School: Greenwood High School Prom (1971)
Transcriber: :
Surnames: Sowieja, Lindner, Bucheger, Fontaine, Olson, Nielsen, Bogdonovich,
Denk, Boh, Kocher
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 13 May 1971
"Once Upon a Time" has been chosen as the 1971 Greenwood High School Junior Prom
there, to be held Saturday, May 15, 1971, in the school gym from 9:00 – 12:30.
The Grand March will take place at 10:00. The Prom colors will be midnight blue
and silver.
Dave Sowieja, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sowieja, 108 S. Hendren Ave., Greenwood
(Clark Co., Wis.), and Debbie Lindner, daughter of Mrs. Tony Lindner, Route 1,
Greenwood, will reign as king and queen. The Royal Court includes: Freshmen –
Jeff Bucheger and Mary Kay Fontaine; Sophomores – Mike Olson and Sharon Nielsen;
Junior – Bill Bogdonovich and Lonni Denk; Seniors – Larry Boh and Linda Kocher.
The music will be provided by the Jim Weber Combo, from Marshfield.
The public is cordially invited to the prom.
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