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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 1336  WILBER REPUBLICAN

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

1336 07/25/1924 4 04 B320 Betka, triplets; B: Triplets born to Robert & Mollie Tesar Betka,2B,1G
1336 07/25/1924 4 04 M300 Mead, Leah May; B: Twins forn July 11 to James Mead
1336 07/25/1924 4 04 M300 Mead, Letha Fay; B: twins born July 11 to James Mead
1336 07/25/1924 4 05 K620 Kracke, son; B: born July 9 to Emil Kracke
1336 07/25/1924 4 05 S555 Shineman, John; D: Died, age 62

1336 07/25/1924 4 05 S360 Suiter, girl; B: Born July 16 to Earl Suiter
1336 08/01/1924 2 02 B260 Baker, Harry; D: Harry Baker, wife & Son drowned
1336 08/01/1924 2 04 B320 Betka, son; B: Son born July 12 to Bohumil Betka
1336 08/01/1924 3 04 B200 Bice, Olga Patricia; D: Died July 23, parents D. F. Bice
1336 08/01/1924 3 05 P422 Placek, Stanley; D: Age 21

1336 08/01/1924 4 01 M200 Mack, son; B: son born July 19 to Clarence & Marie Hladky Mack
1336 08/01/1924 4 01 S354 Steinhelder, son; B: son born July 18 to Fred Steinhelder
1336 08/01/1924 4 03 W420 Welch, W. G.; D
1336 08/01/1924 4 04 A416 Albright, Chester; D: Died July 17
1336 08/01/1924 4 04 C462 Clark, Lola Ruth; M: Married Hallock C Hosford July 12

1336 08/01/1924 4 04 H216 Hosford, Hallock C; M: Married July 12 Lola Ruth Clark
1336 08/01/1924 4 05 R300 Reid, W. J.; D
1336 08/01/1924 4 06 D500 Dean, Dell; M: Married Clara Hamilton
1336 08/01/1924 4 06 F655 Freeman, Clee; M: Married Josephine Racicky
1336 08/01/1924 4 06 H543 Hamilton, Clara; M: Married Dell Dean

1336 08/01/1924 4 06 R220 Racicky, Josephine; M: Married Clee Freeman
1336 08/01/1924 4 07 A536 Anderson, Hans D; D
1336 08/01/1924 4 07 T500 Toomy, girl; B: born to John Toomy
1336 08/01/1924 4 07 T650 Tromy, girl; B: born to John Tromy
1336 08/02/1924 3 04 W450 Whalen, John Lewis; M: John, 23 married Kathryn Marie Salinger, 22, Aug 8

1336 08/08/1924 2 01 D120 DuBois, Gordon Lee; D: parent: Don DuBois
1336 08/08/1924 3 08 G620 Gross, Leo; D: age 8
1336 08/08/1924 4 01 D300 Dodd, girl; B: Born July 1 to F.M. & Queene (Heath) Dodd
1336 08/08/1924 4 02 R300 Reid, William Joseph; D: Died July 15
1336 08/08/1924 4 03 B650 Barney, girl; B: girl born July 24 to Emil Barney

1336 08/08/1924 4 03 B650 Barney, son; B: son born July 18 to Francis Barney
1336 08/08/1924 4 04 M320 Matzke, Fred A; D
1336 08/08/1924 4 05 H520 Henncke, son; B: son born July 28 to John Henncke
1336 08/08/1924 4 06 B620 Bersche, George; M: married Hulda Unger July 25
1336 08/08/1924 4 06 H160 Hafer, Albert; M: Albert age 19 married ? Pringle, age 17

1336 08/08/1924 4 06 P652 Pringle, ?; M: Pringle, age 17 married Albert Hafer, age 19
1336 08/08/1924 4 06 R220 Roschewski, girl; B: girl born to Henry Roschewski
1336 08/08/1924 4 06 U526 Unger, Hulda; M: Married George Bersche July 25
1336 08/08/1924 4 06 W340 Wadley, John S; D: Died July 23
1336 08/15/1924 3 02 G445 Gilliland, Inez (Savage); D: Died August 12

1336 08/15/1924 3 03 T620 Trukz, Vaclav; D: Died August 8, born Sept 28, 1861, has other info
1336 08/15/1924 3 04 P500 Piene, Roy L; M: Married Marian Sheldon August 12
1336 08/15/1924 3 04 S435 Sheldon, Marian; M: Married Roy L Piene August 12
1336 08/15/1924 4 01 B240 Bockel, Fred W; M: Married Olga Spath
1336 08/15/1924 4 01 B620 Brick, Olara (White); D: Died, age 18

1336 08/15/1924 4 01 S130 Spath, Olga; M: Married Fred W Bockel
1336 08/15/1924 4 01 T620 Triska, Loraine Claire; B: born August 1 to Wm & Nell (Brick)
1336 08/15/1924 4 02 B635 Burton, Susie; D
1336 08/15/1924 4 02 C416 Colbert, Jules Philip; M: Married to Prue jack
1336 08/15/1924 4 02 J200 Jack, Prue; M: Married Jules Philip colbert

1336 08/15/1924 4 02 M420 Malek, son; B: bor July 30 to Chet Malek
1336 08/15/1924 4 02 S130 Swoboda, Mary (Stastney); D: Died
1336 08/15/1924 4 03 B260 Becker, son; B: son born to Ted Becker
1336 08/15/1924 4 03 N430 Nolte, son; B: son born July 28 to John Nolte
1336 08/15/1924 4 03 P362 Peterson, son; B: son born August 1 to Wm Peterson

1336 08/15/1924 4 03 R500 Rine, George L; D: wife of George L Rine died
1336 08/15/1924 4 04 K623 Kerst, girl; B: born to Lou Kerst
1336 08/15/1924 4 05 B630 Bartu, son; B: son born August 3 to Emil F Bartu
1336 08/15/1924 4 06 A450 Allen, Harry; M: Married to Katie Loth
1336 08/15/1924 4 06 L300 Loth, Katie; M: Married to Harry Allen

1336 08/22/1924 1 05 H420 Hilz, Anna Maria (Koch); D
1336 08/22/1924 3 02 K416 Kloepper, Herman; D
1336 08/22/1924 3 03 H155 Hoffman, Harold Stanley; B: born August 16 to Stanley Hoffman
1336 08/22/1924 3 04 B634 Bartels, Adolph; M: Adolph 22 married Hulda Schwisow 19
1336 08/22/1924 3 04 D630 Drda, Anna; D: Died August 15, wife of Vaclav

