Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI

December 23, 1993, Page 12

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Good Old Days" Articles 



Good Old Days       


By Dee Zimmerman



Republican and Press News, December 19, 1918:


Plans are being rapidly matured by the Reformed Church to build a new Indian Mission School on a piece of good farming land either in this vicinity or near Humbird.  The plans call for a three-story building, at least 90 feet long and of a suitable width.


For forty years the Christian work among the Winnebago Indians has been going on north of Black River Falls.  Expansion of the work calls for a new school building.  It is desirable that the school farm shall be productive land.  The community must aid the enterprise.  This school shall be financed entirely by the Reformed Church and what outside assistance it can get, as it is not a government school.


There will be nearly 80 boarding students, year around, besides the principal, teachers and other helpers.  Should we not push at once to have it here?


(The school was developed when the site was chosen, in the City of Neillsville, along Black River and farmland on the west side of the river – now known as Sunburst Youth Home.)


Christmas Program: There is to be given a Christmas program in School District No. 4, Town of Grant, or in other words, the Henry Garbisch School on Saturday evening, December 21.  The program is as follows:


Silent Night – Chorus, A Little Wish – Evelyn Gluch, The Lost Trousers – Alma Prange, Ronald Gluch, Herbert Prange, Ervin Garbisch, Clara Scharf, George Washington’s Christmas Party – The School, Santa Claus – Melvin Garbisch, Star Of The East – Chorus, Jolly Old St. Nicholas – Primary Class, Many other Christmas Songs, The teacher – Miss Beatrice Hall.


Recipes from Neillsville Cook Book compiled by Congregational Church Women, in early 1900’s


Himmel Torte


Three-quarters pound butter, 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 yolks of eggs, 1 pound flour, 1 rind of lemon, grated.  Cream butter and sugar add yolks of eggs one at a time, then the flour and grated lemon rind.  Bake in 3 layers.  Spread the top of each layer with white of egg to moisten, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and chopped almonds.  Put raspberry jelly on top of 2 layers and the following cream:  One pint thick sour cream, lemon, vanilla and sugar to taste; when it begins to boil add 2 tablespoons cornstarch and 2 yolks of eggs.  Bake day before using.  Mrs. J. H. Frank.


Schaum Torte


Beat whites of 6 eggs to a froth, add 2 cups of granulated sugar and continue beating about 20 minutes, or until sugar is dissolved and the whole is very stiff; bake 30 minutes in rather slow oven; bake in spring form.  Bake 2 layers, each layer consisting if above recipe.  Put whipped cream between layers and on top.  Mrs. J. H. Frank


Blaetter Teig Torte


One-half pound butter, yolks of 6 eggs, 6 tablespoons thick sour cream, flour enough to roll out very thin.  Bake in layers.  Make boiled custard of milk, sugar, cornstarch and flavoring.  Cool.  Put together alternate layers of custard and currant or raspberry jelly between crusts.  Make the crust the day before serving.  Mrs. B. Dangers.


Later in the year 1918, the World War I came to an end.  The Republican-Press printed a letter from a local service man, Frank Jonkel.


Somewhere in France, Nov. 13, 1918


Dear Folks:


I haven’t written home since I received George’s last letter, and that I received some time ago.  I am in a Base Hospital away behind the lines.  I’ve been in ten days now.  I stopped a machine gun bullet with my right leg.  It is nothing serious.  It’s below the knee and merely a flesh wound.  I got it in trying to flank a machine gun.


Our Red Cross or Medical Corps certainly works fast and does some wonderful work.  I dressed the wound myself and waited in a shell hole for about an hour, then got up and made it to the first-aid station with the aid of using a stick for a cane.  There was an ambulance auto waiting, so I got aboard and when it was full of other injured soldiers we were taken to the field hospital about eight kilometers back. 


My leg was re-dressed there then I was taken by another ambulance to the evacuation hospital about 30 kilometers away.


They X-rayed my leg and located the bullet and from there I went into the operating room to have the bullet extracted.  I was taken into a ward from there and slept until 3 o’clock in the morning and was put on a hospital train bound for a base hospital.  We traveled all day, arriving 6 o’clock in the evening.


The hospital was formerly a good sized hotel, in a large town and a dandy place.  I can walk now so it won’t be long before I am as well as ever.


We have heard of the Armistice being signed and that the war is practically over.  We can all truthfully say we are glad.  I’ll close for this time.


Much love to all,



Local News Bits:  Men and teams wanted in the County granite and gravel pits.  For further information call or see W. C. Thoma, Highway Commissioner, office phone 189.


Barber Shop Opens – Mr. Chal Perkins has opened a barber shop under the First National Bank.  The shop has been remodeled and with the new sanitary fixtures is an up-to-date shop.  Try the bathroom and shine chair.


New Livery – I have opened a new livery at Jerome Shaw’s barn on Court Street (the first barn south of high school.)  I am prepared to give the public good service.  I have single and double rigs, three hacks well-equipped for funeral occasions; in fact an up-to-date livery with good teams and careful drivers.  Feed stable in connection, Phone 29.  Fred Williams


Short-Neitzel Marriage


Mr. Arthur Short and Miss Elsie Neitzel were quietly married Dec. 18 at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Susan Neitzel, near Lynn.  The groom is the youngest son of Mr. John Short, of Washburn, and is a young man of excellent character.  He has always lived at home and for several years has carried on his father’s farm.


The bride is highly spoken of by all who know her.  They will live on the John Short farm.  We join in offering best wishes.


Neillsville Markets – December – Milk Condensery…$3.65, Butter, prints…58¢, Butter, dairy…55¢, Eggs…40¢, Potatoes…60¢, Chicken, old… 20¢ Chicken young… 20¢, Calves… 16¢, Cattle… 5 to 9, Hogs… $18.00, Corn… $3.00, Rye… $1.55, Oats… 64¢, Barley… $1.50, Wheat… $2.00, Hay… $22.00.


A 6 o’clock Dinner – The Ladies aid of the Presbyterian Church will serve a six o’clock dinner in the church basement, next Thursday.  Menu: Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Cole Slaw, Applesauce, Squash, Pickles, Rolls, Light and Dark Cake, & Coffee.  Price 35 cents per person


The new Sheriff, M. M. Weaver of Loyal, is here and has taken official possession of the key to the county jail, has the county handcuffs all polished up and is ready for breaches of the peace or to serve a civil process in short notice.


The writer has known Morris Weaver since he was a small boy, and we are fully convinced that if law and order do not prevail in Clark County during the next two years, the evil doers will have him to reckon with.


Frank Jackson of Colby is the new District Attorney and is a husky, resourceful young lawyer.  He is prepared to work hand-in-hand with the Sheriff in enforcing laws.


All of the other county officers are hold-overs and will continue the same efficient service of the past years.



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