July 20, 2022, Page 8 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"
Extracted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
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Clark County News
July 21, 1927
Investigating man’s disappearance About a month ago, Ole Dale found a suitcase on the Loyal road. The contents consisted of a suit of clothes, underwear and shirt. The only means of identification was the name, Fred Bregal, Almena, Wis., written on the inside of the suitcase.
A letter was sent advising him of his suitcase having been found, but no answer was received. Then the postmaster at Almena was appealed to and a few days later a man came down from Almena. He said Fred Brengel made his home in Almena and was in the habit of working every winter for the Lumber Co. at Rib Lake, always returning in the spring. This spring he disappeared and as he had about $300 his friends fear he met with foul play and are investigating his disappearance.
Speeding auto injures two
The loose gravel just south of town on Highway 73, was the scene of an auto accident Sunday afternoon. Lloyd Merlak driving the Hupmobile belonging to M. Bombach, seemingly lost control of the vehicle with the result that it went into the ditch and turned over.
Young Merlak was pinned under the car and was injured so that he had to be removed to the hospital at Marshfield. His sister, Miss Jennie, was also somewhat injured. Two of the Bomback children, who were also in the car, escaped with minor bruises.
Federal agents get James Fackler
Federal prohibition agents Monday raided the home of James Fackler, between Spencer and Loyal. Fackler was arrested for violation of the Volstead Act and taken to Wausau. A Chevrolet coupe, owned by Fackler, was taken with him, and brought to the city, where it is being stored at the Loiselle Bros. Garage. It is reported a still and ten gallons of moonshine were found on the Fackler premises.
A lunar rainbow
Friday night from 9:30 o’clock for perhaps an hour, a rainbow was observed in the western sky by a number of observers. The moon was shining, and the phenomenon was doubtless what is known as a lunar rainbow, a very rare sight. The usual daylight rainbow, as is well known, is caused by the refracture of the sun’s rays by rain drops in the atmosphere. The moon’s rays are reflected from the sun and if conditions are favorable, it is possible for a rainbow of fainter colors to be produced.
Lightning burns barn
The new barn of Joseph Klein in the town of Washburn was struck by lightning Friday and burned to the ground together with portion of his hay crop which had been cut and put into the barn, also wagon and hay tools.
The loss was partially covered by insurance in the Lynn Mutual to the extent of $2,633. Mr. Klein plans to rebuild at once.
Cheese factory opens
The Clark County Butter Co. last week sold its cheese factory in west Weston to W.C. Kono of Stratford, who reopened the factory for business Monday. The factory had been closed for several weeks past, but starts out again with promise of a good patronage. Mr. Kono comes well recommended as a cheese maker and factory manager.
Woman killed by auto
Last week Wednesday a car loaded with tourists rolled over at a curve on No. 12, near Humbird, killing one of the occupants, Mrs. Nellie Weels, and seriously injuring one of her sons. They were from Rockwood, Mich., and were bound for Bloomer, Wis.
High wind
Last week Tuesday a thunderstorm accompanied with a strong wind in some places, swept across this part of the county. The roof was lifted off the grandstand at the fair grounds and thrown over on the east side of the building. A stave silo on Miller Bros. farm was also blown down, but no further damage was reported.
Many at child clinic
The free clinic for mothers and children held at the courthouse Tuesday was largely attended. Dr. McCean and the nurse were busy all day. Most of the children examined were under three years of age. It is evident that these clinics are considered very helpful by mothers throughout the county.
Bad hail storm hit the county
Friday evening a heavy hail storm swept across this county passing north of Greenwood and Loyal and extending toward the east county line. Crops of all kinds were driven into the ground, even the trees being stripped of leaves. The rain in that region was also very heavy in the town of Unity, the flat lands being overflowed.
High priced cattle shipped out of Colby
The highest priced car load of dairy cattle that has ever been shipped out of Colby and probably Marathon and Clark counties, was shipped Thursday. The shipment included nineteen grade and two pure bred Guernseys. Those two years old or over brought an average price of $166.00, while all Guernseys, including calves, brought an average price of $133.50. Chas. Forest, secretary of the Colby Guernsey Club, took the buyers around to the different farmers.
(Advertisement in the July 21, 1927, issue of The Clark County Press)
July 23, 1942
William Vine hurt doing road work
Grant supervisor is struck when tree is pulled–right leg broken
William Vine, of the supervisors of the town of Grant, is in the Marshfield hospital with a broken right leg. He received the injury last Friday, when doing road work with his crew. The men were grading the west town line road. They had just pulled out a tree by using the tractor. The cable had caught on a root; Mr. Vine loosened it and stepped aside. He figured that the tree, when pulled away, would go in another direction. Instead, it came tearing right for him and struck him violently, breaking both bones in the right leg.
Oswald Pischer called a doctor and an ambulance, and Mr. Vine was hurried to the Marshfield hospital. The leg was set and put into a cast. Two screws were put through one of the bones to hold it in place. Mr. Vine hopes to be home within a week.
