8 Nov 2004 – 7 p.m.
Mares Meeting Room
Program: Margie Sobotka will tell us all
about her trip to Czechoslovakia.
Browse Nite: 22 Nov 2004 7 p.m.
Our Show and Tell
program in October was great. It puts me to shame! I’ve not worked on
my family tree for several years, but I do have a ligit excuse. I do
all of the research for ENGS, plus the newsletter and Roots & Leaves.
That is a full time job in itself.
Gloria Kriete
compiled and distributed not one book of family lines, but THREE. They
were really great to look through. It seems everyone did something on
the family trees this summer, reunions were a hit, as well as using the
Internet to find information.
have mentioned before that Frau & Herr Koppe of Bremen have begun a
database of the 1852 census records of the Kingdom of Hanover. The
exciting part is that it includes every person.
will be 182 million names in the completed census. Already, 47,449
persons are entered and published in 12 booklets. They publish a free
e-mail newsletter in English four times a year, so that you can follow
progress on the project. Areas (Amter) already completed are Achim,
Hoya, and Marfeld.
English version of their website is at :
To subscribe to the newsletter, click “Hanover Census Newsletter” on
the left-side menu and send an e-mail to the Koppes at
Found in IGS
Newsletter, Sep 2004 –Germanic Genealogy Journal, Spring ’04.
Days of Our Women
Mrs E. W. Hooker
Miss Jennie E Clark
was born in Eldridge, N.Y., January 15, 1841. When eight years of age
she moved with her parents to Westhampton, Mass., when in 1862 she was
married to E W Hooker. On their wedding day, Mr Hooker enlisted in the
Union Army and during his three years service, Mrs Hooker taught school
in order to be busy and not to have so much time to dwell upon the
sorrows of the war.
1872 they came to Fremont where they resided for two years. Then Mr
Hooker took a homestead on Maple Creek, 7 miles from our city where they
lived forty years.
children were born to them, three of whom are living. Mrs Ray Phillips
of this vicinity, Mrs C D Bridgeman of Fairbury and Henry of Leigh.
years ago next month, they purchased a nice home in the northwest part
of our little city where they have since resided and where their many
friends hope they may live many more years to enjoy the fruits of the
hardships of their pioneer days in Nebraska.
Hooper Sentinel 27
Nov 1913 8: 6
Known Men of Hooper
Thomas W Canaga
Thomas W Canaga was
born Oct 6, 1839 at Scio, Harrison county, Ohio. In 1857 he, with his
parents moved to Nebraska, where he has since resided.
Canaga was a resident of Dodge county before Hooper was started and was
one of the town’s first residents.
was united in marriage to Lavina E Shipley on Dec 16, 1875 to which
union eight children were born, six of whom are now living- three
daughters and three sons.
For a
few years, Mr Canaga was engaged in freighting across the plains from
Omaha to the mountains and it is needless to say that he had many
experiences with the Indians. For forty-five years he was engaged in
this locality as carpenter and builder and his handicraft can be seen
throughout the town and surrounding country.
Canaga has been actively engaged in his chosen profession up to the past
year since which time he has been enjoying a much merited rest.
Hooper Sentinel 20
Nov 1913 8:2 |
November 1904 – from
Book 10 & 11
Knox McClean to
Vernie Maxwell on 2 Nov
Charles E Schooley to Anna Mintun on 6 Nov
Thomas L May to Emma Kato on 7 Nov
Jorgen C Jorgensen to Else K Neilsen on 9 Nov
Edward Uehling to Rossiebelle Cahoon on 9 Nov
Daniel M Willard to Lieu Villis Frederick on 10 Nov
Fred A Spaulding to Nellie Maires on 14 Nov
Oliver P Carter to Mrs Celestia Cutting on 15 Nov
Albert Yeomans to Madeline Meech on 15 Nov
Frederick W Waechter to Amelia Keneley on 16 Nov
Emil Felgner to Amanda Kurz on 19 Nov
Frank M Bowden to Metta E Davis on 22 Nov
Charles Bayer Jr to Matilda S Albrecht on 23 Nov
Charles J Marr to Lily Larson on 24 Nov
Frank A Bouzek to Sophie Rusicka on 24 Nov
Nels Johnson to Grace Antram on 26 Nov
Alfred M Bell to Lydia B Forbes on 29 Nov
Henry M Diels to Salome Lowe on 30 Nov
Nels C Petersen to Ruth Pollock on 30 Nov
William Pollock to Edith McDowell on 30 Nov
Jess N Culver to Ade Sedam on 30 Nov
Six of these
marriages were performed by the County Judge, one by a Justice of the
Peace, the remainder by a Minister.
The Wedding
Scribner, Dec 10 – On
Wednesday Nov. 30, at noon occurred the marriage of Miss Salome Lowe to
Mr Henry M Diels. The wedding was a very quiet affair, none but the
relatives of the contracting parties and a few intimate friends being
present. The young couple left on the afternoon train for a trip
through the east.

Ancestry of Mira Jane
compiled by
Elizabeth Foster Tilton
Since the
commencement of the Fremont street railway line, the receipts have been
fully up to the anticipation of the managers, and the outlook is in no
way discouraging to them. The convenience is already appreciated by the
people and will be more so with the approach of unpleasant weather. The
company has been laboring under the disadvantage of awaiting
developments for permanently systematizing the business and the use and
employment of green horses and experienced drivers, all of which will
soon be overcome. At present time the cars are started at 7 o’clock in
the morning and run until 8:30 in the evening, but it is soon expected
to put on more horses and continue the running time to a later hour at
night. In the mean time the cars are to be provided with colored head
Fremont Weekly Herald 17 Nov 1887 6:4
As was expected by
all who knew A.C. Hull, at the time he was elected chief of the fire
department, he is proving a very efficient man for the position. He has
been for several days attending to the unpleasant duty which requires
him to inspect and suggest improvements in the construction of
stovepipes and chimneys wherever he considers them unsafe, and of course
endangering not only the property of the owner but of that adjoining,
and we regret to hear of cases where his suggestions are ignored and his
power defied. We have in mind one case which has been reported by
several who consider their property exposed by an unsafe heating
arrangement, and yet the person who would be the first and possibly the
largest loser in case of a fire from it, stubbornly refuses to make a
change except compelled to do so by the authorities. We are glad there
are so few cases in the city to annoy our worthy and vigilant chief.
Fremont Weekly Herald 26 Nov 1885 8:3
Do you folks realize
all of the exchange quarterlies we receive – there is over 1 ½ book
cases filled with them, some are in letter form from small groups, some
are large booklets, but they do contain lots of good hints and stories
of the various states. |