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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 1336  WILBER REPUBLICAN

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

1336 02/22/1924 3 01 R245 Rischling, Adolph 22 and Kratina, Mary 21; married: married
1336 02/22/1924 3 04 A425 Alsman, George and Vanek, Virginia; Married: married
1336 02/22/1924 3 04 K300 Kuhout, John Jr.; born 2-18 nine miles N.W. of Wilber: son
1336 02/22/1924 3 04 V520 Vanek, Virginia and Alsman, George; Married: married
1336 02/22/1924 3 05 Z246 Ziegler (Baumgardt), Emma; died 2-2: died

1336 02/22/1924 3 06 W424 Walklin, E.S. wife of; died: died
1336 02/22/1924 4 01 D151 Deffenbaugh (Dredla), George and Madeline; born 2-10: son
1336 02/22/1924 4 01 P120 Papik, Charles; born 2-9: son
1336 02/22/1924 4 02 H200 Haase, Henry Charles; died: died
1336 02/22/1924 4 02 S152 Spence, Thomas 73; died: died

1336 02/22/1924 4 03 B652 Burns, Charles; died 2-7: died
1336 02/22/1924 4 03 R525 Rincheimer, Thomas; died: died
1336 02/22/1924 4 04 H165 Haberman, Chris; Born 2-7: girl
1336 02/22/1924 4 04 R240 Russel, John; Adopted: girl
1336 02/22/1924 4 05 N242 Nickles, Charles; died: died

1336 02/22/1924 4 05 Q251 Quackenbush, Paul D.; died 2-5: died
1336 02/22/1924 4 05 V562 Venrick, Beryl Marie; died: died
1336 02/22/1924 4 06 K320 Kutasi, Joseph Sr.; died: died\
1336 02/22/1924 4 06 S455 Selement, Bessie and Wanek, Charles; Married 2-12: married
1336 02/22/1924 4 06 W520 Wanek, Henry and Selement, Bessie; Married 2-12: married

1336 02/29/1924 2 02 K635 Kratina, Mary and Risohling, Adolph; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 2 02 R245 Risohling, Adolph and Kratina, Mary; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 2 03 Z352 Zednik, Adolph 26; Died: died
1336 02/29/1924 3 02 A432 Aladky, Frank; Born 2-24: girl
1336 02/29/1924 3 02 F623 Forst, Mathew J. 39 and Vaverks, Ludmilla L. 20; Married: married

1336 02/29/1924 3 02 K635 Kratina, Mary and Risohling, Adolph; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 3 02 R245 Risohling, Adolph and Kratina, Mary; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 3 02 V162 Vaverks, Ludmilla L. 20 and Frost, Mathew J. 39; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 3 04 C434 Caldwell, A.P.; Died: died
1336 02/29/1924 3 04 F615 Feyerraben, John; Died 2-22: died

1336 02/29/1924 3 05 H635 Hartman, Frank B.; died 2-22: died
1336 02/29/1924 3 05 S316 Stiver, C.E.; Died: died
1336 02/29/1924 4 01 D256 Degenhardt, A.J. and Anna Mary; born 2-19: girl
1336 02/29/1924 4 01 S530 Smith, P.C.; born: son
1336 02/29/1924 4 02 B600 Bauer, Ernest 94; died: died

1336 02/29/1924 4 02 M610 Murphey, Ralph wife of; died: died
1336 02/29/1924 4 03 S600 Shirey, "Tone" Sanford; died 2-15: died
1336 02/29/1924 4 04 A146 Appleyard, Ada and Porter, George; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 4 04 B650 Brown, Roy Max; Born: To: Roy
1336 02/29/1924 4 04 H300 Hiatt, B.C. and Underwood, Nellie; Married: married

1336 02/29/1924 4 04 P636 Porter, George and Appleyard, Ada; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 4 04 R262 Rogers, Charles M. and Zabel, Hildreth; Married 2-18: marrried
1336 02/29/1924 4 04 U536 Underwood, Nellie and Hiatt, B.C.; Married: married
1336 02/29/1924 4 04 Z140 Zabel, Hildreth and Rogers, Charles M.; Married 2-18: Married
1336 02/29/1924 4 05 K162 Kiburz, Isaac 69; died: died

1336 02/29/1924 4 06 F600 Frey, John; died 2-15: died
1336 02/29/1924 4 06 K624 Krisl, Emil; born: girl
1336 02/29/1924 4 06 R520 Ruhnke, Elsie and Vogt, Armin; Married 2-14: married
1336 02/29/1924 4 06 V230 Vogt, Armin and Ruhnke, Elsie; Married 2-14: Married
1336 03/07/1924 2 03 S412 Slepicks (Bors), Josephine; died 2-28: Husband: Charles A.

1336 03/07/1924 3 01 P420 Pulec, J.J.; born 3-2: son
1336 03/07/1924 3 02 F623 Forst, Mathew J. 39 and Vaverka, Ludmilla L. 20; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 3 02 R620 Rohrig, Anna Marie and Weber, Conrad 28; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 3 02 R620 Rohrig, Anna Marie and Weber, Conrad 28; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 3 02 V162 Vaverka, Ludmilla L. 20 and Forst, Mathew J. 39; Married: married

1336 03/07/1924 3 02 W160 Weber, Conrad 28 and Rohrig, Anna Maria; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 3 02 W160 Weber, Conrad 28 and Rohrig, Anna Marie; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 3 03 R600 Rehor, Joe E. and Slepicks, Clara; Married: Married
1336 03/07/1924 3 03 S412 Slepicks, Clara and Rehor, Joe E.; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 3 03 S412 Slepicks, Emma and Svare, Joe J.; Married: married

1336 03/07/1924 3 03 S160 Svare, Joe J. and Slepicks, Emma; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 3 04 K160 Kovar, Vine; born: son
1336 03/07/1924 3 05 C434 Caldwell, A.P.; died: died
1336 03/07/1924 3 05 Z352 Zednik, Adolph F.; died 2-16: died
1336 03/07/1924 4 01 H142 Havlicek (Boekel), Lumir and Bertha; born 2-25: son

