News: Twenty-Six Road (02 Sep 1971)


Surnames: Metcalfe, Wolf, Florey, Farnsworth, Stevens, Bezlyk, Kurz, Bymers, Hein, Johnson, Wright, Kammerer, Behling, Viergutz, Hansen, Tews, Gustin, Schmidtke, Summers, Jensen, Lindekugel, Lindgren, Balciar, Greaser, Collinson, Buhrow, Redig

----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 02 Sep 1971

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Metcalfe are the proud grandparents again with the birth of Amy Joy to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Metcalfe of Loyal. She was born Thursday at Memorial Hospital in Neillsville. Amy’s other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf of Loyal. Congratulations to them all.

Meetings coming up in September are the American Farm Bureau at the Harold Florey home on the 16th and Veefkind Homemakers at the Ervin Farnworth in Granton on the 28th.

Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Rose Stevens visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bezlyk and family.

Mrs. Henry Kurz visited with Mrs. Ray Metcalfe and Mrs. Joe Bymers on Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Metcalfe visited Joe Buhrow in the Neillsville hospital, and Mrs. Stanley Metcalfe and Amy. They also visited Grace Hein, Mary Johnson, Beth Wright, Ethel Kammerer and Al Behling in the Memorial Home.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Viergutz visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kurz on Sunday evening.

Harold Hansen is home from the Marshfield hospital following surgery.

Mrs. Ted Metcalfe (nee Judy Dunbar) was a patient at Marshfield for an appendectomy.

Mrs. Albert Tews is getting along fine in the convalescent home.

Mrs. Lilly Gustin of Sullivan, Illinois spent several days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Florey.

On Saturday afternoon the following relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens were dinner guests in honor of the birthday of Mr. William Schmidtke and Mrs. Fred Summers” Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen of Wisconsin Rapids; Mrs. Alta Lindekugel, Marshfield; Mrs. Lenora Lindgren of Kentucky; Mrs. Andy Balciar and Brenda of Marshfield, and friend Janet; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Summers of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevens and Mrs. Stella Stevens of Loyal, and Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidtke. Two birthday cakes centered the table. The guests of honor received birthday cards.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Metcalfe visited an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Algene Schmidtke of Stratford, and took home with them the Schmidtke girls for the weekend.

Mrs. Richard Greaser visited at the Harold Florey home.

Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Ross Stevens visited with Mrs. Leroy Collinson.

Mrs. Henry Kurz visited with Mrs. Mary Redig on Monday evening.

Many attended the Loyal Corn Festival and found it excellent all the way around.



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