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Sabbath Observance.

   Whereas, The moral law contained in the Decalogue has never been repealed or abrogated by the Gospel and, whereas, the New Testament does not supersede, but rather intensifies and emphasizes, by spiritualizing the old and, whereas, under the prophets Sabbath observance was synonomous with the laying hold upon and keeping the Divine covenant, and, whereas, in the spirit of the age there is a tendency towards the degredation, by desecration of the Holy Sabbath and its Divine law, to such an extent as to call forth vigorous protests from nearly all Christian churches and the advocates of good morals. Therefore, be it
   Resolved, That we heartily sympathize with and endorse the many protests by adding thereto our most vigorous protest against the opening of the World's Exposition on the Sabbath day. That we, as citizens of this christian commonwealth, do protest most solemnly in the name of the God of nations, against that arrogance which would rob us of our national birthright, the sancity of the Holy day by processions, whether civic, military, or social; by excursions, games or theatrical performances; by the transmission or distribution of the mails; the running of rail road trains; the laboring on national, state or municipal contracts.
   Resolved, Also that while we will abstain from the very appearance of evil as to Sabbath desecration, we will endeavor both by precept and practice to make the Holy day a delight, a day of spiritual joy and devotion as well as of physical rest.    Signed,
spacerJohn P. Roe, J. B. Priest, B. Blain.

W. F. M. S.

   We rejoice in the successful work of this society and believe it to be one of the most potent agencies for the evangelization of heathendom. While much has been accomplished we believe that vastly more should be done and a greater interest should be taken within the bounds of our Conference. We urge that all our pastors encourage and assist the ladies in holding in each of our charges at least one public meeting during the the year in the interest of the work. Also to instruct the people as to the aim, work and method of this society. And as one of the means to this end we will encourage the circulation of the Heathen Woman's Friend and the Heathen Children's Friend.    Signed,
spacerJ. W. Shank, W. H. Wm. R. Phelps.

W. H. M. S.

   There is occasion for gratitude to God for the good Providence that has enabled the people of our frontier charges to so far provide for their preachers that there has been much less need of aid from this society in this Conference than was so clearly seen and promptly supplied last year. Commendation is due this society for continuing its work in our



various charges, and especially for their wise and efficient work in promoting the interests of the Mother's Jewels Home. We welcome among us Mrs. M. E. Roberts, the General Organizer of the Woman's Home Missionary Society and recommend that all our pastors and people cordially co-operate with her in organizing and in carrying forward the work of this society.    Signed.
spacerJ. W. Jennings, B. Blain, J. Q. A. Fleharty, W. A. Davies.

Sunday Schools.

   Your committee recognize the Sunday School as an important factor in our Church economy, as a powerful agency in the shaping of her future, and the evangelization of the world. We therefore as ministers pledge ourselves to a more careful observance of its needs.  1st. To the organizing of new schools whenever practical and the use of our own literature.  2d. To the increasing of attendance and interest, by seeing that officers and teachers are men of God, and by a personal solicitation have members and friends to attend and participate in the exercises of the school.  3d. That the imperative need of the Sunday School Union demand that we put forth a special effort during the coming year to raise for its work $175, the sum apportioned to this Conference. The past history of our Conference shows that only about one-half of its charges take collections for this cause. We therefore ask that this conference request the Presiding Elders to apportion this sum among their charges upon their respective districts, which will be in accordance with the recommendation of the Sunday School Union. Signed,
                    E. E. Hosman, F. W. Mathews,
                    A. W. Robinson, H. D. Brown.


   "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." The drink traffic is the curse of our country. Everywhere is seen its blackening, blighting, destroying work. By it homes are darkened, hearts broken and thousands slain. The saloon is a blot on our civilization, the shame of this nation, and an abomination in the sight of God. It is a pest house in which are hatched evil thoughts, adulteries, thefts, murders, all disorders, and all sins. It stands directly in the way of God's church. While the one seeks to save men, the other ruins them. It defies the armies of the living God. The saloon dominates political parties, has its iron grip on the nation's throat, and unless the monster is destroyed we perish. God's call has come to His church to go forth and fight this great iniquity to its death. There can be no discharge in this war, and as sure as God is with us and the great Captain