1336 03/07/1924 4 01 H623 Herget, Jos; born 2-27: son
1336 03/07/1924 4 01 W460 Wheeler, Everett; born 2-20: son
1336 03/07/1924 4 02 D512 Doann (Hopkins), Mabel; died: died
1336 03/07/1924 4 03 D252 Dusanek, Emab; Born 2-26: girl
1336 03/07/1924 4 03 M520 Mumms, Vilas 17 and Packard, John 20; Married: married

1336 03/07/1924 4 03 P263 Packard, John 20 and Mumms, Vilas 17; Married: married
1336 03/07/1924 4 04 H635 Hartman, Frank B.; died: died
1336 03/07/1924 4 04 S362 Struckman, Fred; born 2-22: girl
1336 03/07/1924 4 04 W410 Woulf, Nellie E.; Died 2-21: died
1336 03/07/1924 4 05 D220 Duchek, Mildred and Toman, Joseph; Married: married

1336 03/07/1924 4 05 K320 Kotss, Donald Robert; born 2-22: To: Anton E.
1336 03/07/1924 4 05 T550 Toman, Joseph and Duchek, Mildred; Married: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 01 C632 Curtis, N.L.; 40th Anniversary: anniversary
1336 03/14/1924 1 01 F623 Forst, Mathew and Vaverka, Lydia; Married: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 01 P524 Pomajal, Henry son of; died 2-28: died

1336 03/14/1924 1 01 V162 Vaverka, Lydia and Forst, Mathew; Married: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 01 Y530 Yant, Marilyn; died: Parent: William
1336 03/14/1924 1 01 Y530 Yant, Marilyn Irene; died: Parent: W.H.
1336 03/14/1924 1 02 A252 Asmis, John; born 3-4: son
1336 03/14/1924 1 02 B212 Bishop (Stanton), Minerva J. 78; died 2-26: died

1336 03/14/1924 1 02 D162 Dvorak, Anna and Stich, James A.; Married 2-26: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 02 F622 Ferguson, Robert; died 3-2: died
1336 03/14/1924 1 02 F623 Forst, Mathew and Vaverka, Lydia; Married: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 02 H626 Hergert (Smejdir), Joseph and Helen; Born 2-28: son
1336 03/14/1924 1 02 H432 Hlodky (Novak), Frank and Helen; born 2-24: girl

1336 03/14/1924 1 02 S320 Stich, James A. and Dvorak, Anna; Married 2-26: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 02 V162 Vaverka, Lydia and Forst, Mathew; Married: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 03 H520 Henke, Emil and Krajnik, Marie; Married 2-28: married
1336 03/14/1924 1 03 K625 Krajnik, Marie and Henke, Emil; Married 2-28: Married
1336 03/14/1924 1 05 H520 Henke, Emil and Krajnik, Marie; Married 2-28: Married

1336 03/14/1924 1 05 K625 Krajnik, Marie and Henke, Emil; Married 2-28: Married
1336 03/14/1924 3 04 K162 Kuborec, J.J. and Prokop, Mary; Married 2-28: Married
1336 03/14/1924 3 04 P621 Prokop, Mary and Kuborec, J.J.; Married 2-28: married
1336 03/14/1924 3 05 K620 Kracke, Lee F. 25 and Ulrich, Anna 17; Married: married
1336 03/14/1924 3 05 U462 Ulrich, Anna 17 and Kracke, Lee F. 25; Married: Married

1336 03/14/1924 3 06 T212 Tachovskey, Elmer; born 3-12: girl
1336 03/21/1924 2 02 F652 Frankforter, Rebanis Maude; born 3-16: To: Lennie
1336 03/21/1924 3 02 K452 Klink, Cora Elizabeth; born 3-11: born
1336 03/21/1924 3 03 M436 Mallator, Charles; died 3-8: died
1336 03/21/1924 3 04 B200 Bouse, Alice and Slepicks, Dr.; Married 2-28: married

1336 03/21/1924 3 04 K260 Kucera, Vaclav; died: died
1336 03/21/1924 3 04 S412 Slepicks, Dr., and Bouse, Alice; Married 2-28: married
1336 03/21/1924 3 05 H155 Hoffman, Frank and Steiskal, Eleanor; Married: married
1336 03/21/1924 3 05 S324 Steiskal, Eleanor and Hoffman, Frank; Married: married
1336 03/21/1924 4 01 H620 Herak, Frank; born 3-7: son

1336 03/21/1924 4 01 K122 Kubicek, Fred; born 3-5: son
1336 03/21/1924 4 02 L355 Ladman, Frank; born 2-29: son
1336 03/21/1924 4 03 B536 Beendors, W.K. wife of 63; died: died
1336 03/21/1924 4 03 C620 Crick, Edwin and Walker, Ida; married: married
1336 03/21/1924 4 03 R620 Rohrig, Ann Marie and Weber, Conrad; Married: married

1336 03/21/1924 4 03 W426 Walker, Ida and Crick, Edwin; Married: married
1336 03/21/1924 4 03 W160 Weber, Conrad and Rohrig, Ann Marie; Married: married
1336 03/21/1924 4 03 W230 West, Lottie Souise; born 3-4: to: Roy
1336 03/21/1924 4 04 B351 Bittenbrun, Alice; died 3-1: Parents: Peter I
1336 03/21/1924 4 04 G230 Gast, (Meyer), Sarah Anne; died 3-6: died

1336 03/21/1924 4 04 J212 Jacobson, Lawrence girl of 18 months; died: died
1336 03/21/1924 4 04 P500 Pine, Joseph; died: died
1336 03/21/1924 4 05 S420 Slajs, Barbora; died: daughters: Mary Placky
1336 03/28/1924 3 03 K655 Karman, Adam; died 3-20: died
1336 03/28/1924 3 04 F632 Fritz, Albert; born 3-25: son

1336 03/28/1924 3 04 J600 Jury, Mrs.; died: died
1336 03/28/1924 3 05 J600 Joura, Robert and Schneider, Blanche; Married 3-18: married
1336 03/28/1924 3 05 S536 Schneider, Blanche and Joura, Robert; Married 3-18: Married
1336 03/28/1924 3 06 P422 Placek, Ed; born 3-22: baby
1336 03/28/1924 3 06 S536 Snyder, Blanche and Youra, Robert; Married 3-24: Married