Suffers shock
Mrs. Otto Lewerenz suffered a severe shock last Saturday afternoon while wading in the water at Snyder’s dam when she suddenly stepped into deep water. Unable to swim, Mrs. Lewerenz went down twice before members of her group could lend their assistance. Although she did not lose consciousness, Mrs. Lewerenz has been suffering with severe headaches and other disturbances due to the shock.
Lynn woman is injured as team bolts with hay
Mrs. Raymond Sternitzky suffered a fractured elbow when she jumped from a partially loaded hay wagon pulled by a runaway team Monday afternoon.
She was helping Mr. Sternitzky with the haying when the team ran away. With the wagon about half loaded, she pulled the team to a stop for a moment and dropped a rein. The horses started off toward the barn, pulling the half loaded wagon, hay loader and all.
When she saw that they were headed straight for the basement door of the barn, Mrs. Sternitzky jumped to the ground, suffering an incomplete fracture of the elbow as she struck the ground. The horses ran through the doorway, damaging parts of the wagon and hay loader as they pulled them through.
Nomination papers of two candidates filed
Two candidates for county office in the fall primaries have filed nominations papers, County Clerk Calvin Mills reported Wednesday. The deadline date for filing is July 28.
The candidates, both Progressives, are Ray Kutsche, town of Levis farmer and candidate for sheriff; and Clarence Mathewson of Owen, incumbent county surveyor.
Leaves for camp
Lt. Arthur M. (Stir) Wagner left Monday afternoon for an Army camp located near Indianapolis, Ind., where he expects to be stationed for the next three months, at least. He spent the major portion of a furlough here after graduating from an officers’ candidate school at Fort Benning, Ga. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Wagner.
Injures shoulder
Theodore Kunce injured his right shoulder and was otherwise bruised while helping Alvin Pagenkopf with his haying last Wednesday. One of the anchors holding a long pole gave way, letting the pole fall upon the young man. He is about but has not yet been able to return to work.
July 17, 1952
A’s beat Greenwood; meet Abby here Sunday
The Neillsville Athletics, who racked up a 148 victory over Greenwood in their only appearance last week, play one away and one at home this week.
Wednesday night they were to travel to Loyal to engage the Blackhawks in a Dairybelt Nite league contest. Sunday night they will be back on their home grounds in a game against Abbotsford’s Cloverbelt league.
Arnie Buchholz, popular righthanded mound star, gained credit for last Thursday night’s victory over Greenwood. As tilts between these teams usually are, it was a hard-fought one, with lots of free hitting and enough flubs to make it exciting in spite of the lopsided score.
Judge Reinhart to speak at Kiwanis Monday night
Circuit Judge Clarence Reinhart will speak to the Neillsville Kiwanis Monday night. Judge Reinhart is a member of Kiwanis at Chippewa Falls and circuit judge of Eau Claire, Chippewa and Rusk counties.
School of life saving
A school of instruction in life saving and water safety will be held in the American Legion Memorial Hall Friday night, starting at 8 o’clock. All interested are invited to attend.
A local physician and Jim Haas, lifeguard and counsellor at Camp Higichari for the past two or three summers, will be in charge. A demonstration and explanation will be given of the method of artificial resuscitation recently approved by the Red Cross.
An important preliminary stage in taking blood. In the foreground, at right, Mrs. Fred Appleyard, a donor; at extreme left, partially showing, another donor, Mrs. John Apfel. Standing at left, is Mrs. Elizabeth Helwig, important factor in the success of the drive; at her right, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, general chairman.
(Press photo July 17, 1952)
July 20, 1972
Interrupt thieves at Loyal feed mill
Burglars left in a hurry from the O.W. Trindal Company feed mill in Loyal and dropped a portable duplicator and
an adding machine in the process.
According to Sheriff David Bertz, his deputies found the machines placed as if they were ready to be taken out of the building. Bertz added that the burglars must have gotten frightened and fled during the late evening attempt July 15.
Officials at the company reported that two watches were missing, an undetermined amount of change was taken from battered pop and candy machines, and drawers were rifled.
The thieves gained entry through a front door window.
Scales too small to weigh large muskie at lake
Calvin Swenson, Neillsville’s assistant postmaster, landed a 47 inch muskellunge at Lake Arbutus last Friday afternoon. The fish was weighed at 28 pounds on scales belonging to Hilbert Naedler at Neillsville, Swenson’s father-in-law, after Swenson failed to find a scale at Hatfield large enough to weigh it.
Even the Naedler scale was too small, according to Swenson.
“The scale went to 28 pounds,” he said, “and it went right to the bottom.”
Swenson, who was fishing with his son Neil, 12, hooked the fish about 2:50 p.m. He used a black bucktail and was fishing in the backwaters of Lake Arbutus, he said. It took about 20 minutes to land the fish, Swenson estimated.
Several fishermen had been aware of a “big one” in the backwaters.
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