1336 08/22/1924 3 04 K420 Kelso, Azariah; M: Azariah 33 married Elizabeth Richison, 30 Aug 8
1336 08/22/1924 3 04 R225 Richison, Elizabeth; M: Elizabeth 30 married Azariah Kelso 33 Aug 8
1336 08/22/1924 3 04 S452 Salinger, Kathryn Marie; M: Kathryn 22 married John Lewis Whalen 23, Aug 8
1336 08/22/1924 3 04 S200 Schwisow, Hulda; M: Hulda 19 married Adolph Bartels 22
1336 08/22/1924 3 05 S523 Smejdir, son; B: son born to Adolph Smejdir August 19

1336 08/22/1924 3 06 D100 Duba, Frances; M: Frances married Lumir Stastny
1336 08/22/1924 3 06 S323 Stastny, Lumir; M: Lumir married Frances Duba
1336 08/22/1924 3 07 A416 Albert, son; B: son born to Roy Albert
1336 08/22/1924 4 01 F623 Forst, girl; B: girl born to Ed Forst August 7
1336 08/22/1924 4 01 S632 Shertek, Anna Kriz; D: Died, age 86

1336 08/22/1924 4 02 B635 Burton, Susanna; D: Susanna, age 91, died August 6
1336 08/22/1924 4 02 H230 Haist, Opal; M: Opal married Elles Shane
1336 08/22/1924 4 02 P224 Pskikal, Joseph; M: Joseph married Augusta Zumpfe August 12
1336 08/22/1924 4 02 S500 Shane, Elles; M: Elles married Opal haist
1336 08/22/1924 4 02 Z510 Zumpfe, Augusta; M: Augusta Zumpfe married Joseph Psikal August 12

1336 08/22/1924 4 03 B634 Bartels, William McKinley; B: born August 13 to H F Bartels
1336 08/22/1924 4 03 B620 Byers, girl; B: girl born to J C Byers August 13
1336 08/22/1924 4 06 W436 Wolters, girl; D: 2 months old girl died, dau of Fred Wolters
1336 08/22/1924 4 07 K242 Kozlik, son; B: son born to Jos. Kozlik August 9
1336 08/24/1924 3 06 G660 Greer, Arthur W; M: Married Carrie Bohaeck August 22

1336 08/29/1924 1 08 P636 Prather, Ira J; D: Died August 15, age 48
1336 08/29/1924 2 02 T120 Tobiska, son; B: son born August 20 to Wm & Emma (Aron) Tobiska
1336 08/29/1924 2 03 S361 Strope, Harold Dwaine; D: Harold, son of William Strope died August 20
1336 08/29/1924 3 04 E610 Erb, son; B: son born August 27 to George Erb
1336 08/29/1924 3 04 K632 Kratochvil, Frank; D: age 84

1336 08/29/1924 3 05 C460 Cleary, Charles; D: Charles, age 16, died August 27
1336 08/29/1924 3 05 N520 Nemic, Bessie; D: Bessie, age 15, died August 27
1336 08/29/1924 3 06 B200 Bohaeck, Carrie; M: Married Arthur W Greer August 22
1336 08/29/1924 3 06 G660 Greer, Arthur W; M: Arthur married Carie Bohack August 22
1336 08/29/1924 4 01 J523 Johnston, Ralph A; M: Ralph married Dorothy Noyes August 19

1336 08/29/1924 4 01 N200 Noyes, Dorothy; M: Dorothy married Ralph A Johnston, August 19
1336 08/29/1924 4 03 M460 Miller, son; B: son born to Harry Miller
1336 08/29/1924 4 04 A650 Aron, Charles; D: age 75
1336 08/29/1924 4 04 J200 Jack, girl; B: girl born August 15 to Orville Jack
1336 08/29/1924 4 05 B620 Byers, girl; B/D: baby girl born & died of J. C. Byers

1336 08/29/1924 4 05 C240 Cogswell, Harriet; D: age 83
1336 08/29/1924 4 05 K420 Kelso, Azariah; M: married Elizabeth Richison August 18
1336 08/29/1924 4 05 R225 Richison, Elizabeth; M: married Azariah Kelso August 18
1336 08/29/1924 4 05 R220 Ruzicka, Leonard; M: Married Isabelle Strayer August 16
1336 08/29/1924 4 05 S366 Strayer, Isabelle; M: Married Leonard Ruzicka August 16

1336 08/29/1924 4 05 W300 Wood, girl; B: girl born to T. C. Wood August 20
1336 08/29/1924 4 07 C252 Cussins, Conrad; D: Died August 15, age 90
1336 08/29/1924 4 07 M460 Miller, Lovell D; M: Married Ruth Alta Northrup August 20
1336 08/29/1924 4 07 N636 Northrup, Ruth Alta; M: Married Lovell D Miller August 20
1336 09/05/1924 1 06 H142 Havlik, Frank; D: Died August 28

1336 09/05/1924 1 08 V320 Vitak, Matej; D: Died August 24
1336 09/05/1924 2 04 C412 Chaloupka, girl; B: born to Fred F Chaloupka
1336 09/05/1924 2 04 R300 Reid, girl; B: girl born September 1 to Roy Reid
1336 09/05/1924 4 01 B420 Bals, son; B: son born to Henry Bals August 26
1336 09/05/1924 4 01 B620 Barak, son; B: son born to Anton & Bertha Kunz Barak August 23

1336 09/05/1924 4 03 D645 Darling, Herbert Henry; M: Married Ruth L Meissner August 9
1336 09/05/1924 4 03 M256 Meissner, Ruth L; M: Married Herbert Henry Darling August 9
1336 09/05/1924 4 03 O241 Oglebay, girl; B: girl born August 23
1336 09/05/1924 4 03 S315 Stephens, son; B: son born to Wilfred Stephens August 23
1336 09/05/1924 4 03 S361 Strope, Harold Dwane; D: Died age 10 months

