BioM: Wedekind, Leona (1960)


Contact: Dolores Mohr Kenyon



Surnames: Wedekind, Lee, Kissling, Ewert, Schoengarth


----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) January 7, 1960


Wedekind, Leona (Marriage - 2 January 1960)


In a single ring ceremony performed by Judge Lowell Schoengarth nuptial vows were exchanged Saturday, uniting in marriage Miss Leona Wedekind, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wedekind of Neillsville, and Dr. Ell L. Lee.  Twenty-four guests witnessed the five o’clock ceremony at the Lee home at 117 So. Oak St., Neillsville.


The bride was attired in a princess styled gown of powder blue lace. A white orchid was pinned to her shoulderline.


Attending the bride as maid-of-honor was Miss Donna Lee Kissling, and Ell L. Lee, Jr., was his father’s bestman.


Out of town people here for the wedding was the bride’s sister, Mrs. Ernie Ewert and children, Brian and Linda of Milwaukee; and the groom’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Lee of Portage.



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