Servaty, Julie (1870 - 1912); Obituary, Clark Co., WI

Obit: Servaty, Julie (1870 - 1912)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Servaty, Mick, Nye, Steihl, Klopf 

----Source:  Neillsville Times (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.)  May 23, 1912 

Servaty, Julie (12 Apr 1870 - 17 May 1912) 

This community was deeply shocked Saturday morning to learn that Miss Julie Servaty had died unexpectedly Friday night.  A hemorrhage of the lungs was the cause of her demise, and although Miss Servaty has not been in good health for some time, her many friends had hoped that she was gaining in strength.  Friday she had attended to her official duties and had visited a couple schools near here. 

Miss Servaty was born in Belvidere, Ill., April 12, 1870.  She moved to Neillsville in the spring of 1883, graduating from the Neillsville high school in 1886, at the age of 16 years.  For a number of years she taught in the country schools, then becoming assistant superintendent of the Neillsville schools, later teaching on the north side.  She resigned her position and attended the Oshkosh normal, graduating there and then going to the Chicago university where she also became a graduate.  She then taught for a short time at Oconto and also holding a position at the New London Training School for Teachers.  Her failing health forced her to seek a change of climate and about two years ago she went to Lewiston, Mont., where she held a position in the schools.  She taught at Lewiston for one year and then returned home.  In the spring of 1911 she was elected county superintendent of schools by a most pleasing vote.  In this office Miss Servaty seemed to have found the position to which she was best adapted, for with her assumption of her duties there was a marked change in the conduct of the office.  She was possessed of unusual executive ability and combined this with a keen foresight and energy which was destined to have a remarkable effect upon the educational interests of the county.  She was even and sweet-tempered and her associations could not but be pleasing to all with whom she came in contact. 

Miss Servaty is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Madeline Mick and Miss Kate Servaty, and two brothers, John J., of Owen and Charles, of Fresno, Cal.  She was buried Tuesday afternoon, services being held at the family residence on the north side and being conducted by Rev. Nye.  Among those who attended from away were Jos. Steihl and wife from Merrillan; Emil Mick and wife from Black River Falls; John Servaty and son Clare, of Owen; John Mick of Chicago and Clarence Klopf. 



Obit: Servaty, Julie (1870 - 1912)


Contact: Stan

----Source: Greenwood Gleaner Thursday, May 23, 1912


From: Greenwood Gleaner, Greenwood, Clark County, Wisconsin Thursday, May 23, 1912

Julie Servaty--Death of County Superintendent


This community and the entire county were shocked saddened Saturday morning when the news went out that County Superintendent Julie Servaty died suddenly last night before at 10:00 p.m.. She had not been in robust health for some time, but she had kept up with vigor even on the day she died she was out in the country visiting schools. After she retired for the night her sister Katie heard her call and on going to her room found her dying.

Julie Servaty was born at Belvidere Ill., April 12, 1870. In April 1883 she came with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Servaty Sr. to Neillsville where she grew to womanhood. She graduated for Neillsville High School in the class of 86, and became a very successful teacher in Neillsville. Being ambitious to secure a higher education she entered the Oshkosh Normal, completed the course with high honors and later received her degree at the Chicago University where she also won high honors. She was principal of the schools at Oconto Falls, assistant in the New London Teachers Training School, and one year principal at Lewiston, Montana.

In April 1911 she was elected County Superintendent of Schools in this County and entered upon her work with much enthusiasm. Her ambition was not limited even by her strength for she worked often beyond it, and had laid many plans for the good of the schools. She shirked no duty nor responsibility and did her work without fear of favor. Brief has been her official life, it has left a lasting imprint on the schools of Clark County. She was a lady of strength and refinement who had won her way through toil and struggle. It seems indeed sad that such a life should go out just at its crowning day.

She leaves two brothers Charles of Fresno, Cal., and John of Owen, Wis., and tow sisters, Mrs. M. Mick, and Miss Katie Servaty both of Neillsville. Her mother died last March, and a sister, Mrs. W. G. Klopf, died a little over a year ago. The deepest sympathy is felt for the surviving members of the family. The blow falls especially hard on the sister Katie who has been in the home at all times, to help in sickness and in health.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the house, Rev. Nye preaching the funeral sermon



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