1336 09/05/1924 4 04 A450 Allen, Grace; M: married Thomas Gilmore August 18
1336 09/05/1924 4 04 C240 Cogswell, Harriet S (Westfall); D: died August 21
1336 09/05/1924 4 04 G456 Gilmore, Thomas; M: married Grace Allen August 18
1336 09/05/1924 4 04 S165 Severns, Eliza; M: Married Russell A Thompson
1336 09/05/1924 4 04 T512 Thompson, Russell A; M: Married Eliza Severns

1336 09/05/1924 4 05 J200 Joyce, Amanda (Thompson); D: Died August 22, age 75
1336 09/05/1924 4 05 S530 Smith, W. E.; D: wife of W. E. Smith died August 16
1336 09/05/1924 4 06 M620 Markey, Mary; D: Died August 22
1336 09/12/1924 1 02 H520 Honke, Martin; M: Married Bertha Klipper
1336 09/12/1924 1 02 K416 Klipper, Bertha; M: Married Martin Honke

1336 09/12/1924 1 06 S616 Schrieber, Arthur G; D: Died
1336 09/12/1924 2 04 J520 James, girl; B: girl born to Frank James September 5
1336 09/12/1924 2 04 K100 Kouba, Rose; B: born to James Kouba September 5
1336 09/12/1924 2 04 M324 Mitchel, Bertha; M: Married Arnold H Thomas
1336 09/12/1924 2 04 S430 Salda, Adolph; M: Married Anna Zoubek August 28

1336 09/12/1924 2 04 S356 Steinmeyer, girl; B: girl born to O. W. Steinmeyer
1336 09/12/1924 2 04 T655 Thurman, Arnold H; M: married Bertha Mitchell
1336 09/12/1924 2 04 Z120 Zoubek, Anna; M: Married Adolph Salda August 28
1336 09/12/1924 3 01 K216 Kasparek, son; B: son born to Frank Kasparek September 7
1336 09/12/1924 4 01 S530 Smith, son; B: son born to Raymond Smith August 28

1336 09/12/1924 4 02 B516 Bonebright, son; B: son born to Bloyce & Helen (Jelinek)
1336 09/12/1924 4 03 B420 Bals, Hattie; M: Married Elmer Buntemeyer August 27
1336 09/12/1924 4 03 B535 Buntemeyer, Elmer; M: Married Hattie Bals August 27
1336 09/12/1924 4 03 W430 Wild, J. R.; D: Died
1336 09/12/1924 4 04 B625 Brusnahan, son; B: son born to John Brushnahan September 1

1336 09/12/1924 4 04 C625 Carson, Faye; M: Married Edward Heckman August 20
1336 09/12/1924 4 04 H255 Heckman, Edward; M: Married Faye Carson August 20
1336 09/12/1924 4 04 H160 Huber, son; B: son born to Alex Huber
1336 09/12/1924 4 04 L210 Lasby, Ethel; M: Married H C Seidel September 3
1336 09/12/1924 4 04 M600 Murray, son; B: son born to Alva Murray September 4

1336 09/12/1924 4 04 S340 Seidel, H. C.; M: Married Ethel Lasby September 3
1336 09/12/1924 4 05 W400 Wahl, son; B: son born to Ed Wahl August 28
1336 09/12/1924 4 06 A632 Artist, Jacob; D: Ded August 30, age 68
1336 09/12/1924 4 06 G653 Grant, Milly (Carey); D: Died September 2, wife of John B Grant
1336 09/19/1924 1 01 B120 Bivoky, Agnes; M: Married Frank Pecka

1336 09/19/1924 1 01 H200 Husa, Irene; M: Married Frank Seidhoff
1336 09/19/1924 1 01 K460 Keller, Frank; D
1336 09/19/1924 1 01 M624 Markle, girl; B: girl born to A. L. & Mary (Brt) Markle September 3
1336 09/19/1924 1 01 P200 Pecka, Frank; M: Married Agnes Bivoky
1336 09/19/1924 1 01 S310 Seidhoff, Frank; M: Married Irene Huss

1336 09/19/1924 1 02 K460 Keller, Frank; D: Died September 3
1336 09/19/1924 1 02 P620 Prouix, Mildred; M: Married Eddie L Robert September 6
1336 09/19/1924 1 02 R356 Reithmeier, girl; B: girl born to John Reithmeier, September 4
1336 09/19/1924 1 02 R163 Roberts, Eddie L; M: Married Mildred Prouix September 6
1336 09/19/1924 1 03 B625 Bresnahan, girl; B: girl born to John Bresnahan, September 1

1336 09/19/1924 1 03 B653 Bruntz, son; B: son born to Fred Bruntz September 8
1336 09/19/1924 1 04 A542 Amelia Krejdl; M: Married James Bedlan August 25
1336 09/19/1924 1 04 B345 Bedlan, James; M: Married Amelia Krejdl August 25
1336 09/19/1924 1 04 W565 Wm Werner; D: Died
1336 09/19/1924 1 05 T651 Thornburg, Dorothy Jean; B: born to Vernon E Thornburg of Western, September 9

1336 09/19/1924 1 06 S165 Shafranek, Bertha; M: Married James Boyd Wiley September 6
1336 09/19/1924 1 06 S536 Snyder, Wiley; M: Married Izma Wilson September 6
1336 09/19/1924 1 06 W400 Wiley, James Boyd; M: Married Abbie Bertha Shafranek September 6
1336 09/19/1924 1 06 W425 Wilson, Izma; M: Married Wiley Snyder September 6
1336 09/19/1924 1 08 H526 Hansjurgen, Lydia; M: Married Henry Niemeier September 2

1336 09/19/1924 1 08 N560 Niemeier, Henry; M: Married Lydia Hansjurgen September 6
1336 09/19/1924 2 03 W420 Wallace, William Montgomery; D: Died September 14, age 81
1336 09/19/1924 3 01 G163 Gifford, Joseph; D
1336 09/19/1924 3 01 K235 Kastanek, Anna; D: Died
1336 09/19/1924 3 02 S162 Spirk, girl; B: girl born to V. M. Spirk

1336 09/19/1924 3 03 M610 Murphy, Doyle D; M: Married Lillian Sedieger/Selieger
1336 09/19/1924 3 03 Z352 Zednik, Frank; M: Married Anna Shestak August 25
1336 09/19/1924 3 04 O165 O'Brien, John; M: Married Anna Pecka September 2
1336 09/19/1924 3 04 P140 Pavel, Elsie; M: Married John O'Brien September 2
1336 09/19/1924 3 04 P200 Pecka, Anna; M: Married John O'Brien, September 2

