Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

May 7, 2014, Page 14

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

April 1909


For Sale - 100-piece dinner sets, semi-porcelain, white and gold patterns, from $9.50 to $20 per set, available at Bramelds.  Compare quality and prices before buying elsewhere.                      


An Eastern editor said that a man got in trouble by marrying two wives.  A western editor says that many of them have done the same thing by marrying one.  A Northern editor says that a number of his friends found trouble by merely promising to marry without going any farther.  A Southern editor says a friend of his was bothered enough when he was simply found in the company of another man’s wife. Which looks very much like, it’s as much trouble as a man’s life is worth to go near a woman married or single.                                  


Mr. G. H. Palms, Tioga buying agent for the Greenwood heading and lumber mill has paid out over a thousand dollars in cash besides quite an amount for wood and this does not include the numerous car loads of food shipped out by individual shippers nor the large amount of feed, flour and other local freight shipped in.


Over sixty five carloads of bolts, wood and lumber have been shipped from Tioga over the Foster N. E. Railroad this winter.  So, is Tioga dead? No Quite!  The new store is doing great business.


There was a pie party held Saturday evening in Wheelers Hall at Christie for the benefit of the Sunday school.  The amount raised was $2.10, to pay for some supplies that were bought last fall.


Arlo Huckstead took a sleigh load of ladies from the Pleasant Ridge area to Granton so they could attend a quilting party.


One of the most significant discoveries of the age was admitted today by Dean George B. Frankforter of the College of Chemistry at the University of Minnesota.  It means that every cord of fir timber will yield $10 profit on by-products alone and that the greater part of the sixty percent of a tree now wasted will be turned into dollars and cents.  It means huge plants and new industries.


Dr. Frankforter has experimented on these processes for twelve years.  The perfected process consists of taking small pieces of waste wood or sawdust, laying in on a steel incline over a furnace and subjecting it to a chemical process of distillation.  Carbon disulphide, or gasoline, is poured over the sawdust, dissolving the turpentine and resin, which passes as gases into a number of pipes leading to a tank.


The process is similar to the distillation of sugar.  Wood pulp remains free from pitch and suit able for the manufacture of paper.  The existing method of distillation left the pulp in the form of charcoal.


Dr. Frankforter extracted from one cord of Norway pine, worth $7.50, turpentine worth $41.60 and wood pulp worth $39, or a yield of $70 from $7.50 worth of raw material.                         


Pleasant Ridge gave us another wedding last Wednesday, this time at Emil Jahr’s, when his daughter, Miss Elsie became the wife of Fred Raine in the presence of relatives and friends.              


Will Hubing, of Kurth Corners, was married at Lake Church, Wis., to Miss Daisy Croat of that place on Monday, April 12.


Max Opelt was in Antigo last week buying supplies for the new addition of his house, which would be built as soon as the weather would permit.


Last Saturday the saloons in Lynn area were ordered closed on Monday on account of not being properly licensed, but the orders were withdrawn by the town chairman.                                 


H. Wagner’s team of horses took a little run Saturday in Shortville.  Herman left them on the corner while he went into the Shortville Store.  He was taking a cow and calf along home. Think the team wanted to give the little calf a ride for his life.


William Swan is building a belfry on the schoolhouse in District 1. 


The ice is piling up in Lake Arbutus along the big spring, raising the water and backing up near the Dells Dam Bridge.


High Ice and Damage, Lake Arbutus, Clark Co., Wisconsin


The photo above was contributed in 2020 by Mike Warlum from the Peter Magnus Warlum (1878-1944) collection.  The date is unknown.



Gilbert Johnson and Len Howard received a carload of Reo automobiles Saturday and they are now busy injecting the automobile fever into a few possible purchasers.  J. A. Phillips bought a fine touring Reo car from them on Monday.


J. J. Servaty of Owen was here Sunday.  He made a call at the newspaper office Monday.  Mr. Servaty is now employed by the Owen Lumber Company in selling their lands. He is having great success in settling up the north end of Clark County.  As an illustration of the way settlers are coming into Owen, he says that there are five families from Ohio waiting there now for the weather to settle so that they can move onto farms.


