Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin December 5, 2012 Page 11 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
November 1882
Emery Bruleys elegant new store was opened to the public yesterday.
The three floors of Bruleys new brick block are now lighted by gas, the only building in the city thus lighted. It adds considerably to the attraction of our business street. Such a change is usually followed by similar ones, so Neillsville, doubtless will finally be illuminated by gas throughout its length and breadth. When that time comes, then look out for the electric pole, unless something better is invented before that time, which is barely possible.
William Ruege, a straight Republican and an enterprising German farmer in the Town of Grant, made us a call yesterday.
Quite a number of woodsmen have arrived in town during the past week, several of which have already made engagements for the winters campaign of work.
We have had lovely weather during the whole fall. The last three days, however, have been rainy. The roads are still good and much traveled by politicians.
Ezra Tompkins, who has been in California for the past six months, returned last Saturday. He is not favorably impressed with that country and will not return. He is undecided, as yet, where he will pitch his tent, but as soon as he decides, his family, which is still in California, will join him.
Mr. Fred Wessenberg and Miss Etta Wilding were united in wedlock at the Pleasant Ridge Church, Nov. 5, by Rev. W. T. Hendren, of the Presbyterian Church of Neillsville.
The Knickerbocker block, Minneapolis, valued at $40,000, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The amount of insurance is $20,000. Two adjoining blocks were somewhat damaged.
Ira Fike has been re-elected superintendent of the county poor farm for next year and his salary raised $100. He has given general satisfaction and we believe everybody is satisfied with his management. He is diligent in attending to his duties and economical in the matter of expenses. The county will do well to retain him in this position for a period of years.
The Board of Supervisors has appropriated $2,000 to assist the Town of Weston to build an iron bridge across Black River on the road leading west from Robert Christies. Supervisor Harriman informs us that the probable cost will be $3,000 and that an excellent location for the bridge has been found.
L. A. Doolittle will pay cash for about 20 cords of dry hard wood chunks, 16 inches long and 5 cords of dry, hardwood fitted for cook stove burning.
F. D. Lindsay and John D. McMillan, who purchased the Colwell tract of pine in the Town of Warner, have put in a camp in section T-27-4w and expect to put in three to four million feet into the North Fork of the Eau Claire River.
Mr. James L. Gates has furnished us with the following statement of the probable cut of pine timber by our Clark County lumbermen the ensuing season:
Hewett & Woods, 20 million; Hewett & Palmer, 6 million; Hewett Brothers, 6 million; James Hewett, 8 million; F. D. Lindsay, 7 million; Dan Kennedy for Colman, 10 million; D. B. Manes, 8 million; J. H. Reddan, 4 million; Henry Myers, 3 million; Richard Dewhurst 5 million; W. H. Mead, 10 million; Thompson & Root, 5 million; Geo. L. Lloyd, 5 million; W. S. Covill, for Paul, 12 million; J. F. Canon, 4 million; T. J. LaFlesh, 10 million; Bullard & Richie, 1 ½ million; Forest Smith, for John Weston, 8 million.
Ed Eatons new saw mill at Longwood is completed, or so far advanced that it is operating, with Hastings Baird as foreman. We hope and he promises that the eternal scarcity of lumber with which we are afflicted will be discontinued, for he soon will have stock available for sale and be able to keep stock on hand.
B. F. Brown, one of Greenwoods former residents, has sold his 627-acre Dakota farm. Together with stock, machinery and trappings, all for the snug sum of $10,600 and will be in Greenwood again soon. It would take a heap of Dakota land to be worth $10,000 in our estimation.
Last Saturday evening, George Ure and Willett Moffatt ran a race from Hein & Graefs store to Woods corner and back on a bet of $5.00. The distance, six miles, was made in one hour, Moffatt winning the race.
November 1952
The special election to vote on school bonds has been called for Tuesday, November 18. The polls will be located at the Neillsville High School building. Voting will proceed from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The amount of the proposal issue is $285,000. The vote will be, yes or no, upon the proposal of the school board to bond the district for that amount.