1336 03/28/1924 3 06 Y600 Youra, Robert and Snyder, Blanche; Married 3-24: Married
1336 03/28/1924 4 01 H132 Hubatka, Mary and Vavrica, Joe; Married 3-19: married
1336 03/28/1924 4 01 S315 Stepanek, William; born 3-14: girl
1336 03/28/1924 4 01 V162 Vavrica, Joe and Hubatka, Mary; Married 3-19: married
1336 03/28/1924 4 02 B423 Blust, Roy J; M: Married Margaret E Reithmeier March 15

1336 03/28/1924 4 02 R356 Reithmeier, Margaret E; M: Married Roy J Blust March 15
1336 03/28/1924 4 02 V612 Vrbeky, Edward; born 3-12: son
1336 03/28/1924 4 03 B536 Bender, Henry 72; died: died
1336 03/28/1924 4 03 E524 Engel, Jacob wife of; died: died
1336 03/28/1924 4 03 H255 Heckman, Theodore; born 3-17: girl

1336 03/28/1924 4 03 P263 Packard, Mary T. (Easley); died 3-14: died
1336 03/28/1924 4 04 F436 Filter, Arnold George; born 3-15: born to George Filter
1336 03/28/1924 4 04 F436 Filter, Arnold George; died 3-17: died
1336 03/28/1924 4 04 P500 Pine, Joesph; died 3-11: died
1336 03/28/1924 4 05 K620 Kracke, Lee F. and Ulrich, Hannah; Married 3-19: married

1336 03/28/1924 4 05 U462 Ulrich, Hannah and Kracke, Lee F.; Married 3-17: married
1336 04/04/1924 1 04 B620 Brooks, George William; died 3-26: son Harry O.
1336 04/04/1924 2 02 F260 Fisher, Eris Burdette; born 3-25: To Andy
1336 04/04/1924 3 01 D300 Dedie, Frank; born 3-21: girl
1336 04/04/1924 3 01 I645 Ireland, Harley; born 3-13: girl

1336 04/04/1924 3 01 K460 Keller, Ed and Mary (Dedie); born 3-22: girl
1336 04/04/1924 3 02 A245 Asseln, Margaret and Reiss, Henry; Married: married
1336 04/04/1924 3 02 H652 Harrington, Mary (Enright); died 3-23: died
1336 04/04/1924 3 02 P422 Plouzek, Evelyn 3; died: parent: Steve
1336 04/04/1924 3 02 R200 Reiss, Henry and Asseln, Margaret; Married: married

1336 04/04/1924 3 02 S524 Smejkal, Anna; died 3-23: died
1336 04/04/1924 3 04 E524 Engel, Katherine (Ross); died 3-19: died
1336 04/04/1924 3 04 F260 Fisher, Alta Evangeline and Franck, Francis F.; Married: married
1336 04/04/1924 3 04 F655 Foreman, Bessie Fern 11; died 3-20: died
1336 04/04/1924 3 04 F652 Franck, Francis F. and Fisher, Alta Evangeline; Married: married

1336 04/04/1924 3 04 K120 Kobes, Leonard; born 3-22: son
1336 04/04/1924 3 05 B626 Burger, Melvin 5 months; died 3-23: died
1336 04/04/1924 3 06 P652 Prencil, Mary Katherine; died 3-17: died
1336 04/04/1924 3 06 R100 Rabe, Herman; born: son
1336 04/04/1924 3 06 U436 Uldrich, Mildred Mable 12; died 3-21: died

1336 04/04/1924 4 03 W451 Wollenburg, Otto; B: Son was born 12-23-1923
1336 04/11/1924 3 04 B536 Beendors, Will Klassen 29 and Fix, Verna Grace 22; Married: married
1336 04/11/1924 3 04 F200 Fix, Verna Grace 22 and Beendors, Will Klassen 29; Married: married
1336 04/11/1924 3 04 G620 Gross, Parkie (Kesterson) 72; died: died
1336 04/11/1924 3 04 K620 Kracke, Lee F. 25 and Ulrich, Hannah 17; Married: married

1336 04/11/1924 3 04 K610 Kroupa, Antonia 36 and Turinsky, Jacob F. 43; Married 3-15: married
1336 04/11/1924 3 04 L220 Lisec, Anna 77; died 3-29: died
1336 04/11/1924 3 04 T652 Turinsky, Jacob F. 43 and Kroupa, Antonia 36; Married 3-15: married
1336 04/11/1924 3 04 U462 Ulrich, Hannah 17 and Kracke, Lee F. 25; Married: married
1336 04/11/1924 4 01 M240 Mickle, Ralph; born 3-27: girl

1336 04/11/1924 4 02 A245 Asselan, Margaret; M: Married Henry Riess April 2
1336 04/11/1924 4 02 M240 Mickle, G.; born 3-26: girl
1336 04/11/1924 4 02 R200 Riess, Henry; M: Married Margaret Asselan April 2
1336 04/11/1924 4 03 B346 Butler, William; died: died
1336 04/11/1924 4 03 E500 Emma; died 3-22: girl, 3

1336 04/11/1924 4 03 M600 Muir, Robert D.; died 3-21: died
1336 04/18/1924 2 02 J621 Jerkovsky, Fred; born 4-14: son
1336 04/18/1924 2 04 B620 Brooks, Harry of Sterling, Colorado; born: girl
1336 04/18/1924 3 02 A253 Aksamit, Vencil Jr.; born 4-14: son
1336 04/18/1924 3 02 B630 Barte, George wife of; died: died

1336 04/18/1924 3 05 J452 Jelinek, Tillie and Synovec, Frank; Married: married
1336 04/18/1924 3 05 S512 Synovec, Frank and Jelinek, Tillie; Married: married
1336 04/18/1924 4 02 J525 Jensen, Dora; died: died
1336 04/18/1924 4 02 R223 Rakestraw, Neil T.; died: died
1336 04/18/1924 4 03 B536 Beenders, Klassen and Fix, Verna Grace; Married: married

