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liens, a large part of which we repudiated from the first; of which fact they were aware; upon which they could not obtain the property and in the deed which they were compelled to give it is stated we do not agree to pay. Our former suit cost us about $300. The worst thing done by the man who proved traitor was in the disruption of the society. We now have a Sunday school numbering thirty-five; a fair congregation, a ladies aid society and a class numbering eight.
   Hooper -- The pastor planned a surprise for the Presiding Elder. If the surprise was a partial failure the pleasure was not. That new, nicely-planned, well furnished six-room parsonage, nearly out of debt would cause the eyes of any Methodist preacher to sparkle. Other things on Hooper charge are very much like the parsonage.
   Mapleville -- A new organ at Maplegrove; another at Jamestown; the last cent upon all church property paid: Sunday school organized and public worship established in a new neighborhood, all indicate the upward, onward trend in this new and prosperous charge.
   North Bend -- It has not by any means been all sunshine and song at North Bend. Yet of each there has been a measure. One of the best love feasts of the year was there and one of the largest congregations this presiding elder ever saw in that place greeted him at his last visit.
   Omaha, First Church -- An elegant house of worship; every facility for religious work, and complete organization do not always bring immediate great results. We need not disguise the fact, our immense debt is an immense burden. It rests however upon heroic shoulders. It will be borne until it is removed by honest payment. The Epworth League has established a mission Sunday school and has also maintained services in a very needy part of the city just north of the Union Pacific bridge. Here there have been a number of conversions.
   Castellar Street -- Soon after conference our pastor joined another denomination. The work however has been maintained; of late there has been a spirit of revival, and we believe the out-look is more hopeful than it has been since the beginning of our work in this place.
   Hanscom Park. -- Tbe present church building which we thought quite a gem five years ago is now ready for a transfer to some other field. An adjoining lot, costing $2,600, has been purchased and now upon this enlarged site is enclosed one of the most commanding church edifices in Omaha. The people expect with songs, prayers, thanksgivings and sermons to move in this fall. Hanscom Park stands in the front rank. We are not sure but some of her enthusiastic people would say she was a little in the lead in Omaha district.
   Monmouth Park -- The long day of doubt, struggle and fear is past. Self-denial, patience and work have been rewarded. Very soon, not to say now, this will be one of the desired charges because it is one of the important and prosperous churches.
   Seward Street -- The damage done to the church building by a storm



has been repaired. The people became a little aesthetic; they desired better music. This desire has been gratified by the melody which flows from the seven hundred dollar vocallion. Their pastor received word from Bishop Thoburn that he was wanted in India. He responded to the call and this loyal people said amen. Now they want another man equally good with the departing missionary.
   South Tenth Street -- About $500 has been expended in repairs upon church and parsonage, each being now in excellent condition. While a somewhat difficult point at which to maintain our work, it is nevertheless one of great importance and one blessed with a faithful constituency.
   South West -- This vigorous young church has pursued her work with the same kind of zeal, earnestness and faith which have characterized her from the beginning. If there be better material in any church, we know not where it is.
   Trinity -- That $360 missionary collection indicates more clearly the condition of things in this prosperous church than can any feeble words of ours. In missionary contributions, Trinity easily leads the district, we presume the conference, and with steady, elastic steps, moves onward.
   Wesley -- One hundred average the last quarter in Sunday school; hall used for worship entirely too small; purpose to build a house for the Lord taking shape; all the departments of a Methodist society in running order; will do very well, we think, as a result of history running back but little more than a year and a half.
   Papillion -- At an expense of over $400, the parsonage has been transformed into one of the most convenient and elegant in the district. All the church property is in good shape, and but a small debt on the parsonage. We never knew Papillion to be in better spiritual condition.
   Purple Cane -- The house purchased for parsonage was moved and fitted up for occupancy soon after conference. It is out of debt; all current expenses met; benevolencies not forgotten. This is a country charge with a strong society, a grand field of its own and yet pushing on in Methodist fashion for the salvation of those about them.
   Richfield -- Our beautiful church has been dedicated free of debt; our society well organized; Sunday school in excellent condition and we believe all things indicate this as one of our very desirable charges in the near future.
   Richland -- Not all things have been all we could have desired all the time during the year, yet the history is something like that of the good man, "the latter end is the best." At different points at the regular services there have been penitents seeking Christ. Nearly $100 has been paid on parsonage debt.
   Schuyler -- We are not sure that Schuyler is not a little too well satisfied with herself. Good church property, recently nicely carpeted, in good condition, good preaching, good Sunday school, good congregation; moving along in a good way and doing a good work. A little more of the



