Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

April 27, 2016 Page 18

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

April 1931


For the first time this winter the county snow plows were called out Satruday to open the trunk line roads.  A blizzard started Friday night and raging all of Saturday forenoon closed the east and west roads to traffic and made the north and south roads hard to get through.  Although many side roads were closed Sunday the trunk lines were open.


(That blizzard would have been at the end of March. DZ) 


Albert Marg has sold his express and transfer business to Geo Keller, it was reported Tuesday.  The deal included Mr. Marg’s home on the North Side.                                                              


Knute Rockne, football coach at Notre Dame, was killed with seven others in an airplane crash Tuesday morning 32 miles southwest of Emporia, Kans., according to news dispatches.  Rockne was bound for Los Angeles for Kansas City in an Air Transport Western Air Express sky liner when something happened to the huge plane that caused it to fall.


News of the death of Knute Rockne, famous Notre Dame University football coach was felt very keenly by Dr. H. W. Housley of this city, who9, as a football player on the Marquette University team in 1911 and 1912 played against Rockne, an end on the Notre Dame Squad.  Dr. Housley had only the words of highest praise for the sportsmanship and ability of Rockne, who was then laying the foundation for a career that, led him to the peak of the sport world.


John Pernic arrived in the Seif-Hendren community from Milwaukee sometime ago, to join his wife who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pekol, for the past two months.  Mr. and Mrs. Pernic have rented the Dudei farm near Globe and have moved on it just recently.                                                            


Most everybody in the East Fremont area is taking up their sugar buckets.  They had a good run of sap this year.  If only they could sell the syrup as fast as the sap ran.                                                       


Joe Nauertz is refitting the Neillsville Hotel and will soon reopen the place for business.  He has repainted and refurnished most of the bedrooms, and is making great improvements in the office, kitchen and other parts of the building.  It has been renamed the Nauertz Hotel and restaurant.  Mrs. Nauertz is to have charge of the cooking.


(The Nauertz Hotel had formerly been the Omaha hotel located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Seventh and Oak Streets. DZ)                                                                                            


Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo E. Rude and sons, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubing and daughter, Betty, Miss Pearl Chapman and Louis Bradbury with two cars drove down Black River below Paddy’s Rest and ate dinner in a picturesque place near the river.  While they were there, a forest fire driven by the fierce wind from the southwest, raced across the narrow sandy road, cutting off the route both north and south.  Undecided for a time what to do they finally decided to run the gauntlet on the road north, up a steep sandy grade, with fires burning hotly on each side.  Fortunately, both cars came through safely and all breathed more freely when they got out of the danger and the thick smoke.


It is reported that all of the buildings except the house, on the August Rennack farm across the Jackson County line south of here were burned in the forest fire April 12.  It is said that a large number of baby chicks burned in the chicken house.


A strip of country in Jackson County, six miles wide and 12 miles long, burned over that day, and it is stated that a number of farm buildings in the path of the flames were burned.                         


Martin and Wagner have moved their indoor golf course from its indoor quarters opposite the post office to the H. J. Books’ lawn, where it is set up and ready for service.  They have also leased a part of Mr. Books’ office in which Mr. Wagner will continue his tire business and Mr. Martin his line of typewriters and office equipment.


The Wisconsin Railroad Commission last week filed a protest with the Interstate Commerce Commission against the proposal to abandon that part of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad extending between Lindsey and Lynn.  Sometime ago, a hearing was held on this question; but as the D. M. & St. P. road is interstate, the Wisconsin Railroad Commission apparently could not alone decide the question but it indicates reasons why this line should not be abandoned at present.  The territory served by it, the Commission points out, is not connected to the outside world by any paved highway, and a certain times of year might be seriously inconvenienced if there were no outlet by railroad.



The above 1908 photo is of the Main Street in Lynn, or U.S. Highway 10 before concrete surface.  Some buildings can be recognized even though there have been changes. 

(Photo courtesy of Steve Roberts)  



Certified Seed Corn, Home Grown Seed Corn, Guaranteed Germination, 98 per cent.  Golden Glow Wisconsin No. 8, also, the large fodder corn.  See us before you buy, Fred Hohenstein & Son, Ph 109


Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schweinler, Friday afternoon, but lived only a few hours.  Mrs. Schweinler is reported recovering satisfactorily.  Her mother, Mrs. Theodore Humbke of Greenwood, has been with her for the past several days.                                                                                  


The County Normal School building of Taylor County at Medford burned Saturday afternoon.  It was formerly used as a courthouse.  School will continue for the rest of the year in the new courthouse.


Ten years ago Paul C. Blum quit a perfectly good job with a railway company and went into the tire business.  That was in 1921, and today the Neillsville Tire Shop is going stronger than ever in Neillsville.


Northwest Grant News: -

W. DeMert and family are getting settled on the Fred Ratsch farm.  Mr. DeGoat, who has lived there for two years, moved into the house on the old Bieneck farm and Louie Buddenhagen’s hired man is moving into the house on the Herman Ratsch farm.


April 1951


Corporal Mitchell Red Cloud was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor Tuesday, April 3, in the Pentagon at Washington.  Dying as a hero, he is the eighth soldier to be awarded the Medal of Honor for participation in the Korean Campaign. The presentation of the medal was made to his mother, Mrs. Nellie Red Cloud.  The ceremonies took place in the pentagon at Washington.  The presentation to the mother was made by Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


The Red Cloud family comes from Hatfield.  The family home is on the Winnischek place, just south of the Clark County line.  Mitchell attended the Indian School at Neillsville; was one of the boys of the Rev. Ben Stucki, and is remembered by him as clean and honorable, a splendid representative of his race and a worthy member of an upright family.