1336 09/19/1924 3 04 S620 Sharrick, J P; M: Married Elsie Pavel September 2
1336 09/19/1924 3 04 S152 Spencer, Margaret Andrews; D: Died September 14, age 91
1336 09/26/1924 2 01 S526 Schmucker, Ernest; M: Married Erma Lee miner
1336 09/26/1924 2 03 M560 Miner, Erma Lee; M: Married Ernest Schmucker
1336 09/26/1924 3 01 R453 Roland, Geo W; D: wife of Geo W Roland died

1336 09/26/1924 3 02 K640 Krull, Franklin H; M: Franklin, age 28 married Violet Mennegen, 22
1336 09/26/1924 3 02 M525 Mennegn, Violet; M: Violet, age 22, married Franklin H Krull, 28
1336 09/26/1924 3 03 M620 Mares, Frank I; M: Married Bessie Zeman, September 22
1336 09/26/1924 3 03 S426 Selieger, Lillian; M: Married Doyd D Murphy
1336 09/26/1924 3 03 S232 Shestak, Anna; M: Married Frank Zednik August 25

1336 09/26/1924 3 03 Z550 Zeman, Bessie; M: Married Frank I Mares September 22
1336 09/26/1924 3 04 M220 Mashek, Joe; M: Married Elizabeth Zajicek September 18
1336 09/26/1924 3 04 Z222 Zajicek, Elizabeth; M: Married Joe Mashek September 18
1336 09/26/1924 4 01 G430 Giliday, Frank; D: wife and baby of Frank Giliday died September 15 1336 09/26/1924 4 01 K512 Kempkes, girl; B: girl born to John Kempkes September 14 1336 09/26/1924 4 02 F200 Feiss, Louis H; M: Married Ferne F Kreuger 1336 09/26/1924 4 02 K626 Kreuger, Ferne F; M: Married Louis H Reiss 1336 09/26/1924 4 02 W200 Wise, Hiska (Feekin); D: Died 1336 09/26/1924 4 03 R212 Resabek, girl; B: girl born to Frank F Rezabek September 9 1336 09/26/1924 4 03 S323 Stastny, Walter H; D: wife of Walter H Stastny died 1336 09/26/1924 4 04 H420 Hulse, girl; B: girl born to C. C. Hulse September 8 1336 09/26/1924 4 04 W420 Wallace, William Montgomery; D: Died September 14, age 81 1336 09/26/1924 4 06 W426 Walker, Mary Lorenda (Iverson); D: Died September 11 1336 10/03/1924 1 02 H200 Hass, Rene Joseph; B: born to Joseph A Hess September 21 1336 10/03/1924 1 05 K640 Krull, Franklin H; M: Franklin, age 28, married Violet Mennenga, 28 1336 10/03/1924 2 02 I451 Ilenfeldt,; D: Mrs Ilenfeldt died 1336 10/03/1924 3 03 M552 Mennenga, Violet; M: Violet, age 28, married Franklin H Krull, 28 1336 10/03/1924 3 04 K235 Kastanek, Anna; D: Died September 22 1336 10/03/1924 3 06 D620 Drzka, Marie; M: Married Fred Susek 1336 10/03/1924 3 06 F632 Fred Sasek & Marie Drzka; Marriage: 09/17/1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 01 H625 Hier (son); Birth: 9-21-1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 01 H600 Hier, son; B: son born to Albert Hier September 21 1336 10/03/1924 4 01 W323 Widage (daughter); Birth: 9-18-1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 01 W320 Widage, girl; B: girl born to Wm & Emma Kubicek Widage September 18 1336 10/03/1924 4 02 R453 Roland, George W; D: wife of George W Roland, 77, died September 19 1336 10/03/1924 4 02 W112 Wife of George W. Roland, age 77; Obituary: DOD: 9/19/1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 04 K525 Kenney (son); Birth: 9/21/1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 04 K500 Kenney, son; B: son born September 21 to Mr and Mrs Vivian Kenney 1336 10/03/1924 4 04 W332 Wade (daughter); Birth: 9/19/1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 04 W300 Wade, girl; B: girl born September 19 to Frank Wade 1336 10/03/1924 4 07 B646 Brolhorst (son); Birth: 9/19/1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 07 B646 Brolhurst, son; B: son born to W Brolhorst 1336 10/03/1924 4 07 W524 Winkle (daughter); Birth: 9/19/1924 1336 10/03/1924 4 08 I221 Issac Pine; Obituary 1336 10/03/1924 4 08 P500 Pine, Isaac; D 1336 10/03/1924 6 06 S220 Susek, Fred; M: Married Marie Drzka September 17 1336 10/10/1924 2 06 B435 Belden, Harold; D: Died, age 15 1336 10/10/1924 2 06 H643 Harold Bolden, age 15; Obituary 1336 10/10/1924 3 04 C641 Carl F. Brunken, age 26 & Adeline C Glasen, age 21; Marriage 1336 10/10/1924 3 04 G426 Glaser, Adeline C; M: Adeline, 21, married Carl F Brunken, 26 1336 10/10/1924 3 04 M422 Milo Shestale; Obituary: DOD- 9/25/1924 1336 10/10/1924 3 04 S232 Shestak, Milo; D: Died September 25 1336 10/10/1924 3 05 D120 Davis, S. D.; D: wife of S. D. Davis died 1336 10/10/1924 3 05 W112 Wife of S.D. Davis; Obituary: DOD- 9/25/1924 1336 10/10/1924 4 01 C465 Clarence Koop & Mable Mooberry; Marriage 1336 10/10/1924 4 01 G163 Gifford, Merle; M: Merle married Jessie Howlett 1336 10/10/1924 4 01 H430 Howlett, Jessie; M: Jessie married Merle Gifford 1336 10/10/1924 4 01 M642 Merle Gifford & Jessie Howlett; Marriage 1336 10/10/1924 4 02 E260 Egger, Noel; M: Noel married Coryl Henry 1336 10/10/1924 4 02 H560 Henry, Caryl; M: Caryl married Noel Eggers 1336 10/10/1924 4 02 K640 Krull, Franklin; M: Franklin married Veolet Mennenga 1336 10/10/1924 4 03 F600 Frew, son; B: son born September 26 to Thomas Frew 1336 10/10/1924 4 03 L550 Lemon, girl; B: girl born September 29 to Olin J & Mary Patz Lemon 1336 10/10/1924 4 04 B652 Brunken, Carl F; M: Carl, age 26, married Adeline G Glaser, 21 1336 10/10/1924 4 04 C400 Clay, James C; D: Died