aggressive spirit would be a good thing. There is no backward step at Schuyler.
   Scribner -- If some of our people move away, those of us who remain must work the harder. That is the spirit and that is the way they have been doing things the past year at Scribner. Five years have passed since the present pastor received his first appointment to this charge. Every year till now they have requested his return. The presiding elder thinks the Bishop had better embrace this opportunity to send them another man. There are no debts upon church property.
   South Omaha -- A subscription of $1,200 taken to pay off the whole church debt; about one-half of it due and paid; the parsonage brought down to a level with the church, enlarged and painted; a good revival; a membership approximating three hundred; the pastor's salary increased $200; a live church with no drones indicate a few facts past and present.
   Albright -- A heavy wind some time ago blew down our steeple. The fragments have been gathered up and the purpose formed to erect in more substantial manner. This part of the city has not grown so rapidly as expected but the society is true, courageous, persevering. Of late there have been some valuable accessions. All the business is brought up to date in business shape. Albright is living and proposes to live.
   Springfield -- With quiet, earnest, successful work, Springfield has pursued the even tenor of her way. We believe every department of church work has received its measure of attention. Methodism, worked methodically, tells in Springfield as elsewhere.
   Valley -- Our work has been raising in Valley surely and healthily for the last three years. But we wish to give notice that this presiding elder will not recommend another transfer within three months prior to the session of conference, unless the collections or a large part of them have been taken.
   Our visiting deaconesses have continued to do earnest and blessed work during the year. In every place where they work the results are visible in Sunday schools, congregations and spirituality. The Methdist hospital is not by any means confined to Omaha district in its work or support but is located within our bounds. We give a brief report recently published by Bro. Ball in the Omaha Advocate.
   "We are young but look at what we have done in the first year of our existence. Have received contributions from the different churches, and citizens and members of other churches over thirty-two hundred dollars in cash, and in provisions and other things very useful in the running of the same, to the value of not less than seven hundred and fifty dollars. Have cared for three hundred and thirty patients of which about one-third was charity. What we most need is a united concert of action in raising of funds throughout all Methodism for three hundred and fifty miles in each direction from Omaha. We cannot have a hospital in every city in this



territory and, therefore let us lay aside the sin that so easily besets us in these things and let us subscribe liberally and pay promptly the amount set opposite our names, looking unto God who giveth all things that are good, and in this way we can do great good for the kingdom of God upon this earth, and fulfill that mission that Christ came to establish." -- B. R. Ball.
   [We bespeak for Bro. Ball a cordial reception wherever he may go to solicit funds for the hospital. The work being done by this hospital and Deaconess' Home cannot but commend itself to all. To know it is to be in sympathy with it. -- ED.]"
   While the Omaha Horne Missionary and Church Extension society has not accomplished great things, it has made a commendable beginning. The first installment of the Williams' Loan Fund, together with interest amounting in all to $160, has been received. It is now loaned to Castellar Street church at six per cent. Most of the Omaha churches have taken a collection for its treasury and the meager salaries of several of our brethren at mission points have been supplemented thereby. We are learning by experience and by studying the methods adopted in other cities. We expect this society in the not far distant future to greatly help us in our work. T. C. CLENDENING.

Grand Island District.

To the Bishop and Members of the conference:
   DEAR BRETHREN -- The ministers of Grand Island district, with one exception, went cheerfully to their respective fields of labor immediately after the adjournment of last conference, and have wrought faithfully and in most cases successfully throughout the year.
   No deaths have occurred in the families of any of our preachers during the year, and no serious sickness except in the case of D. T. Alcott of St. Edwards, for which we wish to join the brethren in devout thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father.
   Our venerable Bro. Alcott broke down in health last February, since which he has not been able to preach, but from time to time has given assurance of the sufficiency of God's grace to sustain and comfort under the severest trials.
   We regarded it almost a calamity to be left at the close of the last session of our conference with ten charges in the district to be supplied, and among them some of the most important ones. But they were all furnished with pastors in due time, except Elba.
   Our Presbyterian friends had sixteen members at Elba and we had but four. Their missionary thought it impracticable to support both churches in the village, and as they had the larger nucleus to begin with, he requested us to allow them to occupy the territory alone. As the other points which we expected to unite with Elba to form a circuit were al-



