13 March 2006 7
East Building
Keene Memorial
1030 N Broad
St-Fremont NE
Nebraska Memories Project
presented by Kate
of. Keene Memorial
March 7 p.m.
While our attendance
wasn't the greatest, those who attended seemed to enjoy the information
that is shown on the Sanborn Insurance Maps. These maps were started in
1878 and the first city they mapped was Boston, Massachusetts. The
reason this firm was started was previous to that time, the only
Insurance Company who insured dwellings were Lloyd's of London. After
the great fires of London, the Sanborn Insurance Company produced the
Nebraska Maps from 1885 thru 1960. We do have a list of those for
Nebraska and the dates of the maps that are available for various
towns/ and cities.
These maps can be
viewed at two places in Lincoln, the Love Library on the University
campus and also at the Nebraska State Historical Society. We happen
to get our maps from the State Historical Society. Jeff and Renee gave
the program on the use of the early maps to determine where various
businesses were in the downtown area and also the additions of buildings
downtown or where the business may have moved to. The maps for many
states start in 1885 and were remapped every 3-5 years.
Claire told of the
map for Hebron and how they mapped the home that her sister is
restoring, it was built in 1891 and not until 1897 did it show the
wrap-around porch. Prior to the time the home was built, there was a
school on the lot.
The home where
Claire grew up and her sister was born, did not show up until 1937. The
Talbott home was built in 1895, so why did it not appear on any of the
previous maps? Because it was considered in the country, even though it
had a street address. When we checked the old deeds for the home, it
was in footage and by section, township and range, not an original
addition to the town. Most interesting to locate this information, by
1937 all of the old outbuildings had been torn down.
Last Monday the
morning nap of many of our citizens was rudely broken by a fire alarm,
and as all parties were running to the Court House thither we wended our
way to find Sheriff Fuller in a stew and his 'pets' in a very excited
condition for fear of losing by the destrowing element the comfortable
quarters they have so long occupied in that monument of liberality of
Dodge county. The fire was in the flue running from the jail and guard
rooms, and so far as we can learn did not burn any wood work of the
building, merely "burnt out the chimney," and by the vigorous exertions
of many citizens was soon extinguished. It is needless to state that
Sheriff Fuller and his staff performed prodigies of valor and exhibited
great presence of mind. The fact that the flues in this building have
been in unsafe condition for some time, caused a general feeling of
apprehension, and when smoke was seen issuing from every crack about
floor and window gave good ground for fear that the entire building
would be destroyed. That a miserable job of work had been palmed off on
the county is apparent and the guilty parties are deserving of censure.
The Commissioners hold a meeting on next Monday, and it is hoped that
they may find some way to repair these defective flues without serious
loss to the county.
Fremont Weekly Tribune 02 Apr 1869 3:3
Rev. S M Hutchinson
was born at Malta, Saratoga co, NY on 08 Sep 1832. In 1862, at the age
of 30 years, he went to the Kalamazoo College, in Michigan spending
three years in literary and three years in the theological departments.
Mr Hutchinson was
for thirteen years engaged in the manufacture of rag carpets. In 1884
he came to Nebraska first settling at Kewanee, Cherry co, where he lived
for 12 years engaged in preaching.
Rev S M Hutchinson
was married to Minnie F Low on 14 Apr 1888 at Springview to which union
five children were born, one of whom is now living. The family moved to
Hooper, 08 Sep 1897.
Sentinel 19 Feb 1914 8:5,6 |
100 YEARS AGO - 1906
Dodge Count NE Marriages Book 11
Edward Stroh to Matilda Schwab on 05 March
James E Cain to Katherine E Shriver on 06 March
John J McQuire to Lillie A Robertson on 06 March
John Hankins to Augusta Weigle on 07 March
William McCray to Ella Case on 07 March
Albert Kilgore to Mrs Sarah L Green on 08 March
Charlie Allen Phillips to Nellie Maude Cain on 14 March
Phineas Shottenkirk to Rebecca Hurst on 14 Mar 1906
Nels Peter Rasmussen to Mrs Ida Johnson on 17 March
Charles R Haurigan to Grayce Ainsworth on 19 March
Harvey Purchase to Elizabeth S Bishop on 19 March
Robert H Thompson to Selina C Bignell on 27 March
Robert S Anderson to Clytie M Siders on 28 March
James Arthur Harris to Elsie Florence Black on 28 March
August A Wunderling to Anna C Jess on 29 March
Celebrated at the
Home of the Bride's Parents,
Mr and Mrs Adam
Hooper, Mar 12 - The
home of Mr and Mrs Adam Schwab just north of Hooper was the scene of a
very pretty home wedding on last Monday afternoon when their daughter,
Miss Matilda, was united in marriage to Mr Edward Stroh of this city.
Rev E Walter was the officiating clergyman and the ceremony was
witnessed by only the relatives of the young people. Following the
marriage a very elaborate wedding dinner was served.
The bride is one of
the popular young ladies of this vicinity and was born and raised on the
scene of her future home. For several years she has been in charge of
the home while her parents have been living in Denver for the benefit of
her mother's health.
The groom is the
son of Mr and Mrs Louis Stroh of this city and is a Dodge county
product. He was successfully engaged in farming during the past few
years and the happy young couple start out on life's journey with the
brightest of prospects. They will make their home on the farm of Mr and
Mrs Adam Schwab.
Tribune 12 Mar 1906 3:2
Train Passed Through
on New Road
It Went as far North
as Oakland. Conductor Howell and Engineer Graham were in Charge.
The first passenger
train has passed through Fremont on the Sioux City & Western line. It
was a passenger which made no stop. It arrived at Fremont about 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon, went as far north as Oakland and returning
passed through Fremont at 11 o'clock last night. The train was in
charge of Conductor G Howell and Engineer George Graham of the
Burlington. It consisted of an engine and one Burlington passenger
car. The trip was made for the accommodation of a few passengers who
wanted to reach some of the new towns.
It was announced that
irregular passenger service of this kind will be maintained. Whenever a
few passengers arrange to go to Wann, Yutan, Leshara, Winslow or Uehling
where at present there is no means of access excepting by team, the
Burlington will run a train up from Ashland. The towns south of Fremont
now have freight service and those north of here are to be given it
Several days ago the
first official train was run on the new line. It came up from Ashland
and did not go farther north than Fremont.
Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 20 Mar 1906 4:2
St Patrick's
March 17th