1336 10/10/1924 4 04 I453 Ilandfoldt, Sophia (Borochert); D: died September 26
1336 10/10/1924 4 05 H653 Hromedka, son; B: son born to Frank Hromedka September 28
1336 10/17/1924 2 02 S412 Slepicka, Elsie; M: Elsie married John Teser October 17
1336 10/17/1924 2 02 T260 Teser, John; M: John married Elsie Slepicka October 17
1336 10/17/1924 3 02 B265 Bakerink, C G; M: Married to Esther Gertru

1336 10/17/1924 3 03 B620 Broz, Marie; M: Marie married Joe Razny October 15
1336 10/17/1924 3 03 R250 Rezny, Joe; M: Joe married Marie Broz October 15
1336 10/17/1924 3 04 H300 Hiatt, Hazel Arlene; B: born October 15 to George Hiatt
1336 10/17/1924 3 04 M240 Musil, Wm; M: Wm married Alize Zeman October 14
1336 10/17/1924 3 04 Z550 Zeman, Alice; M: Alice married Wm Musil October 14

1336 10/17/1924 3 06 S130 Spadt, Peter; D: Died October 13
1336 10/17/1924 3 07 D120 Davis, Mary A (Young); D: died October 8
1336 10/17/1924 3 07 R546 Reinmiller, George; D: died October 8, age 27
1336 10/17/1924 4 01 B435 Belden, boy; B: boy born to Albert Belden
1336 10/17/1924 4 01 C240 Cazzell, boy; B: boy born to L L Cazzell

1336 10/17/1924 4 01 D650 Dorm, girl; B: girl born to Ed Dorm
1336 10/17/1924 4 03 A436 Alldritt, Edith; Marriage: married C G Bakerink September 23
1336 10/17/1924 4 03 B265 Bakerink, C. G.; Marriage: married Edith Alldritt September 23
1336 10/17/1924 4 03 B246 Bigler, Margaret; death: age 87 years,
1336 10/17/1924 4 03 N550 Newman, William; marriage: other party not named

1336 10/17/1924 4 03 P142 Pavlik, girl; birth: born to Joe Pavlik October 5
1336 10/17/1924 4 03 S312 Stepicka, boy; birth: born to Fred Stepicka
1336 10/17/1924 4 04 G620 Gross, Emilia Pauline; death: born 3-19-1869
1336 10/17/1924 4 04 S323 Stastny, son; birth: born to Lumir Stastny, 10-22
1336 10/24/1924 3 04 H256 Hayes Mrs, Tillman; death: wife of Tillman Hayes

1336 10/24/1924 3 05 B620 Borecky, Marie (Shestek); death: died 10-19
1336 10/24/1924 4 02 F636 Frederick, Carl; marriage: married Adeline Kathryn Glaser
1336 10/24/1924 4 02 G426 Glaser, Adeline Kathryn; marriage: married Carl Frederick
1336 10/24/1924 4 02 H256 Hessheimer, twins; birth: twins, boy and girl born to August Hessheimer
1336 10/24/1924 4 02 R560 Renner, girl; birth: born to August Renner 10-13

1336 10/24/1924 4 04 A520 Ames, girl; birth: born to A. E. Ames
1336 10/24/1924 4 04 B526 Bumgardner, girl; birth: born to Earl Bumgardner, 10-14
1336 10/24/1924 4 04 D620 Druse, Chris; death: wife of Chris Druse died, parents James Stephens
1336 10/24/1924 4 04 H220 Hajek, son; birth: born to Joseph Hejek 10-8
1336 10/24/1924 4 04 K500 Kahm, girl; birth: born to John Kehm 10-15

1336 10/24/1924 4 04 M254 McNeil, girl; birth: born to Wm McNeil 10-12
1336 10/24/1924 4 04 P620 Parks, Ellen A; death
1336 10/24/1924 4 04 R350 Rutan, son; birth: born to George Rutan 10-12
1336 10/24/1924 4 04 W160 Weber, girl; birth: born to Dave Weber 10-10
1336 10/24/1924 4 05 G663 Gerhardt, Harry; death: age, 19, son of John Gerhardt

1336 10/24/1924 4 05 T200 Tassey, Richard J.; Died 10-24
1336 10/31/1924 2 06 F652 Frank Vidlak and Helen Bartes; Married
1336 10/31/1924 2 06 L232 Louis Kotouc and Blanche Krajnik; Married
1336 10/31/1924 3 01 K442 Kallal (girl); Birth of a girl, born 10-26: born to Jos & Helen of Milford
1336 10/31/1924 3 01 V535 VanDuyn, Dick; Obituary

1336 10/31/1924 3 04 E163 Everett Deardoff & Mary Havel; Married 10/22
1336 10/31/1924 3 04 S512 Schoenbeck, Carl; Obituary
1336 10/31/1924 3 05 F650 Forney, Wayne I. & Edna Mae Vorce; Married 10/29
1336 10/31/1924 4 01 J525 Johnson (girl); Birth: 10/18: Born to Ben Johnson
1336 10/31/1924 4 03 C641 Carl Frederick Brunken & Adeline Catherine Glaser; Married 10/15

1336 10/31/1924 4 03 F622 Ferguson (son); Birth: 10/18: To Robert Ferguson
1336 10/31/1924 4 03 K454 Kleinholz (girl); Birth: 10/18: To Harry Kleinholz
1336 10/31/1924 4 03 R341 Rudolph Skala; obituary
1336 10/31/1924 4 03 W111 Wife of B.B. Parks; obituary
1336 10/31/1924 4 04 W262 Wiegers (girl); Birth: 10/18: To Glen Wiegers

