August 3, 2022, Page 8 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"
Extracted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Index of "Oldies" Articles |
Clark County News
August 4, 1927
Blueberry picker lost
Black River Falls had an exciting time last week over a “lost man.” Clarence Fueling, a young man of about 22, came over from Arcadia with his parents to pick blueberries in the unsettled country east of Black River Falls. The young man got separated from his parents, lost his bearing and was not found for 72 hours, spending two nights in the wilderness. Large searching parties were organized in Black River Falls, supplemented by relatives and friends from Arcadia and the region for many miles was covered. He was finally found near Squaw Mound 12 miles east of Black River Falls, Game Warden Ben Lanning and his son coming across him as they were traveling along the road. He was none the worse for the experience. All he had to eat was blueberries.
Cow switches eye out
Carl Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Weber of route five, met with a very unfortunate accident last Saturday. Carl works on a farm for Ernest Riske near Spencer and was helping with milking when the cow he was milking switched her tail, striking Carl in the eye. The eyeball was punctured, and Carl was taken to the hospital at Marshfield where on Monday the eye was removed.
Premium books out
The premium pamphlets for the Clark County Fair to be held Aug. 30, 31 and Sept. 1 and 2, are off the press and many be secured by anyone interested at any bank in the county. Only such changes in premiums have been made from former years as experience has shown to be necessary. Each year brings to the attention of a live management certain changes and improvements in the conduct of the fair and as far as their resources and ability will permit, these improvements are made, so that visitors may be assured that they will this year see all the best features of the former fairs, but also the latest which the management can secure.
Chicken pie dinner at Sherwood
The Sherwood Community Club announced their annual Chicken Pie Dinner to be held at Sherwood Town Hall Thursday night, Aug. 25, beginning at six o’clock and until all are served. Adults 50 cents, children 25 cents. For the benefit of the church fund. Do not forget the date.
Neillsville Holstein Club meeting
The Neillsville Holstein Club will meet this week. Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Milton in Pine Valley. All welcome.
August 6, 1942
131 tons of sugar is authorized for canning
Sugar purchase certificates totaling 261,520 pounds–or nearly 131 tons– in weight value were issued in Clark County in July for home canning.
This information was revealed by Leo W. Foster, head of the county rationing board, in a report to the state office. The total weight value was distributed among 6,513 applicants.
During the remainder of August the traveling clerk of the ration board will deal with adjustments and those who were prevented by causes beyond their control from registering for home canning sugar needs.
His schedule is: Withee High School, August 7 and 25; Thorp High School, August 10 and 26; Willard school, August 11 and 27; Humbird, Mentor town hall, August 12 and 28; Granton village hall, August 13 and 31; Loyal High School, August 14; Riplinger School, August 17; Greenwood High School, August 18; Dorchester village hall, August 19; Abbotsford High School, August 20; Colby High School, August 21; and Owen High School, August 24.
Clark County Grange plans home talent show
The Clark Grange, No. 749, is presenting a Hill Billy Wedding on August 13 and 14 at the Granton village hall. The entertainment is a combination barn dance and womanless wedding, all on the humorous side.
This is a home talent show, and Elmer Anderson, master of the grange, states that the doors are wide open to local persons possessing talent. He invites them to be present at the Granton village hall on August 11. There they will have opportunity to meet Pauline Van Eaton of Rock Island, Ill., the director.
“Victory” is theme for the County Fair
Bond and stamp booth will be on grounds; U.S.O., Red Cross to exhibit
Production for Victory will keynote the 70th annual Clark County Fair here August 2225. Along with the majority of other fairs of Wisconsin, the Clark County event will carry out “Victory” theme through its exhibits of farm crops–some of which promise to be among the best in years–dairy products, dairy cattle, and entries in the women’s department.
Harold Huckstead, secretary, said that arrangements are being made also to boost the sale of war bonds and war savings stamps at a booth on the grounds. The Red Cross and U.S.O. also will have booths in which the Victory theme will be carried out.
to farmers of Jackson and Wood counties, as well as those in Clark County. These departments include horses, cattle, sheep and swine.
