Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin April 9, 2014, Page 11 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
April 1934
Attention of the Kiwanis Club was drawn Monday noon by Geo. E. Rude to the necessity of a safe and substantial boat for the Boy Scouts at their camp on Lake Arbutus. The matter was referred to the scout committee.
The matter of taking action to close certain ditches in the Clark County Drainage Ditch in order to conserve the moistures in that region was brought before the club. F. D. Calway gave briefly the manner of procedure and the plan was referred to the Conservation committee of which Mr. Calway is chairman.
All records for spring election were broken Tuesday when 1,085 voters went to the polls and turned in a number of upsets that left many of the old political experts in a state of confusion. The greatest previous spring election vote, turned in last year, totaled 997.
Fred Stelloh, candidate for mayor, led the way for the new deal by defeating the veteran executive S. F. Hewett. W. B. Tufts the third candidate trailed in the field.
About 20 old settlers and friends of Dell Rodman sprung a surprise on him at his home Thursday night, it being his seventy-eighth birthday. The visitors brought abundant material for a lunch and although it was a complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Rodman, the occasion was greatly enjoyed. Mr. Rodman, as far as he can discover, is the oldest native born citizen of Clark County.
Walter Keller who sings with the Casa Nova orchestra, a 14-piece organization at Richmond, Virginia, announces that they are now playing at the Ball Room Night Club and are broadcasting every Tuesday over WRVA at 11:30 to 12 p.m., Central Standard Time.
The National Re-Employment Service, which has been in existence in Clark County since the CW program started in November, received orders Friday to suspend operations. The bureau has been in charge of F. W. Kluhsman, assisted by D. Shaw of Neillsville; Miss Helen Brunkhorst, Abbotsford and Miss Ruth St. John, Owen. During that period the bureau functioned thousands of persons registered for employment and more than 3,000 were given employment. The records of the office have been placed in a vault at the courthouse.
Otto Lewerenz has cut off the overhanging eaves and cornice of the canopy in front of his filling station so that large vans and trucks may get in for service. A big sign for the front is also being constructed.
The Easter offering for St. Johns Lutheran Church brought the grand sum of $250. The treasurer also reports the sum of $111 for the Lenten services, which had an average attendance of four hundred.
The elm hedge, which graced the driveway at the Joe Baer residence at the corner of Clay and Fifth streets, was taken up Monday and transplanted along the east end of Hawthorne Hills Golf Course on Highway 10.
(The Hawthorne Golf Course was originally started and developed by F. J. Baer, which after his death was incorporated with the course name being changed to what is presently known as the Neillsville Country Club Golf Course. DZ)
The Curtiss State Bank has been given permission by the State Banking commission to establish a branch at Owen. Owen has been without banking facilities since Oct. 13, when the State Bank of Owen was closed. A. M. Erickson, cashier of Curtiss, will be in charge of the Owen branch.
Last Thursday, thirty young men from Clark County passed their physical examination and other tests to receive training at Ft. Sheridan, Il, preparatory to being assigned to work in CCC camps.
The examination took place under Capt. Louis M. Haas and the medical officer, Lieut. George L. Rand. The Cadets en-trained Friday, for Ft. Sheridan where they will receive about two weeks training.
The following are the names of the selected young men: Harold J. Anderson; James E. Barcley, Arnold R. Benz, Orville R. Creviston, Emil C. Dusak, Henry C. Friday, Ellsworth W. Juedes, Stanley M. Kaczor, Steve L. Kapusta, Harold C. Kobbs, Clarence P. Carter, Nathan I. Markham, John M. McConnell, Alfred M. Mittelstadt, Alvin A. Noah, Milton H. Pannier, Willis H. Perkins, Edward H. Perry, Richard F. Rosolack, Walter M. Seidelman, Harold J. Shaw, Forrest D. Troxel, Fred A. Tuxhorn, Clarence A. Wetzel, Roy O. Wilde, Francis B. Wildish, Milton C. Winscher, Gilbert G. Wren, Alex E. Zelent and Harvey O. Zielke.