1336 04/18/1924 4 03 F200 Fix, Verna Grace and Beenders, Klassen; Married: married
1336 04/18/1924 4 03 J525 Johnson, John W.T.; born: girl
1336 04/18/1924 4 03 K450 Kalina, James; born 4-6: son
1336 04/18/1924 4 03 K235 Kastanek, James; born 4-4: girl
1336 04/18/1924 4 03 P300 Pathe, Lawerence; died: died

1336 04/18/1924 4 03 S512 Simpson, Sam; born 4-4: girl
1336 04/18/1924 4 04 D520 Damke, Walden (west of); born 4-3: girl
1336 04/18/1924 4 04 E256 Eichenour, Laura (Burgess); died: died
1336 04/18/1924 4 04 K566 Kemmerer, Frank; died: died
1336 04/18/1924 4 04 M265 McCormick, Frank; born 4-6: girl

1336 04/18/1924 4 05 A416 Albert, Frank; born: son
1336 04/18/1924 4 05 K413 Kilpatrick, Charles; born: girl
1336 04/25/1924 2 03 A416 Alpers, Jacob; died: died
1336 04/25/1924 2 03 P523 Pfingston, William; born 4-21: son
1336 04/25/1924 3 04 B630 Bartu, Mary; died 4-15: died

1336 04/25/1924 4 01 B516 Bonebright, Royce B. and Jelinek, Helen A.; Married 4-14: married
1336 04/25/1924 4 01 J452 Jelinek, Helen A. and Bonebright, Royce B.; Married 4-14: married
1336 04/25/1924 4 01 N340 Nedela, Louis; born 4-9: son
1336 04/25/1924 4 02 B420 Belka, Harry C. and Santin, Helen; Married 4-9: married
1336 04/25/1924 4 02 E524 Engel, H.W. Jr.; born 4-12: son

1336 04/25/1924 4 02 P400 Powell, Verna; born and died: son
1336 04/25/1924 4 02 R200 Ross, Clara (Becker); died 3-29: died
1336 04/25/1924 4 02 S535 Santin, Helen and Belka, Harry C.; Married 4-9: married
1336 04/25/1924 4 03 J621 Jirkovsky, Melvin Anthony; born 4-15: To: Fred
1336 04/25/1924 4 03 R300 Reedy, Marvin Laverne; died 4-12: parents: Alonza

1336 05/02/1924 2 03 C620 Crays, Mary Jane (Tosh); died 4-22: died
1336 05/02/1924 2 05 A416 Alpers, Jacob; died 4-19: died
1336 05/02/1924 3 04 Z550 Zeman, Jos.; died: died
1336 05/02/1924 4 01 C563 Conrad, A.A.; born 4-20: girl
1336 05/02/1924 4 01 D542 Daniels, Ed and Alma (Grosshans); born: son

1336 05/02/1924 4 01 H324 Hatcliff, Clyde; born 4-20: son
1336 05/02/1924 4 03 W300 White, Linda 15; died 4-20: Parents: William
1336 05/02/1924 4 04 S352 Stansberry, Patricia Jean; born 4-16: To: Glenn
1336 05/02/1924 4 04 W300 White, Linda 15; died: died
1336 05/02/1924 4 05 G650 Graham, Mary Ellen (Walrath); died 4-22: died

1336 05/02/1924 4 05 H213 Houzvidka, Fred and Schuster, Bertha; Married: married
1336 05/02/1924 4 05 R520 Range, Joseph Sr.; died: died
1336 05/02/1924 4 05 S236 Schuster, Bertha and Houzvidka, Fred; Married: married
1336 05/02/1924 4 05 W320 Widick, Glen; born 4-22: girl
1336 05/02/1924 4 06 P523 Pfingston, W.C.; born: son

1336 05/02/1924 4 07 M260 McGuire, Orphie (Mason); died: died
1336 05/02/1924 4 08 S142 Spilker, Louie; born: girl
1336 05/02/1924 43 04 G200 Geis, Frances Pauline; born: To: Joe and Ruth (Connelly)
1336 05/09/1924 2 03 N400 Null, H.C.; died: died
1336 05/09/1924 3 01 K640 Kral, Laverne Rose; born 5-1: To: Henry F.

1336 05/09/1924 3 03 H200 Hayes, Maude (Dix); died: died
1336 05/09/1924 3 05 C540 Connelly, Mary F. 22 and Lautzenhiser, Lester 26; Married: married
1336 05/09/1924 3 05 L325 Lautzenhiser, Lester 26 and Connelly, Mary F. 22; Married: married
1336 05/09/1924 3 05 W426 Walker, Loraine 17 and Wiedman, Louis 22; Married: married
1336 05/09/1924 3 05 W355 Wiedman, Louis 22 and Walker, Loraine 17; Married: married

1336 05/09/1924 3 06 D240 Dusil, Robert F.; died: died
1336 05/09/1924 4 03 M460 Miller, Roy; born: son
1336 05/09/1924 4 04 H645 Harling, Clarence; born 4-26: girl
1336 05/09/1924 4 04 S340 Steel, Samuel; died 4-30: died
1336 05/09/1924 4 04 W652 Warnock, Bert and Bertha (Doane); born 4-23: girl

1336 05/09/1924 4 05 H425 Holsing, Emilie and Pohlman, Ernest; Married 4-24: married
1336 05/09/1924 4 05 P455 Pohlman, Ernest and Holsing, Emilie; Married 4-24: married
1336 05/09/1924 4 05 S530 Schmidt, Edward 40; died 7 weeks ago of small pox: parent Fred
1336 05/09/1924 4 05 S530 Schmidt, Edward 40 son; died 5 weeks ago: died
1336 05/09/1924 4 05 S530 Schmidt, Emil; died 2 weeks ago: parent Fred

