Bio: Schlinsog, Harold (Cloverleaf Dairy)
Surnames: Schlinsog, Pelsdorf, Mullins,Schwantes
----Source: Family Records
Cloverleaf Dairy Businesses
Contributed by William Schlinsog.
Harry Schlinsog owned the Cloverleaf Dairy in the township of Eaton, located 3
miles west and 2 miles south of Greenwood at the north east corner of Chickadee
and Cty Hwy. O. Harry Schlinsog, bought the factory in 1943 and sold
it to Dairy Belt Cheese of Spencer in 1946. In 1946 he purchased a cheese
factory in Pelsdorf, located 3 miles south east of Loyal, which he
renamed Schlinsog Dairy. It was operated by the family until 1992 when the
business was sold to Mullins of Mosinee and the factory closed. Below is a
picture of the Cloverleaf Dairy of Greenwood and below that, one of the
Schlinsog Dairy of Loyal. The Schlinsog
family also owned and operated the Lynn Dairy in the Town of Lynn from 1948 to
1949 when it was sold to William Schwantes Sr.
Cloverleaf Dairy, Greenwood, WI
Dairy Businesses of Clark Co., WI
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