Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin October 19, 2016, Page 10 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
October 1931
Mr. Frank Sladek and Miss Anna Tichy were united in marriage at the courthouse, at 11 oclock, Satruday Sept. 26, Judge O. W. Schoengarth officiating. Mr. Stephen Tichy of Humbird, brother of the bride, acted as bestman, and Miss Anna Walter of the Town of York was the bridesmaid.
The bride wore a white silk dress with veil and wreath of waxed flowers. She carried a shower bouquet of roses. The bridesmaid wore a pink georgette dress with a wreath and carried a bouquet of roses and zinnias.
After the ceremony, a reception was held at the Community Hall in Levis, where a dinner and supper were served to all the guests. After dinner Joe Vodas orchestra furnished music for the dancing during the afternoon.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sladek of the Town of York. He has a position as janitor of the Parthenon Theater at Hammond, Ind.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alois Tichy of the Town of Levis. She has spent most of her life at home, but during two winters was employed in Chicago.
The young couple left for Chicago and will soon go to Hammond, Ind., where they will make their home.
(A few years later the couple returned, taking over his parents farm in the Town of York. DZ)
The Northern States Power Co. has completed the Kurth extension along Pleasant Ridge and practically all the residents along the line are hooked on to electricity. The extension is about 4 ½ miles long and serves many farms, also the Suckow Bros. Service Station and Pleasant Ridge Cheese Factory.
This summer Bob Wagner purchased a copy of Cobles Fish Almanac, which is a little pocket volume telling exactly to the minute the best time for fishing for every day in the year. Sunday Bob and Mrs. Wagner drove to Marshmiller Lake, where that is, and fished according to all the directions in the book but without the slightest success. After they got home Bob discovered the cause of their failure to catch anything. The had arrived at the lake 15 minutes too late, according to the almanac. Anyone wishing a copy of the book can no doubt get a special price by seeing Bob Wagner.
Irving Berhardt, captain of the State Teachers College football team at River Falls, and Lawrence Junchen, both former Neillsville High School stars, will play in the homecoming game against La Crosse normal at River Falls Saturday afternoon. Many their Neillsville friends plan on making the trip to watch the boys in action.
Between 800 and 1,000 persons visited the new Neillsville Hospital Sunday, it was announced by Sam Stamper, manager. Many contributions, including jellies, jams, vegetables or all kinds and cases of canned goods were received, which Mr. Stamper asserted were greatly appreciated.
A worthless check for $16.50 was reported passed last week on the A&P store. The forger brought a few groceries, which he left in the Pool Hall, saying he would come back for them later. The check came back and the groceries were recovered.
Fried Chicken Dinner at Zion Reformed Church, Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 5:50 p.m. until all are served. Prices are 20’ and 40’.
John Christianson sold his farm three and ½ miles south on Black River Road, Monday to Eric Schoenherr of Globe. Kurt Schoenherr, his son will operate the farm. Henry Lipkie of Neillsville made the deal, the purchase price being $7,000 cash. Mr. and Mrs. Christianson, who have lived on the farm more than 40 years, plan to make their home in Wisconsin Rapids.
As a tribute to Thomas Alva Edison, who died at West Orange, at 3:24 a.m. Sunday, the lights of the nation will be turned out for one minute Wednesday night, 9 p.m., Central time, at the suggestion of President Hoover. The funeral will be held today, Wednesday. Mr. Edison carved an immortal name for himself with such inventions as the electric light, moving pictures, stock ticker, phonograph, and hundreds of others.
Joe Zilk opened his new Standard Oil filling station at the south end of Hewett street Satruday afternoon with a 2 p.m. parade and the distribution of many gifts to his customers. In the parade of oil trucks were Ed Keyes of Spencer, Tob Jackson of Greenwood, Bob Zank, Fairchild, Bub Catlin, Loyal, and William Schmidtke, Granton.
The pavement east of the city on Highway 10 has been officially opened and motorists can travel over it at their own risk. The paving is a fine piece of construction and a tribute to the care and thoroughness of the Jorgenson Construction Co. of Denmark, Wis.
A display of old prescriptions in the window of the C. C. Sniteman Co., store is attracting much attention this week. The display reveals that prescriptions have been filled for members of the same family for more than 50 years.
With the display are pictures of the old wooden store building and the new store. In front of the old store are shown Henry Klopf, jeweler; R. J. McRaith, clerk, and Everett Esslinger, clerk of the Zimmerman Drug Co., store which was then in the building now occupied by Ganglers Variety Store. A poodle, which died in 1912 at the age of 19 years, and remembered by many of Mr. Snitemans customers, is in the picture. An old parrot, Polly, also lived in the store for 20 years, dying about 1910. Up to date 428,290 prescriptions have been filled at Snitemans store.
This photo was taken of C. C. Snitemans old wooden store building. Shown in front of the building, left to right: Henry Klopf, jeweler who had his business in a front portion of the building; R. J. McRaith, a clerk; and Everett Esslinger, a clerk of the Zimmerman Drug Co. The poodle dog, also in the photo, lived in the store at that time. The Zimmerman drug store building was located across the street, which in the early 1930s was occupied by Ganglers variety store. |
There will be a program, plate lunch and dance at the Ross School Oct. 29th. It is 4 miles east and 2 miles north of Christie. Everybody welcome. Cecelia Nenohlo, Teacher
October 1951
Art Flynn bought the Hiawatha School and woodshed located 3 ½ miles south of Neillsville on Highway 95. His sealed bid of $525 was the highest received. His plans for the buildings were not revealed.