1336 05/09/1924 4 05 U455 Uhlmann, Leonard 49; died 4-23: died
1336 05/09/1924 4 05 W426 Walker, Lorine and Wiedman, Louis; Married: married
1336 05/09/1924 4 05 W355 Weidman, Louis and Walker, Lorine; Married: married
1336 05/09/1924 4 06 H614 Harrifield, Ed; born: girl
1336 05/09/1924 4 06 W346 Wittler, Joe; born: girl

1336 05/16/1924 2 01 H320 Hatz, Anna; died 4-11: died
1336 05/16/1924 3 03 H635 Harding, W.G.; born 4-22: son
1336 05/16/1924 3 04 K623 Kerst, Gladys O. 18 and Marek, Paul 20; Married: married
1336 05/16/1924 3 04 M620 Marek, Paul 20 and Kerst, Gladys O. 18; Married: married
1336 05/16/1924 3 04 N120 Novak, Marie 20 and Smisek, Vit 22; Married 5-14: married

1336 05/16/1924 3 04 S522 Smisek, Vit 22 and Novak, Marie 20; Married 5-14: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 03 H650 Horan, Edward; born 5-1: girl
1336 05/16/1924 4 03 H160 Huber, Jake and Walke, Ethel; Married 4-28: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 03 K660 Krewer, William son of; died 5-1: died
1336 05/16/1924 4 03 S400 Sholl, Virginia May; born: To: B.H.

1336 05/16/1924 4 03 W420 Walke, Ethel and Huber, Jake; Married 4-30: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 C540 Connelly, Florence and Lautzenhizer, Lester E.; Married 4-30: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 E256 Eichnour, Fern and Packard, Mallie; Married 4-26: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 E620 Eurich, Alex; born 5-5: son
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 H160 Huber, Jacob and Walker, Ethel; Married 4-13: married

1336 05/16/1924 4 04 K454 Kleinholz, Harry and Mullner, Clara; Married 4-29: Married
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 L325 Lautzenhizer, Lester E. and Connelly, Florence; Married 4-30: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 M456 Mullner, Clara and Kleinholz, Harry; Married 4-29: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 P263 Packard, Mallie and Eichnour, Fern; Married 4-26: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 04 P632 Pratz, Hilda and Trueblood, D.B.; Married 4-26: married

1336 05/16/1924 4 04 T614 Trueblord, D.B. and Pratz, Hilda; Married 4-26: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 05 D400 DeLay, Flossie and Gowdy, Ross; Married 5-2: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 05 G300 Gowdy, Ross and DeLay, Flossie; Married 5-2: married
1336 05/16/1924 4 06 M420 Millus, Marie 86; died: daughter: William Schwesow
1336 05/23/1924 2 02 W424 Wullschlager, P.F.; died: died

1336 05/23/1924 2 04 N400 Neel, Yula Moe; born 5-4: To: Will
1336 05/23/1924 3 01 S132 Sobetko, Adolph; born 5-18: girl
1336 05/23/1924 3 03 H620 Harris, Ida Jane (Waymire) 60; died 5-16: died
1336 05/23/1924 3 05 Z522 Zwonechek, Joe F.; born and died: baby
1336 05/23/1924 3 06 B220 Bosak, Frank; died: died

1336 05/23/1924 4 01 B200 Beck, Ruth Margaret 11; died: died
1336 05/23/1924 4 01 H463 Holroyd, William; born 5-12: son
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 B630 Brt, girl; B: girl born May 9 to Ed Brt, Western, NE
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 C540 Connelly, Florence and Lantzenbizer, Lester E.; Married 4-30: married
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 C220 Cookus, Georgia and Meinke, William; married: married

1336 05/23/1924 4 03 H650 Horan, Maude Evelyne (Rediger); died 5-8: died
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 J525 Johnson, James Jr. and Kennedy, Grace; married: married
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 K530 Kennedy, Grace and Johnson, James Jr.; Married: married
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 L532 Lantzenbizer, Lester E. and Connelly, Florence; Married 4-30: married
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 M320 Mattke, Annie (Heywood); died: died

1336 05/23/1924 4 03 M520 Meinke, William and Cookus, Georgia; Married: married
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 P230 Packwood, M.A. Jr. and Eichenour, Fern; Married: married
1336 05/23/1924 4 03 R520 Ramsey, John; born 5-12: girl
1336 05/23/1924 4 04 B630 Brt, Ed; born: boy
1336 05/23/1924 4 04 H400 Hall, Eva M. and Timmel Neal; Married: married

1336 05/23/1924 4 04 T540 Timmel, Neal and Hall, Eva M.; Married: married
1336 05/23/1924 4 05 B651 Barmby, William; died 5-10: died
1336 05/23/1924 4 05 R245 Rischling, Henry; born 5-11: girl
1336 05/23/1924 4 05 S652 Sramek, Josef; died 5-1: died
1336 05/30/1924 3 03 B220 Bosak, Frank; died: died

1336 05/30/1924 3 03 H260 Houser, Henry; born 5-26: son
1336 05/30/1924 4 02 G163 Geberding, Henry; born 5-17: son
1336 05/30/1924 4 02 H200 Husa, Jacob; died 5-17: died
1336 05/30/1924 4 02 K623 Kerst, Gladys and Marek, Paul; Married: married
1336 05/30/1924 4 02 M620 Marek, Paul and Kerst, Gladys; Married: married

1336 05/30/1924 4 02 N120 Nohavec, Chas; born 5-20: son
1336 05/30/1924 4 03 F250 Feeken, Otto; born 5-18: girl
1336 05/30/1924 4 03 K420 Kolough, Dorothy (Middleton) 22; died: died
1336 05/30/1924 4 03 W656 Warner, P.W.; born 5-18: son
1336 05/30/1924 4 05 B625 Burkinshaw, Alfred; died 5-17: died

1336 06/06/1924 3 04 H260 Houser, Henry; born 5-26: son
1336 06/06/1924 3 04 S342 Sedlacek, Kudlacek, Bessie; Married: married
1336 06/06/1924 3 05 K624 Kresel, Sylvia and Kune, Rudolph; Married 6-4: Married
1336 06/06/1924 3 05 S240 Sysel, Eman; died 5-30: married to Salesky, Helen 1892
1336 06/06/1924 3 06 B650 Barney, Mabel Augusta 31 and Zieg, Henry 35; Married: married