ready occupied by the United Brethren, we consented, and no pastor was sent to Elba.
   Owing to insurmountable difficulties we were compelled to make a change in several of our circuits. We found that by uniting Fairview, Archer, Palmer and Gage Valley into a circuit, with a little missionary money it would support a pastor, and A. V. Wilson, a student in our Nebraska Conference seminary, was appointed to supply it. Another student, L. R. DeWolf, supplied Chapman.
   H. D. Brown of Puget Sound conference, who was recommended heartily by Bishop Newman, was appointed to Greeley in March, where he has done a good work in building up all the interests of that church and congregation. We now have Greeley station and Greeley circuit as a result, the latter supplied by A. G. Bartholomew, a supernumerary member of the Nebraska conference.
   Two of our supplies gave us trouble, one from Ohio, who, though well educated, proved worse than worthless, whom we excused, and the other was an impostor who had been employed on this district for the preceding five years. His removal precipitated it very unpleasaut (sic) rupture in our church at Genoa, but with the assistance of Dr. Pillsbury and J. W. Jennings, each of whom served as pastor of the church for a short time, our church was restored to order, and under the care of R. C. McReynolds of the West Nebraska conference, who has been supplying the charge since, the church is doing well.
   E. C. Harper has experienced great difficulty in correcting the blunders of this same nondescript who preceded him on Clarks charge, and while he cannot on that account report as favorably the various interests of that work, yet the charge has a very hopeful outlook for the future.
   Dr. D. K. Tindall of Central City has had a disagreeable year owing to misfortunes that have come to individual members of the church, but under his wise management the church is likely to regain her usually prosperous equilibrium.
   H. A. Barton has been sorely tried in his pastorate at St. Paul the last year, owing mainly to the removal of it large number of his members, among whom were some of the very best families of the church. This is felt all the more because of the failure of crops in 1890 and the year previous this beautiful church was built, greatly straining the financial ability of the congregation. Only the greatest courage could endure such a strain and in so magnanimous and royal a way entertain this conference.
   Many of the charges of the district are still struggling under embarrassing church debts. Most of this money is due our Church Extension society, and although the rate of interest is low, in many cases these debts are discouraging to our poor churches.
   Our North Nebraska Conference seminary has expired "sine die," and may it not be hoped that with it all strife from every quarter whatsoever?



   The preachers who chance to be appointed to the pastorate of Dannebrog and Cairo and Cameron will find unfinished subscriptions for building churches on those charges, the one commenced by Robert Brotherton, the pastor of Dannebrog, and the other by Samuel Cates, the pastor of Cairo and Cameron.
   J. B. Leedom has been abundant in labors in his charge at Columbus, and the reward of this toil is the liquidation of a debt of $670 of several years standing on the church, and the building of a commodious new parsonage which will be ready for occupancy by the middle of October.
   N. A. Martin's congregation at Fullerton rejoice in the fact that the long-standing debt of over $700 has been paid this year and $75 of repairs put on their comfortable parsonage.
   William Worley has built a barn, improved the parsonage and painted and otherwise ornamented the church at Albion.
   Lewis Campbell of Cedar Rapids, in addition to having a glorious revival and putting over $300 worth of books and periodicals from our Book concern into the homes of his people, has painted and otherwise improved the church.
   J. A. Dooley has purchased a good parsonage at Silver Creek, which has been a great need in that charge. The Lord graciously poured out His spirit and a very blessed revival and the conversion of about fifty souls was the result.
   W. H. La Vake, who was appointed pastor at Wood River about three months after conference, from St. Joseph, Mo., conference, has been unusually prospered. In addition to paying the long-standing debt against the church they have made extensive improvements in both church and parsonage.
   George H. MacAdam, pastor at Trinity, Grand Island, has been blessed with signal prosperity all the year. The conversion of souls, a high degree of spirituality in all the services, a steady, persistent effort has resulted in paying over $1,000 of the floating indebtedness and providing in subscriptions for the balance of the $2,500 of the floating indebtedness against the church.
   Dr. Pillsbury has succeeded in placing a loan on the First church, Grand Island, of $5,000 at 7 per cent, which with $1,000 of building and loan shares, soon available, and subscriptions that they consider good to pay all else, puts the debt of that congregation in an easy condition for the present.
   The labors of F. A. High of Cushing have been crowned with excellent revivals, as have H. D. Foote's of Belgrade. R. M. Henderson of Albion circuit has had a pleasant year, while W. A. Davies of Scotia, working so far from his family, has had a year of loneliness and discouragement.
   Special attention has been given to the use of our own literature both in our families and in our Sunday schools by the pastors, and the result



