Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin July 6 2016, Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
July 1881
Dore and Austins cheese factory, in the Town of Grant, is now at work, the first cheese was made last Wednesday.
In a case a reward is offered for the son-of-a-gun that blockaded the highway this side of Halls Creek, last Tuesday morning, we are sure of the promised plot.
Jesse Lowe has commenced work on the foundation of a residence, opposite the Blue Range. This will make three residences that have been put up in that locality since the building season opened.
There will be a picnic and bowery dance at the residence of Wm Hanes in the Town of Levis, July 4th, to which the citizens of Levis are cordially invited.
A. Metcalf, of this village, will suitably reward any person who may be instrumental in procuring the return of his possession of a small spotted pig, which wandered from his care and keeping the latter part of last week.
Complaint having been made before Justice Sturdevant and a warrant issued for the arrest of Seward Way, he has been charged with manslaughter in the shooting of Mrs. Turner. He was arrested by Sheriff Philpott last Tuesday and gave bail for his appearance one week from next Saturday, at which time an examination of the case will be had.
J. D. Condit, Esq., of St. Paul, one of the most popular passenger conductors on the eastern division of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway was in attendance at the railroad celebration here on the 4th. Dud, as he is familiarly called, is always sent out by the railroad company to see that new roads are properly opened, and he gives it as his opinion that the Neillsville branch was opened in the due and regular form. He is also free to admit that he even learned some new points while here that will be of great use to him in future celebrations. The display of fireworks and the manner in which they were fired off was a novelty to him, and he concedes that nothing equal to it has ever been seen in St. Paul.
Mr. C. B. Bradshaw, of this place, has taken the contract to build a schoolhouse at Greenwood. The building is to be completed within ninety days. As Mr. Bradshaw never did a poor job, our neighbors can be rest assured that their new school building will be all the contract calls for.
The building at the end of the railroad track calculated for use as a depot has not yet been fitted up, and Mr. W. U. Wright, the gentlemanly agent of the company at this place, occupies the baggage car as an office.
On Tuesday, Sheriff Philpott took Eddie Bliss to the State Industrial School at Milwaukee. This institution was intended for girls, but where boys are under ten years of age and not too bad, they are sent there instead of to the Waukesha School, where only boys are admitted. Eddie was not considered a very bad boy, but the unfortunate little fellow was among the homeless, having been deserted by his parents, and it was thought best to give him a show for future usefulness by sending him where he could be educated and have an opportunity to acquire habits that may yet enable him to become a useful man.
Mr. A. S. Leason & Son, pump manufacturers, on the North Side, find it difficult, owing to the scarcity of lumber suitable tor their use to be had a present, to supply the demand there is for pumps of their manufacture. That their work is of the best, needs only to be seen to be appreciated, and hence the ready sales with which they try to meet.
The A. S. Leason & Son pump manufacturers building was located on the east side of the 1200 block, Hewett Street. They manufactured windmills and water pumps, which were in demand for those living within villages and rural areas before the availability of indoor plumbing and electricity. Note the barrel on the roof of the building, which was filled with water for fire protection in case an ember from the chimney would ignite the cedar shake shingles. |
The foundry on the North Side, Messrs. Korman & Taplin, proprietors, will be in full blast in about ten days. The engine and a portion of the machinery have been in working order for several days past, and the cupola is now about completed, while the moulding room will be put into shape by the first of the week. This enterprise, though not intended by its proprietors as a mammoth institution in the start, is nevertheless one of no small importance, and as they have come to stay, is one that under their management will keep pace with the demand.
The building as it is now stands, shows a moulding room 20 x 50 feet, ten feet of which however is now occupied by the engine; a machine shop 20 x 40 feet, two stories high, and a forging room 20 x 20. To these dimensions they contemplate making an addition to the machine shop and an addition to the forging room.
They have already done some machine work for farmers and mill men, and when fully ready for business will be prepared to do all faction in all work done.
Aside from the work usually done in an establishment of that kind, Messrs. Korman and Taplin manufacture both steel and iron plows, in the superiority of which they have so much confidence that they are willing to sell with the privilege of returning them if they do not work to the satisfaction of purchasers.
July 1941
Caddies at the Neillsville Country Club are eligible to enter the annual Wisconsin golf championship for caddies, E. P. Skroch, country club official, has announced. The tournament will be held on the Brown Deer Club course in Milwaukee on July 21 and 22. Two Neillsville caddies entered the tournament last year.
The first par round on the Neillsville Country Club course this year was recorded recently by DeWayne Nehs. He shot the 3,320-yard course in 37 strokes, in spite of three putts on the ninth green. Nehs made the round with Robert Latta of Greenwood.
(Through the years, golf course maintenance has greatly improved due to modernized equipment, especially the putting greens, which have enabled many golfers to record par-golf scores throughout the season. DZ)
Somewhere in the Bible it says that a horse is a vain thing for safety, but Darrel Hohenstein, age 10, has gone and done this saying one better. He has found that a heifer calf is a vain thing for safety.
Darrel tried riding the heifer calf last Thursday, perching himself upon the animal. It is not recorded that the heifer objected so much, but a near-by cow took exceptions to what was evidently regarded as unsuitable conduct. So, the cow bunted the boy and the heifer, and Darrel fell from his perch. He landed on his right arm, breaking it below the elbow. He was hurried to Neillsville, where the fracture was reduced. It was a simple break, and will not bother much, but he will know hereafter what to do about riding on a calf.
Approximately 130 students, including 12 beginners, are enrolled in summer instrumental music classes and band work, Richard A. Becker, high school band instructor, revealed this week.
