling of the room where the marriage was solemnized.
Carnations, roses of different colors and hollyhocks were attractively
used. The couple stood beneath a bower of asparagus and hollyhocks
while the words were being said which united them in the bonds of wedlock.
The bride was costumed in white lawn and carried
a bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Emma Rexroth, carried
pink, yellow and white roses and wore a yellow gown. The groom and
best man, Al Jess were attired in black. The wedding march was rendered
by Miss Ruth Sweet. Congratulations were plentifully bestowed on
the happy couple, and dinner afterward served.
Mr & Mrs Jess will make their home in Fremont and are now living
near the home of the groom’s parents on South Broad street. They
received a large number of presents from their guests, and these are expressive
of the cordial good will that is generally felt toward them.
Great Northern Hurrying This Work Along Line for Track
Great Northern moving outfits conveying houses from lots
on its right-of-way through Fremont to the parcels of lots acquired in
allowances for damage are saving Fremont people concerned a good deal of
inconvenience by not requiring them to disturb their household goods.
Three houses occupied by families have now been taken out of the right-of-way
without a break of any kind, and have been conveniently located on these
strips just off the line. Real estate dealers and rental agencies
say that the city could find itself very short of residences if the road
required people on the right-of-way to vacate their recently sold homes
as is the general custom when such proceedings are inaugurated.
The moving is being pushed as rapidly as possible along
the direct line of the track bed so that graders can be started to work
next week. Local company representatives last night received orders
by telephone to procure additional moving outfits from Omaha if things
could not be rushed faster with the force at hand.
The delay in beginning work on the bridge across the Platte
river south of here is a subject of much speculation. Bridge-building
such as is customary in the construction of wagon bridges over the sandy
river generally requires much time. The opinion here is that the
Great Northern will have to “get a move on” if it has the bridge completed
in time to move the fall grain crop.
Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 27 Jul 1905 6:1,2
GOOD POSITION – Said one Englishman to another, “if you looked at a
postage stamp, how could you tell that we will never lose a war?”
“I don’t know.”
“Because the King’s on the side that doesn’t get licked.”
QUITE RIGHT – An old lady was sending a Bible to a friend overseas.
Examining the package carefully, the postal clerk inquired if it contained
anything breakable.
“Only the Ten Commandments,” was her reply.