It was with no small pride, therefore, that Mr. Stucki and his associates’ read the citation, which honored Mitchell Red Cloud.  Included in the citation was the following: “This heroic act stopped the enemy from over-running his company’s position and gained time for reorganization and evacuation of the wounded.  Cpl. Red Cloud’s dauntless courage and gallant self-sacrifice reflects the highest credit upon himself and upholds the esteemed traditions of the army of the United States.”


The citation in English was translated into Winnebago for Mrs. Red Cloud by her niece, Mrs. Leach.


Marriage Licenses:


Wallace Erickson, Neillsville, Norma Jane Lueck, Greenwood to be married at Christie on April 7,


Lillian Ystad, Town of Beaver, Ervin Rossow, Town of Warner, to be married at Greenwood,


Casimer Kowalczyk, Taylor County, Delores Marie Kroll, Town of Withee, to be married at Withee April 7,


Gene Allen Stigen, Town of Withee, Patricia Lorraine Kolodziej, Town of Worden to be married at Thorp on April 14


Approximately $10,000 of labor and materials washed down the swollen Black River Monday morning as rising water and battering ice-flows hammered through the 12-foot dam at the county park one-mile north and one-quarter miles west of Greenwood.


The dam, which was about 200 feet across, consisted of a 100-foot concrete spillway and power hose extending to the middle of the river and a 100-foot earth and stone dike connecting the power house to the west bank.


Rumor were circulating late last week that the dam was nearing the bursting point as the river neared flood stage for the first time since 1942.  By early Monday morning the water was surging about five feet over the top of the dam and gouging and washing through the park located on the east bank.  At that point the dike gave way and sent water cascading through the nearby bottomlands and taking out the park roads.


The 100-foot dike at the dam had been constructed by the county last summer with some aid from the Conservation League of Greenwood at a cost of approximately $10,000.  Tons of gravel and dirt were carried in to build the dam.  It all went down the river Monday morning.


The Greenwood dam has a longtime jinx attached to it.  At least four dams have gone out at the site since a dam was first built there for power about 25 years ago.


The first dam, a part of the original power dam, went out at the west bank about 1914.  It was subsequently replaced with a brush dam, which was carried away about 1930.  Another concrete dam followed and that one too was washed out about 10 years ago.


The dam was abandoned by the original builders about 25 years ago.  For a long time it was the property of the city of Greenwood, which in turn gave it to the county five years ago.                  


Silver Dome Ballroom - Wedding dance for Eileen Kroll and Arnold Buchholz, Saturday, April 14, with Johnny Check & His Recording Orchestra.                                                                  


Neillsville’s “Bowlerettes,” coached by Mary Lee, has won the state championship in the American Junior Bowling contest for the second straight year; it was learned here last week.


The team members of the local Girl’s Strike Bowling league came through with a 2414 team series to break a precedent in the seven-year-old contest.  The “Bowlerettes” are the first team in the seven-year history of the Junior Bowling congress telegraphic tournament to repeat for the championship.


The team will retain the state team trophy and will also receive individual trophies.


The “Bowlerettes” were captained by Alice Buchholz.  Others on the team were: Mary Holt, Midge Audorff, Mary Smith, and Elva Schaefer.  Alice Buchholz bowled a total of 546 pins in the tournament.


Other local trophy winners were the “Mickey Finns” in the boy’s division.  The team was captained by Walter Wagner, Jr., and included Wayne Grap, Kim Horswill, Wallace Lukas, and George Albrecht.  Their team series was a 2835.  Both of the winning series were rolled with handicaps.                                            


The Prochazka’s family has sold its fold store to Neil Tallefson of Marshfield.  The transfer will take place April 30.  The transaction ends a business life of almost a quarter of a century in Neillsville.  For the elder Robert Prochazka it marks the end of a merchandising career of some 57 years.


Mr. Tallefson, successor to the business, is a family man in his early thirties, the family consisting of his wife and two small children.


The Prochazka’s have varying plans. The father of the family, in trade since 1894, has had enough of it and will retire. George, the older son, will enjoy a period of rest and recreation and will then make some new connection.  The son Robert has no immediate plans, but will later make a new connection.  The grandson Richard, son of George, proposes to go to California.                                                                                                    


The Week’s Specials - 7-foot Pealed, Cedar Fence Posts, ea. 30’ - 80 rods Barbed Wire Spool $7.65.  Van Gorden’s Mill


Exciting! New Wedgies, 2-Buckle Pump with Elastic Strap; Latest Styles Air Cushion Instep, $4.59; Also Highlander Plaid Strap Loafers, only $3.98 - All at Gluch’s Shoe Store, 2 doors west of the City Hall.


For Graduation - Give her a Lane Cedar Chest!  3 styles - Moth Protection Guaranteed.  Starting at $39.95 to $59.95, at Russell’s Furniture & Hardware                                                                


‘Chap’ Paulson, Auctioneer, Farm Sales A Specialty!  More Service for Your Money!  Contact Me, at Phone X2141 - Green 71                                                                                                      


Christensen’s Large Auction - Friday, April 27th - Starting at 12:30 Sharp


On the old Root Farm, located 4 miles East of Neillsville, on Hwy 10, to Club 10, then 4-3/4 miles north;


19 head of Holstein & Guernsey cattle; Farm Machinery; 65 chickens; and 80-acre farm.  Roy Thiemke, owner




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