April 1954


Fifty years in the banking business was observed Wednesday by Howard O. Geise, who since 1955 has served as executive vice president of the Neillsville Bank.


He started his banking career in the Security bank of Clark, S. D., April 1, 1909, as a bookkeeper, the same day he was graduated from Granger Business College, Watertown, S.D.  He was then 18.


Born on a farm at Merton, S.D., January 10, 1891, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Geise, he was but seven years of age when his father died, leaving his mother to operate a 320-acre farm with the help of three sons, ages 12, nine and seven. There also was a daughter, age five.


The mother, with the help of her sons, was able to keep the farm in operation, increasing the acreage from 320 to 600, building up the dairy herd to 30 cows, having 160 acres in pasture, 60 in hay and the remainder in grain.  The mother lived for 28 years after her husband’s death and saw each of her children successful in business or profession. 


Mr. Geise attended a rural school near Merton for six years. Took the seventh and eighth grades at Clark and then directed his study in the field of banking, taking the business college course that gave him training in shorthand, typing and general banking.


The position of bank teller and assistant cashier came to him in progressive order and in 1915 he accepted a position as assistant cashier of a bank at Creighton, Nebr.  In 1919, in partnership with a friend, who was a grain buyer, Mr. Geise organized a state bank at Calumet, Ia., where he served as cashier, his partner as president.


“This project,” said Mr. Geise “was for speculative purposes and three years later we sold the bank to two brothers of Calumet.”


On March 1, 1922, Mr. Geise accepted a position as vice president of the Farmers State Bank of Sherburn, Mn, where he remained for 23 years until May 1, 1945, when he moved to Mount Pleasant, Oh, to become active vice president of the People’s National Bank.


On December 25, 1949, Mr. Geise came to Neillsville as cashier of the Neillsville Bank.


Howard Geise and Irene Rasmuson were married June 30, 1915 in Clark, S.D., and to this union two children were born, Colleen, now Mrs. Earl Welde of St. Petersburg, Fl., and Daral, of Pipestone, Mn.


He is affiliated with the Masonic lodge of Springfield, Ohio, the Neillsville Chamber of Commerce, director of the Neillsville Country Club, and a member of Calvary Lutheran Church in Neillsville.  He helped organize and is a director of the Neillsville Industrial Corporation, is a past member of Kiwanis, and an area councilman, was secretary of the Business Men’s association of Sherburn, and was an active member of Westminster Club of Ohio, which had more than 2,000 members active in community service.


From 1925 to 1944, Mr. Geise conducted an insurance business in addition to his bank work, served as an adjustor for several insurance companies and served as an appraiser in Ohio, South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska.


Mr. and Mrs. Geise reside in a home, which they built at 806 West 5th Street in 1951.  Both have been active in community work.                                                                                                  


The spring moving bug has settled down on two old time business institutions in Neillsville.


The upcoming weekend the Red Owl agency, operated by P. T. Holum, will move into a new and enlarge location next door to the Neillsville Bakery.


Galstad’s Studio moved last Tuesday into a ground floor location next door to the new Red Owl location.  This institution, long operated by D. E. Thayer prior to Wilfred Galstad’s purchase several years ago, was an upstairs location over McCain’s.


The Red Owl agency will conduct business for the remainder of the week in the present location.  Moving is scheduled to start immediately on closing Saturday, and will continue throughout the weekend.  The effort will be to have the new store se up and ready for business Monday morning in the new location.


The new Red Owl Store will add from 400 to 500 square feet of floor space, which will provide more isle space, space for additional items not previously stocked and room for new self-service meat, dairy and frozen foods cases.


For Sale - Kuester Meat Market; including, equipment, 7-room Modern Home with 29 acres of land.  Priced for Quick Sale! Harold O’Brien owner                                                                        


The Cozy Corners School District, in the Town of Fremont, held a meeting at the school Friday evening for the purpose of voting whether to run the school the coming year or to close it.  It was voted by a large majority to close the school.


