News: Granton Locals (16 Nov 1917)
Surnames: Johnson, Hales, Krause, Hankey, Wentworth, Hollenbach, Marg, Bender,
Davis, Goebel, Deutsch, Shafter, Hillert, Cole, Hitzke, Kurth, Drake, Boller,
Montgomery, Hickox, Morressey, Crandall, Stallman, Roder, Galbreath, Chapman,
McClaflin, Scoles, Mallory, Retta, Lezotte, Furgeson, Converse, Mertens, Jacobi,
Hayden, Cross, Tompkins, Lee, Butterfuss, Huntley, Grasser, Bornhoft, Keller,
Cattanach, Wiesner, Mercer, Rausch, Todd, Dixon, Anderson, Schier, Beaty, Cutis,
Hagen, Schroeder, Agin, Kintzele, Hubing, Pizer, Ure, Thayer, Burke, Neinas,
Pupeter, Martin, Cross, Raymond, Huntzicker, Crosby, Blake, Bredlau, Basher,
Kliefish, Riedel, Cole, Hart, Bollom, Kohl, Schlinsog, Witt, Davis, Kissam,
Osgood, Pierce, Canfield, Lutz, Wierenzenski, Beeckler, Haltaufderheide,
Beecher, Baer, Wonser, Spry, Smith, Deetz, Tober, Timerson, Amidon, Anding,
High, Breseman, Beyer, Reiff, Knickle, Ingham, Pickett, Grasser, Sholtz, Renne,
Welsh, Stevens, Campbell, Wright, Alley, Drucks, Kemmeter, Brooks, Williams,
Weinhold, Prange, Garbisch, Reich, Glandt, Ackerman, Pischer, Winn, Garbush,
Hagen, Johnson, Uthmeier
----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark County, Wis.) 11/16/1917
Mrs. A.W. Hales came home from Marshfield on Friday.
Mrs. Justin Johnson was a Neillsville visitor on Friday.
Miss Lydia Krause visited Neillsville friends Friday.
Fred Hankey and family autoed to Marshfield Saturday.
Rush Wentworth autoed to Marshfield Saturday.
Geo. Hollenbach is visiting relatives in Portage County since Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Marg went to Marshfield on Monday.
Frank Bender made a business trip to Marshfield on Monday.
Mrs. Rice Davis was a Neillsville visitor on Wednesday.
Joe Goebel visited at Gustave Deutsch's in Neillsville on Wednesday.
Casper Shafer and son Joe of Route 4 were at Marshfield on Wednesday.
Gottlieb Hiller went to Plymouth Wednesday on a visit to his brother Henry.
Mrs. L. Cole and daughter Bernice went home to Humbird Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hitzke and little one and Hilton Kurth autoed to Marshfield
on Saturday.
Geo. Drake was in from Heathville Friday on an ammunition buying trip, getting
ready for hunting.
Mrs. W.P. Boller of East Lynn came home from Fond du Lac last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rice Davis autoed to Arpin Sunday and visited at Gardner
Mrs. Ed Montgomery of Neillsville visited her daughter Mrs. Orren Hickox on
Mrs. Jessie Morressey of Edgerton visited Mrs. Hug Berge several days this week
and went home on Wednesday.
The Crandall orchestra will give a dance at Chili tomorrow, Saturday night,
Everybody is welcome.
Mrs. Peter Stallman was the guests of Mrs. Paul Roder on Tuesday.
Roscoe Galbreath and Ray Chapman left for Ladysmith on a hunting trip on
James Scoles was over from Neillsville and spent Tuesday among old friends.
Rev. Wilson Mallory and Carl Retta were at Marshfield on business on Tuesday.
Wm. Lezotte, Lucas Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Furgeson were Neillsville visitors on
The misses Agnes Hollenbach and Elsie Neitzel visited Mrs. Geo. Ure at
Neillsville on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fran Converse are home from Melrose since late last week.
C.A. Mertens and Walter Jacobi made a business trip to Stratford Monday,
returning Tuesday.
Mrs. Chas. Hayden spent Wednesday with her daughter Mrs. Chas. Cross, at Chili.
Frank Tompkins came home from Staples, Minn. last Friday and went to Bethel on
business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Lee are home from Minneapolis and Woodville since Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butterfuss of Milston are visiting at Joe Krause's since
Wednesday afternoon.
Geo. Huntley and son Milton are home from Monticello since last week Thursday.
Mrs. Mike Grasser went to Marshfield Saturday and visited relatives and old
friends until Monday.
Mrs. Bornhoft spent Saturday with her father Christian Keller at the Marshfield
Miss Joyce Cattanach spent Sunday night here with her aunt Mrs. D. S. Rausch,
and left for Neillsville and her school work there the next morning.
Miss Ottilie Wiesner came home from Marshfield Saturday and made an over Sunday
visit under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. Mercer of Marshfield came over Saturday and made a weekend visit
between the Bertie Todd and Mrs. John Rausch homes.
