June 23, 2021, Page 11 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"
Extracted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
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Clark County News
June 23, 1949
Broken lamp post falls through bakery window
A big plate glass window at the Neillsville Bakery was shattered shortly before noon Monday when one of the old type, cast iron Whiteway light posts was sent crashing through it.
Shattering glass missed Mrs. Ellsworth Shock, a clerk in the bakery, who was at the back of the sales room at the time. Fortunately, she was the only person in the room.
The post was broken loose when it was struck by the box on a milk truck being driven from a parking place by William Churkey of Owen.
The post first struck the awning, which was down, and broke the awning frame before going through the big plate glass window.
Bait available daily as county fights “hoppers”
Poison bait for grasshoppers is available at the county’s central mixing station in Greenwood, County Agent O. Wright announced.
There, during the last week, bait has been dispensed in large quantities as farmers of the county started their campaign to save their crops from attack by the millions of recently hatched “hoppers.”
The mixing station is open every day from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., except during rainy weather, Mr. Wright announces. The station is located on the Co-op lot.
V.F.W. delegates A meeting of the Wilson- Heintz Post No. 2241 of the V.F.W. was held Tuesday evening at the V.F.W. hall. Delegates to the state convention at La Crosse, June 23-25 were chosen as follows: P. C. Ludovic, Donald Drescher, and Judge Bruce F. Beilfuss. The auxiliary to V.F.W. post is to be represented by Mrs. E.J. Roberts and Mrs. Al Keller.
4-H county picnic at Owen All Clark County 4-H clubs will get together Sunday, June 26, at the Owen Community Park for a county-wide 4-H picnic. Games will be played, and a concert will be given by the Clark County 4-H band.
Civic swimming pool fund to get a boost
Rotary plans public dance in July to build the fund it started
An effort to get the civic swimming pool fund rolling – a fund which was launched last October with a $100 donation by the Rotary Club – will be made by the Rotary Club in July.
The club will sponsor a dance at the Silver Dome, President John Mattson has announced, with the proceeds of the dance to go into the civic swimming pool fund. The fund was established from proceeds of the Kryl orchestra concert which the club sponsored here last fall.
Individuals and organizations of the area are invited to make contributions to the fund at either bank, Mr. Mattson said, for it is a community development project, and not a Rotary enterprise.
After a sufficient amount has been raised to warrant thinking in concrete terms about a pool, all donors will be called together and a formal, responsible organization will be set up.
In the meantime, William Doyle, district sanitary engineer of the State Board of Health, is now gathering data on swimming pool projects at the request of the Rotary Club. This information is expected to be available soon.
16 boys to open camp on Sunday
Boy Scouts to spend week at Arbutus; camp will continue to Aug. 4
The camping season at Camp Higishari on Lake Arbutus, will get under way Sunday when 16 boys of the local scout troop settle down there for a week’s stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nugent, camp directors, arrived Tuesday to prepare for the summer camp period, which will continue through August 4. From the opening Sunday until the closing date approximately 168 Neillsville children, representing seven boy and girl organizations, are expected to have a taste of camp life there.
Camp cook will be Mrs. John Stanton.
The boys that will take the first week in camp are: Lowell Trewartha, Al Bradbury, Gale Gall, Hubert Quicker, Jr., Jim Horswill, Wayne Grap, Dick Reber, Dick Schwantes, Jack Tibbett, Marlin Hoesly, Lee Keller, Otto Hainz, Jr., Jack Albrecht, Bob Millard and Jay Bruhn.
This group will be followed by the Cubs, who will encamp at Higishari July 6 through July 8.
General arrangements for the camp are under the direction of Mrs. Iris Randal.
Interesting concert by the Goodie family
More than 300 persons attended the concert at the Armory Tuesday evening, given by the Goodie family. If, because of the race of entertainers, they expected to hear mainly spirituals, they were met with a surprise. Spirituals there were, and they were splendidly done, including an arrangement of “Go Down Moses” which was so symphonic that it was rather difficult to isolate the old, familiar tune.
The Goodies, however, kept the spirituals, and one or two blues, in a definitely minor relation in their program. They went string on Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky and Sullivan. The Sullivan number, “The Lost Chord,” featured Richard, 15, who did a workman-like job.
Walter Goodie, Sr., emphasized the mission of his family in cultivating good will among the races. Certainly, they created, by their musical efforts and their faultless dress and stage manners, an atmosphere of good will; but they needed no racial mission to furnish occasion for their contribution. They can travel on their merits, for they are a talented family.
The group consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodie and their five children. The remarks by Mr. Goodie seemed to indicate that they have found a satisfactory answer to the management of a large family. Evidently part of the answer is to keep the youngsters busy with music. It is clear that, having covered 48 states and part of Canada and having attained no little proficiency in music, the Goodie children have not had much time for deviltry.
