Obit: Kidd, Earle Walden (1880 - 1953)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Anderson, Cattanach, Crosby, Doonan, Erickson, Gabriel, Kidd, Kennedy, Madsen, Mahoney, Olds, Ortmayer, Owen, Wendt
----Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 07/16/1953
Kidd, Earle W. (6 MAR 1880 - 21 JUL 1953)
Today residents of Owen (Clark Co., Wis.) are sad and grieving the loss of Earle W. Kidd, 73, pioneer resident of this community and a dynamic civic leader for the past 45 years. The mourning of his loss in companionship and leadership is not limited to the boundaries of this small central Wisconsin community, but is evident throughout Clark County and the entire state.
Death came to him at 10:28 Tuesday night at Wis. General Hospital at Madison where he had been admitted a week ago Sunday. Friday morning he submitted to serious chest surgery which necessitated the removal of one of his lungs. Later that afternoon he began to hemorrhage internally and was rushed back to the operating room for additional surgery.
His daughter, and only child, Mrs. John (Nancy) Kennedy of Santa Monica, Calif., was with him at the time of his death and had been here in Owen with him for two weeks previous to his leaving for Madison.
Funeral services will be held at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Friday, July 24, from St. Katherine’s Episcopal Church, of which he was a charter member and an active communicant. Dr. K. O. Crosby, pastor of the congregation will officiate and will be assisted by Rev. R. E. Ortmayer, Chippewa Falls, and a former pastor of the Owen parish. Burial will be made at Riverside Cemetery.
About three years ago Mr. Kidd made arrangements providing that after his death that the remains of his wife, the former Laura Elliott Kidd, who passed away in 1930, be brought to Owen from her resting place in a cemetery in Eau Claire and placed alongside him at Riverside. This wish will be carried out by his daughter.
Serving as pallbearers at the final rites tomorrow will be W. J. Mahoney, Pete Madsen, E. C. Olds, R. E. Gabriel, L. W. Cattanach and H. V. Anderson. Honorary pallbearers are W. K. Doonan, Emery Erickson, Edward Wendt, of Owen, and John Owen II of Milwaukee.
Earle Kidd or "Captain Kidd", as he became so affectionately known to his many friends in this community, was born on March 6, 1880 at Listowell, Ontario, Canada. Receiving his early education in the public schools of Canada he enrolled at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, eventually graduating from the school of dentistry. In less than a few months of practicing his profession he tired of the quietness of his office and sought a new trade in the younger and more vigorous activities of the lumbering industry.
It was through this good fortune that Owen and Clark County came…(the rest was continued on another page and I missed it)
[Postcard showing the E. W. Kidd Company]
Obit: Kidd, Earle Walden (1880 - 1953)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Kidd
----Source: Abbotsford Tribune
(Abbotsford, Clark County, Wis.) 07/23/1953
Kidd, Earle W. (1871? - 21 July
Masonic funeral services for Earle W.
Kidd, 79, who died Tuesday, will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00
o’clock, at Owen.
Mr. Kidd, a prominent Owen business man, took an active part in politics, conservation, and baseball. He was chairman of the Ninth Congressional District, Republican organization for several years, until about eight years ago, and was a member of the state voluntary G.O.P. committee. He was active in conservation work, was a member of the State Welfare Council and the State Council of Defense in World War II, and was dean of commissioners on the Wisconsin Semi-pro Baseball Commission.
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