1336 11/11/1924 3 03 K632 Kratochvil, Mary; M: Married Henry Zumpfe 12-20-1923
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 C200 Cox, Willard H. (age 33) & Spirk, Hilda (age 30); Marriage
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 D340 Dudley, Lawrence (age 21), & Ballard, Grace Louise (22); Marriage
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 H643 Harold W. Bangs (age 21), & Edna Menne?, (age 21); Marriage
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 L321 Lloyd Ashbaught (age 27), & Velma Leona Newburn (18); Marriage

1336 01/01/1925 1 05 M500 Mumma, William N. (age 36) & Lydia Violetwold (age 29); Marriage
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 P200 Puegge, Albert W. (47) & McGrey, Myrtle Jane (37); Marriage
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 S350 Stone, Karl W. & Krustufek, Erie L.; Marriage
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 W251 Wissenburry, Herman W. (age 23), & Bovey, Mary E. (23); Marriage
1336 01/01/1925 1 05 Z452 Zeleny (girl); Birth: 12/27/25: Born to Gilbert Zeleny

1336 01/01/1925 1 07 A212 Ashbaugh, Lloyd & Newburn, Velma; Married: 12/30/1925
1336 01/01/1925 1 07 C200 Cox, Willard & Spirk, Hilda A.; Married: 12/30/1925
1336 01/01/1925 2 06 R543 Reinwald; Obituary: 2 mo. old baby: Parents: Edwin Reinwald
1336 01/01/1925 3 01 C234 Casteel (son); Birth: 12/20/1925: Born to Carl Casteel
1336 01/01/1925 3 01 U462 Ulrich (son); Birth: 12/21/1925: Born to Joe & Agnes

1336 01/25/1925 4 02 E436 Eldrid (girl); Birth: 12/20: To Perry Eldrid
1336 06/19/1925 2 05 J125 J. Buessing, age 77; Obituary: DOD- 06/04/1925
1336 06/19/1925 2 05 P362 Peter Keuten; Obituary
1336 06/19/1925 2 05 P422 Placek, Mary; suicide
1336 06/19/1925 2 06 K122 Kubicek, Blanche; birth

1336 06/19/1925 2 06 S616 Schropfer; birth
1336 06/19/1925 3 01 B514 Bonnifield, Elizabeth; Marriage
1336 06/19/1925 3 01 H243 Hazlett, A. E.; Marriage
1336 06/19/1925 3 01 Y230 Yost, Walter; married
1336 06/19/1925 4 01 R253 Rezny (daughter); Birth (06/12/1925)

1336 06/19/1925 4 02 B532 Bean (daughter); Birth (06/13/1925)
1336 06/26/1925 1 03 J243 Jezl (daughter); Birth (06/16/1925)
1336 06/26/1925 1 08 E456 Elmer Selk, age 27 & Anna Fictum, age 24; Marriage (6/18/1925)
1336 06/26/1925 2 05 F652 Francis Gene Stech; Birth: 06/10/1925
1336 06/26/1925 2 05 L213 Louis Peterson & Anna Harms; Marriage: 06/13/1925

1336 06/26/1925 2 05 W112 Wife of John Kochler; Obituary
1336 06/26/1925 2 05 W112 Wife of John Wahl; Obituary: DOD- 06/12/1925
1336 06/26/1925 2 06 L652 Lawrence Dorman & Helen Altman; Marriage: 06/03/1925
1336 06/26/1925 3 01 E252 Eugene Houser & Helene Jaffner; Marriage: 06/03/1925
1336 06/26/1925 3 01 R163 Robert VanPelt & Mildred Carter; Marriage

1336 06/26/1925 3 02 C641 Carl Avon & Marie Conrad; Marriage
1336 06/26/1925 3 03 H562 Henry Siedhoff, Sr.; Obituary: 06/13/1925
1336 06/26/1925 3 03 R341 Rudolph Vack & Sophia Aksamit?; Marriage:
1336 06/26/1925 3 03 S423 Schleis (daughter); Birth
1336 06/26/1925 3 04 W220 W.H. Hughes; Obituary

1336 06/26/1925 3 04 W112 Wife of John Schmidt; Obituary
1336 07/03/1925 1 03 E652 Erwin Nispel & Edna Pimper; Marriage
1336 07/03/1925 1 04 A416 Alfred J. Brabec, age 22 & Hazel F. Haddix, age 21; Marriage
1336 07/03/1925 1 04 A551 Anna Nohava; Obituary: DOD- 06/16/1925
1336 07/03/1925 1 04 L246 Leslie Herrman, age 27 & Cora E. Mickle, age 25; Marriage

1336 07/03/1925 1 07 E412 Ella (Pasek) Hahn; Obituary
1336 07/03/1925 1 08 F435 Floyd Mair; Obituary
1336 07/03/1925 2 03 A552 Anna Mae Hayes Field Brunsen; Obituary: DOD- 06/22/1925
1336 07/03/1925 2 03 E343 Ed Wilding 7 Mrs. Iola Muff; Marriage
1336 07/03/1925 2 03 H622 Harry S. Ketchurn & Zepha Elizabeth Graham; Marriage

1336 07/03/1925 2 03 W422 Wallace Crofout? Eshelman & Kathryn Booth; Marriage: 6/20/1925
1336 07/03/1925 2 04 S500 Son, age 11; Obituary: drowned
1336 07/03/1925 3 06 A416 Alfred J. Brabec, age 22 & Hazel Haddix. age 21; Marriage: 06/25/1925
1336 07/07/1925 3 03 A416 Albert Hausman & Lillian Behrens; Marriage: 06/10/1925
1336 07/07/1925 3 04 B616 Barbara C?ha; Obituary: DOD- 6/26/1925

1336 07/07/1925 3 05 H526 Hannah Currie; Obituary: DOD- 6/24/1925
1336 07/07/1925 4 01 B441 Belahlavy (son); Birth: 07/03/1925
1336 07/10/1925 1 02 W524 Wencel Semerad; Obituary: DOD- 06/08/1925
1336 07/10/1925 1 03 C642 Charles W. Stanely, age 75; Obituary: DOD- 07/04/1925
1336 07/10/1925 1 06 Z565 Zimmerman (son); Birth: 07/02/1925