leads us on, so sure are we to win the fight. God help each soldier of the Cross to do his whole duty. Therefore,
   Resolved, 1st, That we reaffirm our belief in total abstinence for the individual and prohibition for the state.  2nd, That anyone who in any way aids or lends his influence to the drink traffic, is not worthy to be a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.  3rd, That we support that political party which clearly shows that it is not controlled by the saloon, and which makes no compromise with it.  4th, That patiently and lovingly we endeavor to win to Jesus the Savior, our brothers who have fallen by strong drink.  5th, That as christian ministers we speak with no uncertain sound on the temperance question. Jesus said, "I come not to send peace, but a sword." May God give the power to use "the sword of the Spirit, which is the sword of God."  6th, That we believe the committee on temperance, annually elected by the fourth quarterly conference should be an active and aggressive force in every pastoral charge, seeking opportunities and improving every one possible to indoctrinate the people in our Methodist position on this very important subject. And we therefore recommend that the pastors see to it so far as is possible that such a temperance society be organized in their churches.
   Signed, spacerJ. W. Robinson, H. A. Barton,
                                        William Gorst, J. H. Frazer.


   We, your committee on Tracts, recognize the usefulness of our Tract Society, and note with regret the fact that the collection of this year falls short of the collection of last year, therefore,
   Resolved, That we use our best efforts to aid in the distribution of its literature, and that we try to raise the amount, $175, assessed to this conference, and that this amount be apportioned among the charges for collection.    Signed, spacerW. H. La Vake, J. W. Bovee, R. J. Millard.

Presiding Elders' Reports.

Elkhorn Valley District.

   Another year's work having been wrought, the time has come to give some account of the labor performed and the results achieved. This can only be done in briefest outline.
   There has been little sickness among the preachers or their families, and but one death, that of the wife of Rev. Bartley Blain. After a long life of usefulness, and of patient suffering during the latter years of her life, she passed away peacefully and in triumph last January. I only need to say that she was a model Methodist preachre's (sic) wife.



   Eleven charges were left to be supplied last Conference. I succeeded in supplying most of these at once; but in the case of four there was some delay, but finally, by the first of December I had made arrangements for all. Three vacancies have since occurred. Rev. Bartley Blain was granted leave of absence to visit California, and his work was at once provided for by the appointment of H. H. St. Louis to take his place.
   Soon after conference I requested Rev. H. E. Pickle, a supernumerary member of the Northwest Kansas conference, to serve the Bartlett * charge, which he consented to do. Though Bartlett is a small town, it is the county seat of Wheeler county, and the people are ambitious and appreciate good work and are willing to support their pastor. But there was some loss by removals and Bro. Pickle became discouraged and very much dissatisfied with his charge and with his presiding elder. The leading members at Bartlett became dissatisfied with Bro. Pickle, and for reasons I deemed sufficient and which I am ready to state fully and in detial (sic) whenever required to do so. I relieved him of that charge on the 15th of May. I at once secured the services of E. W. Erickson, a graduate of Northwestern University and Garrett Biblical Institute, who came promptly and has filled out the year very acceptably. He loves his work and is loved by his people who unanimously wish his return.
   For Osmond I secured the services of Rev. T. P. Howard, who came to us with excellent recommendations. But after four months' service he had the offer of $900 from the Presbyterian church, which, compared with our $400 salary, seemed too much of a temptation and he went over to their fold, plotting to take along our members and all. In this, however, he failed. By cheerfully supplying the pulpit at Osmond for several Sabbaths the neighboring pastors saved the cause of Methodisim (sic), and by the prompt coming of Rev. Judson Cooper, an Evanston student, our cause has been established there. He had not been there more than a week when he was in the midst of a gracious revival and fifteen were converted, and these, with the number who joined by letter, makes a class of thirty-five. I would remark in connection with this case that it may be all right for a minister, who, as a result of investigation undergoes such a change in his views as puts him out of harmony with the doctrines or politiy (sic) of his church for him to change his church relationship. But when for the sake of better salary he changes to a church of entirely different doctrines and polity, he deserves contempt.
   John Crews, pastor of Oakdale, was granted a vacation of three months, during which he and his wife visited their old home in England. During their absence the pulpit was supplied and interests of the church well cared for by D. R. Collings.
   The material progress of the district consists in the erection of a new church at Bloomfield, Rev. F. B. Ham, pastor, which was dedicated in May by Dr. A. J. Nelson of California, and all the indebtedness provided

* Town highlighting added for convenience of reader.