Community Events:
Coon & Ham Supper Thurs., November 6, serving starts at 5:30 p.m. at Fenskes Chili Corners. Free Dance, everyone welcome. Sponsored by Southern Clark County Conservation Club
Legion Pancake Supper Thurs., Nov 6, 5:30 p.m. a Legion Memorial Hall; prize awarded to contestant eating the most pancakes.
Card Party at Silver Crest School, Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. Adm. 35’, Lunch Served, proceeds will be used for purchasing of Playground Equipment
A stock car racetrack has been started south of the Withee city limits. Bob Pence and Ray Petke are behind the project.
Fifteen realty transactions, involving about $80,000 make up the weeks budget, taken from the records of the register of deeds, Henry Rahn.
Among the Neillsville area transfers is that of the business property on Hewett Street, Neillsville, in which is located the clothing business long operated by Arthur Berger. That transfer was within the Bennett-Leason family. Included also is the transfer of land along Wedges Creek, south of US Hwy. 10.
M. E. Bennett and his wife, Florence, have purchased from Jesse Leason and Florence Bennett the property on South Hewett in which the Berger store is located. The price was between $6,000 and $6,500.
Lewis Streidl has bought from Ernest H. Snyder and his wife, Jessie, all the southwest quarter lying south of highway 10 in section of 11 of the Town of Hewett; also a part of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter in section 10. This property is across the highway from Snyders Dam.
Special! Save $350 on your new Ford Tractor! We must reduce our stock! Regularly priced at $1,570, now only $1,220! These Ford tractors are absolutely New 1952 Models; Available at Svetlik Motor Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Christie and children of Fairbanks, Alaska, arrived here at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Christie, last week. They drove through on the new Alcon Highway.
The 40th anniversary of the Holy Family Church at Willard will be observed next Sunday. The celebration marks the completion of the first church edifice, which was built by the early settlers. Of these pioneers few now remain. The observance will be marked by a supper, served at the West Side Hall, followed by a dance.
The first regular pastor of the church was the Rev. J. J. Novak, who remained for 30 years. Other early priests of brief tenure were the Rev. Pollak, Rev. Kastigar and the Rev. Boeckman.
The following men are in the army now, having been inducted in the October quota:
Paul R. Bugar, Duane N. Mrotek and Allen R. Prior of Loyal; Donald M. Erpenbach, Frank M. Sydorowicz, Donald Trewartha and Charles P. Havlicek of Neillsville; Vane L. Gokay of Abbotsford; Wilfred B. Heindl and Robert N. Rau of Dorchester; Herbert K. Adler, Jr., and Charles F. Luce of Spencer; Raymond L. Gluch and Robert D. Seltrecht of Granton; Norman C. Noah of Greenwood.
Ernest Bealer of Chili community has received the Bronze Star medal for service in Korea. He is the son of Mrs. Louis Bealer of Chili and the husband of Mrs. Mary Violet Bealer of Havelock, N. C.
The citation, as made by Clayton C. Jerome, Brigadier General, U. S. Marine Corps, follows: For meritorious service while serving as Assistant Engineering Officer of Marine Wing Service Squadron one in Japan during the period 11 March 1951 to 15 March 1952. Constantly working long hours under circumstances, which were made difficult at times because of scarcity of repair parts, Major Bealer was instrumental in the prompt and efficient repair and service for all types of aircraft engines and aircraft assigned to the First marine Air Wing so that the mission of operating squadrons might be more readily accomplished. During Major Bealers tour of duty, he aided in the supervision of building up and shipping over four hundred airplane engines to First Marine Air Wing units in Korea and in the repair and return of airplanes to combat squadrons.
The Year of the Milk House a fitting designation of 1952; In this year Clark County has gained an amazing number of milk houses, how many will be shown by the survey, which is being made by the diary division of the state department of agriculture.
Deer Hunters - Dont forget to get your supply of Pure Buckwheat Pancake Flour at H. H. Van Gorden & Sons in Neillsville.