Mrs. Ernest Dixon and baby Donald are home from their visit at Greenwood since
Saturday, when Mr. Dixon autoed up for them.
Wm. Anderson, conductor of our freight, will take a vacation and go hunting next
week. He has the fever and can't be held longer.
Miss Mary Grasser came home from Marshall, Minn. last week and is since last
Tuesday a patient in the Marshfield Hospital, where she is under treatment for
throat trouble.
Miss Lydia Schier went to Marshfield Wednesday and accepted a position at the
Wood County Asylum, again.
Howard Beaty went to Elroy on business Wednesday evening.
Lem Curtis transacted business at Neillsville on Tuesday.
Mrs. Gus Hagen went to Neillsville Wednesday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Ed Schroeder will entertain the Circle Wednesday, Nov. 21.
Mr. Mallory went to Elroy on business Wednesday evening.
Milton Huntley went to Greenwood Tuesday on a visit to relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Agin spent Thursday with Dr. Housley at Chili.
Vernie Kintzele of Neillsville spent Tuesday and Wednesday here among old
Chas. Hubing writes from New York that he will leave for France with the next
Milon Pizer, who came home from Rochester, Minn. several weeks ago, left on
Friday for Portland, Ore.
Remember the local Red Cross benefit and Chicken Pie Supper in W.J. Thayer's new
store building Saturday evening.
Mrs. Aug. Reimer and daughter Evelyn came home from Beloit last Wednesday.
Billie Burke in "Peggy" will be here Nov. 29th, afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Neinas of Chili, with Mrs. Fred Pupeter and children of
Marshfield, spent Sunday at Chas. Neinas'.
Mrs. Sam Martin and 4 children went to Chili Tuesday on a week to 10 days visit
with the Chas. Cross family.
Mrs. A. Raymond and daughters Myrtle and Cristobel of the town of York went to
Monroe Tuesday on a pleasure trip and visit.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Thayer and Miss Ruth Huntzicker autoed to Greenwood and spent
Sunday among relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crosby were at Neillsville late last week on a visit to their
son E.W. Crosby and his family.
Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Blake returned from their visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bredlau
at Loyal, late last week.
Mrs. Leonard Cole and daughter Bernice came over from Humbird last Friday on a
visit to rleatives in the Fred Hart and Chas. Bollom families.
Mrs. Lorenz Kohl, after a several days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schlinsog,
went home to Marshfield on Friday.
A.C.F. Witt of Lynn went to Rockford, Ill., last Friday and made his brother in
the U.S. Army there, an over Sunday visit.
Mrs. Hale Davis, Mrs. Leonard Cole and Miss Mildred Kissam autoed to Neillsville
Monday and attended the Red Cross Benefit dinner.
Quite a company of Grantonites autoed out to the Myron Osgood farm home Sunday
and with this Osgood family enjoyed a day's outing and picnic in the woods.
Leroy Pierce of Neillsville is visiting between the Fred Franz and Mrs. Eva
Canfield homes since last week.
Mrs. Henry Lutz and baby Joseph went to Neillsville Friday and joined Mr. Lutz
in a several days visit at the Gus Deutsch home.
Mr. and Mrs. Nic Wierenzenski and little daughter Bernice went to Markesaw
Friday on a week's pleasure trip and visit among relatives.
E.A. Beeckler went to Stevens Point Friday and spent the day with his son Rex,
who is attending the State Normal School there.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haltaufderheide, newlyweds, went to Ebbe late last week on a
visit to her parents, and from there left early this week for their new home at
Two Rivers.
Miss Lulu Beecher is employed in the Register of Deeds office at Neillsville
since last week Thursday, as a copyist and is thus far pleased with her work
Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Baer and Mrs. E.R. Wonser spent Saturday at Marshfield
attending the Y.M.C.A. war fund convention of Clark County people.
Mrs. John Pizer, Norma Spry, Mrs. Jap Spry, Mrs. W.W. Smith, baby Milton Smith,
Mildred Smith and Mrs. Oscar Deetz visited the latter's daughter Ethel at the
Neillsville hospital Saturday. Miss Ethel is home and convalescing nicely since
E.H. Tober of the Star Cheese Factory spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Timerson at the Marshfield Hospital. He reports Mr. Timerson to be hopeful of
recovery, no, although it will of necessity be a long and slow process of
G.E. Amidon and family, and Miss Laona Beaver, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
High and children and Mr. Pierce of Neillsville, autoed to Marshfield on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anding and little son Verland are here from Altoona since
Wednesday visiting at Phillip Breseman's and Oscar Anding's.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beyer visited at Rev. Reiff's the first of the week and went to
Neillsville Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knickle and baby Winifred and Ray Ingham, all of Spencer,
were guests at Lon Stevens' home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickett and baby Ione, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pickett, autoed
down from Spencer and spent Sunday with the E.A. Beeckler family.