April 1949
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. Quicker won the mixed doubles bowling on the Neillsville Recreation alleys last Sunday night with a handicap score of 1,295. They were approximately 60 pins over the nearest competitor.
Mrs. Quicker paced the hubby-wife team with a total of 543 pins, with a rousing 240 game boosting the total. Mr. Quicker bowled 541 for a total of 1,084 actual pins. Their handicap was 211 pins.
George Zimmerman, president of the Neillsville Country Club, requests that all stockholders and/or members of the club planning to attend the opening dinner Saturday night make arrangements with a member of the board of directors before tonight.
The dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, April 9 in the Rotary room of the Merchants Hotel. Those who come without tickets will have to take a chance on being fed, Mr. Zimmerman said.
The dinner will be in the nature of a tee-off of the season. It will be followed by the annual stockholders meeting, which was adjourned from a few weeks ago.
Greenskeeper for the local course will again be Howie Baerwald, who held that position last year. Tony Sylvester, a professional of 30 years experience, will join the club about May 15, Mr. Zimmerman said.
The Silver Dome Ballroom will open the 1949 Dancing Season with their Easter Sunday Dance on April 17th. There will be a dance every Saturday Night, starting April 23rd.
Real estate transactions in Clark County recorded during the last 10 days of March totaled more than $90,000, according to the office of Henry E. Rahn, county register of deeds.
Largest of the 25 transfers was the $12,000 sale by Neil W. Downer to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Downer of his farm in section 13, Town of York, together with all personal property excepting a truck.
The Rev. N. J. Dechant confirmed 14 young people at Zion Reformed Church last Sunday morning.
They were: Wayne Grap, Roger Schemenaur, Kurt Hediger, Ilene Henchen, Elaine Henchen, Better Pflughoeft, Margaret Reber, Janet Seelow, Mary Pflughoeft, Nancy Francis, Paula Bradbury, Gene Zaeske, Hubert Quicker, Jr., and Hans Harder.
Members Kurt Hediger, Ilene Henchen and Roger Schemenaur received baptism. Each member of the class was presented with gold crosses, a gift from the church and, their confirmation certificates.
It will be a week yet before George Tibbett officially becomes a member of the city council; but he had his eye on things for his fifth ward at the council meeting last Tuesday night anyway.
He appeared with Henry E. Rahn to inquire about the establishment of a playground on property owned in that ward. The city owns a plot 600 x 600 feet south of the cemetery. It would require but little work with a bulldozer to level off this property and make it into a fifth ward playground site, Mr. Tibbett told the council.
He said if the city did not feel that it could undertake the financial burden, he estimated the cost at about $50, then perhaps the money could be raised by donation within his ward. A bulldozer will be available in the city for the next week or so.
The city council instructed James Hansen, city engineer, to inspect the property and to proceed with the development if he feels that is can be inexpensively handled.
(The playground, park was developed and is now known as Listeman Park. DZ)
When the Clark County board of supervisors meets in their organizational meeting next Monday, William (Bill) Creed will be there.
Thus, it has been at every reorganization meeting for the last 45 years. Thus it has been ever since the village of Unity has been sending a representative to sit on the Clark County board.
Mr. Creed was re-elected to the office last week without opposition, a tribute to his 44 years of continuous service. He is the oldest member of the county board, both in years and in the point of service. Now approaching his 79th birthday, Mr. Creed has served Unity on the county board for more than half of his life.
In his long service, Mr. Creed has been vice chairman of the county governing body, in which capacity he acted for 16 years; has long been chairman of the county agricultural society, which stages the annual Clark County Fair.
His mother, the late Annie Creed, was the first white woman to settle in Unity.
Beyers IGA Food Mart, Lenten Specials: C & H powdered or Brown sugar lb. pkg. 12’; Jelly Bird Eggs 2 lbs. 39’; Claras Fig Bars lb/ 27’; Krispy Crackers lb. 27’; Lobster Tails lg. lb. $1.10; Salmon Steaks lb. 55’
James H. White and Clara E. Brussow, both of Loyal, were married by the Rev. Chadwick, in Appleton last Saturday, second marriage for both.