1336 06/06/1924 3 06 H632 Hortje, Edward C.H. and Verbsky, Lottie E.; Married: married
1336 06/06/1924 3 06 V612 Verbsky, Lottie E. and Hortje, Edward C.H.; Married: married
1336 06/06/1924 3 06 Z200 Zieg, Henry 35 and Barney, Mabel Augusta 31; Married: married
1336 06/06/1924 4 01 K516 Kemper, Elmer and Elvena (Ball); born 5-22: girl
1336 06/06/1924 4 03 F250 Feeken, Otto; born 5-18: girl

1336 06/06/1924 4 03 H650 Horan, Henry; born 5-22: girl
1336 06/06/1924 4 03 M420 Malek, Chet Mrs. mother of; died: died
1336 06/06/1924 4 03 M320 Mathews, A.V. wife of; died: died
1336 06/06/1924 4 03 M241 Misleveck, T.J. and Skala, Emma; married 5-13: married
1336 06/06/1924 4 03 S552 Simmons, Cohen; born 5-24: girl

1336 06/06/1924 4 03 S400 Skala, Emma and Misleveck, T.J.; Married 5-13: married
1336 06/06/1924 4 04 I645 Ireland, Eliza Belle (Skinkle); died 5-24: died
1336 06/06/1924 4 04 P620 Parks, Lon and West, Emily; Married 5-26: married
1336 06/06/1924 4 04 R365 Rhoderman, Fred; died: died
1336 06/06/1924 4 04 W230 West, Emily and Parks, Lon; Married 5-26: married

1336 06/06/1924 4 05 B355 Badman, James Frederick; died 5-26: died
1336 06/06/1924 4 05 C520 Chinnock, Nelson wife of; died: died
1336 06/06/1924 4 05 K500 Kune, Rudolph and Kresel, Sylvia; Married 6-4: Married
1336 06/06/1924 4 06 H452 Helmke, John and Spilker, Louise; Married: married
1336 06/06/1924 4 06 S142 Spilker, Louise and Helmke, John; Married: married

1336 06/13/1924 2 02 N100 Newby, John; died: died
1336 06/13/1924 3 02 H632 Hortje, Edward C.H. and Vrbsky, Lettie; Married: married
1336 06/13/1924 3 02 V612 Vrbsky, Lettie and Hortje, Edward C.H.; Married: married
1336 06/13/1924 3 02 W420 Walsh, Lettie and Wright, George; Married: married
1336 06/13/1924 3 02 W623 Wright, George and Walsh, Lucile; Married: married

1336 06/13/1924 3 05 S140 Skoopol, Clara 31 and Vrbsky, Joseph F. 36; Married: married
1336 06/13/1924 3 05 V612 Vrbsky, Joseph F. 36 and Skoopol Clara 31; Married: married
1336 06/13/1924 4 03 W430 Wild, Frank; born 6-1: girl
1336 06/13/1924 4 05 H256 Hagemeier, Henry; born 5-31: girl
1336 06/13/1924 4 05 P500 Paine, C.K.; born: son

1336 06/13/1924 4 06 N120 Novak, John; died: died
1336 06/20/1924 2 04 N100 Newby, John; died 2-5: died
1336 06/20/1924 3 01 M534 Mandil, Fred and Irma (Sadilek); born: girl
1336 06/20/1924 3 02 H213 Hospodsky, Tillie and Petracek, Frank; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 3 02 P362 Petracek, Frank and Hospodsky, Tillie; Married: married

1336 06/20/1924 3 03 K240 Kasl, Corrine, Carol; died: Parents: C.V.
1336 06/20/1924 3 04 H142 Havlug, Anton 21 and Hejl, Julie 22; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 3 06 W325 Whitcomb, Edward 80; died 6-6: died
1336 06/20/1924 4 01 H632 Hartje, Edward and Vrbsky, Lottie; Married 6-10: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 01 S123 Svejda, Frank; born 6-6: son

1336 06/20/1924 4 02 A534 Andelt, Henry and Horky, Helen; Married 6-10: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 03 B550 Beeman, Jess and Viela (White); Born 6-10: son
1336 06/20/1924 4 03 B420 Belka, John E. and Neilie, Fan; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 03 F620 Forgey, Margaret Bernice and Freidell, Russell; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 03 F634 Freidell, Russell and Forgey, Margaret Bernice; Married: married

1336 06/20/1924 4 03 N100 Newby, John 58; died: died
1336 06/20/1924 4 03 S536 Schneider, Rebecca 60; died: died
1336 06/20/1924 4 04 B650 Barney, Mabel and Zieg, Henry; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 04 N560 Niemeier, Carl and Obering, Charlotte; Married 6-8: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 04 R400 Rule, Clarence and Schmidt, Ellen; Married: married

1336 06/20/1924 4 04 S530 Schmidt, Ellen and Rule, Clarence; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 04 Z200 Zieg, Henry and Barney, Mabel; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 05 B300 Booth, Clarence and Farmer, Fern; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 05 C200 Cox, Oakley and Larsen, Ella; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 05 F656 Farmer, Fern and Booth, Clarence; Married: married

1336 06/20/1924 4 05 L625 Larsen, Ella and Cox, Oakley; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 05 S536 Snyder, Jacob wife of; died: died
1336 06/20/1924 4 06 F620 Freese, Alvin 3; died 6-7: died
1336 06/20/1924 4 06 R312 Rodabaugh, Sammuel H. 84; died 6-23: died
1336 06/20/1924 4 06 W436 Wolters, Henry Louverne; died: Parents: Art

1336 06/20/1924 4 07 G656 Grummert, Anna and Merklinger, Henry; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 07 M624 Merklinger, Henry and Grummert, Anna; Married: married
1336 06/20/1924 4 07 O165 Obering, Charlotte and Niemeier, Carl; Married 6-8: married
1336 06/27/1924 2 02 K612 Krupicka, James and Agnes (Simkovsky); born: girl
1336 06/27/1924 3 04 F622 Ferguson, William Edward 75; died 6-22: died

