Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery

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**Our spreadsheets can contain a large amount of information
and may take several minutes to display. This data was
obtained from cemetery & family records, a walk-through,
social security death indexes, the
Clark Co., WI Internet
Library, tombstone photos, obituaries and biographical
sources. The accuracy of the data varies and may include
errors. If you have
or corrections, please contact us. If you cannot
find a desired obituary in the ALHN database to verify
the entry, you may wish to order a micro-film of a local
newspaper from the time frame you are researching. The
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**Please note that there is no known map of the inhabitants
of this cemetery. I have contacted the Village of Dorchester,
the historian, and the funeral home. This cemetery has
not been used recently. What is presented here
is transcribed to the best of my ability from the old
tombstones. If anyone has any helpful resources, or
contact me.
Additional Notes by
Dan Rusch-Fischer
Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery was untended
for many years. Beaulah Mae (Jensen) Fischer (now
deceased), persuaded the Dorchester Village Board to
take over care of the cemetery. Melvin Leroy Fischer
made, donated, and installed the cemetery sign seen
in the photo. The cemetery was either donated or
sold (there is a deed on record {Clark County
Register of Deeds, Vol. 44, p. 100 showing a
transaction for $30 - which may or may not have
actually been paid) by the Norwegian Ev. Lutheran
Church to Andreas Frederick Ferdinand (AFF) Jensen
on October 13, 1888. The 80-acre property from which
the cemetery was set aside, was owned by AFF and
Huldah Jensen and included their home, general
store, barn, shed, ice house, and warehouse. It
appears from the dates on tombstones (e.g., Eddie
Winchester died 25 Sep 1878) that the use as a
graveyard predated the formal cemetery organization.
The 1880 Mayville plat map shows a cemetery symbol
at the Norwegian Cemtery's current location and the
property owned by Jane A. Evans. Oddly, the 1893
plat shows AFF & Huldah owning the property, but no
cemetery symbol appears; nor does it appear on
subsequent plats.
Of AFF & Huldah's 15
children: Hannah Amelia (22 Mar 1869 - 29 Dec.
1884); Peter Daniel (18 Oct 1876 - 01 Sep 1905); and
Ray (22 Apr 1890 - 13 Aug 1891) are buried in this
cemetery. John Otto is shown buried in this
cemetery, but there is no marker and his year of
death is from a transcription error combining his
death date with Hannah's death year. His birth and
death dates are (26 Sep 1867 - 03 Oct 1869); it is
more likely that he is buried somewhere in Sauk
County as his death date preceded the Jensen's
moving from Sauk County to Dorchester/Little Black
in 1873 by 3-4 years).
Hannah's middle name
Amelia, came from AFF's twin sister, Flora Eleanora
Amalia (FEA) who was given the name Amalia in
recognition of AFF & FEA's short-lived 1st-born
sister Emilie Margarethe Jensen (17 Sep 1837 - 11
May 1838). Not only were AFF and FEA twins born in
Lyngby, Denmark, their father Peter Daniel Jensen
(27 Jun 1814 - 13 Oct 1850), also was a twin. His
twin brother was Fritz Jensen (27 Jun 1814 - 16 16
Dec 1816).
Family stories, especially those
touching on the famous or royal, often get conflated
or misinterpreted; one of these is that AFF & FEA
had the Queen of Denmark as a godparent. Although
this is not accurate, AFF & FEA's parents Peter
Daniel Jensen and his wife Severine Nicoline
Petersen did have connections to the royal estates
and royal servants. Several generations of the
Jensen's had worked as Journeymen Gardeners at Royal
Danish estates, including the Eremitage Castle and
its royal hunting estate, and the Sorgenfri Castle
and estate. When the Sorgenfri Castle's formal knot
gardens were torn up and replaced with 'landscape
garden in the English style', AFF & FEA's
grandfather was sent to England to study the
techniques that would be needed to maintain the new
gardens back in Denmark.
Their parents were
also on more than speaking terms with servants that
had very high positions with the Danish Royal
family. AFF & FEA's godparents on their christening
day 5 May 1839 included: Christian Autzen, personal
servant to her royal highness Princess Caroline
Amalie, and Nickolai Rønne, manager (castellon) of
the royal castle and estate of Sorgenfri in Lyngby.
Princess Caroline Amalie was the wife of Prince
Christian Frederik, who became King Christian VIII
later that year on 03 Dec 1939, that elevated
Princess Caroline Amalie to Queen of Denmark.