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  Box Butte County

1890 Farmers

P - R

Farmers                          Location


Fred Pahlow Alliance
Ernst Pannowitz Berea
J. S. Paradis Hemingford
George M. Parker Box Butte
J. A. Parker Nonpareil
J. V. Parker Hemingford
Walter Parker Hemingford
Charles Parkins Alliance
Floyd B. Parkins Alliance
J. C. Parkins Hemingford
Charles Parrish Alliance
George Parrott Berea
C. Paschang Hemingford
T. H. Pasey Nonpareil
John Pascar Sr.  Lawn
John Patocka Hemingford
E. R. Patterson Alliance
W. F. Patterson Berea
William Patterson Hemingford
David A. Paul Nonpareil
Martin Pavek Lawn
Anton Pavlosky Lawn
A. F. Payne Nonpareil
M. A. Payne Nonpareil
Mrs. Susie Payne Nonpareil
Amos Pearson Hemingford
A. L. Pease Nonpareil
Mary C. Pease Nonpareil
Ole Pederson Nonpareil
Matias Pelan Hemingford
Frank Pelikan Hemingford
John Pelikan Hemingford
John Pelikan Jr.  Hemingford
Joseph Pelikan Hemingford
Bernard Pelster Hemingford
Edward Petty Libby
Frank Petty Libby
J. B. Petty Alliance
J. D. Petty Libby
John Petty Libby
S. A. Petty Alliance
Henry Peltz Hemingford
John Peltz Hemingford
Joseph Peltz Hemingford
Thomas Peltz Hemingford
George W. Pense Hemingford
Ezra Pepper Alliance
H. Perlick Alliance
Alien Peterson Libby
Andrew Peterson Nonpareil
Frank Peserson Alliance
Nicholas Peterson Alliance
Richard Phelan Alliance
D. B. Phelps Burbank
F. M. Phelps Alliance
Joseph Philips Alliance
Luke Phillips Hemingford
Charles E. Phillips Alliance
David Phillips Hemingford
J. J. Phillips Nonpareil
William Phillips Nonpareil
J. J. Pierson Alliance
B. F. Piester Alliance
John Pilkington Alliance
H. B. A. Pinkerton Hemingford
J. C. Pinkerton Hemingford
J. T. Pinkerton Hemingford
Vaclav Pitka Nonpareil
L. Pitz Hemingford
James Planansky Lawn
Joseph Planasky Jr.  Lawn
Joseph Planansky Sr.  Lawn
John Plasek Hemingford
S. G. Platt Alliance
Frank Pokorny Nonpareil
George Pool Lawn
John Pool Lawn
N. Pool Lawn
Fred K. Porter Alliance
F. W. Porter Hemingford
Charles Posvar Lawn
John Posvar Jr.  Lawn
Martin Posvar Lawn
John Potmesil Box Butte
Thomas D. Potts Alliance
Adam Preis Hemingford
A. Preston Alliance
Alonzo Preston Alliance
Ben Price Nonpareil
Gilbert Price Burbank
L. L. Price Nonpareil
H. K. Prickett Alliance
Robert Pringle HEmingford
Thomas Pringle Hemingford
Frank Prochaska Lawn
William T. Procter Lawn
Frank Prokop Lawn
Joseph Prokop Lawn
Vincene Prokop Lawn
John Puckett Libby
Virgil M. Putnam Alliance


Fred Quade Hemingford


Henry Radel Lawn
James RAgerty Alliance
G. W. RAgan Alliance
R. R. Ralis Alliance
W. A. Randall Nonpareil
L. D. Rankin Alliance
D. V. RAnnells Alliance
Eric Rasmussen Berea
Mathew RAsmussen Berea
O. H. Raub Box Butte
Margaret Ray Box Butte
B. W. Raymond Berea
B. W. Raymond Alliance
G. Raymond Lawn
E. C. Reck Alliance
S. C. Reck Alliance
F. E. Reddish Alliance
A. S. Reed Alliance
Ira Reed Hemingford
Irving S. Reed Alliance
A. B. Reeves Lawn
G. Reimann Nonpareil
J. Reimann Nonpareil
Charles Rendla Hemingford
Henry Renger Berea
Hagen Rensvold Nonpareil
Henry Rensvold Nonpareil
Peter H. Rensvold Nonpareil
Hans Resell Box Butte
A. Reynolds Hemingford
Bion Reynolds Hemingford
G. W. Reynolds Alliance
H. A. Reynolds Hemingford
Charles Rice Alliance
O. A. Ricce Alliance
H. C. Richards Alliance
M. J. Richardson Nonpareil
William H. Richardson Nonpareil
J. N. Richie Alliance
Isaac Rickell Hemingford
Riley Brothers Alliance
Emil Rime Box Butte
S. N. Rindern Libby
F. M. Rissell Alliance
Charles Ritter Berea
H. W. Rittler Alliance
C. W. Roberts Hemingford
Jasmes W. Roberts Hemingford
J. T. Roberts Hemingford
W. H. Roberts  Hemingford
William A. Robinson Libby
William Robinson Jr.  Libby
G. W. Roderick Alliance
W. H. Roland Hemingford
W. S. Rome Alliance
Herman Rood Nonpareil
Charles Rosa Nonpareil
C. E. Rosenberger Nonpareil
C. A. Ross Box Butte
George Ross Box Butt
John Roth Nonpareil
William Roth Nonpareil
D. C. Rounda Alliance
amos Rouse Nonpareil
D. H. Rouse Nonpareil
O. D. Rouse Nonpareil
Albert Rowley Box Butte
Jacob Rowley Box Butte
Levi Rubottom Nonpareil
A. L. Rumbaugh Box Butte
P. Russell Hemingford
John Rutledge Nonpareil
George Ryan Hemingford
William M. Ryan Hemingford
James Reynolds Alliance

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