1336 06/27/1924 3 04 K342 Kudlacek, girl; D: 8 month old daughter of Frank Kudlacek died, June 91
1336 06/27/1924 4 01 B650 Brown, J.S. wife of; died: died
1336 06/27/1924 4 02 H350 Haden, Theodore 50; died 6-15: died
1336 06/27/1924 4 02 H552 Henning, Henry; born: son
1336 06/27/1924 4 02 P532 Pounds, Henry; died: died

1336 06/27/1924 4 03 B520 Bank, Robert Leroy; born 6-17: To: Clarence and Blance (Palky)
1336 06/27/1924 4 03 B650 Barney,______ and Zieg, Henry; Married 6-11: married
1336 06/27/1924 4 03 B635 Britton, Dortha May and Doris June; born: To J.F.
1336 06/27/1924 4 03 D630 Drda, Dona; B: twins born the Charles Drda, June 12
1336 06/27/1924 4 03 D630 Drda, Dorothy; B: twins born to Charles Drda June 12

1336 06/27/1924 4 03 Z200 Zieg, Henry and Barney,; Married 6-11: married
1336 06/27/1924 4 04 B600 Bauer, Helen M. and Deines, Paul M.; married: married
1336 06/27/1924 4 04 D520 Deines, Paul M. and Bauer, Helen M.; Married: married
1336 06/27/1924 4 05 H513 Hampton, William S. 84; died 6-13: died
1336 06/27/1924 4 05 P160 Pieper, son; B: son born to William Pieper June 17

1336 06/27/1924 4 06 C630 Chard, Raymond and Gilbert, Vina; Married: married
1336 06/27/1924 4 06 G416 Gilbert, Vina and Chard, Raylmond; Married: married
1336 06/27/1924 4 06 H430 Howlett, Cyril; born: girl
1336 06/27/1924 4 06 H155 Huffman, H.L.; born and died: girl
1336 06/27/1924 4 07 S652 Sramek, John and Tesar, Agnes; Married: married

1336 06/27/1924 4 07 T260 Tesar, Agnes and Sramek, John; married: married
1336 06/27/1924 4 08 S420 Sleka, Marie 28; died 6-14: Husband: John and Father: Cyril Bernasek
1336 06/27/1924 5 05 S536 Schneider, REbecca; died: died
1336 06/27/1924 5 05 W400 Wall, Aron wife of 85; died: died
1336 07/01/1924 3 02 P452 Polinsky, Joan; B: Toied & Ella Svoboda Polinsky, July 3

1336 07/01/1924 3 04 T120 Tobiska, Joseph; D: Died July 23
1336 07/04/1924 2 01 M240 Michl, Frank; born 6-25: son
1336 07/04/1924 2 02 B550 Banahan, Will and Kral, Anna; Married 6-28: married
1336 07/04/1924 2 02 K640 Kral, Anna and Banahan, Will; Married 6-28: married
1336 07/04/1924 2 03 H420 Halky, George 19; died: died

1336 07/04/1924 2 04 N425 Nelsen, Roy 30; died: died
1336 07/04/1924 3 01 K614 Kurbel, Mary Katherine; born: to: William
1336 07/04/1924 3 04 B630 Barta, Frank; born 6-10: son
1336 07/04/1924 4 01 C100 Coffu, Maurice and Newcomb, Ruth; Married 6-22: married
1336 07/04/1924 4 01 C400 Cole, C.W.; born 6-21: son

1336 07/04/1924 4 01 N251 Newcomb, Ruth and Coffu, Maurice; Married 6-22: married
1336 07/04/1924 4 02 M500 Minnie, Anna and Parks, Ralph D.; Married 6-18: married
1336 07/04/1924 4 02 P620 Parks, Ralph D. and Minnie, Anna; Married 6-18: married
1336 07/04/1924 4 02 S113 Svoboda, Frank; born 6-15: son
1336 07/04/1924 4 02 Z450 Zeleny, Mary (Jindra); died 6-19: died

1336 07/04/1924 4 03 A536 Andrews, Clyde; born 6-18: son
1336 07/04/1924 4 03 B642 Burleigh, Liliford Lawrence and Hardin, Bertha Mae; Married 6-3: married
1336 07/04/1924 4 03 H635 Hardin, Bertha Mae and Burleigh, Liliford Lawrence; Married 6-3: married
1336 07/04/1924 4 03 M320 Matejka, Frank; born 6-16: son
1336 07/04/1924 4 03 W656 Warner, P.W.; died: girl 1 and a half years

1336 07/04/1924 4 03 W420 Welch, Elizabeth Ester 88; died: died
1336 07/04/1924 4 04 M240 Mickl, Frank J.; born 6-25: son
1336 07/04/1924 4 05 J400 Jewell, George E.; born 6-20: son
1336 07/04/1924 4 05 W536 Wondruska, Louis and Lennen, Anna; Married: married
1336 07/04/1924 4 06 B520 Bank, Robert Leroy; born in Friend: to Clarence and Blanche (Plachy)

1336 07/04/1924 4 06 K612 Krupicka, Adair June; born 6-19: To Jerry of Milligin
1336 07/04/1924 4 06 P523 Pfingston, Lawrence; died: died
1336 07/11/1924 2 01 P422 Placek, Albert and Jennie (Havel); born 7-4: son
1336 07/11/1924 2 02 M300 Mead, Robert Wayne; B: to Wayne & Ruth Willeford Mead
1336 07/11/1924 2 02 V530 Vohnout, girl; B: born June 30

1336 07/11/1924 3 03 D325 Dodson, Porter; M: to Ella B Saunders
1336 07/11/1924 3 03 D162 Dvorak, son; B: Anton V Dvorak, July 5
1336 07/11/1924 3 03 S536 Saunders, Ella B; M: to Porter Dodson, June 30
1336 07/11/1924 3 04 C423 Collister, wife; D: parents, E. F. Bailey
1336 07/11/1924 3 04 H140 Havluy, Anton; M: to Julia Hejl, age 22, Anton age 21