1336 07/10/1925 1 07 F652 Frank J. Hotovec; Obituary: DOD- 07/08/1925
1336 07/10/1925 1 08 B625 Boehr (son); Birth
1336 07/10/1925 2 03 G643 Gerald Winter & Selma Schimmel; Marriage: 06/27/1925
1336 07/10/1925 2 03 O566 Omer W. Herrman & Elizabeth Mickle; Marriage: 06/25/1925
1336 07/10/1925 2 04 R352 Ruth (McVay) Baker; Obituary: 06/20/1925

1336 07/10/1925 2 07 C642 Charles Ruppel; Obituary: 06/20/1925
1336 07/17/1925 1 03 E421 Elizabeth (Zajicek) Hrech; Obituary: DOD- 07/11/1925
1336 07/17/1925 1 05 P623 Percy (daughter); Birth: 07/12/1925
1336 07/17/1925 1 05 W451 Will M. Price & ?; Marriage
1336 07/17/1925 1 07 A416 Alberta N. Dodson & Anne Vasak; Marriage: 07/09/1925

1336 07/17/1925 1 08 M615 Marvin Francis & Lillian Slepicka; Marriage: 07/08/1925
1336 07/17/1925 2 03 A553 Amanda Dillon; Obituary
1336 07/17/1925 2 03 S500 son; Birth: 07/02/1925
1336 07/17/1925 2 05 H143 Havel (daughter); Birth: 07/06/1925
1336 07/17/1925 2 06 P255 Piekman (son); Birth: 07/06/1925

1336 07/24/1925 3 04 S641 Sarah Olive Lidwards; Obituary: DOD- 07/17/1925
1336 07/24/1925 3 04 W112 Wife of Chris Schwisow; Obituary: DOD- 07/14/1925
1336 07/24/1925 4 06 C642 Charles Hovak; Suicide
1336 07/31/1925 1 02 W112 Wife of John Stastny; Obituary
1336 07/31/1925 2 01 H562 Henry H. Genau; Obituary

1336 07/31/1925 2 01 W156 W. I. Beeners & Mrs. O.V. Busboom; Marriage
1336 07/31/1925 2 02 A416 Albert J. Van Dusen & Easter Lily Baker; Marriage
1336 07/31/1925 2 02 F636 Frederick Bye; obituary: DOD- 7/16/1925
1336 07/31/1925 2 02 J211 Joseph Vavra; Obituary
1336 07/31/1925 2 02 L551 Lamin Felda & Augusta Janovsky; Marriage

1336 07/31/1925 2 03 J521 James Britton; obituary: DOD- 7/15/1925
1336 07/31/1925 2 04 J522 James E. Crom & Bertha belle Brooks; Marriage: 7/15/1924
1336 07/31/1925 4 01 Z352 Zednick (son); Birth: 07/13/1925
1336 07/31/1925 4 04 W325 Witt (son); Birth: 07/27/1925
1336 08/07/1925 1 01 J513 John Beitman; Obituary: DOD 7/30/1925

1336 08/07/1925 1 05 G414 Guy Laflin; Obituary
1336 08/07/1925 1 05 W451 William F. Potter & Ouida Dodson; Marriage: 8/27/1925
1336 08/07/1925 1 06 A450 Allen, Juanita; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 1 06 D300 Duid, R? Dodson; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 1 06 K653 Korinde, Elizabeth Ann; birth

1336 08/07/1925 1 06 P360 Potter, William F; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 1 06 S530 Schmidt, Phillip; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 1 06 S000 Shaw, James M; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 1 06 T400 Talley, Frances M; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 1 07 B355 Bietman, J L.; died

1336 08/07/1925 1 07 O432 Olds, ?; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 1 07 V522 Vnoucik, girl; birth
1336 08/07/1925 1 07 W536 Wendorff, August; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 2 01 H243 Hazlett, girl; birth
1336 08/07/1925 2 01 S113 Svoboda, girl; birth

1336 08/07/1925 2 04 B200 Bouska, girl; birth
1336 08/07/1925 2 04 D220 Duchek, Edward; Marriage
1336 08/07/1925 2 04 F430 Folda, Lamar; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 2 04 H614 Herpolsheimer, Edward; Marriage
1336 08/07/1925 2 04 J512 Janovsky, Augusta; marriage

1336 08/07/1925 2 04 R200 Reiss, Mathilde; marriage
1336 08/07/1925 2 04 S423 Schlichtemeier, Esther; Marriage
1336 08/07/1925 2 04 S000 Shaw, James; married
1336 08/07/1925 2 04 T400 Talley, Frances M; Marriage
1336 08/07/1925 2 06 D424 Dell Gilmore & Thelma Wilkes; Marriage: 07/06/1925

1336 08/07/1925 4 01 M462 Miller (son); Birth: 08/01/1925
1336 08/07/1925 4 03 J222 J.S. Shackelton; Obituary- DOD: 07/31/1925
1336 08/14/1925 1 01 M226 Maas (girl); Birth: 08/08/1925
1336 08/14/1925 1 01 M225 Maas (son); Birth: 08/04/1925
1336 08/14/1925 1 05 F652 Frank Ladman, Sr.; 50th Wedding Anniversary

1336 08/14/1925 1 05 M622 Mrs. Jos Psopisel?; 60th Birthday: (08/08/1925)
1336 08/14/1925 1 06 E163 Everty Curry, age 45 & Anna Lee, age 49; Marriage
1336 08/14/1925 1 06 L563 Leonard J. Kellough & Edith Latura Sims; Marriage
1336 08/14/1925 3 01 L563 Leonard Frundell & Myrtle Beatty; Marriage
1336 08/14/1925 3 01 M242 McCawley (son); Birth: 08/04/1925

1336 08/14/1925 3 02 J245 Jacqueline Claire Connelly; Birth: 07/31/1925
1336 08/14/1925 3 02 J525 James M. Shaw & Frances Talley; Marriage
1336 08/14/1925 3 03 A636 Arthur J. Axline & Mary Britton; Marriage: 08/05/1925
1336 08/14/1925 3 03 L236 Lester Samuelson; Obituary
1336 08/14/1925 3 03 P365 Peter Emergh; Obituary

1336 08/14/1925 3 05 W451 Wollenburg (son); Birth: 07/29/1925
1336 08/14/1925 3 07 C642 Carl Schwisow & Minnie Kracke; Marriage
1336 08/21/1925 1 01 B632 Bartz; Birth: 08/12/1925
1336 08/21/1925 1 01 B222 Bicek (girl); Birth: 08/12/1925
1336 08/21/1925 1 07 M521 Mounce B. Gable, age 26 & Rita K. McKenna, age 20; Marriage

