St. Mary's Catholic Church

Greenwood, Clark Co., Wisconsin



121 N. Main Street

Photo Contributed by George Plautz

Additional Photos [unk date]


Parsonage  [2008]


Communion Classes [1904 ca.]  [1958]

Confirmation Classes [1914 ca.]  [1958]


Church News


----Source: Greenwood Gleaner, 16 Mar. 1909

The ladies of the Altar Society of St. Mary's Church gave a social on the lawn of Mrs. A. McCormick last Thursday afternoon and evening, and it was a decided success socially and financially, and as we passed by we could not help but notice the good time that every one was having. Ice cream, coffee and coffee cakes were served In abundance, all of which were greatly, enjoyed, especially the coffee cakes. The ladies of the society wish to thank all who helped to make the event so successful. It is hoped that another Of a like helmet) will be given before the summer season closes.


This notice appeared in the Nov. 15, 1934 Greenwood Gleaner


Members Correspondence


Goldie Baird







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