Mrs. Michael Grasser and Mrs. Bornhoft spent Thursday at the Marshfield Hospital
with the former's daughter Miss Mary Grasser and the latter's father Christian
Keller, who are patients there.
A hand sociable will be held at the Garbisch School District No. 4, town of
York, next week Friday, Nov. 23rd, to which everybody is invited. Ladies please
bring baskets.
Johnny Sholtz of South Grant still continues under medical care and treatment at
the Eau Claire hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Renne and their 2 children, Harry Renne and Miss Esther Welsh,
Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Stevens and son Stanley, all of Veefkind, autoed down and took
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lon Stevens on Sunday.
W.J. Thayer's new store building is being plastered this week and it is expected
that it will be ready for occupancy within a short time. Ezra Campbell of
Neillsville is doing the plastering.
Vernie Wright went to Ladysmith last Saturday to visit his brother Roy for a few
days. Vernie has enlisted in the Aviation Corps and expects a call to report to
Chicago at any time.
C.R. Alley of Grand Rapids spent Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday in the village
and very ably assisted the local Council of Defense in their campaign for Army
Y.M.C.A. funds.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Drucks of Menasha are here since Tuesday and are guests in the
P.J. Kemmeter home. Mr. Drucks, who is a nephew of Mr. Kemmeter's, is a plumber
by trade and is engaged at his trade here at the Chas. Brooks and H.E. Williams
home, and also on the schoolhouse job.
Dance after the basketball game here tonight, Friday, Nov. 16th. Everybody is
invited. Crandall's Orchestra will furnish the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weinhold of Cascade are visiting at Emil Prange's since
Saturday. The ladies are sisters.
Mrs. Dora Garbisch and son Fred were called to Rochester, Minn. by the alarming
illness of her son George, there, Wednesday. George is in the hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Kemmeter went to Menasha today and will visit at Milwaukee
before their return next week. Mrs. Drucks of Menasha is keeping house for them
during their absence.
Mrs. Ed Glandt and son Edward and baby Emily of Milwaukee came Sunday and
visited relatives in the Chas. Neinas home until Tuesday afternoon when they
went on to Marshfield
Miss Mildred Kissam, who was attending Wayland Academy at Beaver Dam, being
somewhat indisposed, is here since Saturday on a two week vacation visit between
relatives here and her aunt, Mrs. Fred Cole, at Neillsville.
Mrs. Chas. Bollom and son Ellsworth, Mrs. Fred Hart and son Kenneth, with Mrs.
Leonard Cole and daughter Bernice of Humbird, spent Saturday with friends at
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martin and their four children came over from Osseo Saturday on
a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hayden.
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Crandall went to Rockford, Ill. Saturday night and made our
Granton and Neillsville boys there, an over Sunday visit. They report our boys
as being well and all enjoying army life. All visitors, as well as the boys, are
enthusiastic over the Y.M.C.A. work being done for the soldiers in these
Mrs. Ed Ackerman, accompanied by her granddaughter Helen Eilers of Chicago, went
to Columbus Saturday to visit at Alvin Pischer's and attend the christening of
baby Mildred Anita Pischer, last Sunday. They expect to be gone two weeks.
Byrl Winn has his sister Miss Ruby Winn keeping books for him at the feed store
the past two weeks. Miss Ruby may remain at home all winter and Byrl says he
doesn't mean that she shall be unemployed during her stay at home.
Mr. and Mrs. David Garbush went to Rockford, Ill. last Friday evening and spent
Saturday with their son Edmund, who is an Uncle Sam Soldier boy, stationed
Mrs. James Hagen of Des Moines, Iowa, after a several days visit between the Eva
Canfield, Fred Frank and Justin Johnson homes, went to Crivitz Monday where she
will spend the winter with a daughter. Her niece, Miss Lizzie Johnson,
accompanied her as far as Neillsville.
Miss Marie Riedel of Milwaukee, enroute home last week Thursday was accompanied
as far as Marshfield by her aunt, Mrs. Richard Kurth and both ladies made an
over Sunday visit there with Mrs. Wm. Uthmeier and left for their respective
home on Monday.
The Circle's annual chicken pie supper will be given at Thayer's new store
building Saturday, Nov. 24, 50 per cent of the proceeds will be donated to the
Red Cross. 15 and 25 cents per plate. Menu: Mashed potatoes, chicken pie, salad,
pickles, jelly, rolls, applie pie and cheese, coffee. Supper will be served from
6 until all are served.
The Mesdames Frank Davis and F.J. Baer autoed to Chili Monday in the itnerest of
the Y.M.C.A. war work fund. Mrs. E.A. Beeckler accompanied them over, and spent
the afternoon there with her daughter Mrs. Clark Waterman. All report an
espcically profitable and pleasant trip.
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