1336 08/21/1925 1 08 B525 Benjamin Kimport; Obituary- DOD: 08/06/1925
1336 08/21/1925 3 01 A535 Anton Haulicek; Obituary- DOD: 07/17/1925
1336 08/21/1925 3 01 R565 Roy Merriman Herman; Obituary- DOD: 06/15/1925
1336 08/21/1925 3 02 T516 Tena (Fordon) Boden; Obituary
1336 08/21/1925 3 02 W112 Wife of J.H. Thuman; Obituary

1336 08/21/1925 3 03 E652 Ernest Kemper & Almira Kupka; Marriage: 07/27/1925
1336 08/21/1925 3 03 L563 Leonard Kellough & Edith Sims; Marriage: 08/12/1925
1336 08/21/1925 3 05 J513 John Beitman; Obituary
1336 08/21/1925 3 06 A223 August Kluge; Obituary
1336 08/21/1925 4 02 W522 Wanek? (girl); Birth: 08/09/1925

1336 08/21/1925 4 03 B656 Bernard Leighton Allsman, Jr.; Birth: 08/08/1925
1336 08/21/1925 4 04 A535 Anton Stipek & Mabel Duhackek; Marriage
1336 08/21/1925 4 04 Z352 Zednik? (girl); Birth: 08/19/1925
1336 08/28/1925 1 02 M622 Mrs. G.H. Mead; Birthday: 80th, 08/23/1925
1336 08/28/1925 3 03 J546 John Miller; Obituary: 08/12/1925

1336 08/28/1925 3 03 M642 Mary Louise Crick, age 6; Obituary
1336 08/28/1925 3 05 F631 Fred Burger & Lena Niemeyer; Marriage: 08/13/1925
1336 08/28/1925 4 03 P352 Putney (son); Birth: 08/27/1925
1336 08/28/1925 4 04 B656 Bernard B. Biblett, age 31 & Olmeda Dietz, age 21; Marriage: 08/15/1925
1336 08/28/1925 4 04 R163 Robert W. Inglis, age 23 & Lucille Overman, age 26; Marriage

1336 09/04/1925 1 08 E541 Emil Vaura & Rose Belohlavy, both age 28; Marriage: 09/01/1925
1336 09/04/1925 2 02 S412 Slepicka (girl); birth
1336 09/04/1925 2 03 B652 Bruns (girl); birth: 08/24/1925
1336 09/04/1925 2 03 D452 Dillin (girl); birth: 08/20/1925
1336 09/04/1925 2 03 G653 Grandorf (son); birth: 08/20/1925; Died: same day

1336 09/04/1925 2 03 H552 Hommon (girl); birth: 08/23/1925
1336 09/04/1925 2 04 D462 Deloris Bures; Birth: 08/17/1925
1336 09/04/1925 2 04 R163 Robert Inglis & Lucille Overman; Marriage
1336 09/04/1925 2 05 C613 Charvat (girl); Birth: 08/23/1925
1336 09/04/1925 4 01 E342 Ethel (Smith) Freeborn; Obituary- DOD: 08/29/1925

1336 09/04/1925 4 07 M625 Mary Shimonek; Obituary
1336 09/04/1925 4 07 O314 Otto Vilda, age 21 & Abbie Krumm, age 21; Marriage: 09/02/1925
1336 09/04/1925 4 07 T521 Thomas Pasek; Obituary
1336 09/11/1925 1 04 K426 Koll (girl); Birth: 09/10/1925
1336 09/11/1925 2 01 C431 Clyde Butler Walters & Elizabeth Pugsley; Marriage: 08/26/1925

1336 09/11/1925 2 01 E521 Emma Svoboda, age 43; Obituary
1336 09/11/1925 2 01 L563 Leonard Frundell & Mytel Beatty; Marriage: 08/26/1925
1336 09/11/1925 2 05 F436 Floyd Earl Patmer & Beorgia Eleanor Lerzan; Marriage: 08/27/1925
1336 09/11/1925 2 05 H663 Harry Reid, age 14; Obituary: drowned
1336 09/11/1925 2 05 H561 Henry B. Bohla & Elsie Krupicka; Marriage: 08/25/1925

1336 09/11/1925 2 05 M622 Mary J. Kotas; 63rd Birthday: 08/27/1925
1336 09/18/1925 1 05 A341 Adolph Jindra & Cornelia Crawford; Marriage
1336 09/18/1925 3 01 F652 Frank Stejskal; Obituary
1336 09/18/1925 3 01 G623 George Demmer, age 88; Obituary: 09/10/1925?
1336 09/18/1925 3 02 W436 Walter Hanneman & Lizzie Weidner; Marriage

1336 09/18/1925 3 05 J521 James B. Mongomery; Obituary- DOD: 09/01/1925
1336 09/18/1925 4 03 G662 Greer (girl); Birth
1336 09/25/1925 1 04 K365 Katehrine Vosika (born: 01/26/1841); Obituary: 09/10/1925
1336 09/25/1925 7 01 C642 Charles William McKinley; Obituary: 09/10/1925
1336 09/25/1925 7 01 G626 Gerogre Demmer; Obituary: 09/10/1925

1336 09/25/1925 7 03 L536 L.W. Hendrix & Thelma Eldora Witt; Marriage: 09/10/1925
1336 10/02/1925 1 01 Y225 Yeck (son); Birth (09/29/1925)
1336 10/02/1925 1 08 O321 Otto Kubicek, age 50; Obituary
1336 10/02/1925 2 03 A521 Annie S. Brand; Obituary
1336 10/02/1925 2 03 A152 Avon Skougard, age 5; Obituary

1336 10/02/1925 2 03 W115 Wife of F.W. Meier; Obituary
1336 10/02/1925 2 04 E421 Elizabeth Dilliny; Obituary
1336 10/02/1925 2 04 F652 Francis Arnold Jirkovsky; Birth: 9/20/1925
1336 10/02/1925 2 04 J212 Jeseph Korbilek; Obituary: 09/04/1925
1336 10/02/1925 2 04 V536 Vanderpool (girl); Birth

1336 10/02/1925 4 03 M222 Mashek (son); Birth: 09/25/1925


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