is a large increase in the sale of the publications of our Book concern. Attention has been directed to our order and discipline that has stimulated particular observance of our laws and usages where they have been obnoxiously lax heretofore. More care has been required on the part of local preachers in preparation for and examinations on the prescribed course of study for them, which has resulted in not renewing the licenses of several; some of these have lightened the ship by jumping overboard, with no disadvantage to the rest of the crew.
   Prominence has been given to our distinctive usages-the love feast, class-meeting, religious instruction to baptized children, the organization and maintenance of our own Sunday schools, Epworth and Junior leagues, the use of our hymnals and the observance of our disciplinary forms of worship.
   We held a district campmeeting at Genoa, which, though impromptu in its arrangements, was by no means a failure.
   Our district conferences are becoming better attended by the traveling, and local preachers, and the work done is eminently satisfactory.
   The benevolent collections, with a few exceptions, have all been taken as the reports will show, and in many cases all the apportionments met, and in nearly all cases the missionary apportionment has been met in full.
   The financial condition of our people is still embarassing. Our territory has not recovered from the losses occasioned by the crop failure of two years ago, yet our people are liberal, and in most cases the salary of the preacher will be paid in full.
   There is general harmony between the presiding elder and the pastors, and between the pastors and their charges.
   The evangelistic work on the district has not been all that might have been desired, although many af (sic) the brethren have had precious revivals n (sic) their charges. There have been about 500 conversions and about the same number of accessions from probation.
   Our altar fires have not gone out, but do they glow like they should?
   Are not 500 conversions on Grand Island district too few? Great Leader and Lord, baptize preachers and people with the Holy Ghost and with fire!
                      Respectfully submitted,
spacerJ. E. MOORE, P. E.

Norfolk District.

   DEAR FATHERS AND BRETHREN: I come to you with my fifth annual report for Norfolk district with great pleasure and a strong sense of gratitude to God for His great goodness and mercy abiding within me. I impart to you the history of the past year on this district with great cheerfulness, for I am sure you will rejoice with me in the knowledge of the prosperity that has been ours throughout its course. At the beginning we had thirty-one circuits and stations supplied by twenty-three men appointed by the



Bishop. Eight places to be filled as best I could. Brother Boyce, supernumerary, came to our help and has rendered good service at Humphrey. Brother Bargelt, of Upper Iowa conference, consented to go to Wakefield, but only lived until the middle of the conference year when he rested from his labors. Brother Odell, of Missouri, accepted the Decatur work and has wrought well throughout the year. Rev. C. D. Day returned from the Wyoming Mission to his mother conference, and is at Pilger. Warnersville was attached to Norfolk temporarily, and thus was looked after with gratifying results by Brother Jennings. Rev. W. E. Northrup, of Garrett, has supplied Coleridge since the school year closed. Brother Norris was transferred by Bishop Newman from the Missouri conference and stationed at Sioux City and Covington. Thus the vacancies have been filled. It was certainly very fortunate for our church that "The Lord of the harvest sent forth laborers into the harvest," for so the work has zone forward. To speak more in detail:
   Rev. J. R. Gearhart was sent to Allen, the initial letter heading the appointments of this district. He has been faithful and true, preached the Gospel, and souls have been saved, and he has built a parsonage. This is Parsonage No. 1.
   Beemer was served well this year by Brother Hobson, who removes to University place to receive the benefits of our own Wesleyan University there. Bancroft was supplied by Rev. J. H. Frazer, whom I changed from Pilger in the middle of the year. A faithful man and the Lord is with him. He has built a fine parsonage there, which is parsonage No. 2 on this district.
   Blair is one of our desirable places, and has been ably and faithfully served by Rev. H. H. Millard, and is stronger and better every way than ever before.
   Coleridge, as I before mentioned, has for its pastor Rev. W. E. Northrup, who has served it diligently and the brethren and community all clamor for his return.
   Craig -- Rev. J. Charles, pastor. How shall I write the record of this year to fully do it justice? Revivals at Alder Grove and at Bethel, such as those we read of in the days of the fathers! Mid-summer revivals! The harvest on! Grain cutting in full blast! God's spirit resting upon the people far and near, in such power that all else is abandoned in eager searching for salvation! They left all to meet the Lord, and the Lord, it is always true of him, blessed be his name, met them, in saving power, in wonderful ways of mercy, in tides of salvation, so that the shout of victory filled all the land.
   Dakota City -- Rev. D. W. McGregor, born, reared and educated in Canada, yet the most utter Yankee of us all! The work has grown, we are at peace, the people love the pastor, and much more the pastor's wife and babies, and taken all in all, it is a lovely place in our district. The