Polio prevention steps are told
Dr. Kenneth Manz gives a talk on disease before meeting of Kiwanis
Two steps considered important in the prevention of polio were given by Dr. Kenneth Manz, local physician, in a talk before the Kiwanis Club Monday night.
The first, he said, is to keep children away from one another during the time of epidemic.
The second, and perhaps the most important, he said, is to avoid over-exhaustion of children in epidemic times.
Indication of the importance of the latter point, he said, was given in the study of a worker in a Detroit camp, where one case was recognized in its early stage. The polio virus was recovered from the droplets of five other youngsters in the same cabin. The indication of this was that these five youngsters harbored the polio organisms.
Only one of these five, however, came down with the disease. He became ill only after hard exertion.
The knowledge of polio now is fragmentary, but extensive, Dr. Manz told the Kiwanians.
“When they start putting the fragments together, they will go together fast,” he asserted. The same, he added, is true of cancer.
During polio time operations on the nose and mouth should be avoided, Dr. Manz said. However, he expressed the belief that the seriousness of such operations has been “over-publicized” in the past. However, if the child is carrying the polio virus and undergoes an operation on the nose or mouth, he is more likely to fall victim of the disease; and if he does get it, it is more likely to be serious.
The symptoms of polio resemble closely those of summer flu: cold, sore throat, headache, etc. There is no easy test for the disease, Dr. Manz said; but the chances are that a “lot of those who have summer flu have, in fact, non-paralytic infantile paralysis.”
Polio is a modern disease, limited in its paralytic form mainly to North America and western Europe. However, it has become more and more widespread. It is possible that all peoples have it in the non-paralytic stage and develop an immunity to it in those countries where modern sanitation is not as well advanced, Dr. Manz said.
The chance for paralytic type of polio is about one in 10,000 in children, Dr. Manz said. Deaths are “practically all due to the bulbar type,” he continued, “but the respirator is making this type of polio even less fatal.”
The Kinney treatment probably is the “very best,” Dr. Manz said.
Two years ago, Dr. Manz attended a special course in polio at the University of Wisconsin. The course was sponsored by the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the state board of health and other organizations and agencies.
“Since taking the course,” Dr. Manz concluded, “I have not seen a case of polio.”
4-H softball schedule for county announced
Gals and guys will play together, rule of 4-H Tourney Committee
The Clark County 4-H softball season is at hand. This week marks the opening round of schedules.
The Shortville Hustlers, managed by Wallace Krause of Granton, are playing the Maple Grove 4-H Club team, managed by Leon Zuelke of Granton, on the Hustlers’ diamond.
The Happy Valley diamond of Neillsville will be the scene of play when Fred Garbisch of Granton brings his Pleasant Ridge team to give Lyle Armitage’s team battle.
Lone Pine 4-H Club, managed by Franklin Wilke of Loyal, will journey to Thorp to meet Harold Reinke’s Butler Builders.
Ed Przybylski’s Shooting Stars of Thorp will be hosts to the Happy Workers 4-H Club, managed by Ray Dearth of Withee.
The Curtiss club, managed by Marvin Thede of Colby, is journeying to Owen to meet the Eager Beavers, managed by Gerald Behringer.
Leonard Bush’s Pleasant Hill 4-H team of Dorchester is meeting the Dorchester club, managed by Donald Schumacher, sometime this week under the lights at Dorchester.
Clark County Central 4-H Club of Greenwood and Pierce Owen’s Longwood Club of Withee have open dates this week.
One of the highlights of this season’s tournament is the rule handed down by the 4-H Softball Committee. This rule being that not more than 7 boys and not less than 2 girls will be on the playing field at one time. This rule will tend to even up the sides more or less and make the game more interesting.
Marriage licenses
George Hutchings, 55, of Waukegan, Ill., and Catherine Nauertz, 57, of Neillsville, married June 18 by Judge O.W. Schoengarth in Neillsville.
Henry Neilson, 26, Greenwood, and Beatrice Schwarze, 19, Owen, to be married June 25 in Greenwood by Rev. T.M. Nelson.
Delbert Sloniker, 23, Greenwood, and Shirley Schafer, 15, Spencer, to be married in Loyal by the Rev. John Langholz.
James Bradshaw, 24, Loyal, and Janet Luchterhand, 21, Loyal, to be married in Loyal June 24, by Rev. John Langholz.
James David Knops, 23, of Glenwood City, and Patricia B. Sugden, 19, of Owen, to be married June 23 by the Rev. Bornbach.
Ortan Dahlby, 35, of Greenwood, and Lorraine R. Balcerek, 28 of Cornell, to be married in Greenwood by the Rev. Theodore Nelson.
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