Summer instrumental classes are conducted in the forenoons from Monday through Friday, with band rehearsals every Tuesday night and band concerts scheduled for alternate Wednesday evenings.
A demonstration of baton throwing will be a feature of the third summer band concert to be presented by the high school organization on the courthouse lawn Wednesday evening at 8 p.m.
Giving the demonstration will be Shirley Peterson and June Free, veteran baton twirlers of the high school band, and Dixie Graves and Janet Kunze, who also have proved apt pupils in the art.
The musical department will feature a cornet duet by James and Walter Scott and vocal numbers by Marguerite Brown and Arnold Lewerenz.
Sunday was a day of excitement for the Carl Opelt family, with Dale, age 5, narrowly escaping drowning; with Bernard being bitten by the family dog; and with Kenneth suffering from an infected finger.
The accident to Dale was the closest call. Dale was down at the river with six other Opelt children. He had followed Bill and Clarence down to a rock, from which these two older boys were diving. They presently left the rock, and Dale was wading not far away. But Dale suddenly got beyond his depth, and it was a rush to his rescue, with Bill, age 8, getting to him and hauling him to safety. The Opelt children are getting some real satisfaction out of the fact that little Dale, faced with the necessity actually made quite a job of trying to swim.
Dales escape took place at around 1 oclock, and thereafter things were quiet around the Opelt house, except for the trouble that Kenneth was having with the index finger on his left hand, which was hurting, and nobody knew why. Then at milking time Bernard undertook to take a pail of milk to a calf, and the family dog had the idea that milk ought to be for him. The argument became fast and furious, with Bernard attempting to use the pail on the dog. But the dog meant business and sank his teeth in Bernards right arm just below the elbow.
The other eight Opelt children got through Sunday without any special mishaps.
Four haying accidents have been recorded at the Press this week.
John Routar, Jr., Willard, fell from a load of hay and broke an arm.
Ceylon Strey, Town of York youth, fell upon the wagon tongue from the top of a load of hay when the standard gave way. He suffered rib injuries.
Frank Parkel, Sr, Willard, was thrown from a mower on rough ground and sustained a sprained shoulder. He fell on the side away from the mowers cutting bar.
Donald Mohr, Pine Valley youth, caught a finger in a hay sling and lost the end of it.
Stolid fishe3rmen around Loyal were making some bitter observations this week.
One of those was that no one will have effrontery to present Mrs. A. P. Hable with a can of sardines when her husband goes fishing.
Another was that, unless someone can catch a Muskie longer than 46 inches, the wind will never leave the sails of the good Dr. Hable.
It all started some time ago when the doctor told the boys the right way to fish for Muskie. He laid it on thick; so, when he returned time and again after fruitless hours of fishing this season, the stolid fishermen of Loyal took pity on him and on Mrs. Hable. They presented them with a can of sardines.
But last Friday the doctor turned the tables. Fishing in Black River near the site of the old Greenwood dam, he hooked a 46-inch Muskie. The doctor landed the Muskie, and when he returned to Loyal with the catch, a gigantic gust of wind had filled his depleted sails.
(Dr. Hable was maintaining his medical practice in Loyal, during the time we lived there. Once when my husband, Lloyd, was trout fishing near Rock Dam, he passed Dr. Hable as he was walking upstream to do some fly-fishing. After fishing for a while, Lloyd had the misfortune of getting a fly-hook in one finger. He walked back to where Doc was fishing, showing him his injured finger and problem. Doc brought out a pair of pliers, breaking off the barb to pull the hook out, then told Lloyd, Young man, you never go fishing without a pair of pliers in your pocket. When Lloyd asked how he could disinfect the wound, Doc said, As you leave here, stop at that tavern up on the hill, buy two shots of brandy, pour the first shot on the wound, then drink the second one. DZ)
Milk checks at the rate of $1.90 per hundred pounds for 3.5 milk were distributed Wednesday by the American Stores Dairy Company. This is the highest rate to be paid for milk for more than ten years. Checks of the Neillsville Milk Products Cooperative, to be delivered July 20, will also break all records for a decade.
Dr. Frank Conroy, once a prominent physician and surgeon of Neillsville, is dead at the age of 76. He passed away on July 6 at Palo Alto, Calif.
Dr. Conroy came to Neillsville in 1897, and practiced here nearly 10 years. He was associated with Dr. John Conroy, a brother. He was recognized locally as a surgeon of great skill. His outstanding operation here was the removal of a bullet from the brain of a son of Pat Loy of the Globe area. It was necessary to cut away a portion of the skull and to remove the bullet from the brain, into which it had penetrated, an operation sufficiently delicate at any time but performed than without the help of the x-ray. Dr. Conway is also known to have performed locally, in one year, 22 operations for removal of appendix.
Bring Your Guests out for a Frog Leg Dinner at Club 10, East of Neillsville. Also, serving Steaks, Chicken, Fish and Lobster Tail.
A start Has been made in improving the Levis cemetery, which is now 50 years old. WPA workers spaded up a considerable plot and seeded it. They grubbed out a lot of lilacs, which had spread beyond bounds.
Thus, the old cemetery has another improved spot, which affords additional contrast to the neglect elsewhere. Except for a few lots, the place has become run down. For a time, it had been considered expedient or necessary to burn the whole cemetery over instead of cutting the grass. The result of this procedure would have killed off the more desirable trees and shrubs.
The WPA workers have quit with appropriations exhausted, and there is still work to be done on the old Levis cemetery.
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