pastor by way of improvement has built a good horse-parsonage, or barn, during the year.
   Decatur has been served in a faithful way by Brother Odell, as is before mentioned. The people are anxious for his return.
   Homer -- Rev. H. W. Conley, pastor, has gone along as well as could be expected in the face of the difficulties to be overcome. Sickness and impassable roads hindering the work for a large part of the year in a very serious manner.
   Humphrey, as has been before stated, has been looked after by Rev. J. W. Bovee.
   Kennard is a small circuit. Rev. A. J. Young is pastor. The enemy of souls in the guise of seven-day Adventists, has warred against the people and Sabbath of our Lord. In this way he has led some astray. He has built a good parsonage, which is No. 3 on this district.
   Leigh. -- Solomon wrote, "There is nothing new under the sun," but some things are new to me, and the perfidy of one of the men whom I had brought into the conference and helped in my poor way, such as was exhibited at Leigh this year, is a new experience to me and one I do not care to repeat. To deliberately and secretly conspire with our rivals and make terms to betray our interests, at the same time when our church is affording him food and shelter for his family and himself, is an act of such heartlessness and base treachery that I am glad to drop the consideration of the malodorous subject. The final disposition of this case is with the conference, and to the conference I most gladly surrender it.
   Lyons is one of our ablest charges and should be one of our most advanced charges in all the enterprises of the church. If it be not so, it is not because of lack of fidelity and industry on the part of the pastor, Rev. J. B. Priest. He has served for three years and will be received if he should be sent forth. He has built a good church at Liberty, a country place connected with the circuit. A finer country than that of Lyons circuit is not in Nebraska. This church is No. 1 for this district for this year.
   Madison has the ministrations of Rev. J. L. St. Clair, one of the veterans of the conference and the ranks. The year has been one of peace.
   Norfolk, although not at the head in alphabetical order, is not by any means the last or least in all other things. No debts on church, parsonage, preacher, bishops or presiding elder, with one hundred and eighty-three members in full connection, thirty-five on probation, a grand revival during the year, a unanimous call for the pastor's return for the fourth year, and many other things of like kind all tell the gratifying tale that the pastor, Rev. J. W. Jennings, is happy in his office and that the people are also happy in the possession of such an incumbent.
   Oakland was served by Rev. A. L. Mickel. It is a small field and has been cultivated with great industry by its pastor.