For Sale - on U. S. Highway 10; Grocery Store & Texaco Gas Station with 5-bedroom home alongside.  Must be sold within 30 days.  See Ray Strebing or stop in at Ray’s South Side Food Market, Neillsville, Wis.



Ray’s South Side Food Market was located at 111 East Division Street, which also had Texaco gas service, pumps out front.  Owner and operator, Ray Strebing, sold the business in 1959, moving with his family to the Chicago area.



A flock of between 250 and 300 snow-white Whistling Swans settled down on Lake Arbutus last Saturday, and were still there Tuesday.  Many persons from the area witnessed the sight.  


Arthur Schroeder, conservation warden, said he had counted more than 250 birds and said: “I know I didn’t count all of them.”  He expressed the belief that the birds will remain until they are frightened off.


The Whistling swan, an increasingly rare bird, which has been protected for many years, customarily summers in the Arctic area.  It now numbers but a few thousand according to expert.  One brought down illegally here recently has a seven-foot wingspread and weighed 13 pounds.                                    


August F. Ender, 77, who published The Clark County Press for a brief period 20 years ago, was buried Monday morning following services at St. Catholic Church at Durand.  He died April 3 following an illness, which had hospitalized him for several months.


Mr. Ender came to Neillsville with his family in 1937, when he purchased the old Neillsville Press.  Shortly afterwards he bought the Clark County Journal. A second weekly newspaper published here, and combined the two papers.  The Granton News was bought early in 1938 and its list was added to that of the Press.


August 28, 1938, he sold the Press to the present owners and returned to Durand, where he repurchased the Durand Courier-Wedge, a newspaper, which he published until his death. Active management of the Courier-Wedge has been in the hands of a son, William, who was editor of the Press under his father here.


During his life Mr. Ender owned or was co-owner of 21 weekly newspapers and a daily.  The largest of them were the Chippewa Herald, a daily, and the Rive Lake Chronotype.  He spent 14 years in Rice Lake before selling out to his partner, Warren D. Leary and coming to Neillsville.


In addition to Mrs. Ender and William, he is survived by two sons, Carl of Durand, and Donald, who is in the printing business in Eau Claire.  A brother, Frank, of Chippewa Falls and a sister, Mrs. Louise Radatz of Nelson, also survive.


Tom Flynn decided Friday to reseed his front lawn of Division Street this spring.


It happened this way:


Thursday, some men were drilling telephone pole holes in front of his house.  They didn’t strike oil.  They did strike a water lead-in.  It broke.


So, as long as there had to be some work done any-way, Tom decided to have the water and sewer leads renewed.  Careful measurements were taken inside, allowance was made for the width of the wall and measurements then were made outside, which should have indicated exactly where the water lead entered the house.


The shovel dug, but the lead-in was not there.  The shovel moved over and dug again.  “I was going to rip up the front lawn and re-seed it anyway,” Tom commented wryly, “This seems to be the year to do it.”


(The Flynn house at 200 E. Division St. was razed in 1987 on land that later became the entrance and parking lot of Hardees.)                                                                                                          


A wedding dance and shower will be held at the Town of Weston Hall Saturday evening, April 18, 8 o’clock, honoring the marriage of Arlene Thoma and Kurt Hediger.


Five Christie families enjoyed the first outdoor picnic of the season Sunday along Cauley Creek.  They included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seebandt, Jr. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Armitage, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Urlaub and children, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halle and children and Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Lavandowska.


The city planning commission, continuing a study of municipal problems with an eye toward the future, Monday night recommended to the city council that substantial areas on the city’s southern limits be placed in heavy industry and commercial zones.


 The planning commission’s view was:


All the area along Division Street, Highway 10, from Grand Avenue to the fairground property, would be placed in the commercial zone.  The zoning would extend 1,000 feet to the southward, and would consequently affect the area inside the city extending southward along Highway 73.


The fairground property and five acres, on which the Nelson Muffler corporation plant is located, zoned for heavy industry.


All the area along the north side of Division Street from Grand Avenue to the Nelson property, except as is now commercial, be zoned as residential.




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