MAY MEETING 14 May 2007 7 p.m. Mares Meeting Room 1722 East 19-Fremont NE
PROGRAM Death Records Who, What, Where by Nona Wiese
BROWSE NITE 28 May 2007 7 p.m.
The final part of Journey of Man was shown. If you have not viewed this DVD, you should! Our first people here in the U S were the Navajo Indians down in New Mexico-Arizona. It was most interesting how the recent faces and their DNA fit into the pattern of 50,000 years ago. I highly recommend this video. It can be purchased thru Amazon, PBS and other book stores. A considerable amount of time was used in making this video, starting in Africa and then following the DNA of the descendants, through the research. I know that we can learn much from the program that Nona Wiese is going to give on May 14th. There were items, when I read the article, that I never even thought about or considered - death records - something we should all be aware of when we are stymied in our search for another part of our generation or back a generation. Am also seeking a member who would be willing to do some indexing, or putting the paperwork into some assemblance so that other persons can readily seek out an ancestor or relative who is shown on the form. Please check with Claire if you are interested in this short project. The mind never sleeps at Claire's house - she reportedly thought of something one night-how many black persons are buried in the Ridge cemetery that were possibly slaves! Well, she found two and their stories were most interesting. They are also buried in unmarked graves. Auntie Sarah Hickman was over 90 years of age when she died at the county poor farm, and Thomas Watts was almost 106 when he died at the home of his daughter in Lincoln. Their obituaries are now on file with Ridge cemetery files. Did you know that it takes five years for an acorn nut to grow a tree? Unfortunately, it doesn't apply to family trees. an Unknown Quip recently noted. Found in an old scrapbook at the May Museum. CHIT CHAT Not Nosey, But Newsy This was dated approximately 1956 under an item 50 Years Ago. The telephone girls of the independent company have decided to add a degree to their usual politeness by using the word "please" when responding to the calls for a number. Under the Chit Chat: Local Origin of "Number Please" Mrs Claude Douglas - who received a long distance phone call from her son, John, at the San Francisco exposition Sunday - was responsible, in Fremont, for the operators' familiar, "Number please," which preludes each call. The Fremont woman suggested this courtesy - an excellent psychological approach, incidentally - while in the employ of the former Independent Telephone Company in this city as operator, chief operator and finally manager during a 10-year period some 30 years ago. "Why I can remember when it was difficult to get a clear wire connection between Fremont and Ashland, or any other town equally as close," she declares, "and Sunday John sounded as though he were in the next room instead of 1,700 miles away."
Our original sources in purchasing these lists are no longer available, so we have contacted the National Archives and have not heard from them at the writing of this newsletter. |
100 Years Ago 1907 Book 11
William Bolton to
Margaret C Sands on 01 May
QUESNER-DOERING WEDDING Quiet Home Ceremony at Noon Today Uniting Two Worthy Young People ~~~~~~~~~~ A quiet home wedding took place at noon today at the residence of Mr and Mrs H Quesner, Fifteenth and Main streets, when their daughter Miss Amanda, was united to Henry Doering. The ceremony was performed by Rev J F Krueger, pastor of the Salem German Lutheran church, and was simple and impressive. There was present a small company of close relatives. After the nuptial knot had been tied and all had extended congratulations a wedding luncheon was served.
The bride and groom will leave on a wedding tour after which they will be at home in their newly erected cottage, North Main street. They are both among the city's most worthy young people. PREVIOUS STEAMSHIP HORRORS
March 17, 1891 - Utopia, sunk in collision with steams Anson off Gibraltar; 574 lives lost. January 30, 1895 - Elbe, sunk in collision with steamer Crathie in the North Sea; 335 lives lost. July 2, 1898 - Bourgogne - sunk in collision with Cromartyshire; 871 lives lost. June 15, 1904 - Steamer General Slocum, burned in Hudson river with hundreds of school children on board; 959 lives lost. February 12, 1907 - Steamer Larchmont, sunk in collision with the Henry Knowlton in Long Island sound; 183 lives lost. July 22, 1907 - Steamer Columbia, sunk in collision with lumber schooner; 100 lives lost. August 24, 1909 - Excursion steamer and liner in collision at Montevideo; 200 lives lost. November 14, 1909 - Steamer La Seine, sunk in collision near Singapore; 95 lives lost. April 14, 1912 - Titanic struck iceberg and sunk off Newfoundland; 1595 lives lost, and but 745 saved. May 29, 1914 - Empress of Ireland, sunk by collier Storstad in the St Lawrence river; 1014 lives lost. May 7, 1915 - Cunard liner Lusitania, sunk by German submarine off Kinsale, Ireland, in Irish sea; 1137 lives lost.
Noted in the Fremont Tribune 29 July 1915 6:3,4 |
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