   Pender has for its pastor Rev. J. W. Miller. Early in the year he organized our Sunday School upon a Methodist basis and carried out other reforms of like character, which have resulted in great benefit to the church. A debt of nearly seven hundred dollars has been paid and thrift is seen everywhere. A new church is well forward toward completion at Pleasant Valley. Altogether this has been a good year for the circuit. Church No. 2, Pilger, is new work now in charge of Rev. C. D. Day, who is a member of this conference but was working heretofore in the Wyoming mission. Brother Day has done very excellent service, built a commodous (sic) parsonage at Pilger and his people unanimously ask his return. This is parsonage No. 4 for this year on this district.
   Platte Center is a place where we never had anything, and at this date I boldly affirm we retain unqualifiedly the same status. We own a church there if the debts thereon were paid. It is a monument of building just for the sake of building.
   Ponca -- At the middle of the year I saw fit to make an exchange between Brother Johnson of Ponca and Brother Linn at Winside. The church here had a debt aggregating $1360, owing to the disaster which befell the new church in 1885. That blessed Church Extension Society, the child of Divine inspiration, gave us aid to the amount of $700 which stimulated the waning energies of our people and fired their souls with stalwart confidence of success. A day was fixed upon for the dedication of the church. One hundred and twenty-five dollars more than was needed was obtained, and the people were giving when the collection was closed. I have been at many dedications but that of Ponca church exceeded in free, generous, hearty. Christian-giving, anything of the kind I ever saw. Our people could hardly realize that their burden was lifted and their debt paid. To quote Chaplain McCabe, "you could tell a Methodist by the smile on his face two blocks away, and his eyes blazed like two towns on fire." W. H. Linn is pastor.
   Randolph is fortunate in the possession of two railroads, a church and parsonage, a new church at Belden (No. 3 for this district for this year,) Rev. G. A. Luce for their pastor and Mrs. Luce his wife. In three years this man from the Granite state has built four churches and a good parsonage without any debt save that to the Church Extension in two cases. The churches will average $1800 each and cheap at that. The parsonage is a commodious, two-story house of seven rooms. Facts will talk for themselves.
   St. James -- Five years for Brother Carter here. Grand, good, blessed ye are for St. James. I wish I had an hour to tell you how the fifth year was the best of all.
   Sioux City and Covington have been under the spiritual oversight of Rev. G. W. Norris, transferred to this conference from the Missouri conference by Bishop Newman. He has wrought in this hard field of labor.



He has been alert and succeeded admirably in many things.
   Stanton -- A seraph's pen might find no more fitting task than in recording the worth of this church and its surroundings. Favored is the pastor of this attractive field of labor. It is a year whose bright record is chronicled on high. Would that such churches were multiplied in all our borders. The conference secretary is the shepherd of this flock of the Lord.
   Rev. H. C. Dayhoff has served the Tekamah charge this year with great acceptability. It has grown steadily since his coming to this work until now. A bolt of lightening splintered the church spire late in the season, but is now repaired and it is better than before. Tekamah is now on solid foundations and well equipped for the future.
   Vacoma has for its pastor Rev. Wm. Esplin, who has been all example of fidelity and self denial in his pastorate on this charge. An unusual revival took place at Vacoma, by which a large number of souls splin is one of our most valuable men.
   Wayne has had a year of excellent growth. It has been under the watchful care of the Rev. Dr. Myers, whose house has been too small for his congregations all the year. The people come to hear preaching and on the high tide of prosperity at Wayne. It is one of our best places.
   Wisner has struggled this year with the difficulties to which it is no stranger. Rev. J. H. Brooks has demonstrated his stick-to-it-iveness in a most remarkable degree. Has endured unto the end of the year, and doubtless will be saved from a similar experience in the year to come.
   Winside -- A new and promising and prosperous work of three preaching places, with as many churches and no parsonage. Rev. J. H. Johnson is the pastor, new in the work and alone in the field, which is the world. He intimates to the presiding elder that he will be thus alone not much longer, a prospect upon which all his brethren will congratulate him most heartily.
   A new circuit will be formed in Cedar County of which Oliver's Grove will be a part, where a revival was begun under the labors of Brother A. C. Butter of the St. James work. Brother Carter came of course to his aid and was upon his field. Together these two wrought mightily, for the Lord was with them. Scores were converted. A new church has been built and dedicated and with a new town on the Omaha R. R., and two more school house appointments will constitute a new work. This is church No. 4 on this district. A new work along the Missouri River to be called Homestead comprising, three places of preaching will be formed to be supplied by Rev. A. L. Gray.
   And thus hastily we scan the gains of this year and glance casually at the returns. Four new parsonages, four new churches and hundreds of



converts to the Lord. Finances have been close in too many cases, much smaller than could be justified. Like brave men the preachers have filled their places, have done their work, met the enemy of men, and the shout of triumph rings out along the lines. The wives of these good preachers have been as brave, and good and untiring as Christian wives and mothers have ever been in any age or any land. There is no grander church than ours, I am sure, there are no grander men than those preachers, that there are no nobler, choicer spirits than their wives, is a settled fact, and that the choicest and the most select band of those noble heroes and heroines is to be found upon the Norfolk district, is conceded by all.    Respectfully Submitted,
spacerJ. B. MAXFIELD.



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