The opening day of the fair will be entry day, and all entries must be in place by 6 p.m. of that day. Entries may be made at any time prior to that day by writing to Mr. Huckstead, Neillsville. Judging will be done only by the Wisconsin department of agriculture, and in no case will any person interested directly or indirectly in exhibits shown in any department be eligible to judge animals or articles shown in that department.
Premium lists, with entry blanks inserted, are available from any bank in Clark County, or by writing Mr. Huckstead.
“Minute Man” flag out on Neillsville Street
The treasury department’s blue and white “Minute Man” flag was floating in Neillsville’s business district for the first time Monday among the American flags which have been placed out daily since shortly after Pearl Harbor.
The Minute Man flag was put out in front of the Northern States Power Company office, signifying that at least 90 percent of the company’s employees are participating in the payroll checkoff of 10 percent of their wages for war bonds and stamps. The flag pictures a Minute Man with his rifle, and stars in white against a blue background.
The company’s employees also are signed up 100 percent for civilian defense volunteer work.
Advertisement in The Press Aug. 6, 1942.
July 31, 1952
Flower show will be held Tuesday, Aug. 21
The Monday Progress Club announces plans for annual event The Monday Progress Club announces that its fifth annual flower show will be held in the afternoon and evening of Thursday, August 21, in the Neillsville Armory.
The committee in charge emphasizes that entries are open to anyone wishing to participate. Regulations provide that no entry fee or general admission fee is required, as the show is held to stimulate interest in flower gardening and home beautification.
Special prizes and a special section devoted to children are again being offered.
Among new features of this year’s show will be a silent auction and at the close of the evening program some of the prizewinning bouquets and flower spikes will be sold.
A musical program will also be a feature of the show in both the afternoon and the evening.
A complete entry list along with the rules and regulations of the show will be available later.
When the editor read the foregoing, he wanted to know what a “silent auction” is. Esther Perkins, who wrote the article, told him; it is the kind of auction in which each bidder writes his bid down on a piece of paper and the highest bid makes the purchase. Probably everybody else knew that, but the editor didn’t.
Hearing on fur trapping
A hearing will be held at the court house at 8 o’clock, Monday, August 18, with reference to regulations for fur trapping during the coming season.
The hearings directly affect trappers, but are of indirect interest to other sportsmen who use the areas.
Recommendations made at the county hearings serve as a guide to the conservation commission in drafting the new regulations.
Russell’s window wins $25 prize
A $25 prize offered by the Neillsville area chamber of commerce for the best old-time window decoration connected with the centennial fair was awarded Tuesday noon to Russell’s Furniture and Hardware store.
The window depicted a complete bedroom of a late 1800 home, including pictures, bedpan and China doll. The bedroom was set up by Mrs. Metty (Russell) Roberts, with the assistance of other members of the store’s staff.
Pieces used in the window display were furnished by Mrs. Leonard Schultz, Mrs. E.H. Snyder, Mrs. Edna (Russell) Roels, Mrs. Marion Begley, Mrs. George Hubing and Mrs. Roger Ingold, Sr.
Lenore Landry, a Neillsville High School graduate, has been given the distinguished alumni award at UW Stout. Miss Landry, whose father, Wallace J. Landry, was county agent for Clark County from 1929 to 1941, now resides in Madison. The award cites Miss Landry for contributions to home economics, including work in her present position as a specialist for textiles and clothing in the University of Wisconsin extension program. (Press photo Aug. 3, 1972)
Here are members of the local Service Company, ready to depart for camp. The picture was taken at the Armory just an hour or so before they departed on a bus. The men shown here constituted the last contingent, others having gone on before. Kneeling in front are, left, George Hendrickson, warrant officer, junior grade, and Norman Drescher, chief warrant officer. First row standing, left to right, Russell Cook, Roland Jenni, Jerry Opelt, Robert Strangfeld, Donald Hoeser, Milton Tock, Harris Schoengarth, Robert Kunze, Robert Crase, Henry Zugich, Robert Wallace, Vernon Sternitzky and Richard Tibbett. Back row, left to right, William Halpin, Andrew Rosenberger, Walter Oldham, George Campbell, Earl Dayton, Melvin Zschernitz, Raymond Volz, Arthur Hohenstein, Gordon Oldham, LaVerne Mayer, Harvey Bauer and Adrian Hubing. (Press photo July 31, 1952)
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