A & P Thanksgiving specials - Fresh yams, 2 lbs. 29’; Cranberries, 1 lb. 29’; Pascal Celery, stalk 25’; A & P Pumpkin 2 cans 27’; Powdered or Brown Sugar, 2 lb. pkgs. 27’; 8 oclock Coffee, lb. 77’
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ganther entertained about 125 guests at a housewarming Saturday night. The Ganthers have just completed a new house on the farm they now occupy, that was cleared from a virgin forest by Mrs. Ganthers paternal grandfather, Henry Pietenpol, who bought this tract of land in 1883.
The new home consists of a large living room, three bedrooms, bath, kitchen and dinette, with several closets, a full basement with automatic heat, laundry, fruit and vegetable storage.
The evening was spent dancing in the basement with Ross Downer furnishing the music and card playing in the upper rooms.
Fancy work sale at Clark County Hospital, east of Owen, is to be held Sunday, November 30, 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Formal ground breaking ceremonies for the new Neillsville High School building were to be held this Wednesday afternoon, starting at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 26, weather permitting. The public is invited.
The site is near the city water tower, at the east end of Fourth Street. Approach also can be made from East Fifth Street.
Plans for the event were laid at a meeting last week immediately following the overwhelming vote of Neillsville and Pine Valley district electors favoring the floating of a $285,000 bond issue for the construction.
In a traditional ceremony, Kenneth M. Olson, president of the board of education and Jas. A. Musil, chairman of the schools building committee, will turn ground with shovels. Representing the future generations will be David Svetlik, 5-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Svetlik, and Augie-Jo Olson, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olson. David is enrolled in the North Side kindergarten and Augie-Jo in the South Side kindergarten.
The high school band will turn out to play and school pupils will be on hand for singing of school songs and cheers.
An estimated 30,000 yard of dirt will have to be moved to grade the area on the new school site. To do this big job, the Clark County Highway Department and its dirt-moving equipment were hauled to the site in preparation.
The grading will proceed from the west line, nearest the city water tower, toward the east, according to D. E. Peters, superintendent of schools. An effort will be made to complete this portion of the work before winter closes outside operations. This would permit the ground to settle and make working conditions on the site better next spring.
Emil Masephol purchased the Leland Hanson house and had it moved to his farm home Thursday. Neighbors have been helping him put in a new wall for the house to be set on.
A large crowd of relatives, neighbors and friends of the Masephals gathered at the Big Four schoolhouse Monday evening and tendered them a miscellaneous shower. They received gifts of clothing, bedding, household utensils, canned goods, money and foodstuff. Their home and contents had been destroyed by fire the previous week. A lunch, furnished by the ladies present, was served after the gifts were opened.
(The Big Four rural schoolhouse was located one mile north and one mile west of Chili. DZ)
A drought of major proportions afflicts Clark County, as the county has experienced no appreciable rainfall since August 4. That means that there has been virtually no moisture for growing things in 100 days.
The record of rainfall is being kept by the Elmer Meyer family at the farm of the Indian School.
The drought is an immediate hazard in the woods, especially the county forest. Thus far there has been escape from any considerable fires, except one in the Town of Unity.
Thus far no order has been received from the conservation department to stop deer hunting and trapping. A regulation is in effect to prevent smoking and the building of any kind of fires.
Mark Russell, the conservation warden, states that hunters are exercising unusual care, realizing that the hazards are great.
Public Card Party at Odd Fellows Hall, Saturday, Nov. 15, 8:00 p.m.; Canasta, 500, and Sheepshead; Prizes given & lunch will be served.
Flitters Grocery has all your Thanksgiving needs! Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, Lutefisk & Fresh Oysters!
The above photo was taken of the ONeill house dining room in 1906. The fall theme was carried out in the table coverings and other dιcor, which added to the Thanksgiving festivities that were held at the hotel. Delicious meals with great variety were served at the hotel. The menus included favorites of the newly arrived immigrants; such as for the English, oyster stew, clam chowder and plum pudding. Also, other variety favorites: roast beef, turkey with oyster dressing, Virginia-style stewed chicken, Italian spaghetti, fresh lobster salad, potatoes, fresh and cooked veggies, a variety of condiments, all to be topped off with choice of homemade pies, such as hot mince meat, lemon cream or pumpkin and all for the mere price of 35’ per person. (Photo courtesy of Steve Roberts collection)
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