for, except the church extension loan, and the first installment of that was nearly all provided for.
   At Crawford Valley on Plainview circuit, Rev. E. E. Hosman pastor, a Baptist church was purchased, removed three miles to an eligible site, enlarged and repaired and dedicated by the presiding elder the first Sunday in January. The people themselves provided the entire $1,300 needed, declining to call on the church extension board for either loan or donation.
   On the North Neligh charge a frame building has been purchased, moved into Savage, replastered and repaired at a cost of $200, and makes a parsonage of five rooms.
   At Creighton, Rev. C. M. Griffith pastor, a parsonage to contain seven rooms is under contract, to be completed this month at a cost of $1,082 and will be by far the best parsonage on the district and the equal of any in the conference.
   Besides these, repairs and improvements have been made on church and parsonage property at Neligh, Oakdale, Newman Grove, Creighton, Pierce, and other points. But the most noteworthy progress has been along the line of debt-paying. At Creighton debts to the amount of $850 have been made or provided for by interest hearing notes. At Plainview, Rev. E. R. Adriance pastor, an old debt of $750 has been paid. At Ewing a debt of $400 has been paid, Rev. E. T. George pastor. At Elgin, Rev. F. George pastor, a debt of $400 provided for. O'Neill, Meadow Grove, Pierce, Oakdale, Stark Valley on Plainview charge, and other points have paid or provided for all or part of their indebtedness. At Lindsay, on the Newman Grove charge, a subscription of $750 has been raised to build a church, and also on the Paddock charge a subscription of $500 has been raised to build a small church.
   Two district conferences have been held, both of which were well attended and very profitable. It was the privilege of the second to recommend for admission on trial five most excellent young men.
   The indications are that we will make a handsome advance in our benevolent collections. For while no charge has retrograded, several have made large advances. This is not because of any change in the people, but owing to a change of preachers I have observed that good benevolent collections follow some preachers but seem to have no affinity for others.
   With two exceptions the preachers went cheerfully to their charges, have wrought faithfully and in most cases efficiently. Their preaching has been in demonstration of the Spirit and in power. Revivals have attended their labors and not less than four hundred souls have been converted. There were revivals of special power and results at Neligh and Creighton and four mid-summer revivals at Niobrara. Osmond and Bloomfield have been among the marked features of our work, but the climax of our spiritual work was reached at our camp-meeting, which was held at Oakdale. Rev. N. L. Hoopingarner, the evangelist, conducted the altar services and preached each evening. He was assisted by the preachers of the district



and some visiting brethren. From the very first service to the last God was with us in mighty power, and many christians entered a higher spiritual life while nearly one hundred souls were converted.
   New work is rapidly developing, Creighton having grown to a point where she must be made a station; the country appointments will have to be formed into a circuit; Battle Creek, that has hitherto been a hopeless field, is emerging into a bright day of prosperity under the labors of Wm. Slothower, and will build us a church this year. The reservation mission is rapidly growing in population and we need a live young man there with $150 missionary money to back him in his work. With this brief and imperfect statement of the work done and results attained,
spacerI respectfully submit this report.

Omaha District.

   Within the twenty-six charges as arranged at last conference upon the edifices and all save three the property of our church. We have forty Sunday schools of our own, besides which there are several union schools sustained in part by our people. Our Epworth Leagues number twenty-three, supplemented by nine of junior character.
   To keep us company within our territory are six German, two Scandinavian and two African Methodist Episcopal churches.
   Arlington -- At Arlington our church building has been enlarged, papered and carpeted at an expense of about $500 all of which is paid.
   Nickerson -- The church at Nickerson was dedicated soon after conference. The last penny of debt is paid. In both of these cases there is illustration for great encouragement, as to what a few people can do when they have a mind to work.
   Elkhorn -- The pledge made by the good people of Elkhorn city in case their pastor was returnd (sic) has been fulfilled. The church debt has been reduced, with prospect of speedy, entire removal. The success of Methodism in that German town is evidence that it can succeed anywhere if properly lived and worked.
   Fremont -- Without egotism or ostentation we present the society at Fremont as a model Methodist Episcopal church. In every good word, and work she has a part. In one good work of interest as wide as the conference, and of great importance, she has given the larger part of sacrifice work, and money. In the early part of the year there was an excellent revival and some forty accessions to the church.
   Gretna -- The faith expressed in our last report that the civil court would award to us our church porperty has been honored. Our antagonists being driven from their former ground, now claim to have bought up our debts and have sued us upon them. Those debts are the same

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