The Presbyterian Mission Society, which has functioned for the last 19 years without an active congregation or church, will meet hereafter once a year.
This decision of members at their meeting April 12 at the home of Mr. Adelaide Lowe. The one meeting per year will be the annual Christmas Party, which was held customarily at the O. W. Schoengarth home.
The society has continued to function since the Presbyterian Church was razed by fire in February 1930.
Fire at the Presbyterian Church, Feb. 1930.
*Photo provided by Mike Warlum after the publication of this article
The membership includes: Mrs. H. L. Albright; Mrs. Ed Allen, Mrs. Fannie Bue, Mrs. Florence Counsell, Mrs. Walter Beilfuss, Mrs. Oluf Olson, Mrs. Adelaide Lowe, Mrs. Albert Holt, Mrs. Schoengarth, Mrs. Dave Taylor, Mrs. T. M. Winters, Mrs. P. M. Warlum, Mrs. Marie White, Mrs. Ed Wahl, and Mrs. A. C. Martin.
The Clark County Board of Supervisors, Wednesday afternoon, appropriated $40,000 additional money for the development of the proposed Mead Dam. The vote came after two and a-quarter hours of discussion. Forty supervisors voted to the appropriation; 17 against.
Lee Ganther, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ganther of Granton, suffered a severe foot injury in a mishap on his parents farm last week. The little lad was riding on a manure spreader when his foot was caught by the chain. At the Neillsville Hospital he was found to be suffering a fractured bone and severe lacerations of the foot. The injury is reported healing satisfactorily.
Two casualties resulted from an early-season baseball game at the Shortville School last week. Billie Hansen suffered a sprained ankle and Roger Phillips suffered the fracture of a couple of fingers.
Casting is complete for the Granton Junior Play.
Me and My Shadow, a three-act play, will be presented by Granton High School juniors May 4. The case will include: Arnie Schumacher, Caroline Noll, Shirley Rowe, Becky Todd, Phillip Poziomke, Darlene Krejci, Betty Seltrecht and Duane Rose. Understudies and prompters are: Diane Eibergen and Glenn Heninger. Mrs. Olivia Ruhaber is the director.
A crusade against dandelions is one of the prospective projects of the Neillsville Golf Club during the coming season. This was discussed with approval at the meeting of the directors recently, although final decision was delayed until all the facts are in.
The stuff that is rough on dandelions is also rough on all other broad-leaved plants and the allegation is that some parts of the fairways consist largely of that class of vegetation, with grass chiefly notable for its sparseness.
To banish dandelions would bring much joy to local golfers, who spent many weary hours in hunting the gold course for their white golf balls. When the dandelions go to seed, it is almost impossible to tell a golf fall from a dandelion top, especially at a distance. The result is much loss, not only of golf balls, but also of sweetness of disposition.
The hiring of Henry Lukes, La Crosse State Teacher College senior and baseball star, as physical education director and coach for the Neillsville schools, was revealed this week by Supt. D. E. Peters.
Alfred Hovey, who has carried the burden of coaching in addition to classroom activities, will devote his major time to teaching and will assist Mr. Lukes in the handling of the football team.
Among his other duties, Mr. Lukes will be in charge of summer playground activities here and will begin this work about June 15. The summer playground will operate for both boys and girls during the summer months in much the same manner as it did last year.
A veteran of the European Theatre of World War II, Mr. Lukes will come to Neillsville with a fine record in competitive college sports. He has been a member of the La Crosse State Teachers college baseball team for four years and has been the varsity pitcher for the last three years. In 1948 the La Crosse team won the teachers college league championship.
In addition to baseball, he has been a member of the varsity basketball team for the past four years and has been a member of the football squad. He is a physical education manor and has taken a complete coaching course during his college career.
W. J. Wittich, director of the La Crosse school, commended Lukes to the school board as One of the outstanding seniors. He is married and has one small child.
The first St. Johns Lutheran Church was located on the northwest corner of West Fifth and Oak streets. The cost of the new building was $3,390 with corner stone being laid on June 12, 1887. That church building was used until April 27, 1969 when the first worship service was held in the new church that had been built three blocks west of the old building. |
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