1336 07/11/1924 3 05 A536 Andrews, Theressa; M: to Elmer Mickle, age 62, Theressa age 53
1336 07/11/1924 3 05 H240 Hejl, Julia; M: to Anton Havluy, age 21, Julia age 22
1336 07/11/1924 3 05 K342 Kudlacek, Joseph; D: Died July 8
1336 07/11/1924 3 05 M240 Mickle, Elmer; M: to Theressa Andrews, age 53, Elmer age 62
1336 07/11/1924 3 05 W536 Wondruska, Louis; M: to Mrs Anna Lennen

1336 07/11/1924 4 01 B620 Brick, girl; B: to Hobart & Clara White Brick
1336 07/11/1924 4 03 W326 Whitacre wife of, William
1336 07/11/1924 4 04 B625 Bresnahan, son; B: born to Thomas Bresnahan June 26
1336 07/11/1924 4 04 H140 Havluy, Anton; M: to Julia Hejdl
1336 07/11/1924 4 04 H234 Hejdl, Julia; M: to Anton Javluy

1336 07/11/1924 4 04 L550 Lennen, Anna (Mrs); M: to Louis Wondruska
1336 07/11/1924 4 04 P142 Pavlish, Daisy June; B: to Raymond Pavlish, June 19
1336 07/11/1924 4 04 R262 Rogers, son; B: born to P. M. Rogers June 28
1336 07/11/1924 4 04 R660 Rohrer, Jacob J; D: Died June 30
1336 07/11/1924 4 04 S300 Scott, Job; D: Died June 24

1336 07/11/1924 4 04 W420 Welch, Elizabeth Esther (Long); D: Died June 25, married John 1-30-1873
1336 07/11/1924 4 05 K420 Kelso, Mary C; D: age 57
1336 07/11/1924 4 05 U436 Uldrich, Francis Marie (Borland); D: died June 28
1336 07/11/1924 4 06 D620 Drake, Charles Raymond; B,D: son of J. W. Drake, born and died same day
1336 07/11/1924 4 06 M253 McEntarfer, Earl (Brownie); M: Married Helen Sullivan

1336 07/11/1924 4 06 S415 Sullivan, Helen; M: Married Earl (Brownie) McEntarfer
1336 07/11/1924 4 07 H426 Heiliger, P. J.; M: Married Marie Meyer
1336 07/11/1924 4 07 M600 Meyer, Marie; M: Married P J Heiliger
1336 07/11/1924 4 07 M425 Milligan, Karl Michl; B: born June 25 to Frank J Milligan
1336 07/11/1924 4 07 T620 Turek, Emily; B: born June 28 to Frank Turek

1336 07/11/1924 4 07 U526 Unger, baby girl; D: daughter of George Unger died
1336 07/18/1924 2 01 R252 Rasmussle, boy; B: born July 11
1336 07/18/1924 2 02 M300 Mead, Ehta Faye; B: twins born to Jimmie Mead July 11,
1336 07/18/1924 2 02 M300 Mead, Letha Fern; B: twins born to Jimmie Mead, July 11, Ehta Faye
1336 07/18/1924 2 02 M300 Mead, Letha Fern; B: born July 11 to Jimmie Mead, twin

1336 07/18/1924 2 03 R252 Rasmussel son; B: Born July 14 to Jesse C Rasmusel
1336 07/18/1924 4 03 P120 Papik, Frank J; D: Died July 9, sons Chas,Joseph,Lamira,dau Anna Matejka
1336 07/18/1924 4 04 E520 Ewing, girl; B: Born July 8 to Alfred Ewing
1336 07/18/1924 4 04 F260 Fisher, Everton E; M: Married Ethel Smith June 14
1336 07/18/1924 4 04 K422 Klasek, son; B: Born July 4 to Albert Klacek

1336 07/18/1924 4 04 S530 Smith, Ethel; M: Married Everton E Fisher
1336 07/18/1924 4 04 S361 Strapp, Nellie Pritl; D: Died June 9
1336 07/18/1924 4 04 V623 Vergith, son; B: Born July 9 to C. A. Vergith
1336 07/18/1924 4 05 B636 Brodhorst, girl; B: Born July 8 to Fred Brodhorst
1336 07/18/1924 4 05 G630 Garrett, son; B: Born July 8 to Fred Garrett

1336 07/18/1924 4 05 M300 Mead, Robert Wayne; B: Born July 5 to Wayne Mead, grandparents listed
1336 07/18/1924 4 06 A632 Artist, Millard; D
1336 07/18/1924 4 06 C423 Collister, Lalla (Bailey); D: Died July 3
1336 07/18/1924 4 06 R263 Richart, W. H.; D: wife of W. H. Richart died
1336 07/18/1924 4 06 S462 Sollers, gird; B: Born June 29 to L O Sollers

1336 07/25/1924 2 03 N242 Nickles, son; B: Born July 16 to Manning Nickles
1336 07/25/1924 3 01 C200 Chase, boy; B: Born July 21 to Frank E Chase
1336 07/25/1924 3 03 J162 Javorsky, John; M: Married July 15 to Agnes Zlab
1336 07/25/1924 3 03 N550 Neuman, boy; B: born July 22 to Chas Nueman
1336 07/25/1924 3 03 Z222 Zajicek, boy; B: Born July 23 to Jos. Zajicek

1336 07/25/1924 3 03 Z410 Zlab, Agnes; M: Married July 15 to John Javorsky
1336 07/25/1924 4 01 A536 Andrews Mrs, Theresa; M: Married July 15 to E. E. Mickle
1336 07/25/1924 4 01 M254 McNally, P. S.; M: Married July 12 to Irene Showalter
1936 07/25/1924 4 01 S436 Showalter, Irene; M: Married July 12 to P. S. McNally
1336 07/25/1924 4 01 M240 Mickle, E. E.; M: Married July 15 to Mrs. Theresa Andrews

1336 07/25/1924 4 02 L341 Littlefield, son; B: Born July 15 to Fred Littlefield
1336 07/25/1924 4 02 M526 Mains Jr, S. L.; D: wife of S. L. Mains Jr died


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