Well on their way to being soldiers are the 11 Clark County boys who were inducted in the armed services on September 19. They went by chartered bus to Minneapolis for their induction.
The eleven are Robert D. Evert of Colby, Kenneth R. Bauer of Loyal, Paul J. Rosandich of Granton, Thomas R. Froeba of Loyal, Clarence E. Gorsegner, Jr. of Greenwood, John G. Schantini of Colby, Gene F. Cook of Spencer, Robert A. Koci of Greenwood, Kenton M. Stewart of Greenwood, Thomas D. Hoffman of Abbotsford, and William L. Niemi of Owen.
Marriage Licenses:
Herbert Reuth of Loyal and Kathleen OBrian of Loyal, married at Loyal on October 3,
Lawrence Weber of Greenwood and Ann V. Anderegg of Milwaukee, to be married at Neillsville on October 20,
Myrtle Stark of Owen and Nels Nielsen of Withee, to be married at Owen, October 13,
Ethel Hardrath of Unity and Ervin Schultz of Colby, to be married at Riplinger on October 20,
Margaret Katherine Anderson of the Town of Wilson, and La Moine Maurice Jacobson of the Town of Worden, to be married at Stanley on October 15
Flitters Grocery, corner of South Hewett & Division Street, Neillsville, We Deliver Daily, Phone 220.
Friday and Satruday Specials! Pork & Beans, 29 oz. can 19’, Banner Skinless Wieners, 19’ lb. Fresh, Spring Chicken, 3 to 4 lb. average, Robin Hood Flour, 25 lbs. bag $1.99.
A rise in the meal prices at the county jail from 50 to 60 cents is in prospect. The law enforcement committee has voted to suggest the increase of 10 cents a meal.
The price rise with other budget proposals will be submitted to the county board at the November meeting.
This years Homecoming Royalty at the Neillsville High Schools Home Coming football game will be King Bob Kunze and Queen Ardes Wang.
Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kunze of Neillsville and plays half-back position on the football team. The student body of the high school elected him, in a special election on Thursday, October 11.
Unofficial requirements for the position of Homecoming King are that he be good-looking, preferably on the team, and not be going steady with any one girl. If a boy meets all the requirements but is going steady, the only vote he can hope for is the one his girlfriend casts. In this way, the electors make sure the king will not be swayed too much by his emotions in making a choice.
Bob apparently met all the requirements. However, he stated he had a difficult job selecting a queen: too many eligible, he stated. At one time, he was afraid he would have to put all the names in a hat and choose her that way. However, finally on Monday morning he asked Ardes, settling for another year the question of who will be Homecoming queen.
Ardes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wang of Neillsville.
Neillsville Homecoming weekend for the Neillsville High School football team falls upon this Friday and Saturday, October 19 and 20. The game at 7:45 Saturday night, the feature of the weekend will see the warriors out for revenge after their loss to an under-rated Stanley team on Thursday, October 11. Cadott is the opponent Saturday night.
The Homecoming float parade will take place at 2:15 Friday afternoon. The four high school classes and clubs, such as the FFA and Glee Club, will enter floats in the competition. Four businessmen will act as judges. Prizes will be awarded to the three winning floats.
Friday night the Homecoming pep parade and bonfire are scheduled. A snake dance, led by the band, will circle down to the American Legion Hall where the bonfire will be lit at 8 p.m. Speeches and cheer leading will be in order. Satruday night after the game, the Homecoming dance will be held at the armory. An Abbotsford band will furnish the music. The crowning of the Homecoming Queen, the girl selected by Bob Kunze, the Homecoming King, will be held after the grand march.
(The following week The Press news reported first, second, and third-place float winners of the various entries, and that nearly 500 people jammed the streets to watch the parade, that also included marching bands. The football game with Cadott ended up as a tie. DZ)
An inebriated citizen of Neillsville came out second best with a skunk when he tried to play animal tamer on the Hewett Street Bridge on Saturday night, October 13.
The man attempted to pick up the full-grown skunk when he met him on the bridge. It took about five minutes to subdue the skunk, an episode remarkable for its aroma. Having exhausted his ammunition, the skunk meekly submitted to being picked up and carried. The weight of the skunk proved too much for the man and when he stepped off the curb, he lost his balance. The skunk got free and dove off the bridge swimming to safety.
Officer Smith of the city police watched the episode at a distance, but did not feel called upon to offer aid, assistance and succor to the man. The clothesline at the mans home bore mute testimony to the affair on Sunday morning. No arrest was made as it was felt he was punished enough.
Found abandoned near Mauston on Sunday evening, October 21, was the 1951 DeSota four-door sedan that had been on display in the show window at Greenwood.
How the car was taken from the window and driven away without attracting any notice is proving an interesting question for the authorities. The disappearance of the car was not noted until Sunday morning. It had apparently been taken sometime on Saturday, October 20.
Mrs. Syneva Evanson and Mrs. Augusta Lowe were named delegates to the WRC national convention at the meeting of the Neillsville chapter of the womens auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic.
Santa Claus may need a new assistant in Neillsville this Christmas. His old-time assistant, Hans Walk, is laid up in Marshfield hospital after surgery. He is making good progress for a man 73, but his friends fear that he may not be able to give his usual help to Santa Claus this year. In that case, Santa must look around locally, and find somebody else. This is likely to be quite a chore, for Hans Walks job would be hard to fill.
Hans has been Santas chief helper in this community for 30 years. He has looked after all the local problems of Christmas and has especially made it his business to see that the childrens letters from the local area, which are touted to him, are answered. He is the means of contacting Santa, making sure there are no disappointments.
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